View Full Version : Terran Starek - Let us Start.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 11th, 2002, 07:23:06 PM
::Verse sat cross legged on a stump in the woods. He breathed in deep as he sang to himself. His long blond hair hund ina single braid and touched the ground. His two sabers hung on each side of his belt. He was the only Jedi at the time to master not only teh Reverse grib style, but to use two blades at once flawlessly. He waited for his new padawan. He had two at this time. He would train them both at the same time later. They needed one on one attention right now. He wait for Terran right now. He knew a little about him. Once thr lover of his daughter. Hopefully Terran would not met the rest of teh family. Few were as nice as Verse and Xazor. Mostly Xazor's brother Chaos. Very protective and one of teh most blood thirsty and cruel SIth. Verse knew he would be ok though. He had heard this one had potenial. It was time to see.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 11th, 2002, 07:45:15 PM
Terran recieved the datapad in his new room about three days after he had arrived. It read simply:

"You have been chosen. You're master will be Verse Dawnstrider. Meet him in the woods behind the temple. Your first test: Use the Force to find him."

Terran was puzzled at first. How could he find his new Master? I mean, he understood what a Force signature was and he could feel the auras of others--some more deeply than others--but with so much life in the woods it would be hard.

Approaching the old grove, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He was taking in the surroundings; letting the Force feel him. He felt so much life--the trees, the grass, the frogs, the flies--all flowed with life. Come on, come on, he thought to himself. You can do this. Remember how it was? Remember when you were Sith? It was so different now. He had searched in the dark as a Sith Knight. Now, everything was so beautiful and serene. He tried harder, opening his mind. It was in this time that he felt it. A strong presence--powerful. He could almost smell the aura. Pure and clean, it was a light in the woods.

With that, he kept his eyes closed and began to walk into the grove. With some effort, he was able to feel the trees and bushes and move past them. It was if the light of Verse's signature wold guide his mind. Finally, he reached the clearing. He opened his eyes to find his new Master awaiting him, patiently sitting on a stump.

"Hello, Master Dawnstrider." Terran said this with a bow, honoring his new mentor and happy that he had made it here.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:24:54 PM
::Verse smiled showing his long Garou fangs. This one did have potential. Verse breathed deep. He jumped off teh stump and bowed back. He desided to introduce himself. Get to know each other before They started. That had alot to learn. Verse had much to teach, and he had heard this one had lots he wante dto learn. Verse had just got back from his home on Eden. He had a very large library there. All books Jedi Masters had written long ago. All he would share with this student if teh youneg man wished to learn.::

"I am Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider. Father to Xazor. Do not let my looks fool you though. I may look 25, but I am much older than that. We Garou age very, very slow. I am a Jedi Mentalist and Driud. Tell me. How much can you do with teh Light Side of the Force?"

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:54:21 PM
"It is an honor to meet you, Master Dawnstrider." He spoke genuinely. He did notice that the Knight was young. But the Garou were decieving. He had barely understood Xazor when she explained it to him; but after time and understanding, he could understand their mystery.

He pondered the question his Master proposed. How much did he know about the Light? Well, he knew a couple of things--that it was about knowledge and patience. His training had developed under the cloak of the Dark side, and he was sad to say that he knew much more about it's perils. Curiousity and desire stuck him to learn much more about the Light. He wanted to help people; to protect the truth and serve the Force.

"I know little, Master. As you already know, I was a Sith. Having been down the dark path has blinded me to the Light. I know much of the Force and I have gained an acute sense to feel it and smell it and taste it and touch it." He thought about how many times the trees had spoken to him and the grass had smiled. He truly was a man of nature and life.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:02:59 AM
::Verse smiled and he reached down and smelled a fower. The smell itself seemed to send waves of energy through him. The breeze powered his legs, and the sun light raced through his eyes.::

"I will let you in on a secret. There is little difference in how you feel the Light Side and the Dark Side. One is Calm, the other is Chaotic. When you feel it through Chaos and hate, it eats away your very soul. Only by staying calm, and happy, can you touch it and it heals insteads of hurts. The Dark Side rushs through a person like a shampede. It tramples over all you have built. The Light runs through youas well, but takes the time not to crush the flowers...."

::Verse looked around some more. He reached out with the Force and felt a small butterfly in the brush. he looked up at his new student.::

"Can you feel the butterfly hidden in the bushes around us. If so, tell me where, and if you are really good, call it to you."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:27:54 AM
Terran smiled so broad Master Verse would have though his face would fall off. Verse had solidified all he had felt. He had put it into perfect words. It all made sense. "Tramped" he had said. Just like Terran had felt as the Sith Knight Chase Konrad. To know that someone could feel his thoughts--like he had dreamed the explanation Verse gave--was wonderful. He could tell that he could and was going to learn so much from Verse. Their relationship had already began to form.

"Yes Master, I will find it." It would be difficult; but Terran believed in himself. He had always--even as a Sith--felt his surroundings with an uncanny sense. It was his gift, he had thought. He opened his mind and reached out to The Force for guidance. he felt the grove around him. The bushes. The trees. A frog--content with a belly full of flie--jumped in a nearby bush. A tree reached out to him to spin the tale of the two lovers that had left their initials in it's strong trunk. A thorny bush prided itself with pricking an unfriendly bear, searching for berries, right on the nose.

Then, like a beacon, he felt the butterfly. It was curious--it's life force flowing broadly now that Terran could feel it. It had fluttered here from far away. It had seen a few things in it's short life. And, if Terran were to concentrate even deeper, it should like to tell him. But he focused on the task at hand.

The signature located, he needed to pinpoint physical location. He closed his eyes. This always helped him. It seemed to free up the misconception of his physical sense of sight and let him see through the eyes of the Force. Scanning the bushes, he quickly found the butterfly. After locating it's signature, it's physical location was much easier to find.

"The butterfly is there, Master." He pointed to a bush where he knew the butterfly was. He hoped Verse would be impressed. To call it...that would be a task. He focused again on the signature. He tried to listen to the butterfly's voice-- hear it's life. He called out to it. Come friend...I mean you no harm...come to me and share yourself... He felt the butterfly loosen up. Then, in his mind, he saw the fluttering of wings. The butterfly was flying! Towards him! He could feel it...He rasied a hand to offer a landing pad. As it neared he opened his eyes and--the creature flew away, off in a much different location.

"I'm sorry Master...I...broke concentration I think...and..." He felt upset with himself for losing control.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:17:03 AM
::Verse held out a finger and the butterfly landed on it, then flew away. Verse just laughed softly.::

"Very much the opposite my younge student. You must understand. I never asked you to control teh butterfly and make it land in your hand. I just asked you to call it. It cam to you, but desided to fly somewhere else when it got close to you."

::Verse could see that Terran as a bit confused at this. He must have done something wrong for the butterfly not to have landed. He called it liek a friend had, and it came. Then it changed it's mind. Verse desided he should explain a bit more.::

"All animals, big and small, share a common thought. They distrust huminoid creatures. What do most little kids do? Pluck the wings off flies. We create poisons to kill the bugs that eat our crops. The kids don't know any better, and we don't have any malice when we gas our fields, but the creatures remember. Every Thing is linked in the Force. Ever rock, tree, blade of grass, and even the butterflies. I believe they all talk to each other in the Force, but don't know it. All the bugs here are killed, and on another planet the bugs sudenly become sciddish. They don't know why. They just do. The butterfly came to you because you called to him as a friend. He left because he saw you where a human, and did not know how to react."

::Terran started to say something, but Verse cut him off. He had had this conversation before. He knew what the padawan would ask.::

"It came to me because it knew me. I have been speaking to animals for years. They do not know me personaly, but they can feel who I am. I urned their trust long ago. Soon you will do they same. It just takes time..."

::Verse raised his hand and the butterfly flew off. As soon as it hit the brush, hundreds of butterflies flew out and around the Master and Student. Verse laughed and watched the colors swirl around him.::

"I guess you can call me 'The Lord of the Flies' eh? I have an idea. Why not just let the insects feel the truth in your heart. No words, just the truth that is emotions....."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:35:09 AM
Terran laughed at the joke. Oddly familiar and funny. Master Verse posed a new test. Terran thought about it for a minute.
"Why not just let the insects feel the truth in your heart. No words, just the truth that is emotions" He thought about what that meant. This would definitely take a bit more concentration. He decided to take a seat on the soft earth.

He closed his eyes and opened his thoughts to The Force. This would be the third time today that he had examined the grove in this state of mind; yet each time it was more beautiful and enchanting. He let his mid wander through the thrick brush of the trees and bushes. He let his toes sink into the soft soil of the clearing. His nose could smell the leaves and the bark of the trees. His ears could hear the soft conversation of the frogs and crickets, as well as a plethora of other woodland insects and creatures. His mouth tasted the sweet taste of dew, clinging to fat blades of grass. It was in this time that he felt at one with the grove--totally fused with it. He could puruse it without a second thought and found the small woods to be very pleasing.

In the right state of mind, he attempted the task at hand. He opened his heart to unlock pure emotion and intention to the insects that resided in the wood. He let the energy of his soul pour out into their bodies and habitats. He welcomed them with light and promised them no harm. It seemed as though he was speaking with no voice...it became an understood language that had no words. It was soft melodies and pure feelings. Terran was making the connection.

With that, he reached out into the nearest force signature possible. It was a beetle which was clumsly beating a path through a thick group of weeds. He called to the beetle--the same way he did to the butterfly--and it heard. It began to change it's path and make it's way towards Terran's boot. It reached the ridge of the boot and antannae reached out to feel for the material. After a couple of seconds of examination, it pushed it's way up the boot and onto Terran's leg.

"I did it!" Terran exclaimed, scaring the poor beetle into leaping off of his leg and into the safety of the grass. "Whoops...but, I did it! I opened my heart to them..." He smiled broadly with a sense of accomplishment.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:54:56 AM
::Verse laughed and clapped softly.::

"That was the first lession of the Day. Words are just that. Words. Words carry little wait in the world. Your words can trick people, and even trick yourself. Your heart should do most of the talkin' if at all possible. Now that you can touch and use the Force mentaly, lets start with the physical."

::Verse held out his hand and called a rock to it. He placed it on the stump that he was sitting on earlier.::

"Same thing. Don't think about doing it. Just do. Surround teh rock with the Force....and pick it up."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:32:09 PM
"Yes, Master," Terran said. This would be much easier. He had used the Force alot as a Sith to acomplish such tasks. The difference, simply, was that he had struck out against it. When he was in the dark arts, he would not surround the object, like Master Dawnstrider had taught. Instead he would lash out and attack it with his mind, in order to propel it into action.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. Then, he chose a rock--a small, mud covered one in the southeast corner of the clearing. He let the Force flow around it--felt his own aura reach out to the rock. It was not as easy as a dark side attempt. It felt good, though. He was conecting with the rock, not harming it. He let the weight of the rock enter his mind. As he concentrated, the Force became clear.

"Master, the rock has no weight. There is no such thing as physical weight in the Force. Is that right?" He questioned, still concentrating. He got these premanitions from the Force every once in awhile and he knew Master Verse could interepret them. With his last moment of silence, he finally attempted to lift the rock. Without much problem, it came to the old stump--not quite as fluidly as Master Verse's attempt--but it did come. He let the rock plop down beside the one his Master had manipulated.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:34:38 PM
::Verse nodded as he motioned for his pupil to pick up the two rock on teh stump at the same time.::

"That is correct. There is a catch though. You ever had a bad dream? I guess that is a silly question, we all have bad dreams. You know the one where you are in a fight, and you get punched in the head, and you wake upw itha head ache even though the dream is not real? It is because the mind does not know better. There is no wieght in the Force. Life has no physical wieght, but when you see the rock what do you think? 'Man, that looks heavy.' When you pick the rock up, you mind is still thinking it has wieght. It takes a while for your mind to get used to the fact that there is no wieght in the Force."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:45:37 PM
"I understand, Master." Terran acknowledged. It made sense. "Only when we can let go of the laws of physics and the seemingly unmovable boundries we have been taught can we truly be free to use the Force with a blind eye to gravity and the likes." He thought about the comment he had just made. Already, he had learned much from Verse. He could tell that what Verse was giving him was not answers; no, he would leave Terran to find the answers. What he gave him was the skills to find them. And for that, Terran respected his Master with all of his heart and well being.

"Thank you for this. You have helped me to understand some things. I guess...well...it was hard being blind in the darkness for so long." He paused for a moment. Memories shot through his brain and stung like a thousand hornets at once. Dark ones, acting as though they would resurface in him. He knew they would not; he had become a man of the light. They haunted him nonetheless. "There were so few things that were good in my life then--" He thought of the beacons of light near to him: nature, the old books of the Jedi Order he had found, and Xazor.....Xazor...."that it seemed so hopeless. I feel so ashamed of many things in my past." He found himself a bit emotional--too emotional--and he blushed embarassingly. "I'm sorry, Master. I should not be so weak."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:01:40 AM
"People will tell you 'There is no Emotion, there is the Force.' and stuff to that nature. Emotion and passion is what makes a person real. A passion for the Light and a love of the world is what makes a Jedi great in my opinion. Others will say that is dangerous. Most Jedi do not agree with Passion and Love. You regret the things you have done wrong, and happy at what you have done right. I see no wrong in that. It takes courage to say you were wrong, it takes courage beyond the norm to show how you feel."

::Verse motioned at the two rocks.::

"Use that happiness and want to do right to move the rocks....."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:24:46 AM
Terran closed his eyes. His Master had shown him that it was ok. He was glad. The words he spoke were almost like a forgiveness from the light side; a pardon that he had been waiting for. He held back a big smile as he thought about moving the rocks.

Verse was right--all his passion and happiness could be used as energy. He could feel it surging in him, like fuel to feed the fire. This fire burned bright though, unlike the fire he once had in him. This one would not burn him. He could feel the positive energy in him feeling the surroundings around him. He reached out with it and touched the stump. Then the rocks. Then, without looking at them or even motioning towards them, he raised the two rocks together--shaky at first--but he picked them up. And then, his grip was stronger and stronger untill he could easily move them through the air.

He looked at his master, and brought the rocks down, hovering in front of him. Then, he returned them to the stump, letting them down a bit hard--but, he was getting the hang of this well.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:42:57 AM
::Verse clapped.::

"Very good. Now that you can tap the Light Side and Control it. Lets work on how it helps the body as well as the mind."

::Verse pulled the Force close to him and let it rush through him. He jumped about 20 feet straight up. he flipped a few times, then landed gracefully where he started from.::

"Allow the Force to run through your body. You know what you want to do, just allow teh Force to do it for you. You are partners with the Light Side. You supply teh body, it does the work. The bounderies you know now are just that. Boundaries. Tear down those walls and push yourself to new levels. Show me what you can do."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:02:41 PM
Terran let the words sink into his mind. He thought about them. The boundaries were just that--boundaries. He knew that most all boundaries could be broken. The Force had little trouble proving the impossible possible.

He had used the Force to push himself to be faster and stronger on many occasions. But he hadn't really practiced much on actually propeling his own body weight. He took a few steps back, and opened his mind up to the Force. Letting it come into his body, he could feel it's presence. He let it flow inside of him. It became his blood, his flesh, his whole being. It took control of his strength, and he felt unbound by physical law. He saw himself leaping into the air in his mind.

You know what you want to do, just allow teh Force to do it for you.

He heard his Master's words. He let the Force take control, and pictured himself jumping high into the air, much like his Master had just done. He let his feet go, and with that, he jumped straight into the air--15 feet up--and began to come down. He wanted to land himself--but then he remembered to let the Force be in control. As the ground became near, he got nervous that he would harm himself in the fall. He did not--the Force cushioned his fall and allowed him to stand lightly.

"I understand what you mean, Master," he said. He hoped that soon, he could do that with little effort, like Verse had done.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:33:55 PM
"Perfect! Now, even your body needs rest. One can not go on forever. Teh Force has no limits, but the body has some. You can delay that though. Let the Force run through you and 'heal' you. It will leave you refreshed. Then....follow me."

::With that Verse smiled and took off running. h eleft the Force feel him. It reached out and covered every pore in his body. He breathed it, tasted it, and thought it. His legs moved faster till they were blurrs. His speed increased as he ran. Most people would have said that moving like this was impossible, but like Terran had said, The Force makes teh impossible possible. Verse ran wondering if his padawan was behind him. Time to test how much he could do.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:50:16 PM
Pure adrenaline rushed through Terran's body. He had felt this before--when he was Sith. But now, it was a good kind of rush. A clear rush. Exhilerating, nonetheless. Verse had taken off, shooting through the woods with expert agility. Terran loves this kind of a challenge--he was very nimble. What he lacked in pure physical strength he made up in speed and agility.

Terran took a deep breath, called to the Force, and began into the woods behind his Master. He would catch up, he told himself. His legs slowly started like a machine--speeding up steadily until they were like a blur as well. He manuvered gracefully--ducking under stray limbs, hurtling stumps, and dodging brush accumulations. He felt like he wa in his element in this nature--each living thing sent him an aura that was undenyable. Using the Force to feel these auras, he was able to avoid each object with pinpoint precision--allowing enough room to get by them, but not too much out of the way so that he would not lose pace with Master Verse.

After a few moments of this chase, sweat trickled down his face. He smelled the salty musk of it and remembered how he loved this kind of activity. Training and conditioning had been important to him. Now their importance would resurface.

As he got closer to his Master, he began to wonder what was next. He found himself closer and closer, untill he was an arm's length from Verse. What was next, he could only imagine.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:03:50 PM
::Verse smiled. This student was a perfect example of what Verse and most of his padawans had been. Built for speed. verse was sure this padawan and himself could push some wieght, but thier real power was the raw speed. verse only smiled. He looked up and saw the egde of teh cliff comeing fast. Tiem for teh second lesson of the day.

Verse ran and jumped off teh cliffs edge. Then he fell. Twisting his body, he angled himself into a drive position and forced of teh Force. He started to slow down his fall. Verse hit the water barely causing a splash as he fell in the water. With that Verse swam to shore.

He came a small beach created by the lake in which he dived so far in. This would be the spot to push Terran's Force abilities to a further level.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:39:58 PM
The brush was thick and seemingly endless. As they ran, he followed closely behind his Master. Never letting up speed once, Verse kept the pace very quick. Finally, about 7 minutes later, something happened. The woods seemed to end--and Verse dove off of the edge of the cliff. Terran was not ready for this particular occurance, and tried to stop. However his momentum carried him over the edge. The cliff was very large--at least a 35-40 foot drop. He started flailing as he fell, but as he saw Verse plunge into the water with little to no splash, he realized what he had to do. He let his body straighten out, falling feet first but vertical. He let the Force guide him as he slowed his momentum down. He slowed it enough to land him safetly. He plunged into the water with a big splash--not quite the splash his Master had made.

As he came to the surface, he caught a quick blink of Master Verse hrutling the edge of the lake and get back onto the ground in the front of a pool of water. Then, without a pause in movement, he dived into the water. Terran, with his quickest feet, did the same.

He dove down into the pool, searching for his Master. He pushed himself farther and farther down, but could not see him. Then, his lungs ached and told him it was time for breath. He resurfaced, gasping for air.

Master, he cried out into the Force, I can't do it...I can't hold my breath that long.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:38:55 PM
::Verse stayed calm. He knew what to say to this.::

Stay calm. Remeber, you only think you can't. Let the Force give your body the power it needs to push teh last few feet. Don't think of how little air you have left. Think of how much you still have to work with. Then do what you think you can't.

::Verse kept an eye on his padawan. He would be ready to help if need be. He was sure that his padawanwould understand ina few moments what he had to do. This one caught on fast. This would just be another lession. One more wall the padawan would break down. To bad he had many more though. That was life though. Soon he would be more than ready.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:37:25 PM
Terran felt so stupid in that moment. Of course! It was the golden rule with the Force--nothing is impossible! Anything could be done with the proper state of mind. Clearing his mind, he thought of the air around him and the Force in it. He took a deep, deep breath--deeper than he ever thought possible. He would find his master this time--he was sure of it.

He dove into the blue darkness, reaching out for Verse's signature. He dove deeper and deeper and deeper. Finally, he came to a point where he thought he would turn back. He felt the air leaving his lungs. He stopped his swim for a moment and let the Force seep through his body. He concentrated, letting it wash over him like a calm, cool breeze. His insides calmed and his lungs felt revitalized. Finally, after more feet traveled, his hands met something warm and fleshy--it was Master Dawnstrider! He had made it!

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:36:31 AM
::Verse extended a hand and pulled Terran to the shore. Verse lets Terran dry off first.::

"This is where your training take a personal turn. WHat field of the Force do you wish to Master. Healing, Mentalist, Seer, or Elementist?"

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:56:26 PM
Terran thought about if for a second. He hadn't considered this, really.

"Master, I apologize for my ignorance, but could you explain to me what each is?" He question, hoping that his Master wouldn't think him too behind not to be able to identify them.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 12:57:49 PM
::Verse nodded.::

"Of course. I will try and give examples as best as I can too."

::Verse picked up a handful of sand.::

"Mentalist. The Art of the Mind. It is what I, and my children are. It deals with mastering the mind. It deals with advanced illusions, Mind Tricks, and much more."

::Verse blew the sand in the wind. Suddenly the sand looked like a flock of doves in flight.::

"Elementist are one with nature itself. This is my other field. Where can you run when the Earth itself is your enemy?"

::Verse waved his hand and dozens of flowers burst into full bloom.::

"That was a minor trick. The next is Healing. All jedi can do some of this, but when you Master it, no wound, poison, or injury is beyond your reach of help.
I can't show you much of this one. I really don't wish to cut myself or poison myself. The last branch is a Jedi Seer. They see into the future, The past, and the present. They are the eyes of the Greater Jedi Order."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:03:39 PM
"I understand, Master." Terran replied and thought long and hard about what he would chose. Afterall--the decision wasn't to be made lightly. He thought about what he would want to commit his life to. He felt the nature around him--saw how Verse had made flowers bloom. He knew from that moment that it would be his calling--to work with the nature he had come to love. He wanted to see the goods and the bads--the healing and the power--of nature.

"I want to train as an elementalist...and maybe work in depth on healing later." He had made his choice. He knew his Master would respect his desicion and he hoped they could start specifically right away.

"Tell me Master, do elementalists work with earth, water, wind, and weather? Or are they specific to a certain force? Or what?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:40:31 PM
"They work with all. It is a hard field to master. Some healing even goes with it. You will know all about most plants and wildlife. Mix the right plants, and you can heal or hurt."

::Verse sat cross legged on the ground.::

"Life flows through nature. Nature is the source of life. You must become one with each of the elements. Let us talk to the wind......"

::Verse breathed in deep. The wind brought with it the smells of the forest.::

"Reach out with the Force and let the wind talk to you."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:56:59 PM
Terran sat in front of his Master, cross legged the same. His legs ached a bit at the extensive workout that preceeded the decision of his specialization. He brought his mind inot concentration, thinking about what his Master had said. He slowed his thoughts, letting nature surround his open mind like a fog creeping into a bay.

He let the wind calm him. He could feel it's grasp as it gently blew against his cheek. Letting it caress his skin, he felt as though it was bonding with him; allowing him to come into it. He let more and more calmness come over his body. As the moments past, he let himself wander into the wind. It had taken a bit, maybe 15 minutes--he knew he would learn to lower the time with practice--but finally he felt ready to enter it.

He let his mind be swept away by the gentle breeze. He felt as if he was flying with the wind, his mind floating weightlessly. His new freedom flowed through the trees.

He concentrated on hearing its call. It seemed to whisper softly. First incoherently, like a soft voice talking into a harsh wind. But, the more he listened, the clearer it became. It told him of sights past and sights to come in nature's path. It was like he could look ahead without looking--the wind would describe it to him.

"Wow...that is amazing, Master!" He spoke softly but excitedly. "Can I learn to control it?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:20:11 PM
::Verse breathed deep. He felt the power and love of the wind. It ran through him and gave him strenght.::

"The elements are your friend. A Jedi is a friend to all life. Let the wind become part of you. Then it will be like a piece of your own body. A new muscle. Like a muscle, you only have to flex. You don't need to control what is a part of you. You control the unwilling. Just think and if you are one with it, it will do as soon as you think what you wish it to do."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:38:50 PM
Terran let the words sink into his head. Verse knew exactly how to make it understandable for him. As soon as the words were spoken, Terran knew what was to be done.

"Yes, Master." He said with confidence. He returned to his concentrated state. Feeling the wind rush around him, he let the Force comfort him. Reaching into it, he let it become one with him again. The wind felt so natural, so much like an extension of himself. He could feel it circle his mind. With that, he tried to make it move--ever so slightly. He let turned it from east, to Northeast. Just the area around it. He opened his eyes, eyeing a pile of leaves. Once again, he let it come to him. Allowing his own arm to become it. He reached into the leaves, swirling them around in a small whirlwind.

He looked at his Master and smiled. "It is coming so natural for me, Master."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:42:12 AM
"Everyone is natruly attuned with certain area's of the Force. I am a mentalist, but I can't see 2 seconds into the future as a Seer. Using the same pricipals you used with the wind, try and touch the water."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:34:47 PM
Terran turned himself towards the pool they had dived into. He used the same techniques for concentration as he had with the wind. He became one with the water, as he had with the wind. It seemed that he truly had a real bond with nature, as it came to him easily. He felt the soothing cool of the pool as it rested softly in the water hole. He started slowly--first trying to bring the ater up by softly shifting it back and forth--small waves. Then, he stirred it up a bit more. This took much of his energy--he felt himself tiring slightly. With his last effort, he attempted to make the water rise out of the pool. It splashed onto the side as a small wave landed on the embankment.

"I can feel it in me as well, my Master." He said, a little short of breath. The Force was taking a toll on his energy.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:44:20 PM
::Verse nodded::

"Time to rest. Time to become new. Time to do alot of stuff....."

::Verse stood up and walked to a waterfall created by the cliff they jumped off over. Under where the water crashed into the pool was a large flat stone. Verse took a seat on it letting the water slam over him. He motioned for his student to take a seat beside him.::

"Meditate for a while and let the water soothe you, and tear you down. Let it wash away all that is not pure. Let the water replace what it washs away."

::Verse entered a trance and closed his eyes.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:23:29 AM
Terran observed his Master and listened to the words he spoke. He understood. It felt like the Force was a puzzle inside him. When he used it, he shook it up, displacing all of its pieces. When they were scattered, he did not feel like everything was together and in order. Only in meditation and rest could he put them back together and regain control. He thought that maybe with practice, the puzzle inside him would grow stronger and be able to withstand much shaking.

He sat next to his Master, letting the water crash over him. It was so forceful, yet soft. It seemed to let the power of its waves flow over him, washing away fatigue and soreness. He could feel the power of the Force cleansing him--the living Force. It was wonderful...like the best shower he had ever taken.

He let the water seep into his hair and clothes as he felt cleansed. The trance he imitated of his Master's brought him into a new place. A soft garden on a planet he had never seen. He was walking through it, the plants brushing up against his body. He was barefoot and wore only a pair of pants--he wanted to feel every aspect of the Force around him on his skin. Tickling his nose, flowers secreted aromas unknown to non Force-users. He felt very peaceful, his hand held softly by an angelic presence beside him. It was a woman--someone close to him. Someone he loved deeply. It was Xazor. He was not afraid or upset by the vision--he was in total freedom of the Force and was not controlling it by his own will.

"Master?" he asked, hoping not to disturb his teacher. "Does the Force show us visions in our meditations that are true? Are they false happiness? What do they mean?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:04:25 PM
::Verse choose his words carefully. It truth he really didn't know. Verse doughted anyone did.::

"I can't really anwser that one. The future is always changing. Me telling you this is changing the future. I can tell you this. True happiness is not false. You may see something, but not it's true meaning. Life is funny that way."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:24:35 PM
"Yes Master, I understand," Terran said as he listened to Verse. He guessed it was true--how could anyone tell? I mean, the vision could have been true, maybe not. It was not the will of the Force for many people to always know it's meanings.

"What is next, master?" He thought to himself about the task coming to him at hand.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:54:35 AM
ooc: you have access to the Temple now. feel free to go in and post

Ic:: Verse turned his head in thought.::

"You are able to touch nature, call animals, become one with most elemenets. I would say It is saber time...."

::Verse went and got a box from the bushes. He placed on teh ground for Terran to pick up and open. It held all the parts for a saber.::

"You may have one, but let us make a new one. It will be fused with th Light Side. With Nature. Give it a good name worthy of your power when you are done making it."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:21:07 PM
ooc: I will, just for the sake of doin it!


Terran smiled brightly as the parts lay before him. Over the course of the next two hours, Master Verse had walked him through his saber constuction--step by step. He had made one before, but not like this. It was so natural, so focused. He really enjoyed the process. He let nature take its course and worked with the Force.

Finally, he screwed the last screw in and took the hilt in his hand. It was so beautiful--mostly because he was the one who constructed it. It's silver handle glistened in the sun, the grips and knobs accenting the piece.

"It's great," he said verbally praising his work. He raised it for Master Verse to see again. "Should I...well, can I test it out?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:43:24 PM
::Verse took a step back.::

"You have used one before. Cut it on and test it out. Swing it a bit. Get a feel for teh blade."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:19:39 AM
Terran decided that the design was at least acceptable. He let the hilt hang loosely in his hand as he felt its weight. Then, he ignited the blade. A brilliant green glow came to life as the blade hummed idly. He tested it in his hands--it felt great! It was like the ones he had made before, only the actual weapon was in tune with his soul.

"It feels so good...so much better that the ones I had used as a Sith." He let the Force and the blade guide his hand. It was the true power of the Force that had made his own use so graceful.

"I think I will call it..." he pondered the question. What would he call his new blade? It would most definitely represent his love for life and for nature. "It will be called...Halcyon." Terran thought of the fabled bird that brough peace and calm to all who gazed upon it. This would be his weapon--this would be his peacemaker.