View Full Version : Just a little sparring...(Dios)

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:05:48 AM
Terran wore his new robes out to the courtyard of the Academy. He took with him a staff, a wooden sword, and a lightsaber. He and Dios, his roomate, had agreed on this day for some sparring. It was definitely needed, especially from Terran's end. He hadn't fought for quite awhile. Well, he had been in his share of gunfights the past couple years. But melee...hand to hand combat...sabers! It had been awhile.

"Ok Dios, where are you..." he said impatiently as he waited for his friend. He stretched out a bit and prepared his mind for some good combat. Dios would be a worthy opponent--he could tell that.

Hope he's not drunk, thought Terran as he waited for his roomate...

Dios Kane
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:28:33 AM
:: Dios showed up fashionably late. He hadn't meant to but he had been tired of late. A bit ago he had told his new roomate that he'd be willing to spar. Imbetween that time, Dios had run across a series of events that had done many things to him. He entered, drawing the cowl of his hood off and smiling as he entered. The healing scar down the side of his face would be gone soon but it was a sign of how tired he really was.::
How are you doin today Terran? Ready to have your face delivered to you by my saber?
:: Dios ignited his saber, "drinking angel" and waited for Terran to begin.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:39:13 AM
Terran looked at the beat up Dios. He had been roughed up--must have been out a lot lately. He had been coming into the room completely exhausted on a couple of occaisons.

"I'm good, Dios. Everything ok with you?" He threw off his tunic and tabard and pulled out his own saber. He ignited the ice blue blade and prepared himself for an attack.

Dios Kane
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:55:21 PM
:: Dios flew at Terran then used the force to adjust his movement as he approached. He was on Terran's left side by the time Terran had raised his saber. Dios barely touched Terran's shoulder with his hand before he turned and slashed.::
Be prepared to defend yourself in a blink of movement.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:43:20 PM
Terran blocked the slash and kept the saber's locked. It felt good to hold a lightsaber again. It was light in his hand and felt like an extension of his own limb.

He spun the lock to the right and took two steps back, realigning himself. He lunged forward, thrusting his saber towards his roomate at his left arm.

Dios Kane
Aug 10th, 2002, 09:18:08 PM
:: Dios blocked the attack simply before bringing his saber around in a spin and gaining momentum for his next two attacks a slash low and a high on on the other side. He kicked out between the two before letting back. He wanted to test Terran and see how good he was to start off.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:52:04 PM
Dios was good, and Terran could easily see that. But he himself was quite the acrobat as well. As Dios came downward with the attacks, Terran threw his weight left and thrust a hand into the ground. He cartwheeled--one-handed--left, dodging the first attack and bringing his saber in front of him to parry the second. "Whew," he thought. It was truly a showy manuver--he wanted to show Dios that he could fight well. As he came back to his feet, Dios had spun around to face him.

"Nice attack," he complimented, readying his stance. He held the out away from his body, poised for a quick attack. With his other hand, he let it hang for balance. He waited for Dios's next move.

Dios Kane
Aug 15th, 2002, 06:07:00 PM
:: Dios lunged but feignted and kicked dirt up into Terran's eyes, he punched his stomach before flipping around and slashing. Dios didn't fight dirty, he just fought sith before and fighting like one of them was the real way to learn how to fight.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:29:55 PM
Terran barely blocked the slash. He stepped back, making sure to keep his guard up. He brushed the sand from his eyes.

"Dirty...but I get it." He smiled, lunging out for the first time with the Force in thei match. He reached violently, jerking out Dios' legs from under him. As Dios hit the ground, Terran leaped into the air, tucking into a flip. Coming down, saber targeted to stab right into Dios' chest.

Dios Kane
Aug 16th, 2002, 07:18:35 PM
:: Dios was still getting up when he flicked his wrist into the air and watched as Terran landed a few feet away.::
I can push people around without touching them too ya know? I'm just a little meaner about it.
:: Dios threw another force push at Terran making him skid away, Dios motion ed for Terran to continue as he waited for him to get back up. Dios breathed a little harder though, he was only a padawan and force usage drained him just as bad.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:41:52 PM
Terran executed a kip up manuver to rise to his feet. He had felt his endurance wain just a bit--he hadn't fought for awhile. But there was always a wall that if one could break through, he could gather all the energy needed to finish the fight.

Terran noticed Dios breathing hard--the Force usage must have gotten to him. Seeing this as a good oppurtunity, he thought to make a strong attack. Terran had become an elementalist--a weilder of the natural Force and it's elements. He had been training hard with Master Dawnstrider, and he thought now as good of time as any to test some of his abilities.

He reached out with the Force to feel the wind around him. Dios' hair began to rustle, as the wind picked up. Terran closed his eyes and let it flow through him. The wind picked up more and more, untill Dios found it hard to stand. Finally, Terran let a gust blow strongly, blowing Dios' back into a tree. The force of the wind was so strong, the tree broke as Dios' body crunched into it.

"Dios! I am so sorry!" Terran ran to his roomate--he hadn't intended the strike to be so powerful. Everyone in the courtyard looked at him--he felt so stupid. He was gasping for breath, the drain of the Force taking a strong hold of him. He had let his power get ahead of him. Idiot!, he thought. "Are you ok? I did not mean it...I shouldn't have used it...I'm sorry."

Dios Kane
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:47:25 PM
:: Dios stood up and brushed himself off. He stood next to Terran and twisted his torso a bit and heard it pop. He grimaced but kept his smile.::
I'm fine, don't worry... I'll feel it tomorrow though. But you, should learn to control that a bit mroe when playing with friends.
:: Dios was not tired anymore, that had been like an alarm clock, he'd been thrown around many times. Dios quickly snapped his arm to Terran's throat. His hand was firmly around Terran's neck and he lifted him up to Dios' 6'3" eye level.::
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, then it's just fun... right Terran?
:: Dios knew his roomate couldn't speak so he dropped him. He smiled and held up his hand.::
Want to go another round?

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:15:30 AM
"I don't think it is wise to go again, my friend. I have already endangered the life of a friend, and, it is obvious that you weren't gracious for the attack." He rubbed his throat--it stung and was red with pain. "Maybe it is time for me to get back to training so that I shouldn't repeat the behavior exhibited just now. I fear that I am using this strength too soon, and I cannot come to trust myself with it." He said this with true care for Dios. He believed in himself--no doubt. But he did not trust his current state. Too wild still with the Force.

Dios Kane
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:15:51 AM
:: Dios shook his head and smiled.::
Hey, we learn from mistakes, and I don't think I can let you go until I figure out a way to get around that attack of yours, sure it hurt but that's half the game right?

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:50:33 PM
"Well...if you feel ok with it..." Terran spoke nervously, but he wanted to let Dios know that he really enjoyed working with him. It was a pleasure and an honor. He would learn to better control himself.

He reignited his saber, the blue blade humming as the light came to life. "Ok then...you want another shot? Come and get it," he said playfully to Dios, hoping to rouse back the fighting spirit he had lost when he lost control.

Dios Kane
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:43:17 PM
:: Dios laughed and drew his saber back out, the orange beam extended and he didn't wait this time. He charged and stuck out his hand. The force blow came right as Dios slashed. He wanted Terran to try that trick he had done before, Dios thought he knew how to get around it now.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:27:30 PM
ooc: Dios, I will give you the attack again if you have an idea to block it--promise. Not yet though.


Terran was pushed back slightly by Dios' strike, but he held his ground. He blocked the slash and countered at his right shoulder, which was blocked by him. He then came to the other shoulder, spinning around, his back to Dios. Dios blocked again, but with his back towards him, Terran powerfully kicked him in the torso, sending him stubling a bit backwards.

His next move was simple--a backwards butterfly, bringing down his saber at Dios' head. The saber came down quickly...

Dios Kane
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:38:20 AM
ooc: sure, I've got a way to stop it now that I think about it, just leave it open
:: Dios stumbled to the kick then brought his saber up to defend the strike coming down. It grazed his arm as it came up and grabbed Terran, he tossed Terran behind him then as he came down, Dios used the force to slow his falling. Dios quickly turned and kicked Terran, using the force again to balance his roomate to standing up where Dios came in low, then high, then stabbed straight for Terran's gut. If any of these hit him, the stun effect would cripple him.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:49:41 PM
Luckily for Terran, the strikes were blocked--barely. In the process, he stumbled backwards greatly, losing his balance.

"Dios..." he breathed hard. "Quite the combination!" He took in more breaths, realizing how close he was to getting a saber in the gut.

Nonetheless, he turned to fight again. His back sore from the grounding he had taken, he let himself rest for a moment. Then, without warning, he struck out at Dios. He pushed him into the air. While Dios flew, he speed up and jumped towards him. Grabbing him in the air, he threw him to the ground--a powerful shove. As Dios hurtled down from about 20 feet, Terran was right above him with his saber poised for a stab.

Dios Kane
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:57:20 PM
:: Dios touches his wrist and ignites the antigrav, he floats backwards and then glides to a standing position as he faced the now landing Terran.::
Try me.
:: Dios hovered above the ground, before he had forgotten Crono's little gift. He now walked on air.::

Aug 24th, 2002, 01:40:18 AM
Hidden in the shadows, a small bundle moved. He had been watching the progress, studying their movements, probing their minds, examining how it all went together.

He had little sabre training himself. His awkward form would have been little use in a fight, even if he had more extensive training. Instead, his training was focused on the mind. The one called Terren, and his sparring partner Dios seemed to have a genuine comradarie between them. Even when performing seemingly dangerous stunts, abusing the others' body to an extent that only a jedi could withstand, concern for the other's well being overshadowed even the desire for victory in their minds.

There were some times when he wished there was another of his kind here, one he could bond with. But, for the time, he was content being isolated, distant from the other young learners.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:22:16 PM
Terran's saber came down on the now--hovering?--Dios. He blocked it gracefully and Terran landed softly.

"Nice toy Dios--" a tremor in the Force. He felt something. There was life everywhere here--the Force was awesome and abundant here. But he felt the presence of someone focusing in on him. Intriguing...not disturbing. Anywhere else, he would be scared to have the aura of another probing his own. Not worried about the intentions of others here, he settled himself down. The one watching would have surely felt his intrigue. He reached into the Force, searching for the other's mind.

Greetings...we have not met. Show yourself if you wish--but do not feel threatened. Were are all friends here. he spoke softly into the other's mind.

He looked back at Dios. He smiled. He knew Dios had felt it too. He was very attune to signatures, like Terran. They made a good team.

"Well, new toy or not, you aren't getting away that easy!" He shouted playfully, sprinting towards Dios. He faked a slash left and then spun his body into a roundhouse kick upward at Dios' leg...

Dios Kane
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:07:20 PM
:: Dios smiled at the presence of a new presence. The more the marrier he thought, as Terran came at him he flipped upside down and fought Terran inverted. Where as Terran had come in iwth an attack to his leg, he met Dios' saber. Dios flipped over Terran easily, not wanting the blood to rush to his head. He slightly pushed Terran away and waited for his roomate to reorient himself. He sligtly turned to the newcomer.::
Hey! Come down here! We're all pals in the GJO right?

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 26th, 2002, 07:33:39 PM
"Yeah--feel free to come down here," he said as he adjusted his balance. He was back on his feet. He looked back at Dios--he had that look in his eye. Even though he invited the other down, he wasn't done working on Terran. As Dios turned back to the other, Terran got a shot in with a good boot to the gut that sent Dios backwards. While he was stumbling, Terran rolled into an uppercut with his saber raised at Dios' torso.

Dios Kane
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:00:02 PM
:: Dios landed and pushed himself upwards, legs aimed to the sky, he came up and came down with a boot on Terran's arm, the force of the uppercut stopped suddenly. Dios spun on one leg and kicked him in the shoulder and faced Terran once more. Unfortuanately for Dios, somewhere in the middle of that, Terran's saber had got him in the leg, it had gone numb and now Dios was forced to limp. He raised his saber and stabbed at Terran on his other leg.::

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:44:37 AM
He blocked the stab, and could see that Dios was limping. He must've hit him in the leg. Well, he thought, you still got it in ya, T.

"Do you need a break, Dios?" He asked him thoughtfully, not wanting to hurt his friend. Sparring was good, but it was dangerous. He did not wish injury on any of the Jedi here--espically his roomate. He thought about the other watching them.

Dios Kane
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:15:41 PM
:: Dios faked a grimace, his leg was healing already but Terran didn't know that and that would be something he would have to learn. Dios lunged and ducked, slide kicking Terran. He caught Terran on the way down and stood him back up, he smiled as he brushed the dirt off of Terran's shoulders.::
Do you need a break Terran?

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:46:48 PM
"Yeah, give me a second. I am parched." He walked over to his water bottle and motioned for Dios to follow him. "That was cheap, but I get the picture." As the two engaged in idle conversation, Terran came into Dios' mind.

Who is the other? Why is he here? Why watch us? I guess I just want to know.

Dios Kane
Aug 30th, 2002, 04:52:23 PM
:: Dios smiled at the comment, cheap was right, but did a sith care? no. And then Terran mentioned the other privately...
(no clue buddy, why don't we quit beating each other up and find out?)
Dios turned to the other person there and approached him.::
So, how's it goin?

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:27:38 PM
Sounds good, he replied to Dios' silent communication. He stood by his friend and roomate and waited for a reply from the hiding creature. Only warmth and friendship waited for him.