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Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:01:56 AM
The Jedi Knight cradled his chin on the palm of his hand as he stared blankly at the bar. He'd been in the same position for almost half an hour now, unblinking, his eyes unfocused as he vaguely caught sight of things that passed him. A slight sigh passed his lips as a smirk formed on his face.

"Here's your food, Das,"

A waitress placed the bowl of rice down in front of him and he gave a glum nod towards the credits laid out on the table. The tender scooted away, and Dasquian continued on with his staring.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:57:36 AM
A shadow crossed the table of the Jedi Knight - it belonged to Macus Q'Dunn, who for once in his time here, had his hood off.

"Might I sit with you?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:13:34 AM
He was snapped out of the apparent trance to look up at Marcus, motioning his hand outwards so that he almost knocked his rise off the table.

"Oh! Certainly, have a seat, sir.."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:36:21 AM
"Thank you"

He took a seat, and leaned back, much as he usually did at his own regualr quiet corner.

"Been meaning to have a bit of a formal introduction Master Belargic and have a chat. Much remiss of myself not till do so until now"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:50:00 AM
Dasquian gave a faint coy smile and nodded.

"It is a great honour to meet you one on one like this, sir."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:55:48 AM
"Thank you for your compliment - But I would say it is even more honourable to find more from the system of Arda here"

He stared at the the Jedi across from him - certain he was not viewing a human. If the truth be told...

"And If I am not mistaken, Helenias and yourself bear a resemblence and fair countenance"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:58:57 AM
"It has been said by many. I am being called a High Elf and Lord by some even, it is quite remarkable that so many recognise my features so keenly."

He returned the gaze to Marcus, pondering momentarily.

"You yourself are not human, though, are you?"

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:09:13 AM
This caught Marcus flat footed. Not even Helenias picked him when they met and she would be the most likely to do so.

"Well..... no, I am not human"

He did have to smile wistfully.

"Numenorian, from the deserts and hell of Arnor. That's proves you are of the First Born, if you are able to tell that - not even Helenias did when we first met and she is of the House of Imdralas itself. We are a long way from home, good Elf"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:12:48 AM
He was rather confused that Helenias had not noted such a thing of Marcus, but then he had been around the Warlord for some time and heard tales of him; enough to know he was no mere mortal man.

"Most certainly. Though I cannot think of a better place to be than within the walls of this Order."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:20:35 AM
"Ahh, I have been here for many, many years already and it was only a short time when you would not have said such a thing. Much has changed and much has improved, but more needs to be done."

After calling over to a serving droid to serve a ale for himself (Even if alcohol did not have an effect on him).

"Might I ask how you came to be here Dasquain? In all my wanderings in the wilds of the galaxy, I have never seen or met the First Born, or other from Arda, until Helenias and now yourself here."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:29:08 AM
"I was acting of my own accord, with my brother, helping innocents - having arrived in this time period - and saw other Jedi doing much the same. It was not a difficult task to locate information on the whereabouts of the Jedi base and how to get there,"

He motioned the droid away, he already had a drink that had come with his food.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:39:42 AM
"You might need to explain - you arrived in this time peroid?" he asked, frowning and clearly puzzled by that phrase

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:45:01 AM
"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you knew about my past.."

Dasquian laughed, embarassed.

"I was born hundreds of years ago, you see, during the time of the old Republic. Myself, my twin brother and other Jedi were sent out on a mission to explore the galaxies in cryosleep and ended up crashing. The cryostasis held me until the time that I came here... you might say that I travelled through time," he added, chuckling.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:11:00 AM
His eyes widened, showing his surprise.

"So... you would be older than even I am! Ah, I was born before the Empire, 110 years ago. Not many of us who witness the Old Republic left"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:35:41 AM
"Indeed, I believe I was born before almost everyone here," he said with a nod.

"It is slightly unsettling to say the least."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2002, 04:50:29 AM
As a Jedi became more learned and they controlled their emotions better, it became harder and harder to read what would come through the Force, unless the emotions were not being guarded. Like what he was sensing with Dasquain now.

"Forgive me for prying.... but you seem melancoly for some reason. Is there soemthign wrong?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:29:26 AM

Sadness crunched up in his chest sharply once again.

"It isn't anything important, though."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:53:11 AM
"My friend, I've been alive long enough to know if something is not important or not"

He lowered his voice, with also had the effect of making his accent more distinct.

"Is it something i can help with, or is it an ear you would have to listen?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:57:22 AM
Dasquian frowned a bit, looking down as he straightened out the cuffs on his jacket.

"It is your adopted daughter, sir."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:03:28 AM
He was feeling like his feet were suddenly oon quicksand, for this was not what he was expecting - although, he could have. Xazor, as much as he loved her as a daughter, had a perchant for getting herself into trouble.

"Oh.... well, it's not the first time others have spoken to me of her. Has she caused you a problem?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:06:51 AM
"Not a problem, persay. I've grown quite fond of her, you see."

He smiled a little.

"She is a wonderful person.."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:14:26 AM
"Aye... she is. With some more training I see she will become a legend within the Jedi. But somehow I sense there is somethign a bit more than that?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:18:39 AM
"Perhaps, but that in itself is what is troubling me."

He lifted up his water and took a small drink.

"I'm not sure whether I should distance myself from her or not, sir, as she is beginning to distract me from my training."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:14:15 AM
"Ahhh - I understand"

Just how much he understood, Marcus wasn't going to say. It probably would be disturbing to mention just how connected the Master and Xazor were in the Force, since the Life Bond was forged. He could feel her thoughts as she could hear his, nothing was secret, nor could it be.

"I could say that a Jedi should have no commitments of the heart, but I believe I would a hypocrite and that is something I truly dislike. So only in this, I would council - you made a commitment to the Jedi and to that you are to hold. To that you should put first. Even I do that...."

Maybe it would be a surprise to see the look of regret come over his face, but it was a emotion that was strong, especially with this issue - how could one be a Jedi and have a life partner? He himself could not see how it could be so, yet with Helenias returning to his life he thinking she was dead and Marcus becoming a Jedi, a Master no less, he found that some bonds could not be broken. It weighed much on his heart.

"... tho I wish I wish never put in the position I am. I always thought my wife was dead when I became Jedi and hence I acted until recently, when i found her here, in this very order. Hence, I have no real answer except to say I know what you could be thinking and feeling"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:29:52 AM
"Then it is good to know that I am not alone in my feelings and perceptions,"

Dasquian nodded sagely.

"Though I am of the opinion that gaining a partner of this manner can only better your life and time as a Jedi. Do we not use emotions such as love and compassion to aid us?"

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:57:13 AM
"Love is a dangerous thing my friend. I made the mistake once before - I was crossing a bridge and I was thinking of her and not keeping my guard up. It nearly cost me my life. To be a Jedi takes 100% commitment of your heart, soul and mind - with enemies like mine, I can't afford to slip like that again. While you may not have the terrible Dark Siders to face off against, always keep a guard on your emotions and control them. There is a time to give and recieve love and there is a time when you must not. Maybe for you it is the time, but for me, I know it is not. There is still too much left undone and still too much evil in the Galaxy for me to fully give myself to Helenias. She knows that and hence...."

He took out from his jacket a small piece of jewelery

"She gave me this. It's a symbol - when the last of the foes I need to fell is vanquished, that will be the day I stop being a Jedi and become a husband. Just thinking about the life we could have is enough to drive me on. Hmph, maybe love of someone is a good thing, especially if used right"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:02:26 AM
"Ah, you see, as you have the drive to continue on your quest, I have mine. I do not wish Xazor, or of course anyone here, to fall at the hands of the darkside. It is enough push for me to dedicate myself to the Jedi,"

Dasquian regarded the trinket Marcus held up and smiled.

"But then surely you believe you can be a good husband and also a warrior? There must be a way to balance the two out, so that you can keep up your studies and still manage to enjoy what you have in your social life."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:29:01 AM
"No, I do not believe so and neither does the father of Helenias. Before I can truly call her my wife, I must destroy the evil that overshadows us and put an end to one named Callista. That I accept and that I will do. It is this type of single minedness that a Jedi needs in the course of their study - else, will you be the Jedi that you are fully capable of? Dasquain, it is no lie to say that I am now the most learned and skilled Jedi alive, for I can accoplish things that would surprise the other Masters here, but even I can not be fully commited to the Jedi and also committed to Helenias as well. "

He sighed, looking away and gathering his thoughts once again, before continuing.

"Even if she gave me great joy to find her alive, it places me in a position I would not want. I always said a Jedi must not give their heart to another and I find that I have done so, even if I was not aware of it, for my commitment was given before my days in the Order. Aye, what is there to do, but to make sure there is a time when I may be husband, captain and king in peace?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:33:33 AM
Dasquian now looked even more troubled than he had done before. When he had married at the age of 18, he had spent very little time at all with his wife, as he was confined to Coruscant and his Jedi studies. Because of this, he had not seen his wife for a long time during his lessons in the Force. It worried him deeply that he hadn't been able to be with her and she had died because of it, and now it troubled him even more to think that Xazor might fall somehow, at a time when he could not aid her.

"... Then your position is unique? You have been put in a situation which I am not, does this not make it easier for me to handle both positions as a husband and warrior, as I do not have to contend with this 'Callista' or any other Force to gain her?"

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:38:49 AM
"No, your situation will never be easy. I do not say it is impossible... but I will admit that if you succeed, it will prove your skill and control in no uncertain terms. "

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:41:01 AM
"Then we shall see what happens..."

Dasquian lifted his drink and gave a slight nod, before sipping it, pondering silently.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:00:30 AM
" Helenias sees the future better than any other Jedi and this is something for you to know - she had a vision a few days ago. She sees trouble at the time that Xazor gives birth. It worries me greatly, for to her it felt like there will be a last stand of sorts. Aye, we will see what happens, cause I suspect your trial of strength may be closer than you know"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:02:15 AM
"Trouble? A Last stand?"

He lowered his glass and lofted a brow.

"Perhaps it would be wise for me to visit Helenias, to consult her on this?"

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:18:06 AM
"I think that would be wise, for as I said, her gift of foreseeing is much stronger than other Jedi. When she sees through to curtains of time, I tend to believe what she sees will come to pass. How did she say it? She said even Iwas hard pressed to hold off what was attacking while Xazor gave birth. There is few powers I know capable of doing that...... "

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:21:25 AM
"Then you must excuse me, sir."

Dasquian stood up sharply and gave a swift bow.

"It seems I have most important matters to tend to."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:29:52 AM
"Excused you are"

As Dasquain left, Marcus lifted his own drink, deep in thought. He hadn't mentioned whom Helenias thought it was attacking and that intiself was the most disturbing thing of all. All he could hope for himself was to be ready for the challenge of that day, for it would be one taht woudl surely be a defining test of his life and the lives of a quite a few around him.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:30:44 AM
[OOC: Continued here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21884) :)]