View Full Version : Gee, how appropriate

Aug 7th, 2002, 04:32:53 AM
DOH! I was cleaning my room and by accident knocked this resin Darth Maul Applause statue off my shelf and he fell to his death, along with the lightsaber breaking in two. Hmm... yeah ok it was a lot like the movie, I admit, but I'd rather not have had that happen! ;)

I just bought another one on ebay for $25 though, crap, crap, crap. I really hate that.

Anyone want my opened TPM toys? I would sell them for like nothing basically. I have about $1,000 in toys and I'll sell them for like $250. :)

Maybe someone here has kids and would like the toys for super cheap? lol, seriously here. :D

Aug 7th, 2002, 01:33:21 PM
Throw them up on ebay, that's your best bet if you want to unload them. If you post a list I could pick out which ones might be worth a bit. Most of them won't go for much, but if you've got some figures like a Holographic Sidious those might go for over $10. But you'd be lucky to get $1 for an open Maul, just toooo many Mauls out there.

Aug 7th, 2002, 02:01:42 PM
Is most of the stuff on ebay legit? I almost got into the bidding for a carded Luke Skywalker ROTJ vintage fig. But I'd be pissed if it were a fake. The winner only ended up paying like $40, but still...

Aug 7th, 2002, 03:14:15 PM
I don't know about SW stuff, but I have had good luck buying other stuff on ebay in the past.

Aug 7th, 2002, 03:14:20 PM
Most of the stuff on ebay is legit. What you should always look for is the feedback number on the seller. A lot of comic book shop dealers and collectors trade and sell on ebay. You can easily find sellers with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of feedbacks. I would NEVER buy an expensive vintage item on ebay unless the seller had over 50 feedback comments. You can click on their number and see how many of them were positive and what the buyers had to say about the transactions. If you want references then you could e-mail some of the people who've bought from the seller.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:52:03 PM
If it is broken or illegit, you can get your money back. Otherwise its fraud and the guy can get arrested.

Aug 8th, 2002, 12:44:39 AM
Yeah I realize I will not get much for anything opened.

Ok, so the question is, do I sell in bulk or sell individuals? Seems like bulk.

EB could you help me a bit if I made a list of stuff? I would really, really appreciate that. I have some unopened stuff too...

Aug 8th, 2002, 07:02:14 AM
Jon, I would definetly sell bulk, or else your collection will very slowly erode until you get to the point where you wish you still had everything. Get rid of it all at once, save the heartbreak of seeing your collection whittle away to nothing.

Aug 8th, 2002, 05:47:22 PM
I'm not selling my collection, just the dead wood. I am not a toy collector, not of Star Wars stuff, and I never really have been, then I got a bunch of TPM toys because I was caught in the hype and whatnot, and now I regret that $1,500 I threw away on those worthless pieces of plastic.

IMO, toy collecting now is just a bad investment. If you enjoy it, that's what is important, but I don't enjoy losing money and buying cheap made in China action figures.

I much prefer my nicer collectibles. I like one of a kind art (got two of those), I like limited edition lithographs, I love prop replicas, that is the type of stuff I collect.

My Icons lightsabers that I bought for about $300 each are worth $500 each now, give or take $50 because they go for more or less on eBay. Those were better than stocks, just no question about it. Stocks are a lousy investment right now, Star Wars collectibles like that are not.

I guarantee all of the Master Replicas will also go up in value too and I have them all too. I just love that stuff.

The toys, though, are not limited, they are not finely crafted, they are not anything but great things for kids to play with. I'm 19, I prefer nice quality collectibles personally. Although, I realize some adult men are totally into collecting Star Wars toys, so hey, whatever floats your boat obviously. :)

Aug 9th, 2002, 11:43:53 AM
those worthless pieces of plastic.
I'm not going to help you if you're not nicer to these GREAT toys!!!! :crack

SW collectibles shouldn't be treated as investments IMO anyway. But, people get caught up in hype and greed. They hear stories about $2.50 vinly caped Jawas going for over $1,000 today or a Glassite Vlix selling for around $6,000 and they go nuts. These things were meant to be opened and played or displayed.

What I'd do if I were you is sell part of the collection in bulk. You pull whatever might be valuable from the lot and sell those items individually. Make a list of what's still unopened and loose and I could probablly classify two ways (B- for bulk sale or I - individual sale). I doubt you're going to even break even, but the best part of the whole experience should have been the mad rush that first midnight the toys were released. There's where the reward is.

Aug 9th, 2002, 01:33:15 PM
Jon, the toys should be considered part of the collection.

True, opened E1 toys ain't ever gonna be worth a whole lot, but even opened vintage figures aren't worth that much.

Those toys alongside things like my Revenge of the Jedi poster in LucasArts mailing tube, my Kenny-Baker signed 12-back Artoo and my test shot Galoob Republic Cruiser, together the whole of it is worth something.

I'm happy with what I have.

Aug 9th, 2002, 02:37:59 PM
Revenge of the Jedi poster in LucasArts mailing tube,

Aug 9th, 2002, 03:00:22 PM
I'd have to say one of my favorite pieces now is my Japanese R2-D2 Pepsi can from TPM signed by Kenny Baker.
Also my collection of OT records is up there, I had alot of fun finding those. The greatest thing about them though is a mint condition poster in the ANH record that would blow your socks off. Its an old McQuarrie painting (I think its probably McQuarrie) of his concept of the Death Star battle over Yavin IV and at that point, the Falcon could not have been thought of as a unique ship because he's got them all over that poster. It really is cool.

Aug 10th, 2002, 09:12:19 PM
The toys can be a lot of fun, if that is what you are into, but I really am just a different type of collector. Most of my collectibles center around prints, lithographs, and signed artwork or stuff like that, and of course the prop replicas, that is about 85% of my collection's value.

I doubt I will even come close to breaking even, EB, hehe, that is ok by me but I wish I could get back maybe 25% of what I spent. What is done is done, the money was gone long ago, and I don't care what I lose at this point. That money was lost long ago, anything made now would just be a bonus because I enjoyed most of those toys I got and the midnight madness WAS really fun and worthwhile, only I was more mature about it with AOTC. I spent about $110, a lot just on a few AOTC board games, and that was it for me with regard to the midnight deal, and I still had plenty of fun just talking to a few other fans and being in on the whole experience. Oh it wasn't at midnight this time, though, it was like 7 a.m., but oh well...

I will try to make a list of my stuff I suppose, but I kind of got every early TPM toy, hehe, it's just a matter of what I have left unopened.

I'd like to sell a lot of stuff I have now, even some of these video games, because I really need the cash. Trying to reduce my debt so that I can run my Websites at lower cost and start making some money of my own pretty soon instead of having it all go to debt reduction.

Aug 10th, 2002, 09:15:41 PM
If you're looking to just get back 25% then you shouldn't be dissapointed. Just crank out a list when you have the time and I'll go over it.