View Full Version : For Knights and Masters training Padawans

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 10th, 2002, 08:47:59 PM
"Well, one thing about a Jedi is that they have the power to make a huge difference. But if misdirected, huge evil as well. Think that one like you, one called Anakin Skywalker, became Darth Vader. One man, Palpatine was behind the greatest evil to have befallen the galaxy. One, with the power of the Force. You see, when you are a Jedi you have the Force and with that nothing is truly impossible - oh somethings are immensly difficult, else every Padawan could move a planet with a thought - but just the name of Jedi can be enough to do things no others could. As Marcus, just plain Marcus, I would be lucky to be able to get a comemorative spoon from a trip to the Senate. As Jedi Master Q'Dunn, the Chancellor herself can be persuaded to act just by my word. You may be a PAdawan, but even then you have a level of influence over others far beyond what the majority could even dream of. With that influence, comes resposibility."

Marcus frowned, thinking.

"Did I tell you that there was more to being a Jedi than lifting rocks and waving a sabre? If so, then bear me out while I repeat myself - with power comes responsibility, for power is corrupting in the weak. A Jedi is resposible, they are honest, they are trustworthy, they are brave and they put others before themselves. A Jedi is a servant to others and they believe in the common good. It is not your duty to be like this I might add, because duty is not what a Jedi is about. It must be your desire. It is for the Jedi to desire peace and resposibility. That is what a Master must teach before all else. Not by having a sabre are you a Jedi! Not by mind trick or by telekinesis does a Jedi work, not when you really look at it. Certyainly we have powers beyond the norm, but witht hat comes patience, calm and resposibilty beyond normal too. Control. Wisdom and knowledge we seek, not power"

He paused, thinking and smiled.

"I'm pratting again. Forgive me for that"


Just occured to me as I was speaking that, that should be something to make a point of at times.

What do we really teach Padawans? Think what you say to them, think of yourself as I was, think of what it means to be a Jedi. Add to this if you will and lets form the moral lessons a Jedi must learn as well, for are we defined by or a@@ kicking ability of by the stance we take?

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 08:58:54 PM
Your words have been taken well, Marcus. I think it's an excellent point to bring up as well. I have been trying to think of ways to get my Padawans to think about these things.....and how to present this to them. It is quite difficult when all they wish to do is spar.....or all they wish to do is learn how to lift rocks and such as you said. The biggest thing I have come across is that everyone wants a lightsaber and then they think that they are truly a Jedi.

I wish that there was some sort of pattern to follow to present the moral issues and things to them. I speak on anger from my own experience. I speak on controlling emotions and such things....but I don't know...for some reason, I still feel like it isn't getting through. Maybe I just forget to do it or something....but I feel ashamed and at fault for neglecting such a thing. Your words hit home, and I am being honest with myself when I say that I have not been consistent with those lessons. Maybe after thinking some more, I will come up with my own way of teaching these things.....and I'll remember to do it.

ooc: BTW, I wasn't sure if it was IC or OOC.....so I made it semi both...... if that makes sense. :) Mostly OOC though....

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 10th, 2002, 10:20:52 PM
Well said Marcus. I myself am a rather older Jedi Padawan here at the Greater Jedi Order, and I have come to understand what you have just said in my own way and time. I started out thinking I was unbeatable, the best. I have learned through easy ways ans hard ways, that that is far from the truth. I have learned above all else that the galaxy depends on us, and if we can't be a beacon of hope and peace, than others will not has well. I have grown through much understanding of what you said Marcus. I myself had followed a path that has allowed me to make tthe choices ive made, making, and will continue to make. I have learned that even in the worst chaos, peace is still there. When one day i am a great Jedi Knight, i will always remember the road i took, and how it wasn't always easy, but peace got me through. I have grown in my stay here, and so will continue to do.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:15:31 PM
Very true Marcus. I find when we RP more on one and one away from training that I focus more on that. In the bar and Roleplaying Forums.

Hmmm...I am soooo behind, come to think of it :(:(

*le sigh*

Chase Starwalker
Aug 12th, 2002, 11:23:05 PM
:) @ Leia