View Full Version : Freak Show : House of Horrors

Medusa Exta'azia
Aug 8th, 2002, 12:01:40 PM
(ooc) Alright, this is an RP that's gonna take a lot of people. And most likely several new characters. It's supposed to be about a galaxy-traveling carnival, freak show and all. There are no specified characters, really. Just go crazy. And be unique! IM/PM me (FallenMelusine) if you want to know more about it.

Step right up, folks, step right up! Witness things you've never even seen! More bizzar than the Rodian (and more appealing)! More exotic than the Fish folk!

"Yeah, right..."

"Medusa" grumbled under her breath as she listened to the scratchy speakers playing again, outside the humid tent. The long, royal blue horns penetrating from her feathery hair clinked against the bars of her cage as she curled and straightened her tail boredly. Every day, it was the same old thing. A group of mindless idiots parading through the decorative prison and poking at the wonderful findings of a mysterious little man. She sighed and nibbled a talon on her left hand, the blue of her eyes retracting and expanding as she studied the miserable looking creatures that shared the tent with her.

"What a life we lead."

imported_The Mad Hatter
Aug 8th, 2002, 12:07:40 PM
A little figure capered about amongst the stalls, springing from one to another in little jagged leaps and bounds. As he landed by each, he rose a monicle to one beady eye and squinted up at the occupant before letting out a deeply amused chuckle. After some time, the pinstripe-suited midget found his way to the pen of the one who was often labelled as 'Medusa'. He flashed her a manic grin before becoming impassive once more as he stared up the line of his turnip nose at her glossy eyes.

"Don't be so down, Betsy - be chipper! The little children like chipper!"

He gave her a sharp thwak on the shoulder with his cane as he scampered along the edge of the cage that surrounded her. His foot-high hat wobbled uneasily atop his balding head as he stared down towards her once more.

"Fun eh? Hmm? Hmmm? Hmmmmm Betsy?"

Medusa Exta'azia
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:52:56 PM
A thin, blue tongue slipped through her lips with a hiss as Medusa shrank away from the man. He had the habbit of saying nearly the same thing with each visit. The small wings that had remained clinging to her back spread by instinct, revealing the majestic blue and green scales. Her tail and tongue flicked angrily before curling out of sight. Her shoulder stung painfully from the blow. Why couldn't he have attacked the one with showy protection?

Her hand slipped through the bars and grabbed the collar of the little man's jacket, pulling him close enough to the cage that his nose was bent sideways against a bar.

"You go entertaa-in the schildren.."

Aug 8th, 2002, 05:41:58 PM
'Shut up you stupid woman...your life is over...no need to scream' Said a hushed voice that sounded as if evil had possessed it.

' Please!?..please!' The voice suddenly was cut short followed by a sickening snapping noice that ecoed among the few gypsy carivans and mobile homes. Suddenly from a few feet away one of the Gypsy trailer doors burst open, a fat man stood at attention like a gaud, his rifle flung out in front of him.

'Oi, you!' His E-11 was out in front of him threatening the cannibal with whatever discharged from the barrel of the usless gun, but the gypsy looked as if he had never shot it before...he was "Green"..never killed a living sole...recognizable by the constant shaking he did with the gun.

The shadow waisted little time and in a few short moments a spinning star was dug deeply into the army of the Gypsy nearly severing his arm cleanly in two, followed by two more stars that cut the arm freshly off, and then the second one landed directly into the chest the bald man sending him back dead even before he hit the ground...

'AH!..now i have dinner and desert...' He said before he looked down and dug his crisp white teeth into the girls neck as if he was a vampire, a lord of Evil.

imported_The Mad Hatter
Aug 9th, 2002, 04:39:51 AM

The Hatter drove his cane through the bars of the cage and straight into Medusa's gut, causing him to drop the little man. He landed with a bouncy step, springing backwards. He laughed again, more sharply this time as though it was a forced chuckle.

"Save the bite for later eh," he said, tossing her a wink as he clicked his tongue.

Then, spinning on the highly polished toe of his boot, he weaved his way along through the tent some more. Screams were coming from outside.

"Wolf!" he yelled.

"Wolves! The wolves have come to play! HOORAH!" he shrieked with glee.