View Full Version : A Chat with his Child (Xazor)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:28:23 PM
::Verse sat at the table and ordered a bottle of Ale. He hadn't talked to his daughter sence he returned. It was time they caught up on what all has happened.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:30:49 AM
The figure of a woman could be seen dancing along the walls of the Living Quarters as she hurried from the room she shared with her husband, Shade. A smile lit up her face as she pushed past people and made her way down the long set of stairs on the outside of the large building. With quick pace, the Knight made it across the path and through the fields until she came upon Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. In her hands she held a note left by her Father....whom she had yet to see after his return back to the Jedi Base.

Pushing through the door, she passed by the guards who smiled and greeted her, then searched for Verse. Her red robes flowed behind her like the waves of an ocean as she made her way through the swarms of people. Her blonde hair was still done up in the Garou Warrior Braids with golden coins that clanged together softly as she walked. The silver in her deep blue eyes caught the light and reflected it softly as she scanned the tables and then set her gaze upon one. With an overjoyed heart, the Knight pushed through people and climbed over chairs until she came to stop at that table....where her Father sat. She knelt to one knee and bowed her head in a formal greeting, then rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh dear Father....it has been too long!"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 09:01:48 AM
::The Jedi returned the hug and pulled out a seat for his daughter. He pushed the chair in once she had sat down. he ordered her a drink as well. He took his seat and smiled.::

"That it has. Tell me. What all has happened while I have been gone?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 11:35:51 AM
Xazor smiled as she took a seat and Verse pushed it in for her. It had been such a long time since she was able to feel the strength in his hug...oh how she missed him so.

"Oh too many things have happened while you were away! I have nearly eighteen Padawans.....and counting. I adopted another child....a boy name Jedidiah. So now I have Natia and him. I am on the Council as well! Helenias adopted me just a month ago....so I finally have a Mother. I befriended a Sith and we became blood siblings.....but he was forced to break our friendship. Oh.....and I have something else that tops all of that..."

The Knight went quiet for a few moments as she looked down at the table....then her eyes wandered to her stomach which was bulging slightly....just enough for one who had not seen her in a while, to notice. She was carrying Shade's child now.....and it scared her to death to think about it.

"I'm......I'm pregnant. I suppose you could say that is the biggest news of all. Marcus and Helenias took me in while you and Shade were away. I lived with them for some time but now that you're back I have more people to rely on and I won't be as much a burden to them..."

Again she became quiet, trying to think of everything that had happened. She scanned her mind and remembered and aweful day when she thought that she would never see her Father or Husband again. It made her heart skip a beat....but she was grateful to be alive now.

"I nearly died in your absence. It was because of a stupid fight I was involved in. I was surrounded by Sith.....there were about ten of them. Lady Vader made it look like she killed my Padawan so I attacked her.....and we battled. She walked away with scars...and she scratched me with her long nails. I still have five scars on my side. But her nails were laced with Ysalimir blood and an arsenic. If it was not for Marcus and the others here.....I probably would not be speaking with you right now."

Thinking again, she smiled as her mind wandered to the Warrior Class and the missions she had gone on with Liam and the others. She brightened up at this thought.

"I am also leading a group of Warriors in several classes. Liam and I are teaching them all that we have learned from the great Warriors of this Order. In doing so.....he and I have both become strong in that field. And I have been working on my Mentalist abilites and have finally been able to harness a bit of Seer within me. Now I can see several seconds into the future! I am getting one of my Padawans ready for his imminent Knighthood....it will be the first student I have to be Knighted. Oh my.....there are so many things to tell you.....but I have spoken far too long. Please, tell me of your adventures while you were away!"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:52:41 PM
"For thr most part I was on Eden. I have a library there. Pivo has been collecting books and such. All Sitha nd Jedi related. I studied and praticed the skills in the Jedi ones. "

::Verse ran his hand through his much shorter hait.::

"I spent some time on a backwater planet on a ship. It huntered modern thiefs. I was teh modern 'Ship's Wizard' if you will. That helped increase my Elementist ablities. I still can even see a few seconds in the future. I have little talent for healing and Seers. "

::Verse looked at his daughter. He reached out with teh Force and could feel teh spark growing inside her. It was teh spark of a child starting to develope. He smiled and frowned at the same time. He had seen women at the later parts of this stage in life.::

"Remind me to kill Shade when he fully returns. Is it a male or female? And what names ar eyou thinking of?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:50:24 PM
Xazor smiled, glad that her Father's travels were well. It was interesting to hear of his travels. His comment about Shade was a bit disheartening, though.....and she saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Oh Father......I love him. You must understand that. I found out yesterday that it's a.......girl! I'm not sure for names.....I'm completely lost actually......I wish to include your name.....somehow......"

She said softly, wishing she could think of something for a name. She took the name Verse and tried to think of names off of that.....a middle name? She had no idea.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:16:18 AM
::Verse smiled and laughed softly.::

"Me and Shade do not get along, but I will love him liek a son because he holds your heart. It may take away for me to tell him that to his face, but all in due time."

::Verse turned his head to the side slightly as if in thought. A female version of his name? That may be easier that it looked or much harder.::

"So people would argue my name is made for both sexes. Like Morgan. Others would say my name is feminine. I don;t think it sounds like a womans name myself..."

::Verse kept thinking. Verseera? Maybe, Maybe not. Thins was alot harder than it looked.::

"Maybe Marcus could help."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:23:04 AM
Xazor smiled and tilted her head to the side as she looked at her Father.

"I know...and I am sure that he knows as well..."

She said softly, wishing that Verse and Shade would see eye to eye someday. Sighing, she thought of Thanatos....and Dasquian. How her Father would have liked her to marry one of them...but things did not work out so. As her thoughts wandered, she was brought back to reality by his words.

"Yes, your name sounds more masculine, I have found. And I am sure that Marcus would help me.....and Helenias too."

The Knight smiled again and looked down at the table, then her drink was brought. Of course, it was Ale...but she appreciated the drink now. Taking a big gulp of the cool liquid, she set it back in front of her.

"So how does my Brother fare? I wish to see him sometime...but I don't know where to find him these days..."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:59:44 AM
::Verse shrugged.::

"He was with me on Eden. Then he and Pivo had it out. Something about a Bioegineer. It wasn't pretty. Pivo used to be the expect on the subject, but it seems Chaos has suppassed him. He said he had to collect Danya and then teh universe would tremble. What or Who Danya is, that is beyond me. Your brother is consumed by Darkness, but a spark of Light rests in his eyes."

::Verse thought of all the members of his family were missing. All three of Pivo's kids. The twin girls, and the boy. It was rumored Verse had a couple of unknown children. Who knew? Before Verse settled down at GJO we did alot of traveling. Verse needed to sttle down for good, but he had many. many years left in his body.::

"Let us hope we don't hear from him. He is obsested with something. I don't know what, but it rules his life."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:05:08 AM
Xazor looked down at the table with a bit of sadness in her eyes, and she sighed to herself.

"I wish he could see the truth. How I love him...but I do not think he returns that to me. At least I have some family that will speak to me..."

She thought of Xanatos then....he was strange and acted so towards her...saying something of being her Uncle. Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she perked up a bit.

"Well...you will have a granddaughter by blood now....I am hoping she is Garou...."

The Knight said softly, thinking of the odd mix she and Shade created. Garou and Sayin-Jinn....strange, to be sure. Her thoughts drifted back to what Verse had said....Danya...she had heard that name before and then it all clicked.

"You know as well as I, who Danya is.....she is that girl....the Sith! Remember? Well...if you don't, I sure do....what they were talking about. You went off with her one night while at Rama's Corner. I lurk too, Father....as I recall, though...she did not think to kindly of me..."

She wondered why Chaos would be obsessed with...her. It was an odd thing, but this was beginning to make sense now. Sighing to herself, the Knight looked off into space again as thoughts consumed her mind.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:13:33 AM
::Verse's eyes perked up.::

"I knew I heard the name. Why her? I am sure Chaos has his reasons. Your child will make two people that has Sayin and Garou blood. Chaos's mom, Dae Jinn, was a Sayin. He doesn't claim it, and very few people know it. Xanatos and Dae Jinn we close. They became Blood Siblings. Chaos has more love for you than you know. He just doesn't show it. He has his reasons for everything. He almost killed Pivo once because he said something about you. I have learned to ignore your uncle. He talks alot. Chaos shut his mouth."

::Verse thought about Danya. She was alot like Chaos. Lost in the world. Not knowing where teh future lies, so hoping they can take control of it before it takes control of them.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:17:55 AM
Xazor smiled at the words of her Father. He spoke of Chaos...and knew that he loved her. She grinned to herself...but was sad that he almost killed Pivo. She had only met that man once...and it was not something that she wished to dwell upon.

"I suppose they're meant for eachother then..."

The Knight said a bit jokingly. But then it hit her...that it was true. Sighing, she took a sip of her ale and set it back upon the table.

"We will have to spar sometime...either now while the child is not too far along...or after I give birth."

The thought of giving birth made her heart leap out of her chest. It was a scary thing to think about...but she surpressed her worry and replaced it with a smile.

"I have learned many things while you were away....and I have learned a good deal about being Garou. Vega has been teaching me...."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:03:21 AM
::Verse almost jumped out of his seat.::

"I would stay away from Vega. He took joy in the death of his own child. He is truely evil. Careful he doesn't take you down that path. It is a dark one indeed."

::Verse sipped his ale and looked at his child.::

"I would rather wait till after the child is born. Much can happen to a child while they are growing in the womb. To many factor I don't wish to play with myself."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:10:16 AM
Xazor lofted a brow when her Father spoke of her friend, Vega, in such a way. She shook her head and smiled.

"Vega is no longer a Sith...he is a Dark Jedi....and I....trust him. He came to visit me.....here....after you left. I had been looking for someone to help me learn of our ways, and he offered to on Fascinatura. I accepted the offer and went...several times. What is so wrong with that? He can't pull me down..."

Then she remembered his words and a chill ran down her spine. She was contradicting herself....Trust? You trust someone who wants to kill your husband and who killed his son? He can do it.... Thoughts ran through her mind and she shook her head, trying to get rid of them.

"It's no matter, though...I cannot train like that now....I have a child on the way."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:52:54 AM
"That is a blessing. I understand he may be your riend, nut keep an eye on him. Evil is Evil. There is no sugar-coats on it."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:03:18 PM
Xazor nodded slightly and smiled once again.

"I will, Father....I understand for you have taught me well."

She winked slightly and thought of the night that Vega had come to visit her...sneaking into her room while she was reading...scaring the hell out of her. The Knight was broken from her thoughts though and sighed.

"All to much his happened while you were away. Funny isn't it...we speant so many years separated from one another....then once we find one another....you had to leave. But now, I have hundreds of years to drive you up the wall..."

The Garou giggled to herself and looked out the window before taking a sip of her Ale, nearly finishing the glass off....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:20:31 PM
::Verse took a long swig of his to finish it off.::

"That is very true. I am willing to bet I will be driven up the wall, down teh other side, and up another."

::Verse ordered another round of drinks.::

"I know I may seem hard of the men around you, but you are my only daughter. It is my job as a father do act so. Shade will make a good husband. He just needs time I guess."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:24:24 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded in agreement with his assumption of the "walls". She giggled to herself but then became serious again as he spoke of Shade.

"I know he will be a good husband...Father, he loves me. And if something happens where he hurts me...I think he'll have to be more afraid of the wrath that I bring than anyone else. I doubt that will happen, though."

She said softly, playing with the wedding ring on her finger. A smile crossed her lips as she thought of this new life with him....