View Full Version : Threads of Fate: Can't Beat Revenge (Semi-Open)
Digital Kreations
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:17:39 AM
OOC- This thread is about Eve's death, one way or another, she and Shinrai Zero has to die in the end. Anyone's welcome to join, but if you don't know Eve, please don't complicate our story.
Information on Shin --
/- Pwrd: *****
/- Shin Zero - X931 - 467779613497 - Genetically Engineered with Dragon DNA
/- Brown Eyes, White Hair
Log out ? Y or N
Information on Aurora --
/-Pwrd: ****
/-Pwrd: *****
/- Aurora - X452 - 79423589743614 - Genetically Engineered with Felina DNA
/- Brown Eyes, Black Hair
Kansas Bar
The man who no one knew him by his real name. DK squished his cigarette butt onto the wooden desk and chuckled under his breath. He clicked on a button, a feminine voice responding.
"Yes, sir ?"
"Call in X-931"
"Calling in X-931, Shin."
"Thank you, Laura."
The silver metal door opened and a kid walked in. Standing up, DK lit another cigarette, then dusted his sleeves, his gaze locked on the X. DK was wearing a black suit, under his suit, a red shirt, a few buttons opened. He motioned the young child to sit in front of him.
"How are you today, X-931 ?"
Shin Zero
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:34:21 AM
"Have we located Aurora, Sir ?" The kid asked without answering his question.
He sat down on the chair in front of the desk. He looked like a teen, no more than 12 or 13, yet his face looked like an adult. His serious expression made him very different from the whiny and weak children; which is why DK prefered him more than the others. He wore a blue shirt and pants but it was pretty much covered by metal armor, from his hand to his elbow, from his foot to his knee, and it looks like a cross on his chest.
His long spiked hair followed the motion as he tilted his head to the side. He clenched his fist discreetly, a wicked grin drawing on his lips. DK continued explaining the mission that Shin wanted to do for the longest of times, but was interrupted suddendly.
"I know what to do, Sir. I was trained to eliminate parasites and Aurora is a parasite; I'll be back in 3 days."
He stood from the chair, put his hand straight up to his forehead and saluted his creator.
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:37:36 AM
OOC- Damn Double posts
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:45:08 AM
On the third day.
Eve had been coming to the Kansas bar for a week now. Ever since she had left TSE, it was obvious that she gotten bored. Though all she does is bartending, she's secretly waiting to be discovered by DK and was waiting for Shin to come. A man ordered a JD, so she went in the back. Humming a song under her breath, she smile as she grabbed a JD and served the man.
"No problems." She told the man as he thanked her.
She then looked at the JD of the man and sighed. She went to the back again and sat down on a chair, as cooks were working. She grabbed herself a bottle of JD and sighed as she looked at it silently. Dyne ... He probably didn't even know she was gone. Where was he, she wondered, whatever, it doesn't matter anymore.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:59:50 AM
Bitterness was still fusing into her blood with her new-found pessimistic attitude as Gitane wandered into the new bar. Maybe she wouldn't see something here, for once, that didn't remind her of Vega. After all, she'd never even seen the bar before.
Her fingers pinched the bit of bone between her eyes for a moment before she pushed through the door and eyed the gatherings of people. Even since the rather unpleasent end to their marriage, Gitane had grown cold and void of emotion. Why did everything have to remind her of the man?
"Whisk-..." She began before noticing that no one was behind the bar. Hopping up onto a stool, she leaned across the counter and shouted toward, presumably, the kitchen door.
"So.. Can I get some help, or shall I help myself?"
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:06:25 AM
"Sorry." Eve yelled out.
She ran to the bar outside, then stopped dead in her tracks, her gaze locked on the woman who just talked Green skin, white hair, empty eyes ... Gitane. Eve dropped the bottle of JD to the floor, causing a big glass-shattering sound.
"... Gitane ?" It was obvious Eve hadn't seen her in a long time.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:34:05 AM
"Eve!" Gitane's already large eyes widened as she stared at her blood sister. She had barely seen her since her return. She choked breathlessly and scrambled up onto, then over the counter. Her hands grasped Eve's shoulders and shook her lightly, as if making sure she was real. After a long moment, a slow grin creapt across her lips.
"It really is you..."
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:50:03 AM
"Heh, Gitane ..."
A smile drew on Eve's lips as she did the same, her hands squeezing her blood sister's shoulders gently. It had been a long time, and a good time today ... She could've been buried without Gitane ever knowing about it if she didn't come today.
"Did you want something ? Some whiskey ?" She asked as she let go.
She then bent down underneath the counter and pulled out a bottle and a clean glass, with ice cubes in it. She poured a glass and motioned for Gitane to sit down.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:57:34 AM
Nodding slightly, Gitane slipped up to perch on the counter. She took the glass, watching Eve's face in silence. There was something on her mind. That much was obvious.
"So what's been going on my dear sister?"
She raised the glass lightly, toasting faintly before taking a drink.
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:03:16 AM
"Oh, nothing much. Blood here and there, changes, but no important stuff. You ?"
Eve also poured herself a glass of whiskey and took a sip after Gitane took hers and smiled. She looked down at the color of the whiskey, waiting for an answer.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:11:05 AM
"Oh, nothing much. Confusion. Suicidal tendencies. And Vega couldn't keep his hands to himself. Or other things, for that matter."
Her voice was sharp, yet grim as she spoke, hurt causing her eyelids to flinch slightly as she mentioned Vega.
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:16:58 AM
"Ah ... Heh. Well, I got hurt pretty bad myself." Eve smirked.
Her stomach, back, arms and thighs were bandaged, but it still showed long bloody gashes and blood stains. Rama and Nuriko wasn't exactly happy that ...
"I left TSE." She muttered.
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:53:43 AM
"Really?" a voice that Eve knew well asked, coming from the shadows. "When was this Eve Siren?" Satine asks, stepping into the light, and pulling down his cloak's hood, revealing a nice long, new, scar on his left cheek.
"Had some trouble getting out?" he asks, taking a sip of his klah.
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:57:40 PM
Eve blinked once as a familiar voice spoke out as she put down her icy drink on the counter. She looked at the man reveal himself, surprised to see that it was Satine. As a reflex, her hands covered her bandages on her arms.
"Capashen ... You've probably met Gitane, my blood sister, before, right ?" She changed the subject.
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:02:45 PM
"I think we've met before." Satine says, bowing to her.
"Now, Eve, what's with the bandages?" Satine asks, having noticed them earlier.
Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:05:25 PM
Eve shook her hand, her hands going back to her glass.
"Nothing at all. A clumsy accident in the back; I'm not much of a cook."
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:09:39 PM
Satine shrugs, letting the issue drop.
"If you say so..."
Eve Siren
Aug 9th, 2002, 06:41:40 AM
Eve sighed, then oticed Satine's scar. He let down the subject of her bandages so she wasn't going to butt into what happened to his face. She didn't feel like having him mad at her, on her last day. The boss called.
"Give me a second, guys ..."
Then she went into the back.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 9th, 2002, 06:54:33 AM
Yawning absently, Gitane tilt her head back and downed the glass of whiskey before she looked at Alpha. A smirk grew over her lips as she lifted her feet to lean them against the edge of the counter.
"So.. What's a boy like you doing in a place like this?"
Aug 9th, 2002, 07:10:02 AM
Satine raises an eyebrow, and then gives Gitane one of his bright smiles.
"Just hanging around. What are you doing here?"
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 9th, 2002, 07:17:03 AM
"Just forgetting."
Gitane took one of the ice cubes into her mouth and sucked it absently, her fingers running along the cloth-covered sleeve of her left arm.
Aug 9th, 2002, 07:41:04 AM
{OOC: dubes? Related in any way to cubes? :lol j/k!}
Satine doesn't say anything to that. What could he say to something like that. Getting the barkeep's attention, Satine gets his klah refilled, and takes a sip of the steaming beverage.
Shin Zero
Aug 9th, 2002, 02:52:53 PM
Shin opened the doors of the bar violently with the palm of his right hand. The child stepped in, his wide brown eyes searching the room slowly. One of the waiters came to him and grabbed him by the shoulder, yanking him backwards towards the entrance.
"Hey ! You shouldn't be here ! You're way too young, little gu--" the man got suddendly interrupted.
Before the man could finish his sentence, Shin turned for a three quarter circle around the man's arm, cracking it upwards from the elbow and slammed a powerful punch into his face, causing the man to stumble and fall back.
"Do I look like I give a damn ?" A childish voice escaped his mouth. "Where's Aurora ?" His voice thundered in the bar.
Digital Kreations
Aug 9th, 2002, 03:01:07 PM
DK leaned back in his leather chair and crossed his legs on the corner of his office. He twirled a silver dagger between his fingers, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He grinned wickedly as he watched Shin take out that waiter from his main computer. Everybody below was working on the cameras and on Shin's body; to make sure he didn't go insane like the last one. He then turned and put on some loud music, mumbling along once in a while.
"I've still got your face, painted on my heart ..." He sang off-key, but he still liked it.
Lily Winters
Aug 9th, 2002, 04:02:41 PM
She was sitting in a far-off corner, smoking a cigarette. The taste was horrible but right now, she needed something to take things off her mind. Eve was bartendering here, but that wasn't the reason why she came.
She came because they served such cheap drinks.
Raven snubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray and then picked up her glass of whiskey. Taking a quick gulp, she slammed it back down on the table and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. That's when some little smart-ass kid decided to come in. Her brown eyes watched with slight boredom as the waiter grabbed the boy by the shirt and dragged him off. Then the boy punched the waiter, knocking him out.
Then he demanded to see Aurora.
According to Lily, there were only a few people who knew Eve by her real name. Most of those were either fellow experiments or employed by DK. She sat up suddenly in her chair, alert. She wouldn't interfere, knowing that Eve could take care of herself. Besides, Raven was created to destroy Aurora in any way possible.
Eve Siren
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:40:10 AM
Eve's eyes widened as she recognized that voice. She dropped the preparations she was asked to do and stood up straight, looking through the door that leaded to the bar. Her boss looked at her weird, but he knew better than to order around a genetically engineered killing machine. She clenched her right fist, before taking off her apron.
"Thanks, it was fun." She muttered to the boss.
She put back her leather gloves and her black trench coat. She locked back two silevr guns on the sides of her thighs and rotated her neck, making bones cracking sounds. She then cracked her fingers. I know I'm looking at death but, it won't be that easy to beat me down.
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 10th, 2002, 09:38:42 AM
Gitane blinked in confusion, spinning around on the counter to face the newcomer. She'd originally met Eve before she'd picked up her present alias, so the name "Aurora" wasn't quite as foreign to her as it ought to be. She studied the room in silence, making sure he wasn't asking for someone else. When no one moved to respond, she narrowed her eyes, taking another, half melted ice cube into her mouth before walking across the room.
"No doubt she'll see you soon. But first, what's your reason for seeing her, child?"
Shin Zero
Aug 10th, 2002, 10:53:43 AM
"Stay out of this ... Gitane." Shin said coldly.
Shin pulled out a wooden chair and sat on it. Hit feet didn't even touch the ground. He looked around once more and pushed back a few strands of spiked white hair, he left Gitane standing there, she wasn't the one he had problems with. But then his gaze fell on the one who looked like Eve. Shin was there during Eve's clone operations, it was easy enough to spot one out. Besides, Eve recently cut her hair ...
"Eve's mine, Lily, so you better back off." He scoffed.
Lily Winters
Aug 10th, 2002, 01:33:53 PM
She growled slightly, locking her eyes on him.
"The name's Raven, kid, so remember that."
She cocked her head to the side, then said, "But you should already know that."
She wouldn't interfere with their little fight, in fact, the only interest in it was to see Eve get killed.
Shin Zero
Aug 11th, 2002, 03:07:11 PM
Shin chuckled, running his hand again through his white hair. He knew Lily/Raven's only obsession was to see Eve, lifeless. In a part of his soul, he was still a kid. He looked down to the floor and kicked his feet lightly up and down. He knew Eve was in the back, it was now just a matter of time.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are .."
Eve Siren
Aug 11th, 2002, 03:13:00 PM
Only peeking out from the door, Eve studied Shin silently for a long moment. She then sent a message to Gitane through the Force, telling her to move aside. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Shin. But it would be too easy to just shoot him down. Instead, she aimed at the edge of his shoulder and shot.
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:11:50 PM
A short figure entered the bar, dressed in the brown robe and wearing heavy, hairy gloves as would a Jawa. He said nothing, nor acknowledged anyone's presence, instead scurrying to a table by the side of the room.
Today, Hobgoblin had come to study fate.
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:07:03 PM
Satine hears the shot, and quickly ignites his sabre, the black blade crackling to life with a hiss, his Jedi training kicking into gear.
Gitane, what is going on?
Shin Zero
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:47:04 AM
"What the hell ?!" Shin's eyes widened as he watched the bullet cut through his shoulder.
He stood from his chair and looked at where it would come from, but no one was there. He looked around, then pushed away some people at a table. He grabbed the table itself and used it as shield.
Eve Siren
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:51:35 AM
Putting on her orange tinted glasses, she came out of her hole and started shooting non-stop at the rolling table. It was obvious that Shin was behind that wooden wall. When she finished her bullets, she dashed up to the table, punched through it with her left hand, and immediately pistol-whipped him with her right gun. She then looked at Alpha and Gitane, throwing them each one of her guns and a pack of bullets.
"Fill them up, now. I'll need them in a bit."
She brought her hand up, and sent Shin out of the bar through the Force.
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:01:58 PM
Satine nods, and puts his sabre away, filling the gun quickly, and pullinng out one of his own SOCOM pistols--slugthrowers that were quite powerful.
"Eve, what is going on?"
Eve Siren
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:06:24 AM
"..." Eve hesitated, but it was too late now.
She turned to Satine with a serious face. "Remember when we chilled at that club, and I told you that it's good that you'd be chilling out there while I'd be gone ? Well ... "
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:31:52 PM
Satine narrows his eyes at his friend. At least he thought of her as his friend.
"Please tell me you're not..."
Lara May Lee
Aug 15th, 2002, 06:33:26 PM
Eve Siren
Aug 16th, 2002, 05:54:52 AM
"Yes." She immediately replied. "Yes, I am, Capashen."
Aug 16th, 2002, 07:25:47 AM
Satine's jaw drops slightly.
But why?
Shin Zero
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:36:53 AM
Shin growled and stood up. He stepped slowly back to the bar, and because of his small form, nobody noticed much of him. But immediately, Eve felt his presence. As she turned around, he dug his fist into her stomach, he then grabbed her neck before she could fall down and threw her outside. He growled again and ran after the flying body.
"That was for shooting me, little bitch."
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 17th, 2002, 11:01:30 AM
(ooc) Tsk. This is what I get for taking a vacation! A bazillion posts!
"Eve, I'm not frelling letting you!"
Gitane whipped the decorative saber from her side, sending the violet blade to life. She raced forward, growling lowly as the glowing blade swung through the air.
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:06:39 PM
As Shin began to run, a growling silver and black blur slams into him, knocking him to the ground. Smacking the butt of his SOCOM into the man's jaw, Satine leers at him.
"Leave Eve alone!" he shouts, his anger beginnign to get ahold of him.
Eve Siren
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:37:06 AM
"Ugh ..."
Eve stood up, a hand holding her stomach. Damn, they made new experiences ever since she left. She groaned as she took some time to stand up on her feet and turn to Gitane and Alpha. She held up her free hand, as if trying to stop them.
"Stay out of this !" She yelled, half-angry. "The reason I left the Empire was to get you people out of this, and you're still butting in !"
Shin Zero
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:35:32 PM
"You little ..." The kid growled.
Several daggers slid down his sleeve, and into his hand, where he held them between his fingers. He groaned as he sat up slowly. The child then made a swift movement of hand, making it seem like a silver blur too, throwing the daggers like lightning. Two were aimed at the man's shoulder, the others aimed at Gitane's thighs. He then stood back up, kicking the hand holding the SOCOM pistol upwards to avoid getting shot, then backflipped, landing on his feet a few feets away.
"Stop ...." He grit his teeth. " ... INTERFERING !"
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:27:57 PM
Satine gasps as the daggers pierce his skin, and he lies on the ground, looking at Shin and Eve.
"Eve, we're interfereing cause we don't want you to die..."
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:00:38 AM
Daggers. Gitane grinned and flipped back, grabbing the first's hilt. However, she missed the second and felt it sink into her shin. The Falleen roared in pain and landed unsteadily on her feet, leaning her side against the bar counter.
"Eve, I've been dead. Trust me, it's not better than living in this Hell of a universe."
She gripped her saber and let the blade again slip into the air with a low hum. Her pale eyes stared at the child and she growled lowly, yanking the dagger from her shin and hurling one of them back at him, towards his lower abdomen. Gitane stumbled slightly, then took off at him, her saber slashing eagerly towards him.
Shin Zero
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:47:19 AM
Having one of his own dagger turned back at him surprised him, he unsheathed his sabre to protect himself from Gitane's violet sabre, but forgot about the silver dagger, that pierce through his left arm. He groaned, pulling it out and throwing it to the ground, before blocking a powerful blow from the Falleen. He pushed her back after a moment of sabre struggling.
He turned his sabre to the side where it can't cut, then turned it with his right hand into a forward circular. Stepping foward besides her, he hit the back of Gitane's neck with the side of the sabre that didn't cut, attempting to break a part of her spine.
"So, Eve, you became so weak, you need other people fight your battles for you ?!" He yelled.
Eve Siren
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:51:26 AM
"Stay out of this !" Eve yelled.
Her eyes widened of anger as Shin harmed Gitane and Satine. She clenched her fists and growled, charging forward at Shin. Coming up on his back, she wrapped her right arm around him and dug her hand into his wounded left arm. She then slammed her knee into his back, before throwing him upwards.
Shin Zero
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:57:41 AM
Shin grit his teeth because of the pain, letting out a scream when Eve dug her fingers through his wound on the left arm. Being thrown in the air, he pulled out a black cord. It was long, but barely visible. He backflipped, crossed the cord around Eve's neck as he landed behind her, pulling her back suddendly.
"Annoying dumb-ass ..." He growled as he also kicked his knee into her back.
He pulled her to the ground, then started to run forward into a big tree forest, pulling her by the neck with the cord.
Eve Siren
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:02:16 AM
Eve's eyes widened again, as a cord was tied tightly around her neck. She let out slight gasps of pain as he hit her, then held her fingers on the cord. He pulled so fast, her fingers trying to pull the opposite way, that the cord cut a few gashes on her fingers, making them bleed violently. She coughed, trying to breathe, as if her lungs were being crushed.
"Ugh .." Her back got violently scratched as Shin ran, since she was being pulled.
Shin Zero
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:16:35 AM
"Shut up !" He screamed as he heard her groan.
He then stopped when he looked back and saw that nobody ran after them. Shin pulled the cord upwards, making Eve sit up slightly suddendly. He looked down on her, with cold pale eyes. He grit his teeth as he spoke to her like she was dirt.
"Don't you understand, Aurora ? You are looking up to see me, while I look down to see you ...That's our position right now." He laughed evily.
He pulled out his sabre again, and dug it deep into her stomach once then took a slight pause, watching her suffer. He stabbed her again in the stomach and again and again and again until his hands and clothes were stained entirely by her blood, and her eyes became lifeless. He then tied the cord more tightly around her neck, looked up at the highest tree and tied the other end on a high branch, as if trying to hang her. He then looked up to her corpse, watching her blood flow down her body like a sucky waterfall.
Eve Siren
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:22:19 AM
Eve's eyes slowly became more white every time Shin stabbed her. After hanging her, tears rolled down the sides of her dirty cheeks. Why couldn't she move anymore ? Was this the end ? Everything darkened so fast. It was the end. The end of Aurora. The end of Eve. The end of her life. Finally, her eyelids closed forever, never again will they see the light of the day. Images of Vega and Gitane filled her mind, Syren, Angua, Raven and Phoebe, Satine, Sierra, Rama, Dyne ... Dyne.
Finally it all stopped.
It's over.
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:31:50 AM
The scent of blood hit the air sharply - and it was a smell he recognised, sadly, all too well. He was too late.
Through the forest a shadow moved, swift and thundering in its steps as it sliced through the branches with a humming yellow blade. It arced upwards through the trees, leaping to land on a branch as it bound from bough to bough, drawing nearer to the withering oak that Eve's lifeless body hung from. The streak of white hair that he identified as the killer was in his sights now, and he descended from the canopy onto the forest floor with a loud thud, eyes trained on the bastard.
The Force warped and caved inwards around Shin, tearing him into the air as he was lashed upwards, his body flicking like a ragdoll. The Lupine Dark Jedi's chest heaved as he moved forward in paces, eyes following the murderer in his fall to earth. Vega's eyes were alight with white hatred, fire burning in the slit-pupils.
The sky above cracked and groaned as lightning swelled in the inky black, snaking its way down onto a risen fist. Vega clenched each clawed finger against his flesh tightly, drawing blood from his own skin as a manic look infested his eyes. The forces of nature reigned down upon him and at his whim, weaved and coiled around his pores in a shrieking pillar of lightning. In a flash of white and violet, it heaved upwards and shot in a cutting elipse straight into the now fallen shell of Shin.
The electricity swept through his form in a wave of dark force energy, shattering his bones and causing his blood cells to explode in a flurry of crimson, spilling out onto the floor around the charred black that was forming from the man's body. Within a matter of seconds, ear piercing screams rang from the lips of Shin as Vega stepped over him, palm pushing down against his forehead. The voltage being applied to the boys head sent his brain into instant arrest.
[OOC: will add more later]
Gitane Van Derveld
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:44:27 AM
The blow from Shin had left her stunned for a few minutes, long enough for the two to go racing from the bar. Her stomach lurched as she saw the corpse dangling from a tree.
"No... nonononono... NO!"
She took off towards Shin, the second dagger he'd thrown held poised in her hand. She tackled the boy to the ground, fierce tears in her eyes as she dug the knife into his shoulder. She then ripped the chain belt from her waist, standing and striking the cold metal down on him.
Aug 19th, 2002, 09:17:05 AM
satine sees Eve die, and he screams, looking hatefully at Shin. Flames form around him, and he sends one into the boy's left arm, charring flesh and bone.
"EVE!!!" Satine cries, echoing Gitane from a moment before, and then he kneels before the body of his fallen friend, tears falling from his silver eyes...
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:13:29 AM
[OOC: ... uh, so much for the whole lightning and Vega being stood over Shin then huh? :|]
Vega stood watching as Gitane pummelled the now steaming body of Shin. He rose one hand, looked away, and twisted his ball fist - instantly stopping the killers heart as it was torn from its cradle in his chest and forced out through his chest. Blood swelled out in a fountain from the fresh wound, seeping over the heart as it slid down onto the mud.
Turning, he looked to Alpha, who stood by Eve, and shook his head. He approached the corpse of his blood sister and shoved the Jedi aside. Seraphim shrunk back into its hilt and Vega knelt by Eve, lifting her into his arms. A quick glance back to Shin and he shook his head.
Lily Winters
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:58:33 PM
Raven had followed Eve and Shin, almost "tagging" along after Gitane and Alpha. She had watched with dull eyes as Eve died, then looked down at Shin's body. His breathing was ceasing - the boy was dying.
She reached up and ran her fingers through her hair, then dropped her hand to the side. She felt nothing - no sadness, no pity, no anger. She was an empty shell.
She was Raven.
The clone crossed her arms and then glanced at the others. Gitane, saddened by the death of her friend. Vega, enraged in both heart and soul. Satine, depressed yet infuriated. Did Eve really mean that much to them ? She shouldn't have cared, but she did. She was created to kill the Sith Knight, to make sure her life was ended .. So shouldn't she be reveling in the fact of the original's death ?
For the first time in her life, a tear trickled down her cheek.
"Goodbye, Eve," she murmured, then strode off to leave. She would change her name, erasing DK's existence from her life, and start anew.
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