View Full Version : Imperial Demonstation (TIS)

Telan Desaria
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:25:51 AM
Rillek V was a world of dense jungles, savannahs, and many thousands of lakes. All told, it was twice the width of Coruscant and had only a hunded thousand inhabitants, all fircely independent of any ruling authority.

The world had a starport and a network of orbital sattelities, but no defenses save a thousand-man defense battalion and a like numbered police force. There would be no resistance against the Imperial Fleet when it arrived.

And arrive an Imperial Fleet did. The force was paltry by standards of the Empire of Olde; with over ninety-percent o the galaxy's ship gone to fight the Vong threat, the arrivd flotila s indeed imposing. Four warships, one a massie, grey Auroral-class Star Destroyer, supported by three attendant cruisers.

The Destroyer loomed over the mssive world below, a ship on each flank and leading. Two squadrons of Imperial TIE Defenders, the mainstay of the Imperial Navy's manned fighter corps, flew about the small formation in flights of four. A squadron of Scimitar Assault Bombers flew below the mighty Destroyer.

" We have flight ops clearance."

" Gunnery is go."

" Tac Ops is cleared."

" Navigation, check."

The pre-action countdown continued until all statons had been approved and operable.

With the final confirmation, Grand Admiral Desaria entered the bridge, waving as he usually did the call to attention that was due a flag officer.

" Captain Voltaire, is all ready?"

" Aye, Admiral."

Desaria nodded, and a transmission was sent to the surface.

All citizens of this planet are advised t move from the Raenorian Province Immediatey. No life is shown present now, however risks will not be taken. In twenty minutes, a planetary barrage will commence.

* * *

Twenty minutes passed, and the Grand Admiral deigned time for commencement of the ceremonies.

The ventral batteries of the Aurora-class Star Destroyer Termagant took their aim and readied to fire.

With one last look, Voltaire relayed the orders to the ship's current commander, Captain Arramin. With the passing of one word, fifity proton torpedo octets took their targets and fired, raining destruction on the jungle below. Every square kilometer was saturated with fire, projectiles slamming into and rocking the earth itself.

In turn, turbolaser batteries adcd to the mayhem, their range cleaning up whatever was missed by the high-yield warheads.

Fountains of debris and flame shot into the darening sky. The sun was being blotted out by smoke.

But the fire did not stop.

* * *

Grand Admiral Desaria sat on the brige of his third and last non Victory-class Star Destroyer and watched the missiles cascade towards the surface.

Bacta is king. Whoever controls the bacta, controls much of the galaxy, albeit indirectly. Angering him forces retribution...and demonstration.

The Grand Admiral watched...and waited.

For him this was not fun...

It was necessary.

Telan Desaria
Aug 10th, 2002, 11:55:42 AM
The forest below burned, intensely and fiercely. Notthing survived in a fifty kilometer radius of the ASD above.

The conflagration was so great that the scared landscape and raging inferno could be seen from space.

" I shall be in my office," Desaria said, abruptly turning and marching from the bridge.

Captain Voltaire had the bridge, and he continued with his orders: expand to 200 kilometers by 200 kilometers the mass of destruction.

* * *

In the darkness of his office, the Grand Admiral felt secure. The images of hat was happening below his temporary flagship could not haunt him there, as the Centaurian March played loudly, and holographic displays all around him showed Endor from every angle recorded. He would immerse himself in battle to forget the pain he was causing.

However, one thought plagued him:

All this merely for bacta...

Telan Desaria
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:48:44 PM
The fires burned. And burned.

Enough forest was devastated that the Death Star's superlaser focusing dish could comfortable fit inside the devastated region.

And it was all done for money. And prestige.

The barrage ceased after several hours. Eighteen torpedoes filled with credit vouchers and two with bacta were jettisoned towards the lone city, each projectile's detonation circuits removed.

It was the least the Empire could do for wreaking devastation on their world, without cause, reason, or provocation.

The capsules jettisoned, the Imperial warships withdrewfrom sight, creating a thuderous boom as they entered hyperspace.

The Empire had stained the world below forever....

And increased its reputation beyond any doubt of resolve.