View Full Version : Daily Warm up (Open Spar -Closed to Jedi Masters =P)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 10th, 2002, 12:01:16 PM
:: Lance walked into the same sparring room he always enterede for his daily sparred and started warming up with some stretching and cracking waiting for an opponent to come in.::

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:03:42 PM
::With a smile and a laugh a Jedi Knight entered the room. His grey robes matched the color of his stone grey eyes. His blond hair hung in the air, caught in the breeze. He took of his shirt and folded it neatly.He placed it in the corner of the room. With that he walked up to the other Jedi.::

"I heard you wish to battle any but a Jedi Master. Am I allowed to dance?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:42:00 PM
:: Lance bowed lightly and came back upstraight::

"It will be an honor master Dawnstrider" He said throwing away his other weapons leaving only Matrix, he took off his belt as well and threw it on the ground hearing the light sound of the gold hitting the floor he cracked his neck and joints warming up.
His force senses were open and rightfully sharpened.

"Now we'll see if all my training has paid off"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:50:15 PM
::Verse nodded.::

"And see where your new lessions should begin..."

::Verse grabbed some sand off the ground. He threw it at Lance. As soon as it left Verse's hand, it took the image of hundreds of ravens. They all flew at the other Jedi. Lance brought his arms to block reflexily. That was a good sign Verse though. The younger warrior was quick and smart. Verse rushed as soon as the warrior blocked though. Turning sideways, Verse slammed his shoulder into Lance's chest.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:06:55 PM
:: The illusion created by Verse was incredibly confusing but Lance knew a lot about illusion beeing one that uses them occasionally he then felt the should coming towarded him, using all his agility and speed as a strider he slid away avoiding it for a few secs giving him enough time to focus some strenght to his arm he sent them right in front of and gripped to his should who ws now off balance because of the distance that was taken off, the young strider summoned the force with whom he was at ease at the moment and used it to completly stop Verse and then push him back, he then used the force to make his saber flip over to his hand he pressed the ignition button as a long sky-blue blade dashed out of the katanaiish hilt.::


:: Lance spinned it around and ran towarded him with all his speed he quickly sent a series of slashes directed to his chest, the saber was of course at it's training mode.::

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:14:30 PM
::As Verse was pushed backwards, he lended back allowing him to cut a single backflip. This allowed him to stop going away from the fight. The older Jedi could hear the all to fimiliar sound of a saber. Verse held both his hands out. His twin sabers flew from his side into his hands. He held them in his own personal style. Reversed grip. No other Jedi had master this style, nor the double saber fighting style as well.::

"Not bad pup..."

::Verse let the Force flow through him. He could feel where the other saber was slashing. Verse held his sabers in a X form and caught the others saber. He pushed it aside and crashed his head into Lances delievinga sick headbutt.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:41:06 PM
:: Lance watched the head coming to his and decided to use a technique he had used against a few jedis as Estelle Russard, Salemn Lysce Plo Koon and a few others, he immobilised his body using all his strenght to make his body as hard as rock to take the charge at full damage, the pain was horrible he felt as he had been crushed aghainst an ironed wall at full face, but there were no signs of damage and Verse had hitten him, but also fell down from the impact with Lance, Lance then walked a few feets away but touching his face in a terrible pain was almost blinding him for a few seconds. Lance then remembered something his master had showed him...but he had never actually performed...it was time...to try it out...focusing the force all around him...he called for it...he summoned it all around his flesh his body every single cell that composed himhe breathed loudly in exasperation as all the force gathered around him it hardened forming a sphere all around him.::

"What the!? I did it!" Lance had performed a force bubble...but he had much difficulty into keeping it there...Lance was losing concentration as hesent a few healing waved to his head as soon as he felt the pain go away a bit the force bubble blew away as Lance then came to his fighting stance...the only problem was that he ws very tired now he had to go slowly to try to recover his breath and go on without too much difficulties..Verse was a very tough opponent tougher then anyone he had faced before.::

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:38:07 AM
::Verse breathed in deep. He gathered as much Force energy as he could and formed an invisible ball in his hand. Hard as a rock, and made of nothing but Force. It was a smaller version of Lance's sphere.::

"I call this a Wave Punch."

::Verse cleared his mind and could feel Lance. Verse was a Jedi Mentalist. A Master of the Mind. Lances would protect himself against physical attacks. Mental was a different matter. Verse rushed Lance's mind witha quick mental blast. It broke his consitration for a moment. In that moment he was very vulnarable.. Verse held up his hand and opened his palm. The sphere raced out his hand at unseen speeds. Before Lance could bring up a Force wall to reflect the orb, it caught him in the center of his chest.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:37:40 AM
:: Lance was blown away and slammed the wall ragefully, the pain on both his chest and back were terrible but Lance still managed to get up and stretched all his muscles back to one, summoning all his aura around him he gathewred half of it's energy to heal him back to an acceptable state, Lance had now wasted hald of his aura which was at his disadvantage since his aura techniques are the most powerfull techniques he can use, now he would have to go for it with his saber and force knowledge.::

"God was the heck was that....I just wonder if there is some kind of way to block that..." He said then calling back Matrix to his hand as he ignited it back he force speeded towarded Verse and flickered leftwards as he did a half mouvement of a strike he then sent a tiger knuckle to his ribs.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:26:26 PM
::Verse doubled over. He held his gut with one hand. He closed his other hand and gathered energy. A small amount of light glowed in it.::

"Behold...The Dawnstrider's Light......"

::Verse opened his hand in Lance's direction and a bright flash filled the room infront of Verse. Verse stumbled back and let the Force rush through him and heal where the strike had hit the best that it could. Verse looked to see a blinded Lance. Verse swept the other Jedi's legs from under him, then in a continued, fluid motion, brought it in the air. Then he slammed it down on Lance.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:58:58 PM
:: Lance was a strider and knew how to counter this kind of situations as he grabbed his face cover under his shirt he held it up but only half put it on, he ojly had the time to cover on of his eyes now half blinded he watched the leg slam him down, Lance quickly rolled away and rose to his feet again.::

"Dawnstrider Light? Heh not bad at all I would have simply use a bottle of this" He said picking up a bottle of a special mixture he used to blind and burn anyone's eyes he put it back on his belt and chuckled lighty holding a hand to his back sending some healing waves.

"Time for some blaze" He said glowing through his aura, half of his aura still covered him all around making him look like a god the aura then slided down on his arm and into his hands, all the concentration of energy made his hands look 3 times bigger then usually he then slammed his two joints together and released a huge surge of energy rushing towarded Verse at a completly insane speed.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:13:05 PM
::Verse's mind quickly calculated the power of the attack. The padawan's attack was strong, but weak enough for Verse to block. Verse held out an open palm. he created a Force wall infront of him. The energy slammed into the wall. Verse felt that the blast was a bit stronger than he first though. He quickly added some more strenght in his wall. With his free hand he sent forth a wave of raw Force power at Lance, who was still in the middle of his attack.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:26:15 PM
:: Lance was blown away but quickly rose back to his feet watching a very busy Verse force jumping to the other side of the room he flew right behind Verse whom he struck on his back with his lightsaber leaving a light burn of pain on it he then glanced away on a defensive stance.::