View Full Version : The offer(Azhure)

Tomak Ohara
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:40:40 PM
Tomak stood at a cliff his saber drawn. He had contacted Azhure through a letter. He needed to talk to her. To change her. She would love him in life as a vampire or as a secret lover. She would come he knew. Her love for him had become her weakness. He would look her in the eye and try and kiss her. She would give in. If not he would take her by suprise and force her against her will. Either way she was his.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:52:20 PM
::Azhure walked up to Tomak. She felt anger in her, he had hurt her, and now he wanted to see her. Why had she come? To face him. To see how she could deal with this hurt inside. She would not let him hurt her again. She stayed a few miles away from him and did not ay anything. Only looked at him, her facial expression asking what he wanted. She had her weapons with her.::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:05:46 AM
Tomak looked over at her, "Ah yes, my darling. I have something to tell you. My love has grown for you since I have been turned. I am offering you a chance to join me as a vampire and stay with me forever in the afterlife. We could do what we always wanted. The marriage could happen, our children would be as evil as us. We could have everything. You would be my queen. Come with me. If not let me turn you as a sign of my love. We can share a relationship behind the council. Come with me my love. That ring you wear. I gave it to you. I still carry the sword you gave me. There is however one thing you never gave to me. A kiss to seal our love. I want you to kiss me. I always wanted it that way. I always wanted you to kiss me. I wanted to taste your lips. I needed you so badly. So, grant me my wish and give me one more kiss. Please." Tomak removed his shirt and beneath was his blue skin and his wings. His body was muscular and intimidating. He knew it would work. "But first, there is another thing I want, a spar. You and I never fought. It is in our blood. So I give you a challenge and then a farewell kiss do you accept?" Tomak smiled showing his fangs.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:14:49 AM
::Azhure looked at him. She felt torn. Feelings and then logic. Logic told her not to trust him. Logic won for now but his eyes kept holding another part of her thta had never been revealed before he came along. Logic spoke out of her mouth for now::

A spar I would gladly do traitor. A kiss I wouldnt have once done, but you have wounded me too much. It is too late Tomak.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:18:46 AM
Tomak looked at her and frowned, "Use your real voice darling. You will spar me, and I should hope you would kiss your first true love goodbye. So shall we begin the fight? As for the traitor part, I came to the side my people were on. So Azhure do you think you are ready to fight a vampire?" Tomak laughed and looked at Azhure. She was serious.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:27:41 AM
::Azhure's eyes flashed, she didnt know but she knew one thing, she didnt back out a fight. And this fight was personal.
She took out her saber and it glowed in the air, creating a sound distance between them. He looked as she always remembered, and she almost felt her resolve weaken.::

My voice I only use for people I trust, you are not one of them anymore. You once siad vampired did not have to be evil, you were going to create a peacful race. It is sad to see that dream die.

::She looked at him and waited for him to attack, her body tensing in anticipation. Battle, yes this felt familiar.::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:33:53 AM
Tomak looked aat Azhure, "Yet oddly enough you trusted to come here alone. I beleive you still love me darling. So I am asking you grant me one kiss. My race can still be created. You can still be my queen and rule the world,nay, the universe by my side. However you do not seem as though you wish to do so. Oh well, I will get my kiss." Tomak flew at Azhure getting close enough that she could feel his breath on her face. He flew back and came down on her arm. He missed intentionally and wondered what she would do. "You love me too much to hurt me. Admit it. You need me Azhure. You need others to help you."

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:39:40 AM
::Azhures eyes flashed::

I don't need anyone, least of all you. I am a jedi and you are on enemy lines. That becomes before my own feelings. You cannot force me to go against my will, I will not be suppressed and dictated again

::It took all of her strength to get out the toxic attraction as she pushed him back ward and aimed a high kick to his face::

I loved a vampire named Tomak the jedi once, but he has changed. I will always love that vampire but you.....

::Yes, she had loved him, she still did. But she could not love him on rpincipal, strange how the heart did not heed the mind. She could not for he was one of darkness now... yet he had the same power in him that.. ::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:45:06 AM
Tomak blocked the kick and pulled her to him, "Why do you not love me. I am the same man. Just stronger. You like power don't you? Come back to the side you are so used to. You can fight and kill, and never look back. Just one bite. Please, come home with me darling." Tomak flipped her over and she landed on her back. He smiled again, "See what I mean. The Jedi are nothing. I and the others can teach you true power."

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:54:01 AM
::Azhure felt her heart winning then her mind resloved the problem again by reminding her why she had left::

I left to do something good with my life, enough death is on my hands Tomak. You now resemble death. My home is with the jedi. Death has amrked me enough, you do not need to add to that stain that will never go away

::She avoided his eyes, knowing what would happen if she let herself look deeply into them. She hated this feeling, she hated not being in complete control. If this was what it was to be human she did not like the weaker parts of it.;:

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:04:43 AM
Tomak grabbed her face and turned it to him, "Look at me. Remember the days when we would sit at the bar and look at each other? Remember when I would fly you to the field so you would sing for me? Do you remember the night we met? I sent you those flowers. You still have them don't you? You probably are still wondering why I left aren't you? I left because I came to see the light and I hated it. You should have realized it already. Come with me my love." Tomak released her and stared into her eyes.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:24:56 AM
::His eyes seemed to drink her in and she ahd to pull away visibly before she knew she was responding. She had apathetic, like so many other women she'd seen. NO!::

Don't do this to me Tomak, if you care for me. I belogn in the light, I happen to like it there. I have had enough of darkness, of killing. I would follow you, but not there. Not there....you cannot make me

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:29:28 AM
Tomak looked at Azhure once more, "Then kiss me darling. I do love you, and all I want is for you to come with me. You will not have to kill. Yet if you truly want me to stop, then kiss me and I shall return to your side. Give the thing you and I both want. Let me hold you and fell your body against mine once more. Let me kiss you and return to the side I once loved. Let me return to you." Tomak looked at her she had used her voice. She did trust him. She still loved him. Everything was as according to plan.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:34:30 AM
::Azhure did not know if to trust him. It was the old look, the look she remembered but she shook her head.::

I will give you a goodbye kiss then walk away. I do not need this confusion, I cannot be with a darksider. I will say goodbye and then you will leave my heart alone.

::She looked at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder for the last time, remembering the very feeling of it and planted a soft kiss on his lips before starting to pull away::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:52:26 AM
Tomak pulled her closer and kissed her violently. She made the mistake of dropping her weapon and Tomak looked at her, "I love you Azhure. Do not stop." Tomak kissed her again and began to hold her tightly. He looked at her and she careened her neck to one side. Her veins were pulsing, they looked delicious. Her blood flow was increased due to her anxiety. He pulled from her, "You fool. Never trust an enemy." He said gently in her ear. He then noticed the shock on her face. "Now you will become one of us." Tomak kicked her saber from her reach. He came down her neck found the vein and sank his teeth into it. He could feel the blood flow into his mouth. It was pouring. He had forgotten the pleasure of feeding. Now she would become one of them. He drank and drank of her blood. It seemed like an eternity. It was fabulous. He saw her face go pale. He was just about to finish when he heard someone in the distance. It could be Xazor. He stopped where he was. Just a few moreseconds and she would have been turned. He let her go and she fell to the ground. Tomak looked at her the blood still draining from his lips, "Now we are one my darling. You are mine. That ring and the scar prove it. Now come with me to my side, or stay here and rot forever. It is your choice. I do not think you want your beauty to go to waste. Good bye darling." Tomak smiled and left. He took to the air and flew away. Back home, back to what really matered. Back to his kind. He licked his lips of the blood remaining, it was so sweet. He had forgotten what it had tasted like to drink the blood of the others. Tomak then realized his necklace was gone. Oh well, no matter, she would be dead by the time anyone found her. Tomak looked back and yelled into the distance, "Goodbye, Darling! Have a nice sleep!"

OOC: No one but Dios Kane can post next!

Dios Kane
Aug 10th, 2002, 03:48:58 PM
:: Tomak ohara suddenly fell out of the sky when a loud shot was heard. Tomak put a hand to his back, the hole there had severed a wing some feet away and his stomach was now see through. He had time enough to look up and see a shadow go running by.
Dios ran past the now very injured Tomak, and straight to Azhure. The bullet had been a high impact, armor piecing and Dios had figured it would do the job of keeping him in one place. Dios ran to Azhure and lifted her head. He was crying before he even spoke. Too much blood had been soaked for her to live alone like that, he had the equipment to do it now, he'd found it. He pulled it out of his jacket as he spoke.::
Azhure... I'm so sorry... I should've been there... It was too hard to follow both of you at the same time and I got here too late... I was too late.
:: Dios withdrew the equipment out of his jacket and laid it out. A vial of blood and two needles. They both went into veins and he placed a herb with leather on the bite marks. He sucked on boith needles to get the liquid flowing before he placed them underneath the skin. This was enough blood to keep her goin until he could get her to a better facility. Tomak would pay now, he would. Dios watched her for seveal more seconds, making sure it was all in place before he stood up and saw Tomak beggining to stand, no longer bleeding, the hole was starting to heal. The wing wouln't so quickly. Dios rubbed his eyes before he drew two feathers from his jacket and his gun.
The two feathers were from a ceremony he'd attended for his friend Tomak. He let both of them go as they drifted to Tomak.::
I give you two parting gifts, I will deal with you later, I suggest you leave now or you will fall to my hand.
:: Dios fired two bullets off. The two feathers were instanly blow to shreds in the air but two large holes were now formed in Tomak's shoulders. Dios turned backl to Azhure, he drew out a white cloth and paced it to her mouth, she slowly started coming around.::
Azhure... I'm going to take you back to the GJO now okay?

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 04:07:06 PM
Out of the mist in the distance, the figure of a woman could be seen being lead by two blue blades. It was Jedi Knight, Xazor Magus.....a Warrior...a Council Member.......and one not afraid of anything. She growled audibly, exposing her elongated canines which picked up the light and glared back into the eyes of the Vampire.....Tomak Ohara......a former friend and comrad. He was nothing to her now...but a lost soul.

The silver in her deep blue eyes flashed as lightening etched the sky. Her presence alone spoke volums, and the light of her Aura consumed the whole area. In her hand was her double bladed, duel phase saber, "Love"....and she was ready to use it. The Garou's eyes immediatly darted to Azhure and when she saw her condition, it made her heart drop. It was good to see Dios caring for her, though....she would be alright. So her attention was diverted to Tomak. The long braids in her hair swung in the air and the coins in them clanged together softly.....giving an eerie feeling to the surrounding area.

Growling once again, she moved to the side, keeping her eyes on Tomak....and then she began circling the fallen Vampire. She narrowed her eyes and looked upon him......remembering their times together......thinking of how he had decieved her and the rest of the Jedi Order. It made her angry...but she controlled her feelings immediatly and took in the Force.....allowing it to consume her whole being. Off in the distance the howl of a wolf could be heard....it was her own, Kaukauana. He had followed her and would be arriving there soon. Then they would fight together, as a team.

"Tomak Ohara......what a situation you have gotten yourself into now. Revenge is not of the Jedi.....but Justice......Justice is what I bring."

With that, she lifted him into the air with the Force and hurled him with mass speed toward a tree. He slammed into it and the sturdy trunk split in half....but that was not the only injury suffered. Several loud cracks resounded throughout the area...indicating that Tomak had indeed broken something.....several things. The Knight loved battle.....but loved Peace as well and sought that above all else.......but when peace was refused.....she brought Justice through battle....

Dios Kane
Aug 10th, 2002, 09:13:49 PM
:: Dios instantly was well aware of what was going to happen. He shook his head as he thought of what Xazor might do, he'd seen her angry before, but what she had said... Justice, how he would've liked to call it that. Dios knew Justice was never bought through death, that was not really justice. If she was to finish Tomak now, it would be revenge in the end, no matter what she said. Dios also worried that the council had told him not to go after Tomak Ohara. He'd done so well knowing what they had said and was prepared to face the consequences. Dios looked up to Xazor as she stood before the fallen vampyre.::
Xazor... you bring revenge as I did no matter what you say, if you say justice, then Tomak will not be killed in the end. If you truly believe that this is justice, then Tomak should be contained and held until we can come up with a way to truly deliver justice unto him. I did not come to deliver justice to Tomak. You knew that, I came to deliver Tomak my pain and to prevent anymore. I will take Azhure away, but it is not justice to kill him, if you do finsih him and set his soul free, take this.
:: Dios tossed Tomak's old saber to Xazor.::
That is the true sign of someone who carries the scars of vengeance on them.
:: Dios picked up the weakened Azhure and began to leave. He did not come for justice at all, he had come for Tomak and Tomak only, that saber had meant to sever his head from his body. Dios had been so close, but Azhure... Dios let a tear roll off his cheek.::
Sorry Azhure, I'm so sorry.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 09:42:07 PM
Xazor kept her eyes upon Tomak as she stood, watching him lay on the ground in a heap. Dios's words were from his heart....but they did not apply to her, she knew that.

"Dios.....I come bearing Justice.....do you not know the meaning of the word, my friend? I mean not to kill Tomak....but if death comes upon him.....it will not be by my hands. For so many years I killed....and the blood of thousands is upon my hands. Tomak she see Justice in hope that he will see the Light...."

She said softly, but her words were powerful and they resounded off of the ground....the rocks.....the trees. Her eyes remained on the Vampire as she caught his saber in her hands. Her face was etched with concern as she smiled slightly, and clipped Tomak's saber to her weapons belt. She would keep it until the right time. Sighing to herself, she shook her head and eyed the fallen Jedi....

"Dios......take care of Azhure. Take her to Marcus Q'Dunn back at the GJO....tell him that I sent you. Go!"

The Knight called out to Dios and watched as he left. Marcus would be able to heal Azhure.....she knew it. He had done it for her when she had lost so much blood.....now again, her eyes rested upon Tomak's.....waiting....

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 11th, 2002, 03:03:25 AM
::The jedi felt all the fading colours go out fo ehr as the blood was taken out. Her body became weak, as if something important had been taken away and her body couldnt function. She felt death, and was not afraid, onyl regretful knowing she would not do all she wished. She also felt angry at Tomak, trust. She understood what the saying trust got you killed meant now...the world was fading as the last peice of reality slipped away so did the feeling of Tomaks arms and she felt a tiny pain as somehtign hard landed on her or she landed on something hard. Then blackness came, utter silence. The world was black and she couldnt tell whe5re she was, what she was doing. IT felt familiar, she had been here before, back when training with warren. She heard a voice, it sounded familiar, it had once told her to come back but now it embraced her. Calling her forward....::

Tomak Ohara
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:08:33 PM
Tomak laughed and stood. His bones and wounds already healing. "Yes, that is right my old friends. Talk and give me time to heal. You will die here. It is a pity I could kill Azhure. She would have been my bride. Now though, the great Warrior Xazor has come to me as a sacrifice. Fool...you will become a vampire now. No, vampirisim is to good for you. You deserve to die. I will offer your corpse as a sacrifice to my Master. Your blood will be delicious. Ready to die, weak one." Tomak smiled. He drew his saber and ignited it. He smiled and showed his fangs. He knew it would be hard to fight because of his massive wounds. His shoulders still bled and his bones were still broken. He was useless right now. He did a force push and knocked Xazor back some. "Prepare to die useless being."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:24:05 PM
Xazor stumbled back but grounded herself in the Force. Closing her eyes, she outstretched her hands in front of her and built up a hidden strength. A light began to glow.....small at first...and dim, until it was growing in intensity and strength. It grew and grew until it was a sphere between the Garou's hands. It had only taken a matter of seconds and she suddenly ooutstrethced her arms and the "ball" shot forth.....slamming right into Tomak's chest.....and letting a huge flash occur. It was so bright that it would blind a Darksider for many many minutes.....up to a half an hour. Even Sith Masters could not escape the Dawnstrider's Light....something which was acquired from her Father and passed down from generation to generation.

As Tomak greatly faltered, Xazor closed her eyes again and became in touch with Nature......a very strong bond that she held with it seemed to "speak" with her. A smile crossed her lips as suddenly four large vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around Tomak's legs and arms....making his saber fall to the ground. Taking the chance of his shocked state, the Knight called his saber to her hand and disengaged it, then locked it to her belt.

"You don't want to mess with me, Dark One......for I to am great in power....but greater in wisdom....both of which you lack. I suggest you admit defeat and leave before I kill you. One would not think it is the way of the Jedi....but I am like no other. I am a Warrior and at times....killing is necessary.....this being one of those times if you refuse to leave. It is a simple choice, Tomak....leave, or die.......only you can choose. Either way.....it's impossible for you to escape without myself releasing hold of you."

She said in a calm voice, yet a hint of menace traced the words she spoke to him. The Knight stood strong with her saber before her, grounded and locked in the Force. He had it extremely difficult right now....and if he even flinched, she could kill him with the grip of the plants. What he did not know though....was how to kill the plants. They would only tighten with inflicted pain or movement.....

Tomak Ohara
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:33:12 PM
Tomak smiled, "Fine let me go. I will admit you won. In the future I would like a rematch. Just you and me. Let us fight another time. As for now take care of Azhure. She needs it. I only did what me naturally." Tomak smiled. Hopefully she would not see the fact that he did not care for Azhure, the fact that she ould die the next time they fought. This however was a loss. Tomak knew he could not win. For she had won battle, but not te war.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 04:09:21 PM
The Knight growled deeply and let the plants tense up on him, digging the throns deeply into his skin. She smiled to herself and checked his saber on her belt.

"I won the skirmish......I won the battle.......and I won the war. You're weak Tomak....the Darkside had corrupted you to no end and if it doesn't kill you, then I will. Next time.....you will die if you touch her....."

The Knight turned around and suddenly doubled over, her blonde hair wrapping around her and changing along with her. She changed into a large wolf the size of a double speeder. Running with Force speed, she caught up with Dios and Azhure.

Have fun with those plants, Tomak....you won't be able to get out of them, I guarantee it......

She called back in his mind. With each little movement that he made, the plants would tighten, squeezing him to death. The Knight ran alongside Dios until they reached a shuttle back to Arcan where they could treat Azhure's wounds......

Tomak Ohara
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:47:49 PM
Tomak struggled for hours until the plants had cut off his circulation. Tomak then thought of a way to stop it. He let his muscles relax and then the plants let go of his. He stood up waiting for his muscles to relax. He flew away and said to Xazor in her mind, "Next time you and her will die." Tomak laughed and flew off in the distance.