View Full Version : A wounded friend. (Open, and Zeke)

Aug 8th, 2002, 08:17:02 AM
Satine runs into the med bay, carrying Zeke with him. Putting him down on one of the beds. A med droid, and a human tech runs up to the Knight.

"Satine, what happened?" the human--whose name was Silvinia--asked.

"Zeke here got in a fight with some kind of lizard. I'm fairly sure he was poisoned."

"got it. Well start working on healing him right away," came Silvinia's reply....

Mutant Cockroach
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:17:32 AM
I stretched out comfortably in Zeke's cardboard box. I was enjoying the high life here with him. At first I hadn't liked him, but as I spent more time with him, I realized that Zeke was one cool guy. Not to mention the only one that seemed to care about me.

"Hey, Zeke, you up yet?"

I looked around and saw that he was nowhere in sight.


Well, the kid had probably gotten up to go training or go fight some more bad guys. I bumbled out out of the box and blinked my eyes sleepily, ignoring the harsh light that represented it was day. I was a nocturnal creature, but there were exceptions. I crawled out from under the door and began to walk down towards the B&G in hopes I could steal some crumbs from an unsuspecting patron. I was passing the Med Bay when I heard frantic voices. Concern washed over me as my antenna's were instantly alert, checking out the sound waves and such.

I crawled under the door to see a silver-haired male standing over someone. I inched closer to get a better look.

It was Zeke!

I spread my wings and quickly flew up onto Zeke's chest and began to pound it.

"Zeke, buddy, wake up! Don't leave me here all alone! DON'T DIE!!!"

Aug 8th, 2002, 12:08:11 PM
"Hey, little one." Satine says, gently taping on the cockroaches back, just enough to get his attention and not knock him down.

"Zeke is injured, but I don't think he's about to die."

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 8th, 2002, 04:42:27 PM
Maia was walking the halls when she heard the commotion in the med-bay. She walked over to see what was going on and spotted her Padawan stretched out on a bed. Rushing over to him she dropped down beside him. "What happened? Zeke can you hear me." She asked frantically. She placed her hand on his forehead...

Aug 8th, 2002, 05:05:26 PM
"Maia, Zeke's been attacked by a lizard-man named Odin Murk. I think Zeke got a bit of the poision. But don't worry, Silvinia will patch him up."

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 8th, 2002, 05:54:13 PM
Maia nodded a look of worry etched her usually smiling face. She stayed bent down by Zeke her hand still rested on his brow. He was by far more to her than her first Padawan he was also a friend. "Thank you Alpha." She said softly...

Aug 8th, 2002, 06:52:52 PM
"Don't mention it. Least I could do for a friend."

Dios Kane
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:59:51 PM
:: Dios entered the med bay, he needed some more bacta treatments. He had been very afraid for the last few days. Almost terrified because the scar on the side of his face wouldn't go away, it would heal very slowly then seem to get worse at times. He entered only to find several people in the room and smudges of stepped on blood on the floor. He looked over the shoulders to see Zeke being examined by the med droid and being prepared for a bacta bath. This was not good.::
What in the... Who did this to Zeke?

Mutant Cockroach
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:34:59 PM
"Some lizard man who's gonna regret what he did!"

Already my mind began to devise little plans to ruin his life. Such as finding eggsacks littered all over his quarters, and when he bent down to pick them up, millions of baby roaches would hatch out and swarm over his scales, crawling underneath into his skin and eating away at his tissue, and crawl back out of his eyeballs.

Okay, so I watch too many sci-fi movies. But it was a pleasant thought after what he did to Zeke.

"Thanks for helping my buddy out, Alpha."

Thanks to Maia, I knew his name know.

But I continued to beat on Zeke's chest.

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:55:35 PM
A new jedi walked up to them. She didn't understand a word that any of them said but ignored the fact. She had gotten used to it. She saw the man that was hurt and walked over to him.
She put her finger down next to the cockroach that was on the mans chest and let it climb onto her hand. She gently pet it for a moment then placed her free hand on Zeke.
The dark elfs hand started to glow a soft blue light and Zekes wounds slowly started to heal. It was one of her speacialties, healing others. One of the reasons she had been exiled from her people.
Once Zeke's wounds were healed, Pheonix started to pet the small bug on her hand. She kept her eyes on the jedi at all times, waiting for him to wake up.

Aug 9th, 2002, 12:18:05 AM
Zeke shifted as the healing took place. Though his physical injuries were healed, he had not regained conciousness. He shifted and rolled half on his side. Silvinia watched him from her position next to his bed.

"Thank you," she said. "I appreciate your help, but I doubt if he'll wake for a while yet. He appears to be dreaming."

Zeke's brow furrowed and he shifted back onto his back, clutching the sheets of the bed.

"A nightmare, it would seem..." she added.

Aug 9th, 2002, 07:21:18 AM
Satine nods in thanks to Pheonix, and then looks back at Zeke.

"He should pull through. He's tuff."

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 9th, 2002, 07:53:03 AM
Lion ran around a corner, not really watching where he was going...then again, he never did...as he ran past the medical center, he noticed several people through the windows staring at a figure on a bed.

"Hm, I'd hate to know that poor sucker..." Lion said as he continued running...and then noticed that Alpha, Maia, and Dios were standing around...a MUTANT COCKROACH?!?!?!

"Hang on, Zeke, I'm comin' buddy!" Lion yelled, as he ran into the medical ward, charging into Zeke's room and almost knocking over Maia and Dios, who were standing with a jedi that he had never met before skidding to a stop in a pile of flashy-white stuff...

"Oops, that must've been expensive...erm, what happened to Zeke?"

Aug 9th, 2002, 09:08:46 AM
"He was attacked by a lizard-man named Odin." Satine says, for the sixth ro so time today.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:11:22 AM
Wei Wu Wei leaned in the door.

"So I heard. I see he's resting. That's good. He'll be just fine."

Wei walked over to where Zeke was and said, "Well, Zeke it appears to me that you got at least one of your secrets to happiness right here and now. all your friends and even a stranger have come to check on you."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:23:34 AM
Pheonix nods to them, not understanding what they are saying because of not being able to speek their language. She steped a little away from the group but not to far because of the cockroach. He seemed to be worried about this human. Pheonix just watched the group, waiting for the man on the bed to wake.

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 10th, 2002, 02:56:45 AM
Maia slipped her hand into Dios's. Worry for her young Padawan etched her face. She should have been there to protect him. Sighing softly she rubbed Zeke's forehead it was cooler to her touch now. Looking toward the one that had healed him she smiled and nodded her thanks.

Maia gasped softly as Lion ran into her. She smiled softly at him. His worry all to apparent. "He will be ok Lion." She pulled both him and Dios down beside her. If She was going to worry than so were they. She wondered how Zeke was going to feel with three worried faces staring straight into his though...

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:37:37 AM
Wei shifted a little. "If we are all going to be camping out in the med-bay with Zeke, then we should be prepared. I realize that no one might be feeilng hungry right now, but I know Zeke will more than likely want food when he wakes up. I'm going to get some sandwiches. Be back soon."

Wei turned and headed out the med-bay to get the sandwiches. He returned later with a large bag and a large contianer of water.

"There is enough for everyone, so help yourselves. Save some for Zeke, though."

Ciara Myst
Aug 10th, 2002, 08:50:19 AM
Unexplainable to Ciara, an ill feeling comes to her stomach. There were other times when this feeling came to her; she knew that someone she would think of as a friend, perhaps a little more than a friend, was hurt or in some sort of trouble.

Her brows knit as she weaves her way through the various halls and corridors of this huge compound that Zeke had mentioned as belonging to the Jedi. Ciara still wasn't sure just what a Jedi was, but if they were what the people here were ... then she found Jedi to be rather pleasant to be among.

As she makes her ways through the halls, she does her best to remember where she is; the place is so big she was surprised she hasn't ended up missing for a few days now with a search party out to find her; due to her simply getting lost.

A slender hand comes to rest on the door's frame of the area Zeke is laying in. From her vantage point, she could see his eyes were closed and that there were a few medics working on him. There were others gathered around closer to him; his closest friends is what she assumes.

Feeling a bit out of place, she moves from the door and steps before one of the windows. Its from there that she remains quietly; her own silent vigil as she sends her thoughts and prayers to him.

He's the first person has met since leaving Mhaar. Zeke's been kind, humorous and has brightened her life with his smile. He doesn't know that he has done this for her; or maybe he does somehow.

Aug 10th, 2002, 09:05:28 AM
Zeke's eyebrow twitched, and he shifted on the bed again. It was a horrific nightmare...

::Zeke stood amidst a forest of flames, alone, but for one dark prescence.

"Odin Murk! Show yourself!"

A shadow moved quickly behind him; he turned to face it, but it was gone.

"Stop there, demon! You're no vamp, but I'll kill you anyway!"

Dios appeared, wielding his saber Drinking Angel. There was the soft thud of footsteps, and Maia was there with him. Zeke looked on in horror as Satine and Wei appeared behind Odin, and Lion approached from the side with the Mutant Cockroach upon his shoulder.

"Guys! Back off! BACK OFF BEFORE HE--"

Odin sprang, sweeping Maia and Dios. Turning he hit Lion and the Cockroach with his spit, then lunged at Satine and Wei, flinging them into Dios and Maia. With a casual air he threw Lion atop the pile.

"By the gods..."

Odin turned to see Ciara, shocked and afraid beyond all comprehension. His lips curled into a foul and twisted smile, and he tackled her to the floor.


Zeke attacked with his both his sabers, an attack which should have torn Odin limb from limb. The blades passed through his body with no damage. Odin tossed Ciara in the pile and smiled evilly...then he began to eat. Halfway through his meal, he stopped and smiled at Zeke.

"You too sshall be my meal, morssseell..."::

Zeke sprang awake, sitting up suddenly in the bed.

"NO! God no..."

Sivinia, alarmed at Zeke's sudden movement, grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Zeke, calm down!" she urged him.

Zeke struggled against her, forcing her to push him down onto the bed.

"N-no! He...he ate them...he ate them alive..."

Zeke continued to struggle, not yet aware of where he was or those around him.

"Help me!" Silvinia cried.

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 10th, 2002, 12:40:29 PM
A soft song goes through the minds of those in the room. It is focused on Zeke. Sang in the flowing words of the elves, it works its way around him, calming him down. She steps over to him and passes her right hand across his face and chest then takes his hand, opening a mental link between them that would be broken once physical contact was broken.

*Calm down, milord. You are in the house of the jedi.*

The song keeps going so that Zeke would calm down.

Ciara Myst
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:46:54 PM
Ciara could see and feel that Zeke was in some sort of trouble. To what extent, she didn't know. Unable to stand by outside of the medbay and just watch, she enters the room quietly. She doesn't mean to appear rude as she doesn't look to the others while approaching Zeke's bedside and once she is up beside Phoenix, she leans over and begins a soft song in her native language into his ear.

What might be shocking to those around her, her voice as sweet as an Angel's from Iago; operetic to a point.

"Elen sila lumenn omentilmo,
Nae saian luume', Mae govannen.
Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'
Quel esta
Quel kaima
Tenna' ento lye omenta."

"Lle naa belegohtar, Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa
Lle tyava quel? Dina, Khila amin Kwara sina ten'amin.
Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor, Amin mela lle."

"Amin harmuva onalle e' cormamin, Cuamin linduva yassen megrille. I'narr en gothrim glinuva nuin I'anor, Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor."

"Creoso, mellonamin, Poikaer; Astalde. Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar. Vara tel' Seldarine, Ama poldora, Aman tel' Seldarine, Elea i'dolen."

"Amin mela lle."

Ciara whispers words unheard by the others into Zeke's ear, her eyes closed as she seems to be tapping into an unknown strength or some part of the force that even she herself is unaware of doing.

Aug 10th, 2002, 10:40:41 PM
Zeke's struggling slowed, and he paused and looked about with a blank expression. Satine, Dios, Maia, Lion, Wei, the Cockroach, Ciara...all were alive. His face relaxed into a relieved smile.

"Good...as it should be..."

He fell back onto the bed and sighed in relief.

"God...what a nightmare..."

Mutant Cockroach
Aug 10th, 2002, 10:50:03 PM
After I finally stopped pounding on Zeke's chest, I buried my head into his shirt crying pitifully. I knew I shouldn't have been too attatched to somebody! I didn't realize that perspiration began to form in tiny beads at his forehead, matting his hair. All I could think about was my only friend ... dead.

Suddenly I flew into the air, smashing into the wall. Pain shot through my entire body as I fell with a plop to the floor. Zeke was having some sort of seizure and then shot up in bed. He had to be restrained by one of the nurses and he kept rambling on about everyone being devoured. Ciara and Phoenix began to sing as they tried to soothe him, and apparantly it worked. Zeke regained his senses and laid down, calming down.

I lifted up one of my legs in a feeble attempt to walk, but found that it was sprained. Also, one of my wings was broken. I groaned a little bit in pain and began to try and push my forward with my back legs - which only resulted in me going in a half, lopsided circle. I sighed and gave up. I couldn't walk or fly - all in all, I was almost like a cripple.

"Somebody help me up to Zeke!"

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 11th, 2002, 01:12:47 AM
OOC: ???? am I missing something? I thought I was holding the cockroach and that Zeke was calmed down.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:22:10 AM
Wei looked at Zeke, who was now sitting up and well aware of where he was.

"Hey, it's good to see you are ok. Nightmares, huh? After what just happened to you, I don;t doubt it. You been out for a while. Are you hungry, or thirsty? I got water and sandwitches here if you want any."

Ciara Myst
Aug 12th, 2002, 01:39:56 PM
In the event that the lil bug still needs help to get to Zeke, Ciara had seen the direction he took off to and now remained. With Zeke awake and his friends gathered around, Ciara slips away unnoticed and walks over to the mutant cockroach. Still a bit unsure of the bug, she offers her upturned palm for the bug to hop into, to carry over to Zeke.

Aug 12th, 2002, 06:57:37 PM
Satine smiles, and then, after making sure Zeke was ok, he turns around and heads out.

"I must run Zeke. I have a meeting with some people from Kirin Taq in a few minutes. Take care, and get some rest, my friend." he says.

Aug 12th, 2002, 07:06:32 PM
Zeke's head turned slightly to look at Satine, then turns slowly back to look at the ceiling. The nightmare was still fresh in his mind, and his entire being was focused upon it. Odin had killed all his friends in that dream...but surely he couldn't do it in real life. Could he?

Aug 12th, 2002, 07:41:48 PM
Satine can pick up the gist of what Zeke was thinking, and sends a Force message to his friend while he walks out.

No, he couldn't Zeke. not with me and the rest of the Warriors here.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:16:39 PM
Wei sighed. "Hey, Zeke. Are you still asleep? Your eyes are open but you don;t respond like you're awake. Are you ok in there?"

Wei looked up at the cieling to see if something was up there. Finding nothing, he turned to his bag of sandwitches, pulled one out and set it in Zeke's stomach.

"If you get hungry, eat this. It'll do you good.