View Full Version : Nobody loves you more than they ought to

Emily Rochette
Aug 10th, 2002, 06:20:39 PM
"Bored, bored, bored."

Emily sighed, sitting on the corner of a street as she watched what was once an old man dangle above her. Her right arm was curled to her side, the skin along the back of her hand smeared with blackish blood from a short cut. She poked her tongue out and giggled darkly, her head cocking to the side.

"Bad men recieve bad deaths.."

A pale finger poked at the charred flesh of the man before she stood and looked up at the skies. It had been so dull, lonely, ever since Salem had disappeared. Emily had been wandering for a week or so, off looking for amusement. It didn't exactly click in her mind that she had been the one to disappear.

The thin girl hopped down from the walkway, tip-toeing through the gutter as she looked around with bright, firey eyes for a new object to play with.

Izla Zuki
Aug 11th, 2002, 04:47:43 PM
Izlas arm was beginning to go numb as she was dragged down the street. Her feet left the floor at times as the Wookie proceeded at speed, his grip never letting on the girls right arm. He was in a rush and she was coming with him.

She was dragged at a relentless pace to a T junction and as the Wookie, Tshushk, took a sharp right he halted and side stepped to avoid a passing women.

Izla fell to the ground on the near collision. As she regained her feet she looked up and at the passing stranger. Time seem to stop as their eyes met. Her eyes, her face, the markings. She was struck with dibelief. They were the same, Izla was a good few years younger, yes, but apart from that it was like loking in a mirror.

She was snapped out of the trance as Tshushk took off again, dragging her unwillingly behind him.