View Full Version : New beginnings... Second chances... (Sasha)

Lady Vader
Aug 7th, 2002, 02:52:17 PM
*LV waited patiently in the library before the Sith holocron, her claok wrapped around her, pooling at her feet. She awaited the arrival of Sasha... soon to be her new Apprentice.*

Aug 7th, 2002, 03:07:50 PM
He had spent quite a bit of time in the library lately. But this was different. He was comning at the request of Lady Vader. His steps were almost hurried as he walked down the hall, for he didnt want to keep her waiting. He had been waiting some time now for this meeting with her, and his heart pounded furiously in his chest as he worried slightly about what the answer might be, or not be.

He'd spoken with Shenraun about it, and this had made him feel a bit better...just to talk about it, but still, he was anxious to finally know.

He pushed open the door to the library and stepped inside. He found Lady Vader where he had known she would be - by the holocron. His violet eyes flickered to the floor, then to her. He could always feel the strength and composure that emanated from her, and it humbled him when he was in her presence. Still, a flicker of a smile was on his lips as he dared to hope his wish would come true this one time.

He was dressed as an apprentice should be, and carried with him his lightsaber and his blaster that he had somehow never been able to part with.

"You wanted to see me, Lady Vader?" He inquired, his young face looking to this woman that he admired, his violet eyes wide in youthful expectancy. He looked every bit the adolescent with themixture of worry and excitement easily visible on his face, and radiating from his presence.

He had been composed lately, withdrawn and quiet for the most part, but this was something that made him forget for a moment the mistake he had made, made him instead, hopeful for his future with order.

Lady Vader
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:21:08 PM
*Even though Sasha was in his late teens and almost in his twenties, the attempted hidden grin on his face and excitment rolling off him made him look like a young boy again. It made LV smile, though her hood kept the smile from being noticed.*

*In time, she composed her face again into it's normal look, and removed the hood to address Sasha.*

Yes, I did indeed want to see you.

*She folded her arms beneath her cloak.*

I have spoken with Lord Dyzm, and we have both come to the agreement that I may take you as my Apprentice.

*She felt a jolt of pure happiness go through Sasha.*

Be warned that I am not so easy on my Apprentices, but be it also known that you will learn much.

My past Apprentices have not been many as I only take those I feel are worthy of my teachings. Live Wire was lucky to have me as her Master. And now you will have me as a Master.

*She stopped speaking and eyed the young man.*

Aug 7th, 2002, 04:49:03 PM
He wouldnt have been able to hide his excitement if he'd wanted to. A wide grin spread across his face, and his violet eyes sparkled with excitement at her annoucement.

But with this annoucement came a warning, and his grin quickly faded to a serious expresison, one of complete earnesty. He knew the road he traveled would not be an easy one. He knew she would be hard on him - if the last lesson from her was any indication, he was in for quite a trip.

But he wanted it. He was willing to work for it. And he would work hard. There was no doubt of that.

Live Wire, her last apprentice, was a woman he also admired, though on very different terms. He didnt know her as well, hadnt connected with her quite the same, yet they had had a few conversations here and there, and he respected her.

He considered himself very lucky. Very lucky indeed. He would never take forgranted this opportunity.

He looked to his new master, the expression on his face determined and earnest.

"I consider myself very lucky and honored to be given this chance to be your apprentice." He stated, his voice humble, but not cowering.

"I never believed the path I chose would be an easy one. I understand you will be hard on me, but I would want no less."

He knew he would learn much from her. Already, she had taught him one of the most important lessons he would ever learn - the price of making a foolish mistake.

And then the smile returned, for he found it hard not to smile at this moment.

"I'll make you proud to call me your apprentice. I promise." He stated. There was a youthful innocence in his words, but the determination behind them was far from youthful. It came from a young man who was hard on himself. From one who was intelligent and thoughtful, from one who had long considered this choice before he had made it. From one who knew already, how much this order meant to him, who knew how much this woman, his new master, meant to him. He had already cut off his own hand for her - and now, as her apprentice, his loyalty would know no bounds.

Lady Vader
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:52:32 PM
*LV let her face relax into a smile.*

I know you'll make me proud. You already did by showing your loyalty to the Order with the removal of that which caused you to "sin" against the Order.

*She began walking for the exit of the library, her cloak billowin behind her.*

Come. We have much to do.

Aug 7th, 2002, 05:56:07 PM
It was rare that he saw her smile this way, and he couldnt help but smile as well, despite the fac tthat she'd reminded him of the mistake he had made.

And then she turned to head out of the library, he followed along behind her, his thoughts racing already on the many things they had to do.

He wanted to ask, but knew that was impatient and childish, and so he reserved asking questions until they were important ones - questions that would teach him how to survive.