View Full Version : Balmorra: Establishing Diplomacy

Admiral Sokolov
Aug 7th, 2002, 10:28:40 AM

As the word was uttered, a Guild-class Star Destroyer broke out of hyperspace, appearing to sink for a moment before space apparently caught it. On it's grey hull, five large black letters could be seen.



"Sir, we have successfully dropped out of hyperspace approximately 30,000 klicks from Balmorra. All systems are coming up, running green."

"Good. All ahead full to Balmorra. Broadcast our signal on all channels. Scanners, open up and report any contacts."

Admiral Leonidas Sokolov thought it more friendly to not raise shields or power turrets. He would take the chance, though not 100% sure that Grand Admiral Millard would not slag his vessel.

Throughout space, the message was sent,"This is the Imperial Military Federation warship Konig. We are on a diplomatic mission to Balmorra. Do not fire upon."

Taylor Millard
Aug 7th, 2002, 02:14:03 PM
The Imperial Star Destroyer Superior sat like a raptor waiting to strike as the Konig came out of hyperspace.

Grand Admiral Millard sat on the bridge, flanked by Commodore Tomar, watching the Guild Class Star Destroyer.

"What do you think?" Millard asked Tomar.

"Sokolov is trustworthy," Tomar said chewing on his lip, "If he had an invasion force with him, it would have all ready come out of hyperspace."

Millard listened to Tomar, "We'll remain on alert. Launch TIE Fighter patrols in case he has a suprise for us. And hail him."

He sighed and looked at the Guild Class Star Destroyer.

"Admiral Sokolov this is Grand Admiral Millard. What can we help you with?"

Admiral Sokolov
Aug 9th, 2002, 06:26:35 AM
"Sir, we are recieving a message from the Imperator Superior."

"Very well, let's hear it."

A snapping buzz was heard throughout the bridge for half a second before the message came in loud and clear,"Admiral Sokolov this is Grand Admiral Millard. What can we help you with?". Taylor sounded slightly agitated, Sokolov chose his words wisely.

He stood and strode slowly around the bridge deck with his hands clasped behind his back, which often helped him think."Commstat, message to the Superior... Greetings, Grand Admiral Millard. I have come forth from the Bastion Sector in hopes of establishing a profitable and secure line of relations with you and Balmorra. I wish to discuss a form of alliance, along with trade and other issues which I'm sure will benefit the both of us. Send."

"Done, sir."

"Admiral, I'm picking up multiple drive flares. Superior is launching TIE patrols."

"Very well. Continue with course and speed."

He continued the show of no-agression, hoping it would influence the Grand Admiral into being more lenient with him. He did, after all, drop in unnanounced.

Taylor Millard
Aug 9th, 2002, 05:41:52 PM
Millard nodded as he heard the message. He pursed his lips and continued to listen.

"Admiral Sokolov, welcome to Balmorra," he responded, "I fear I am not the person to talk to when it comes to trade and alliances.

"The person you need to talk to is Emperor Kiterix on the surface. I suggest you redirect your message to discuss trade talks with him instead. Superior out."

Admiral Sokolov
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:04:58 AM
Sokolov nearly shrugged and said,"Very well. Continue on this vector. Resume scanning."

"Aye, sir."

He sat down in the captains' chair and said,"Commstat, prepare a message to Kiterix. Replace the greeting. Send when I say."

"Compliling now, sir."

"Emperor Kiterix?" he thought. "I will have to be cautious. I do not know Kiterix as well as I do Millard."

"ETA to Balmorra?"

"Sir, at full speed, 37 minutes."

"Very good. Commstat, is it ready?"

"Ready and waiting for your order, Admiral."


Telan Desaria
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:38:44 PM
*Some time in the future* after Imperial Sovereignty thread***

Below two Star Destroyers appeared an entorague of more ships than Grand Admiral Millard and Admiral Sokolov could muster combined.

Each ship, however, was only a fighter.

A four squadrons of TIE Defenders and two of Scimitar Assault Bombers were grouped around a heavily modified Lambda-class Shuttle. It possessed more shields than a craft three times its size and enough weaponry to down a Corellian gunship.

It also ferried a Grand Admiral.

Its prominent passanger and owner nodded, sending out a message to every ship, listening post, and military receiver in the system.

This is Grand Admiral Telan Desaria, Baron of Laplaand, Military Commander and temporary Regent of the Imperial Sovereignty. I come as an envoy from my Sovereignty, and will not fire upon any vessel. As a gesture of faith, the XXVIIIth is breaking formation.

With that, the lead squadron of Defenders broke off and disappeared into hyperspace.

My premier fighter squadron has departed my escort. I now ask that you accept me into a forum for negotiations between the
Imperial Sovereignty, and the other two powers present.

Taylor Millard
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:16:21 PM
Desaria? Millard raised an eyebrow as he saw the fighters come out of hyperspace and heard the other Grand Admiral's message.

"Didn't Desaria..." Tomar's speech trailed off.

"Yes Desaria had the argument with Lord Viscera a year ago when it came to Bespin. Interesting...Tomar, come to my study please. We shall notify Emperor Kiterix about their arrival."

He paused for a moment, thinking.

"Launch Shadow Squadron to escort the Admirals down."

Telan Desaria
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:59:04 PM
A squadron of fighters, mixed TIE Advanceds and Executioners, escorted the remaining Sovereignty ships to the planet below. Balmorra had become the Jewel of Technology snce the Fragmentation, it being the only world to retain every one of its laboratories and factories, not slagged by minor Imperial warlords with no more than three ships to their names.

One of the Defender squadrons touched down with the reftted lambda-class shuttle, its pilots standing down and waiting next to their fighters at attention, the cool night air a welome relief to much recyced air aboard their craft and the Star Destroyer the were based on.

Off the landing ramp strode Desaria, adorned in the full regalia of a Grand Admiral, with the latitude granted under Law. His collar was trimmed with black and his cuffs as well. Under his rank plaque were the decorations of nobility.

There he waited, ahead of his delta-formed landed fighters and a pair of Fleet guards.

Silus Xilarian
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:23:50 PM
Silus was sitting in the main hangar talking with the members of his squadron. It had only been a few months since he had re-entered the Empire and taken over command over the elite Squadron. He wasnt sure if Millard would approve of such idle chat taking place, but it essential, or at least Silus thought so, for him and his crew to fully trust each other....

Im telling you guys....Taylor knows we're bored....He's not gonna keep us cooped up forever...Look if worse comes to worse, i'll go talk to him myself and convince him to let us get out and at least run through some of the new formations.....Anyways, your getting me off subject....Me and the woman i picked up in the bar fight were IN SIDE Grand Admiral Thrawn's living quarters. I had on one of Thrawn's uniforms and she, was well...you know... then Thrawn walks in, RIGHT AFTER WE HAD...........

A message from the command bridge interupted Silus' story.

See, I told you, Millards a psychic. Now we get to go escort these ships to the surface. When we get done, i'll take you guys to the Galaxy Bar and finish telling you how I got kicked out of the Empire in the first place. I'll buy a round for all of us...Lets roll.....

With that, Shadow Squadron jogged out to there ships, each getting strapped into there own TIE Advanced X-1, with the exception for Silus, who would be piloting a heavily modified TIE Exocutioner that he had purchased from UIT shortly before coming under Millard's command...

Eleven TIE advanced X-1's and the one TIE Exocutioner poured out of the main hangar, and immediately lined up behind Desaria's shuttle and escorts. Silus then flew ahead of Desaria's group, to lead the way. One shadow flew on both sides of Desaria's group, while the remaining nine formed a half circle around the back...

Alright boys, go ahead and lock your targeting computers on the shuttle. If they try anything, let loose as many heavy torpedos as you can before breaking formation.....Shadow leader out.....

Shadow Squadron lead the ships on their descent to the planet's surface, keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of trouble...

Admiral Sokolov
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:24:40 AM
Konig continued it's advance towards Balmorra, as a black Svelte shuttle dropped from it's hangar and accelerated ahead of it, with four TIE avengers running escort. The force was pitiful when compared to Desaria's escort, yet it suited Sokolov fine.

The view of Balmorra was impressive, and Sokolov found it hard to not look at it. So.. a Balmorran Empire... Sokolov thought quietly to himself as the shuttle and it's escort neared the atmosphere.

An aid in the ship broke the silence and asked him if the presence of Desaria would complicate matters. Leonidas felt the tug of a grin on his lips. He did not reply.

Telan Desaria
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:39:21 PM
A jet shuttle could be seencoming through the high level of purple, black, and grey clouds in the evening sky. Around it were four TIE model fighters. A small force, but its occupant did arriv in a Star Destroyer, which the Grand Admiral did not. His, however, had more important duties that to ferry arond the Sovereignty's commander.

The shuttle and its quartet of escorts approached slowly and stately, coming rather close to the squadrons of Sovereignty fighters orbiting Bron Desaria's landing. Nothing was exchanged with the exception of obvious glances between pilots on both sides.

" That would be Admiral Leonidas Sokolov, on of the Empire's most stately and yet ruthless officers."

" You know him, Sir?" asked Malek, the Grand Admiral's chief guard. He insisted to be everywhere the Grand Admiral was. He was either devoted or plotting.

" Only in passing. We met at a reception once on Coruscant, during a party thrown by the Diktat."

" Do you trust him, Sir?"

" I trust any man in the Imperial uniform that does not stand under the Remnant Banner."

Malek grinned.

The shuttle came down and landed acoss the pad from Desaria's lambda.

Admiral Sokolov stepped out, three guards trailing him. He stood in the center of the pad, on the dividing line between the arrived Military Federation and the Sovereignty. He clasped his hands behind his back, and stood there.

" I supose we must make the first move."

Desaria snapped to his full height and marched to Sokolov. He and his entarouge stopped ahead of the arrived flag officer. Despite the younger Baron having considerable seniority in rank and grade over the other, he initiated a display of respect. His heels clicked together and he bowed, in a noble gesture.

Grand Admirals only regulation-saluted the Diktat.

Regaining his iron stature, he waited tosee the reaction of the other.

Silus Xilarian
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:31:11 PM
When Grand Admiral Desaria landed, Shadow Squadron broke formation and started on their way back to the Superior. Even after breaking up, they turn in near perfect symmetry with each other. Silus sped to the front of the pack. The superior was in sight of the "shadows" when Silus abruptly changed course, avoiding the hangar bay and circling the ship, with his squadron gracefully adapting to the change in flight, and staying in a perfect V-formation behind him. Silus flew into the view of the Command bridge....

This is Shadow Leader, if Grand Admiral Taylor doesnt mind, me and the boys wanna stay out for a little while and play....Telan Desaria has landed on Balmorra, and has shown no signs of aggression...We'll keep an eye out for any trouble out here......Shadow Leader out.......

Shadow Squadron stayed near the Superior awaiting further command....

Taylor Millard
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:47:11 PM
Millard looked at Shadow Squadron as they circled his ship.

"Tell them to keep watch and practice their manuvers. Shadow 12 was a little slow on the last pass."

"Will you be joining Emperor Kiterix at the negotiating table?" Tomar asked, as he sat in the chair across from Millard's desk.

Taylor shook his head, "Only if he asks. Although I have a sneaky suspicion I'm not going to like what comes out of the negotiations. Sokolov had the decency to reply to my letter, Desaria did not. We'll have to see what comes out of it."

Tomar nodded and waited.

Silus Xilarian
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:41:52 PM
Alright boys, line up in delta formation, Shadow 12, follow me.....

Silus and Shadow 12 broke away from the group. As they got into more open space, Silus hung a tight U-turn. Shadow 12 followed as best he could, but couldnt quite nail it as sharp.

If your having trouble keeping up in a turn, dont be afraid to use your thrusters...the worst you'll do is turn sharper than who you're following, which could give you an open shot....Reform with the group.....lets run through a few more formations....

Tyrel Kiterix
Aug 21st, 2002, 06:31:41 PM
Tyrel Kiterix popped his neck as he began walking from the Emperor's Mansion to where Grand Admiral Desaria and Admiral Sokolov stood.

There were times he hated going behind Millard's back when it came to policy measures, but he knew his military commander did not trust Desaria or Sokolov.

Damn that man for being too honorable.

Millard's honor was why Kiterix knew he would never be a politician. Deception on the battlefield is one thing...Deception of collegues is another.

The Balmorran Emperor was clad in a simple black suit with a blue shirt underneath. His hair was cut medium length and his practiced-smile was on his face. Kiterix put the glasses on his face and began walking down the steps of the mansion to meet with the two admirals.

He paused at the door, adjusting his hair and his shirt. Desaria and Sokolov still had yet to speak to each other so he waited for them to speak to each other.

Admiral Sokolov
Aug 22nd, 2002, 12:50:45 PM
Sokolov watched Desaria with his cold, emotionless blue eyes as he bent at the waist. The Admiral's thin bloodless lips gave away nothing as Telan rose to his full height.

Leonidas immediately fell to one knee, his hands clasped atop the joint. His stare locked onto the ground before him, he was absolutely silent, as were the rest of the men around him. After several moments which seemed to go on forever, Sokolov was beckoned to rise by the hand of Desaria. His spine ramrod straight, Sokolov saluted the man before him.

The sense of pride, order, and imperialism was so omnipresent in the surrounding air, so as to cause an anarchist to shy away. So was the way that Imperial officers conducted themselves. Even as rivals, they shall honor the Empire.

Sokolov was the first to speak,"Greetings to you, Grand Admiral Desaria. I am grateful that you have chosen to be here, where the Empire and it's followers can again be amongst comrades. Thank you." Sokolov sounded genuinely concerned that this summit turn out for the benefit of all involved. And he was.

Telan Desaria
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:30:52 PM
The Grand Admiral was pleased to see that Admiral Sokolov had followed Imperial Protocol to the letter, and was impressed. During the glory days of the Empire, there was no doubt that any officer, from TIE pilot to Admirals of the Fleet, would know how to salute one of the Twelve. In the years before the Fragmentation, those not aboard the Admiral's flagship rarely did.

" You honor me, Admiral Sokolov." Desaria did not reply to his final statement, alluding he would see what the meeting had in store. Behind his mask of integrity and calculation, he agreed.

Baron Desaria turned towards the appraching Emperor of Balmorra, bidding the other flag officer join him at his side. Trailing them were their two repsective sets of guards.

" Between you and I, Admiral," Desaria said so only his counterpart could hear him. " I will be damned for eternity before I call this man Emperor. I am far too set in my ways, I am afraid. I mean to disrespect to him, but it merely sounds wrong. Regent will have to do from my lips."

The two officers came within distance of Kiterix, and stopped, each of them identical in stance and stature, both products of military lineage, discipline, and a top rate military education.

Together, they bowed slightly, showing the respect dmanded a foreign dignitary. Though he saluted the Imperial Banner, he was not Imperial any more. Even in Desaria's eyes, thogh he tried to model his Sovereignty after the Empire he longed to regain, eve h was not. He could not believe he bore that title until all of the fiefdoms were sector groups again.

I am either too noble, or too foolhardy...

Tyrel Kiterix
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:28:01 AM
"Gentlemen welcome," Kiterix smiled as he approached the two fellow warlords.

Warlords...what a name. Kiterix knew Millard hated the term...well too bad! It was his problem and his alone. The Balmorran Emperor knew his military commander would be loyal to Balmorra. Kiterix, however, saw Millard as a potential problem...a problem that this meeting with Desaria and Sokolov might solve.

Especially if they agree.

"Admirals Desaria, Sokolov...please come with me into my mansion. We can talk more inside."

He turned, waiting for them to follow.

"I believe our talks can be quite profitable for the three of us."