View Full Version : Destinay's Way

Admiral Lebron
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:59:59 PM
When's it hit shelves?

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 7th, 2002, 07:29:20 PM
End of October or Early Novemeber, not sure which, maybe Reaper knows the date?

Aug 7th, 2002, 07:34:49 PM
Oh right, Im the geek with the stats these days! ;)

Basically, we dont know. Most estimate late October, 30th or 31st

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 7th, 2002, 07:36:58 PM
I thought you might no because when I asked about Rebel Stand you knew, plus I think you are the biggest EU fan here which is a good thing :)

Aug 7th, 2002, 07:38:23 PM
RS was sooner ;)

Traitor had a good 2 or 3 official dates, so we cant be 100%

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 7th, 2002, 07:45:38 PM
I guess they want to surprise us.

Aug 7th, 2002, 07:50:33 PM
Or confuse :)

Admiral Lebron
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:36:58 PM
GAH! I have to wait till my birthday to get it! BOO! To LONG! To LONG!

Taylor Millard
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:31:02 AM
Well based on what I've heard of it...it could be good it could be terrible...and I just started reading NJO. I hope it's good. But I'm naive. :lol

Aug 18th, 2002, 06:57:26 AM
It WILL be good. WJW is too cool a guy to make a bad book. And everything he's told us sounds great.

Oh, and theres an e-book coming out at about the same time, set during a 3 month gap in the book

Admiral Lebron
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:40:59 AM
Where can I snag the e-book? And does it cost?

Aug 18th, 2002, 10:15:35 AM
It was be $3 IIRC, and you can get it from Amazon, once it is released. It will be in the DW PB when it is released

Admiral Lebron
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:07:30 PM
Oh. Whats IIRC mean?

Aug 18th, 2002, 03:41:24 PM

Admiral Lebron
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:46:00 PM

Aug 21st, 2002, 11:15:18 PM
Synopsis on DW

In the war against the ruthless Yuuzhan Vong, the fall of Coruscant leaves the New Republic divided by internal strife, and on the verge of bowing to conquest. But those who steadfastly refuse to consider surrender - Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and their children and comrades-in-arms - are determined to seize victory against overwhelming odds. And now, finally, there are signs that the tide may be turning in the New Republic's favor. After capturing crucial Yuuzhan Vong intelligence, Jedi fighter-pilot Jaina Solo prepares to lead a daring surprise strike against an enemy flagship. Meanwhile, Jaina's brother Jacen - liberated from the hands of the enemy and newly schooled in an even greater mastery of the Force by the Jedi Knight Vergere - is eagerly poised to bring his unique skills to bear against the invaders. And on Mon Calamari, the New Republic's provisional capital, the retired, ailing hero Admiral Ackbar has conceived a major tactical plan that could spell the beginning of a swift end for the Yuuzhan Vong. Yet even as opposing squadrons face off in the depths of space, intrigue runs rampant: in the heated political race for Chief of State... in the shadows where Yuuzhan Vong spies plot assassinations... and in the inscrutable creature Vergere, a Jedi Knight whose allegiance is impossible to predict. And as Luke Skywalker sets about reestablishing the Jedi Council, the growing faction opposed to the ways of the Force unveil a terrifying weapon designed to annihilate the Yuuzhan Vong species. But in doing so, they may be dooming the New Republic to becoming the very thing it has sworn to fight against - and unleashing the power of the dark side.

At last it seems the jedi are taking the offensive for good, and i see a lot of potential on this superweapon conflict. Nice IMO.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:54:14 AM
I know the NR doesn't like superweapons, but they need to blast those bastards out of the water.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:57:50 PM
I'd have used Centerpoint more.

Aug 25th, 2002, 09:55:30 PM
True, it would be a quick solution but it will be a hit to the credibility and the foundations of the new republic. The story arc is getting somewhere now. A superweapon it's something of the dark side.

Chaos Alexander
Aug 26th, 2002, 09:24:45 AM
True, but aren't they focusing on 'No Dark or Light, only the Force.' now?

Sene Unty
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:48:50 AM
I dont think they should use a super weapon...it goes against all of the New Republics values.

Did anyone read Traitor?

It rocked!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 31st, 2002, 04:14:26 PM
Well that's what Vergere says, but you know Luke and the other masters will not go for it. Jacen believes it, but I doubt they will be able to convince any masters. Not quickly anyway.

Aug 31st, 2002, 04:15:46 PM
BTW, the E-book is out Tuesday

Sep 7th, 2002, 11:28:06 AM
Will the E-book is be included with the HC of Destiny's Way, or with the PB?

Sep 7th, 2002, 11:35:08 AM
Great story btw. Had an interview and new DW exert too.

It SHOULD be in the DW PB

Sep 7th, 2002, 01:30:50 PM
Cool, will download it then. About, now.

Dxun Isstal
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:41:15 PM
Destiny's Way is coming out in late October, just like every other hardcover in the series.

And yes, it is going to kick some serious ass.

For those of you who have Traitor, there is a very humerous excerpt from Destiny's Way about what the Empire would have done if they'd been around for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion...

Sep 15th, 2002, 04:04:46 PM
Yes, that has me laughing out loud :)

Oct 4th, 2002, 09:43:03 AM
DW is out in stores this week. I don't have much time, but I'm finding I can squeeze in a few minutes a day. I never read previews or excerpts so I read Han's summation of what the Empire's strategy would have been against the Vong and it was indeed hilarious. The book is off to a good start. Jaina's battle against the Vong was a success, but not the one she had hoped for. The build up to who will be the next Chief of State is starting nicely. And Jacen is dropping little Force hellos to everyone in the family.

So, is the e-book being included in the hardcover? I'm not buying paperbacks to read e-books that should have been included in the hardcover novel in the first place. If there's anything I really want to get to I'll stop by my local library and check out the paperback versions.

Oct 4th, 2002, 11:58:57 AM
I read the E-book before DW, which I finished this Wednesday.

Ok the E-book, was really entertaining and had some nice character developments as well as more romance between Jaina and Jag Fel. But it has a cliffhanger ending after sucessfulling overthrowing the Peace Brigade gvmnt. in Ylesia, and while evacuating the ground troops and prisoners a new Yuzhaan Vong fleet drops out of hyperspace and it is never discussed in DW!!! Ylesia happens in teh middle of DW, but it only has one mention in the whole book and you never know how did they manage to escape! That really infuriated me. So you don't have to read, unless you want are really bored and don't mind spending 3 bucks on amazon.

On the other hand Destiny's Way, is a really good book. Not excellent like Traitor, but second best in the series IMO. It has some good plot twists, and many knots are tied. The NR is finally turning the tide on the war. We were right about the Vong killing superweapon, and of course the jedi are against it. The Jedi Council is reinstated, and I like that Luke is not trying to have the Jedi Council as Yoda had it, instead he adjusts the Council to the current events in the galaxy. Vergere finally starts making sense, and her story is told. For those who have not read Rogue Planet, u will get a full review of Zonama Sekot and the first known Yuzhaan Vong incursion in the galaxy. Another thing that does not make this book excellent is that Tsavong Lah's death is so insignifant it's annoying. He is no longer the ruthless military genius he was in Balance Point, he is now a mere religious zealot with a grudge againts Jacen. The other scenes with the Vong are great though. We get hints that somehown Shimrra is a force user, he can read other's thoughts, and his 'familiar' Omini seems to be a very important figure in the Vong machine.

Great read, Starts with action, ends with action, and the middle is filled with great character development and plot twists. Also much of the humor of the past SW books is back. Higly recommend it.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:12:54 PM
I just finished Destiny's Way and I thought it was terrific, I have to say it is the best hard cover so far. Here is my review cloaked of course First Off I loved seeing old Admiral Ackbar in there, I wondered what he was doing all this time, I always felt he could come up with a plan to defeat the Vong and now he arrives just in time. I also liked the political debate and esepcially how Lando and Talon kind of fixed the election to Cal Omas favor. About Cal, he is a very interesting figure and I was shocked to see how he hid Alpha Red from the Jedi the entire time, he was willing to destroy the Vong to win the war. Next the Jedi Council, I was surprised at some of the pics of the Jedi (I actually liked Luke's comprimise of adding political leaders) what really shocked me was no Corran, though maybe he wouldn't have accepted a position anyway. Having Kyp on the council will be interesting for sure, it has already produced a terrific exchange, I burst out laughing when he said, "Does anybody else wanna punch Master Skywalker in the nose."
Next I want to discuss Vergere, I felt she was right about the path to Darkside and liked how Luke learned from this. Oddly enoguh she reminded me of Yoda the way she acted to Luke and Jacen. Also I wasn't really surprised with her death. There was nothing else for her character to do, she told them about Zonama Sekot (I figure Luke will go there in the next novel) and it obviosly holds the key to defeating the Vong for good. She also taught Jacen all she could. Still it was interesting to see her sacrificing herself for Jainia who she didn't care about before that point. This leads us to the other death Tsavong Lah who I was glad to see go, I despised him and was glad to see Jainia plunge her saber into his throat. As far as him being a brilliant general, well he still was he just had terrible information he was sent into a trap and a battle he couldn't have won.
Speaking of Trap, I now think Nom Amor is going to survive the NJO, I always thought if he was going to die it would have been this book but now he has escaped and I suspect he will play a role as leader of the Shamed Ones, the guy is a very smart and always one step above everybody else, I think he will be a future problem, he might align himself with the Chiss or the Rement down the road. Finally there is the Vong leader Shimirra, and I am still not sure what he is. It is obvious that he is force sensitive but what was going on there in the end especially with his familiar that guy didn't seem like a pet to me, at times in that final passage it looked like he was in charge of a mad man, controlling his strings so to speak. Of course I could be wrong there.

I am curious how this will play out now we will have to wait months for the next book: Force Heretic which comes out January I think.

Oct 9th, 2002, 06:19:29 PM
9.5. As good as Rebel Dream and Ylesia, only bettered by Dark Journey.

Doc Milo
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:09:14 PM
So far, my favorite NJO were Star By Star, Rebel Dream/Rebel Stand, and Traitor. Dark Journey started out great for me, but I thought they dropped the ball, sort of suffering from the "nothing really changes" syndrome, where the situation at the beginning of the novel is the same as it is at the end. If they would have had Jaina's struggles with the dark side last over the course of a few novels, make her a threat that needed to be reckoned with by the Jedi as well, then it might have been better in my mind... (haven't read Destiny's Way yet, so I'll reserve judgement.)

Sene Unty
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:27:09 AM
I cant believe this!!! THE BOOK IS OUT AND I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!! I HAD NO IDEA THAT IT WAS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!! :verymad :grumble

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:24:02 PM
Did you try Books-a-million or Barnes and Noble? Both of them should have it. Wouldn't try Walmart right away, they are slow in putting books out they could have in a box in the back for all I know.

Sene Unty
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:27:32 AM
I have a barnes and noble at my school and they dont have it! I checked yesterday. what the cover look like. Once I know that I can look for it better. I need to read this!

Oct 15th, 2002, 01:11:22 PM
Redish colour, Lukes face in background, Jacen with lightsabre raised

Oct 18th, 2002, 09:07:21 AM
I could never find enough time to sit down and get some serious reading done, but I finally found enough time to finish DW last night. This was one of the better NJO novels. A very satisfying ending. I agree with JMC's review. There are little things to nit pick at, but overall, this was a solid novel. The Vong are reeling now with their biggest defeat of war. But you get the feeling that whatever happens, they're going to remain part of the galaxy. The Jedi won't condone the use of Alpha Red, so they're not going to be wiped out. Although with all the blood they've spilled, it's very unrealistic to think that that kind of weapon wouldn't be used. What I'm wondering about is the fate of Coruscant. Will that remain in the hands of the Vong after they lose the war? They're going to have to go somewhere? Maybe they'll end up on Sekot?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 18th, 2002, 11:17:06 PM
I agree with you Jedieb also what do you think of Shimira and Onimi? I reread the end and to me it looks like Onimi, Shimira's so called pet, is controlling the Vong Supreme Commander. I am really curious to learn more about that. Also I read somewhere that Luke, and other go to Sekot in the next PB, not sure how or why yet, but that interesting planet that was revealed in Rogue Planet could hold the key to the whole war. Finally what are the Chiss up too? They seemed involved in this Alpha Red program pretty deep. I am starting to wonder if they knew about the Vong before this, those guys are very smart but very xenophobic and this whole virus thing seems like something they might do. I am curious what role they will play in the last few books.

Oct 21st, 2002, 10:53:23 AM
That last passage with Shimira and Onimi had me scratching my head. I found myself re-reading the paragraph just to make sure what it was I was reading. Onimi certainly seemed to be in control, at the very least a much more serious character than we had been led to believe.

They could be setting up the Chiss to be the next threat to the Republic once the Vong are defeated. Which would certainly put some tension between Jaina and Fel. What I'm interested in is the fate of Coruscant. I'm starting to think it may end up in vong hands and that's not something I'm particularly wild about.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 21st, 2002, 12:26:15 PM
About Coruscant, well it will depend what is left of the Vong when the war is over if Shimira and the Vong leadership is dead than I think they can retake the planet, it is still going to be hard with it though, it would probably take centuries to rebuild to where it was. I also think they will a new capital, maybe Mon Calamaria or another planet in the core.
About Shimirra, I really think this Onimi is in charage or at least the puppeteer, so I am wondering who is this being. I didn't get a good description of what he looked like but do you think its possible that he is former jedi or something who encountered the Vong at one time or another? I really can't figure him out yet, I am guessing we will get some answers in one of the next couple of books.
Finally the Chiss, I am wondering what they are up to and do think they would be perfect for the next nemesis for the New Republic, they are sneaky and have there own motives and would be cool to see as the next enemy.

Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:13:14 PM
What really has me interested is the relationship between the force and the Vong. It seems Shimrra is a force user, and if Onimi is controlling him he must be a force user himself. The Vong have opened a complete new approach to the force that will have major repercutions in the jedi philosophy after the NJO. I can't wait

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 28th, 2002, 02:02:36 PM
One of the major problems of the series so far is that the main characters have been in the hands of so many authors, but none of them have really developed a true identity. Even Lando and Talon Karrde, who I've always regarded as characters it would be difficult to alter, seem to have had their personalities drained of some of the elements I remember them for. Karrde, for instance, has become little more than a Jedi-aiding puppet in Destiny's Way, with none of the hardness that came with his character previously. Tsavong Lah's missteps are far more severe and I would've liked it if his responses during the final battle at Ebaq had not danced so strenuously to Ackbar's tune.

Destiny's Way is a solid read as far as plot goes, but the characters seem very dry and I don't like that at all.

Wuher da brewer
Oct 30th, 2002, 01:17:53 AM
Ok, I want to talk about how I felt about the novel, but I don't know how to cloak my writing. Can someone help me out. PM me please.

Oct 30th, 2002, 11:45:30 AM
To mask your writing just type [ spoiler ] . But put the brackets right next to the word 'spoiler.'

So many authors handling the same characters over and over again can cause problems. But that's to be expected when you have such a looooonnnnggg drawn out story, that was already 3 movies long to begin with. They'll still be saving the galaxy 10 years and 10,000 pages from now.

Admiral Lebron
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:11:21 PM
I read it. Wow. I really loved it. Its up there...possbily the most liked one with Traitor and Star By Star close seconds. I am beginning to wonder about Onimi though. They said he was a shammed one. And for all we know he could have not reacted well to an implant half way through his life.

I am thinking that with that last passage read and the feeling that he was incharge thrown into my mind that he was some one of great importance that even the Supreme Commander fears.