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The Black Rider
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:21:31 PM
The sounds of a screaming horse echoed through the courtyard as heavy hoofs clopped through it. The beast was not natural--it's dark coat matted and torn, beaten and bloody. But the most disturbing thing about it was it's vocalization. The nieghing of the horse was a high pitched scream, able to send shivers up the spine of even the greates Sith warrior. It was a death scream, and it seemed that the beast uttered it with every dying breath.

The Rider sat atop the mount, truly a hardened figure. It's large frame was robed in black, tattered wool. The robes swept with the wind, whipping and struggling to get free. Metal gauntlets grasped the rugged reigns of the horse. Death, a stench, followed The Rider and lingered in its wake like a cloud. Every thing the mount touch wilted and crumbled as if The Rider itself was sucking the life out of the environment.

Truly, the most startling aspect of this strange being was it's gaze, for it had none. The hood shrouded its head and darkened any hope of facial features. One could easily feel the gaze of The Black Rider; but to see it was impossible. The darkness merely sunk deeper into the hood as all hope of light was lost in it's depths.

But, as hopeless as it would seem, there was life in the being. This was shown by the icy breath billowing out from within the hood. The breath was frozen by the night's chill, and it came in long, exasperated gasps. The Rider looked around at all of the beings passing through the palace entry. It spurred it's horse once again, and rode up into the gates. Coming to a stop, it settled in front of the entrance.

"I seek a being of great wisdom," it hissed in a loud, raspy whisper. Each word was forced out and sounded as if it would be the being's last.

Lady Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:18:50 PM
*LV had felt the drakness enter the courtyard even before the neighing scream from the horse. The animals cry was enough to make her Corellian sand panther, Iesis, stand, hairs errect on her back, growling with a ferosity she had not seen in the animal in a long time.*

*Curiousity got the better of her as she made her way to the grand entrance to the Palace, exiting the large metal doors and stopping at the top of the stairs leading into the Palace. The doors behind her loomed shut, a long echoing thud sounding. Iesis had come with her and stood beside her, ears laid back and low rumbles emitting from her throat, though she bared no teeth.*

*The wind died the minute LV had stepped into the courtyard, looking down at their newly arrived guest, her cloak warpped about her, pooling at her feet.*

*She eyed the being for a moment before speaking.*

I do not consider myself a being of great wisdom, though some would say otherwise. However, being one of the leaders here at the Sith Order, I have come at the behest of your request.

What have you come for, stranger?

The Black Rider
Aug 8th, 2002, 05:13:46 PM
"I have come for answers," The Rider squeezed the words out of ancient vocal cords. It was threatening in appearance and it's aura created fear in many; but it did not threaten attack. It dismounted from the beast, patting the horse's muscular thigh. Instantly, the horse slienced and lay down, it's head rested on the stairs of the palace. It was calm, but watchful of its master.

The Rider stepped towards Lady Vader, it's heavy footsteps clanking in the armored boots it wore. It was a huge figure--standing 6'7, it's large frame wrapped entirely in the black robes. It stood before the Sith Lord, roughly less than a meter away. It's metal gauntlets came together, clanking as the right hand grasped the left. Pulling the left gauntlet off, The Rider revealed a small, shriveled hand. It seemed odd that it was the same hand wearing the huge protective gauntlets. The stench was incredible, as flesh rotted and dark veins pumped black blood into the fingers.

"I wish to learn of myself," it spoke painfully. "Do not fear for your safety; I mean you no harm." It took several breaths. It was truly a task for the being to talk. "I wish to show you my history; my past. The images are frightening and dark." He breathed again, this time turning his gaze towards Lady Vader. She could not see anything in the dark hood, but she could feel his eyes. "If you will venture into the darkness of my soul, I will continue..."

Lady Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:54:26 PM
*This being intrigued her in ways she never thought she would be intrigued. Never before had she encountered such darkness, save for the stories told of long ago about Emperor Palpatine. In a way, the being that stood before her reminded her very much of Palpatine.*

*She nodded her head fractionally at the stranger.*

You have indeed intrigued me, and I wish to know more about you; to aid you in the answer you seek.

*She gestured towards the Palace.*

Would you perhaps wish to step inside to be made more comfortable?

The Black Rider
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:10:56 AM
Would you perhaps wish to step inside to be made more comfortable--

The Rider cut Lady Vader off. She had agreed to enter the dark one's soul, and with that he would reveal himself to her--and only her. As she spoke, he reached out to her with his rotting hand and grasped her forehead. The icy fingers froze her thoughts and caused her body to shiver. She was a Sith--she had the dark power in her, so the effect of the creature's despair was not as great on Lady Vader as on a regular person. Most would go into severe shock at his touch; some would die. But she was strong and embraced those things that were dark. The journey would be easier for her--but equally frigthening. Even to him, this being of darkness, it was still horrible to relive his past.

He spoke a few words in an ancient toungue. Knowing her Sith history, Lady Vader could tell that it was a long forgotten language. It was Krion, a language that exsisted in the time of Exar Kun.

"Jirokot una kharos...da rokas inriota." The raspy voice spoke. Lady Vader was familiar with Krion, and knew what The Rider said. "Journey into darkness...the soul revealed."

With that, Lady Vader's head shook as the images poured into it. The shadows enveloped her mind and her aura shivered as The Rider's soul emptied into her brain. His past, his essence, began to flow before her eyes.

FLASH...A young man stood before a great army. He was clad in silver armor and wore the garb of a tribe. It was a very long time ago. His blonde hair blew in the cold wind of the grey battlefield. Chilling rain fell as the clouds overhead shook with thunder. The man looked out onto the hill--into a great war. The opposition was clad in blac and greys. Lady Vader could see that the emblems and the garb of the opposing army was Sith. Ancient as it was, she could make out the markings. The man charged into battle, leading a small troup. They fought with blades--blacksmithed steel blades--but some of the Sith Lords wielded lightsabers. The warrior fought with expert skill--he even managed to gain a lightsaber and wieled it supernaturally, with no previous training. He and his army cried out--they had won the battle. In the end of the battle, the man discovered a ring. It was made of black steel and had a few markings on it. He was curious and strangely drawn to it.

FLASH...The same man stood in a dimly lit throne room. He was different--aged and darkened. His brow furrowed. His hair had changed--it was darker now. He looked as though he was exauhsted, yet all of his subjects bowed to his will. His eyes burned with anger as he ruled the room with an iron fist. On the fist was a dark black ring.

FLASH...He crawled out into the clearing, heavy breath pushing out from the lungs. His skin was old and rotting. He was so tired and so worn. He clawed his way into the dirt and searched for the ring...his body, wearing away with each breath. He found the ring--he thought he had thrown it out for the last time, but it had found him again. He needed the ring...he must have the ring.

FLASH...Lady Vader stood in darkness. Not a room, not a place, just darkness. Nothing but cold swirled around her. Something caught her eye in the distance--a speckle or sparkle of light. She squinted to see it, but it grew in size. As a matter of fact, it was headed right towards her. It became larger and larger, getting closer and closer to Lady Vader. It was a ring--large and hovering over her. It was twice her size and stopped before her. It lighted the place with a red glow and flames blew up around it. A voice echoed after the ring, laughing horribly. Lady Vader was no stranger to the dark arts; but this voice was terrifying. The laughter faded into chanting. Once again, in Krion It rang out over and over again, becoming so loud it hurt her ears.

Un dara se kharos...Un dara inturi...Un dara se powerous ...Un dara Exar Kun... it cried. Vader knew what it said and the words were to be feared. "It is the darkness...it is death...it is the ultimate power...it is Exar Kun" The laughter came again and grew as Lady Vader's eyesight faded.

The Black Rider
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:15:15 AM
She regained her eyesight and found herself laying on the palace steps. The power of the vision had sent her to the ground. As she looked up to see The Rider hunched over in the corner. He had stumbled to the ground. The vision had drained much of his strength, and he struggled to breathe.

"You...I...you have seen more...of this soul than any other being alive..." He squeezed the speech out with heavy breathing. "I...must regain my strength..."

Aug 9th, 2002, 12:19:15 PM
*The jet black panther's snarl grew deeper as the dark being laid a hand on her Companion. She didn't move, but never let her yellow eyes move from the stranger. Seemingly only a moment passed and suddenly LV colapsed, somewhat dazed. The stranger himself was crouched opposite LV, breathing heavily, and worn out.*

*Iesis instinctively moved to stand over LV and bared her teeth at the dark rider, growling and snarling fiercely, the hairs on the back standing on end, her ears laid flat against her head. Her muscles were tense, ready to spring and tear the throat from the stranger at any moment.*

Lady Vader
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:23:45 PM
*LV blinked, looking at the sky, the images still very fresh in her mind. She was pondering that which she had seen when the sound of Iesis' snarling and growling brought her back to the present. She reached a hand out and pressed it firming on the panther's foreleg. Iesis, back. I have not been harmed. The panther stood over her a moment longer before reluctantly pulling back to her previous sitting position. The snarling, however, remained as she watched the stranger.*

*LV sat up, rubbing her temples, before standing once again. She looked over to where the dark rider now knelt, recovering from what he had seen. She cocked her head, though did not move, and, taking a deep breath, addressed him.*

Did you find the answers you seeked?

The Black Rider
Aug 9th, 2002, 10:53:31 PM
"Answers do not come in these visions, young one. Only questions." He spoke, raspy as usual, but regaining his strength. He had questions he wanted answered, and he thought that she could be the one to answer these. At least, with her help he could find the answers he did seek.

"The questions I have...why has this happened to me?" The Rider spoke very matter of factly. He didn't sound scared or worried; no, he just wanted answers. "Why was the ring made? How? If made, can it be destroyed?" He felt strange for opening up to this woman. He had never truly allowed himself to be seen in question--he was always a beacon of power and authority. He generally asked the questions of others and was sought out by young Dark Jedi for training. But now...he was asking questions of himself. He only hoped they she could help him...at least send him in the right direction.

Lady Vader
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:56:23 PM
*LV folded her arms inside her cloak, pondering silently.*

It is obvious the Ring was made for power... to dominate all life by a Sith Lord. And it wouldn't surprise me if it's maker was none other than Lord Exar Kun himself. Even in the history books it is written that he had a thirst for power that was like no other, even speaking of an object of such unassuming importance he had made. I can only assume this object was the Ring in the visions.

How it came into your possession is somewhat unanswerable as I was not there at the time. But I can hazzard a guess that it was the Ring that chose for you to have it.

*She frowned.*

As to it's destruction, I honestly don't know. Up until now I have thought this object to be merely myth, but now after seeing what you have shown me, I know t to be true.

*She gestured towards the Sith Palace's doors, and they swung open.*

Come, our vast library has ancient texts from that time. Perhaps in there we will find more answers.

*She turned and began walking into the Palace.*

The Black Rider
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:57:57 PM
The Rider growled, ancient behind his hood. He was pleased that the library was as exstensive as he had hoped. He was also pleased that Lady Vader was as knowledgable as she was. Hoping to meet someone with her wisdom, he had found her. If he would have been approached by any other who could not understand...Sith blood would have been spilled on the Palace steps. Oddly enough, for the first time in a very, very long while, he felt calm. Not peaceful--for there was to be no peace found in his torture--but collected. He felt no aggression towards Lady Vader or any of the others who eyed him on the steps.

As she lead him into the palace, he encountered some strange thoughts. They were not of his own--most likely of the other part of his soul which Kun resided in. He wanted to share with her his entire past. His becoming as a warrior, his life as a Dark Prince, his discovery of the ring's inhabitant, and the price he paid for his power. He felt as though he wished to have his life recorded, so that others could remember him. He would get to that.

On the other hand, he felt that maybe there was a place for him at the palace. He would inquire to the Lady about that soon. He could serve a number of purposes--he could be a gatekeeper of sorts, a guard, an iquisitor--whatever was needed.

Don't forget who you are the voice echoed in his head. A drifter; a murderer; Death itself. It was true. But, deep in The Rider's barren soul, he wanted a place to be.

Lady Vader
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:18:23 PM
*As LV lead the Dark Rider through the black marbled hallways, the pillars and shadows seemed to move of their own accord, confusing any who would travel therein withou knowledge of the Palace. All along the tops of the walls were written ancient Sith spells, giving the walls, pillars, and hallways this power to confuse unaware travelers. It was one of the many securities the Palace had. Yet, LV navigated the Palace easily, understanding the magic and knowing the Palace since it's rebuilding.*

*They finally stopped before two large wooden doors, black and carved with ancient battles of old. The doors swung open without so much as a creak, allowing the two beings to enter. Iesis plodded along behind the two, stopping at the doors entrance and remaining there.*

*LV went directly to an ancient text atop a book podium. The book looked like it would crumble at any moment, yet remained intact, almost if out of sheer will.*

This book is the oldest text we have here in the Library. It is said to have been written by the hand of Kun himself.

Though I have read much of it, there are some runes which elude me. I know much of the Massassi's ancient tongue, it having been a derivitive from the same roots as the Dathomirian tongue. But even then, I am not knowledgable about all.

Though there is another here in the Palace that may be of help. I will summon him.

*She fell silent as she called out to Gav Mortis, giving the Black Rider some time to flip through the ancient text.*

The Black Rider
Aug 13th, 2002, 04:08:49 PM
The Rider followed Lady Vader to the library. His steps were silent, as the figure seemingly glided through the palace. It seemed that he chose his footing as he pleased--sometimes clopping with heavy metal boots, sometimes gliding like he was now.

As she removed the text, something inside of The Rider shivered. It was Kun--he thought. The book had been written by his own hand, so it was thought. She put the reading on a table and allowed The Rider access to it. Without motion, the pages began to flip slowly as he read the ancient wordings. They were grand overtures, written not only to frighten but to inform. A Sith could read this manual and find history in it; a Jedi would only see darkness and nightmares. The Rider saw both. His tormented spirit read the words as Kun churned inside him. He followed Kun's history, a dark one, and the passing of the codes he created. Codes like "There will be only two: Master and Apprentice." These codes were to last through the centuries; but as the Sith Order proved, they had been amended.

Though the history interested The Rider--or Jarus, as he had once been called, though no one living knew the name--the most intriging part of the manuscript was the information about a Khar Uni; Black Ring. It seemed that before Kun was killed, he imbued a great deal of his power into one single ring. The ring was kept by several different Sith Lords, all fearing it. They would not put it on, as it's power was too engulfing. It was said that the wearer of the ring would be enriched with limitless dark powers--in exchange for his soul. The man would be immortal, and if he ever removed the ring, he would loose his vitality as well.

The Rider shut the book firmly. He had read enough. If his soul was lost to Kun...then why could he think for himself? He did not like this kind of thinking. He growled as he thought more and more about his situation. He wanted to throw the table, to shatter glass, to burn books. But that was rage he learned to control. Especially here; he needed no trouble here.

"I...shall wait for the one you summon..." He eeked the words out, voice quivering with anger.

Lady Vader
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:18:22 PM
(OOC: I'm sorry it's taking so long. Gav still hasn't gotten back to me, and I do feel he can lend some interesting story lines to this RP. Just be assured I haven't forgotten about it. :))

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:49:24 PM
OOC: I'm so terribly sorry about the delay. I'll have a reply up tomorrow morning. :)

(OOC: Okeydokey, Gav. Not a prob. :) - LV)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 1st, 2002, 12:56:34 AM
gav is a liar. Delete this post!


(Not before Gav sees it. :p - LV)