View Full Version : Destiny, Fate and Chance

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 11th, 2002, 11:12:56 AM
The snowy white hills of Zarkan wrapped lovingly around their city. The mountain town looked so peaceful under its pale blanket, little whisps of smoke pluming from the chimney stacks. The town itself was set down in the mountains, and thus gained protection from the window from the verges around it. Little children played on sleds in the thick snow, whilst some even skated on the frozen lake in the city center. All in all a peaceful place.

For the moment.

That is, until something wicked came upon it.

As night fell, a figure descended through the trodden path into the cobble-stone paved streets, eyes wandering through the city. A dark grin played on his lips and he laughed under his breath as the Force presences of hundreds of people swelled in his mind.

One was lured out into the streets by his movements, and was then quickly killed. Soon his prey would be attracted to the darkness swelling in the city.

Destiny would be what would bring the one here, Fate would be what bound him to the place, and Chance would be his name.

Aug 11th, 2002, 01:35:34 PM
Indeed, someone was attracted to the mass of darkness within the once peaceful town. Clomping through the deep snow and keeping a sheild of fur tight around his small form, the Jedi Padawan Chance moved forward in a raging snow storm.

He felt something in the town, something... evil. sheilding his face from the snow with a raised arm. Chance took apon his mind the contours of the city below. Twas then that his golden eyes saw the first slain. A crimson streak across a perfect sheet of white, a slight intake of frozen air and the boy was off. Slipping and falling over dunes of snow.

Soon, Chance was at the base and the outskirts of town. Clearly, there were more than one slain. It brought a chill down his spine despite the cold, trudging forward with horrid. Chance silently examined the destruction with grim saddness.

The bodies were already paled, but the blood that seeped out of them gave off translucent steam until coming in contact with the white snow. None of the bodies had begun to couagulate(sp?) yet so the killer had to be nearby.

Chance could not fanthom the idea of this, of course, he had never seen such a massacre ever. He knew, in past times, of death and pain; for the taskmasters of his old life enforced them greatly for slacking. Shivering, Chance moved forward searching the shadows..

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 12th, 2002, 01:58:15 AM
The snow packed hard and crackled under foot as his boots fell against the surface, cloak dragging against the top layer to catch a thin dust of white. Sensing his target had arrived, Vega turned. He could see the figure moving through the village, back further where he had entered it.

Letting a young man's body drop to the floor, he turned and began to walk towards the Padawan.

"Who are you?" he barked out loudly.

Aug 12th, 2002, 05:24:19 AM
I stopped still, the cold wind biting into the exposed flesh. "I am Chance," I replied, looking up at the figure moving torwards were I stood.

Instinct told me to be ready, the Force gave warning, I stood ready if anything was to happen as the murder approached.

"And, You Are?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:54:01 AM
The man gave a wicked grin, then spoke a single word.


Aug 13th, 2002, 02:36:19 PM
That caused me to nearly take a half-step back,

"Death? That is what you gave to tall these people, you are nothing of Death. Just a carrier of a bad habit." I spoke out, moving one hand to my right saber.

"Why do you do this?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 14th, 2002, 01:54:52 AM
"I did it to bring you here, Chance. I know more of you than you would think. I have plans for you,"

He folded his arms behind his back and gave a more serious look.

"You are destined for great things amongst the darkside."

Aug 14th, 2002, 04:47:55 AM
"Plans for me?" I asked, brow forrowed with abit of confusion.

"I belive my place is where I am now, or Fate would've changed that already," I gave a little smile, "And, from what I've heard of the darkside. I'd just be back at the camps."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:50:41 AM
"Perhaps Fate has not yet dealt the cards that shall ordane your path. The deck is shuffled, and the game set, though the hands have not been drawn."

He squinted slightly.

"... Yes... I can sense it in you. There is a part of you which would opt for change."

Aug 14th, 2002, 09:02:49 AM
Chance gave a small nod, "Yes, some part of me does look for change. But not in the terms you speak of, Death."

The boy could feel the darkside around the older warrior before him. A speck of fear rose within his mind, "You said you have plans for me, May I ask what kind of plans?"

OOC: apologies for the continous swith between perspectives, trying to cope with one that feels most comfortable :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:40:35 AM
"Your power is still fresh and maluable... if you put the smallest of efforts into it, you could become a great dark warrior,"

Vega rose one hand, clenching his fist as the Force weaving around his skin lovingly, clinging to him.

Aug 17th, 2002, 07:21:25 AM
"Or a great Jedi," Chance finished off, "I see your trying to convert me, but I have one for you."

The boy stood up streight and spoke, "I can see a spark inside of you which also wants change. It only takes a spark to ignite a blaze, why dont you become one of Us?"

He most likly knew the answer already, "The darkness is a virus, a plaque, one that needs to be corrected. There is peace and serenity within the Light, while those in the dark stay hidden in the shadows."

Chance gave a slight smirk, "I think I am happy with who I am now, Death. Are you?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:49:42 AM
His mind wandered back to a similar conversation he'd had with Xazor as he let a sneer curve into his lips. He shook his head as he lowered his arm downwards to his side, still charming the black energy.

"I am the epitome of everything that you should strive to be, perfection in the darkside."

The force was sucked in towards him, then pushed out again. It thumped in and out constantly, the quiet heart-like beating audible only to Vega, in time with his every breath.

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:00:26 AM
Chance stood silent, resilant.

"I've been through much hell in my short life, I dont plan to do it again." He growled with narrow eyes, "I'll strive to be who I wish to be."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:18:31 AM
"And you will fail. If you will not change, then your life ends here."

He hooked his saber up to set it up over his body, the glow against his face. With bravado, he swiped it back downwards and narrowed his eyes at the Jedi.

Aug 18th, 2002, 08:18:22 AM
Chance gave a slow nod, "Then I will know that I died beliving not what you are."

Chance removed his own saber from it's spot on his belt with his right hand and extended it out torwards' Vega with the saber held in line with his arm.

The frozen wind kicked it'self up a notch around the two as a few still living citizens of the city watched in horror. Chance switched on the saber in his right hand and the now present one in his left.

Two blades shot out in the cold, slate blue and bright green, hissing as the cold wind touched the blades and emitted a thick gust of steam.

"A Jedi does not attack first, Therefore, I implore you to take the first."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:46:38 AM
"As you wish,"

Vega lowered his saber down to his side, so much so that the tip hissed whilst brushing against it. With a quick motion of one hand, he wretched Chance inwards - tearing the Padawan off of his feet. He rushed at high speed towards Vega, who responded by slicing upwards at his on coming prey.

Aug 18th, 2002, 02:05:48 PM
Slightly disoriented, Chance summoned up a force wall in which he rebounded off before reaching Vega's saber. Landing in the snow with a soft plump Chance rolled over and got back to his feet.

Charging forward, by foot, Chance maneuvered both his sabers like twin rapiers in a fencing duel. Striking in with a stab, back out, and in again.

Chance stabbed forward at Vega with the blue, then spun out and struck in once more with the green...

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:10:08 AM
Vega cut his saber across to meet the blue beam of the Padawan, batting it away with swift ease before dragging it upwards through the air to look with the cylinder of the green. He frowned somewhat and rose his free hand to send out a Force blast at the young Jedi, propelling him backwards into the air.

Aug 19th, 2002, 03:41:46 PM
Chance felt himself leave his feet once more as he soared away from the dark one. The boy landed on his back in the softly packed snow with a 'ploomp' and rolled once to his knees.

Growling with aggrevation, Chance concentrated on the wind element and sent it right into the snow infront of Vega. The high powered icy gust brought a blanket of snow rushing up at the Lord(?) as Chance dashed forward once more with a through the cover...

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:41:28 AM
"You think you can blind me with childs tricks?"

He moved one hand out to point at the oncoming haze of snow, which struck Vega then rose upwards in a shaft of brilliant white. It curved in mid air and dropped of its own accord behind Chance in a thick thump. As the Padawans advance was revealed. he slid one boot forward through the thick white and swept it upwards in a slash.

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:59:19 PM
(I'm assuming your kicking X_x)

Chance managed to slow his offence and save himself from a crippling jaw shot. Vega's boot contacted under his arm and flung him to the left with a yelp.

Laying for a moment, and trying to catch his breath, Chance watched Vega warily as he regained his footing. The lime sabre had escaped his grasp for the moment and forced Chance to go with a single attack.

Circling slowly, Chance waited for a advantage....

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:50:27 AM
"You know, I think the main point of idiocy of the Jedi, aside from the belief that peace can be maintained, is this defense lark,"

Vega motioned towards himself with Seraphim as he brought both heels together, standing up straight.

"Do you enjoy being used as a human punching bag, or is it just that you are so unintelligent that you think allowing me to attack is a good tactic?"

Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:57:29 AM
"No, It is the tactic that there could be an opening for one as unskilled as myself to press forward onto one as skillfull as you," Chance kept his defence up.

"You clearly have more experience than I do in combat, therefore, I must take advantage of anything.."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 24th, 2002, 01:59:00 AM
"Its wiser to allow me to stand here, calculating a plan of attack, then?"

Vega shook his head, "Your Master obviously hasn't taught you anything. Tell me, whelp, who trains you?"

Aug 24th, 2002, 07:27:42 AM
"My Instructor is none of your concern." Chance replied with narrowed eyes. The situation in his favor was very rapidly dimishing if he had the advantage at all in this duel.

Standing fully erect. Chance gave a small inaubible sigh then rushed forward with his saber off to the left in both hands. His form blurred as Chance pushed the Force into his legs to gain speed, from what he could figure he would need to get in and out as fast as possible.

As he entered the range of the Dark Lord, Chance jumped sideways and slashed out to the right with the blue saber...

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 25th, 2002, 01:54:24 AM
Vega slid back on the balls of his feet as the swing came inwards, and hooked Seraphim upwards to meet Chances saber - following through so that the two blades bound and swung round in a full circle before repelling each other.

"I can tell who you Master is without your approval, actually. Your shoddy training and lack of mind control tells more than you would like it to."

A thin smile played over his lips.

"Xazorrr... it seems fate has indeed played a dirty trick on you, for now I have even more reason to kill you," he added, his smile growing as he drove forward in a fencing-style lunge.

Aug 25th, 2002, 05:12:13 PM
Chance gave a slight sigh before parrying off the lunge. He then countered with his own streight forward Jab before jumping back and sweeping forward in a crescent.

"That does Xazor have to do with my death?!"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:18:08 PM
"She has everything to do with it!"

He moved with a sliding step to bring Seraphim to meet the saber, a grin forming on his lips.

"Her... taint has been given to you through her training you. You are part of the virus that is that.. wretched excuse for a Garou, and must be eradicated!"

With his final words he tore the saber blade upwards, the strike aimed at cutting right across the Padawan's face.

Sep 1st, 2002, 04:19:40 PM
Chance saw the attack a split second too late. A flash of color across his eyes followed by blackness and an immence amount of pain.

Chance dropped his saber as he moved with the slash, falling backwards and to the right to save himself from further harm. Instantly, the boy sent the force to his face to aid in healing but to his dismay the wound was near permanate.

Chance tried to stand, disoriented, and fell back to the dirt.

"Damn! My eyes!" He cursed..

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:15:16 AM
Vega grinned devilishly and strode forward with arrogant steps.

"Death comes for us all Chance, it's only a matter of time ... It just so happens that your time is now."

Seraphim rose upwards in a high swipe - for the wind up - then descended down upon the Padawan at full force enhanced speed.

Sep 4th, 2002, 07:11:03 PM
Chance couldn't see nothing, but he could feel and hear.

He heard Vega's words quite clear, heard the crunching of boots as the Darksider neared his crippled form. He heard the hum as the saber rose into the air, the creak of the wardrobe Vega wore.

And silence for a split second before the Force nearly yelled for Chance to MOVE and so he did, Chance threw his weight out and to the side with his own power plus a basic force push.

Rolling in the snow, Chance retreived a saber and came to his knees. Growling, also trying to peer out through burnt eyelids although fruitlessly, the padawan jerked forward in a promiscous zig-zag motion.

Running forward by hearing alone, Chance homed in on Vega's breaths (The wind had come to an almost dead stop, revealing masses of clear sounds) and struck forward with a enhanced stab..

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:08:17 AM
He laughed as the boy stumbled about, jumping from side to side in teasing jumps to dodge each stab and thrust he put forward. Eventually tiring of it, he angled his saber upwards to guard a swipe coming in and flicked one boot up into the air, following it with the other in a rapid scissor kick.

Sep 6th, 2002, 03:29:10 PM
Chance's head snapped backwards as the unseen sissor kick landed quite painfully on his jaw, falling to the snow and loosing his weapon yet again.

Anger flared in Chance's mind. Anger for being blinded and played with by Vega. Slowly getting up, knowing that the enemy could strike this prey easity, Chance stood hunched over with a throbing jaw and head.

"Kill me then..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:53:14 PM

Seraphim rose upwards in a long drawn-out prelude to the swing before it cut downwards in a hack that was aimed at cleaving the Padawan in two.

Sep 7th, 2002, 02:09:30 PM
It was then, unexpectantly, a slinder object slid from Chance's pocket into his hand. As Vega's weapon rose to it's apex, the object slid into a much more usable posisition.

Then the saber came down and Chance jumped forward past the bite of the plasma blade and within close reach of Vega. Quickly his hand, holding the object which had a similarity to a scapel (just with a longer blade and much, much more sharper), darted out at Vega's neck and the cold blade pressed against the flesh.

"... If you can," the padawan growled, keeping himself ready for retailiation...

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 7th, 2002, 02:21:24 PM
Slowly, he leant his head backwards.

"Oh, what a clever little Jedi you are," he remarked in a hoarse whisper.

"But...I fear..."

Seraphim was moving back inwards from the strike, the broadside of the blade coming up towards Chance's back.

"Not clever enough."

Sep 7th, 2002, 03:06:07 PM
The scapel moved from Vega's adam's apple to were the jugular vein would be, detirmance to live radiated from Chance.

"Dont make me," Chance spoke, "I dont want to.."

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:10:45 AM
"And you won't. It's not in your nature to kill, Jedi. I'm afraid you have our roles mixed up,"

The beam of the saber drew upwards towards the Padawan's neck at blurred speed.

"Carpe jugulum, eh?" he said with a fanged grin as the hiss of the saber became increasingly loud for Chance.

Sep 16th, 2002, 02:26:50 PM
A grimace crossed the bloodstained, the wound across his eyes had begun to ooze slightly, boy's face. The saber heat at his neck began to irritate the skin and causing it to inflame.

Standing perfectly calm, or atleast trying to, Chance slowly backed off with the scapel as Vega's saber closed in. Soon, the tiny blade of the weapon was out of reach of the Lord's neck and still putting space between the two..

Chance knew he as in trouble, just how bad was the question...