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Dios Kane
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:41:48 PM
:: Dios faced the vampyre on top of a skyscraper. How they had come about to be here, Dios didn't care. No one could survive a fall from this high, not even a vampyre. Pieces don't come back together when they're that small. This one Dios hadn't seen before. He'd been searching the net for events involving vamp attacks and heard of a war lord named Dalamar.Dios had searched him out and had been lucky enough to find him here. Now all he had to do was banish the demon to the hell that he had come from.::
Demon, redeem thyself... save me the trouble.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:10:32 PM
Dalamar let the body of the senator fall to the ground. Looking up at Dios you could see the blood starting to dry on the Vampyre's chin. "You wish to interupt a vampyre's meal foolish real foolish!" Helinius almost convinced me once but those days are passed." Pulling out his short sword and attaching his special Mandolorian gauntlet Dalamar got into his battle stance. As alway's Dalamar smiled.

Dios Kane
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:49:14 PM
:: Dios shook his head as the vampire tossed aside the body. This was horrible, Dios had failed, another person had been hurt by the demons and he had simply watched it happen, he felt like the council.::
We shall see dark one.
:: Dios drew his saber and the 7 foot long saber blasted out. The orange light bled across the floor and reflected off of Dios' glasses. He wouldn't charge Dalamar yet, he'd walk, Dios slowly walked towards him sword ready by his side.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:09:18 AM
Dalamar looked on in disgust at the Jedi. "Here a gift." Dalamar spit a large piece of human flesh onto the jedi's chest. Covered in charnel and blood it splattered against the clean suit of the Jedi. "My regards for you I think that was a piece of his heart." The Warlord smiled again a smile of complete confidence.

Dios Kane
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:19:49 AM
:: Dios smiled as he wiped the meat off.::
You know I'd think Vamps would be cleaner than this, a bit more sophistiacted than the lower class demons that worship your kind.
:: He then side stepped to Dalamar and made a single strike with his sword, knowing one's opponent was part of the battle and the only thing he figured would kill this guy would be a big drop or the sun that came up in two hours.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:27:58 PM
Blocking to the left. Dalamar sidestepped to the right and cut Dios in the leg. Smiling he spoke "Welcome to my world little man" Scraping the tip of his sword in a dare to cross it line. The Warlord threw sparks up in the night as he dragged his blade across the cement. "Come and get it."

Dios Kane
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:20:10 PM
:: Dios held his leg for a moment, inspecting the armor underneath the pants and noticed a large scratch. No blood... yet. That was close, he'd watch himself better now, Dalamar was far faster than some vamps Dios had slain. The warlord etched a line in the surface and stood there with in a taunting manner.::

You know these things never end happily, for you and me that is. I end up setting some damned soul free and you die. The damned part is pretty sad to me and I would assume you wouldn't particularily enjoy dying either.

:: Dios drew his gun and fired several ounds before flicking his ring off his finger, it skidded between Dalamar's legs and then Dios charged with his sword raised.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:58:14 PM
Dalamar raised his steel gauntlet and deflected the rounds as they where fired. But the Warlord misjudged and one round hit him in the shoulder. The light armor he had on saved him from being wounded but the impact knocked him on his back. Getting up quickly he fired his Mandolorian gauntlet. Out went a slender line wrapping around the running legs of Dios. He fell down with a bone crushing thud hurting his elbow on impact. "Hmnn, hmnn so many Jedi so little time. I wonder how I shall kill you. Boot blade, blaster, or teeth." Or should I just run you through with the tip of my sword."

While Dalamar was thinking he jerked the gauntles hard causing the tight wire to cut into Dios's legs. "Oooh I bet that hurts!" The Dark Lord said sarcastically.

Dios Kane
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:16:06 AM
:: Still far away enough, he was glad Dalamar was stupid and had fallen for his trap. He saw the ring still an inch next to Dalamr's boot, he had overlooked tha one hadn't he?::
Night fall
:: The ring blew up and and the boom that followed launched Dalamar into the air. Dios was let go of the wire from the explosion and he began to stand. He rubbed his leg a bit before turning the snesors on his glasses, the dust made it harder to see. He more heard the body of Dalamar hit the ground.::
Ouch, bet that hurt huh?
:: He had tried to mimic the vampire's tone but not being able to sound undead sorta lost the effect. He began to approach the vampyre as he was geting up.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 24th, 2002, 03:15:51 PM
Dalamar smiled it had been a while since anyone had tricked him. Pulling out his saber resistant katana he assumed the battle stance. Dalamar's piercing red eye's stared into the man before him. "You fancy yourself a hunter hmnn well hunter here I am hunt me."

The Warlord had met his kind before he remembered the last one. I left his body on the wall as a warning to other's. Oh well, I guess another lesson is in order. The Dark Vampyre prepared himself for Dios's death.

Dios Kane
Aug 26th, 2002, 04:50:25 PM
I fancy myself more than a hunter, I fancy myself an angel compared to you. And you'll thank me when you die, cuz your soul will be free from this physical torment. I'd want that if I was as ugly as you are.
:: Dios saw him raise his weapon and hoped the katana wasn't as bad as the gauntlets had been. Dios stepped into form and prepared to strike. Remembering the forms his master had taught him oh so long ago, Moon on water passed by and the attack came straight to Dalamar.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:32:47 PM
"Moon on water," Dalamar smiled. "So you have had a little training, Maybe you didn't understand the Warlord part." Having mastered many forms of combat, least of all the dance of swords. The Warlord moved in to meet him.

There blade's clanged in the night sparking the darkness. Dios was a very talented swordsman. The Warlord was impressed, had he been human this battle would be even. BUT, he wasn't.
Mixing Vampyre speed and the force Dalamar was a blur. Blocking as best he could Dios saw that the Warlord was only playing with him.

Giving him a force push the Warlord knocked him back. Taking advantage of the situation Dalamar moved in for the kill. For Dios it was as if the whole building shook, as the knee of the vampyre came down on his chest. It had happened so fast that Dios didn't even realize he was pinned to the floor.

Only the pain in his arm let him know that the Warlord's Katana had pinned him. Showing his teeth Dalamar prepared to feed.

Dios Kane
Aug 31st, 2002, 04:19:28 PM
:: Dios turned his head to the sword peircing his shoulder and stuck in the building on the other side. Wonderful. Dalmar came down to strike the final blow and Dios opened himself to the force. He was no match for this one. He would require more training, he was too strong... Dios had to move, had to ignore the pain. He quickly grabbed the hilt of the katana and started to pull himself up on the weapon, the blade sliding painfully through his shoulder, but that didn't care, only survival now. He pulled himself up and flicked the antigrav equipment on. Instantly Dalamar was knocked away by the field and Dios was slightly hovering with a katana stuck in his shoulder. Blood slowly slipped down the wound as he looked to the vampyre warlord meters away. He was dissapointed at his failure, he would not be able to stop this one yet. He wasn't nearly as good. Dios backed up to the side of the building's roof.::
This was fun and I'll think I'll keep the sword as a memento. I'll find you later and be sure to return it...
:: Dios quit speaking, that had been enough and that was all he would be saying until he healed and got the sword pulled from his side. He stepped off the side of the building and slowly floated away. He needed to find a hole to go hide in for now. The sword hurt like nothing and with his body slowly trying to heal aound it, the sword had been well lodged in him. But he hadn't lied. He'd return it after he chopped Dalamar's head off with it.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:27:58 PM
Dalamar MOVED! faster than he moved in a long time. "That sword was given to me by Tiberious Kinslayer you will return it immediatly." Leaping off the building the Warlord grabbed Dio's and they both started to plunge to there deaths. Pulling the sword out of Dio's body he returned it to its sheath. Kicking away from Dio's Dalamar fell into the Darkness and dissapered leaving only the sound of his laughter.