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Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2002, 11:55:16 PM
Con't. from Silver Lining (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18920)

De'Ville waited in the Hall of Sorrows for the three newest members of the Hand to arrive. She toyed with the back of the chair in front of her, and allowed the lights in the hall to be lit with a thought.

They had been accepted into the Gates, soon they would find their way into the Hall. Shaed had been here before, but just as her apprentice. They were all three gifted in the Force, and it was time for them to meet their siblings.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:06:17 PM
Zasz made his way through the dark lit halls of Bast Castle. Finding his way to the Hall of Sorrows where he saw De'ville. He looked at her and nodded as he came into her view. He, Shaed, and Eaven had passed the test, they were members.

He knew that others would no doubt be here soon, so he waited silently for them but looked at De'Ville. She was now a sibling, a sister to him in The Black Hand. He grinned and then waited.

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:08:18 PM
Abruptly, a hand clawed its' way from the floor, bending and warping the metal of it. After a great deal of effort, it fought its' way free, bringing its' body along with it.

The body seemed to wake up in parts, as though it were but a marionette with different strings being pulled at different times. Continuing in such a fashion, the body tugged itself upright with a strangled look to its' face and lips pressed tightly together.

It faced De'Ville and spat out a cloud of green gas. "That was some potent brew ye used in yer ship, lass. Would knock a lesser man off his feet."

"Fortunately," the small man congratulated himself with a thump on his chest. "Hob is no lesser man."

The dwarf grinned, and then abruptly vanished. In the chair at the rear of the room, a small figure looking exactly like the first had just finished passing his hand over the empty air. "That is enough amusement, I think," the figure said. "Well, De'Ville. You have returned, I see. Who do you bring with you?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:10:12 PM
Dalethria hugged the shadows close to her. A gift from Jade it was. She let her presence be known but her form was hidden ... Merely she wished only to watch the formal greeting that awaited the new members of the Black Hand.

Her new brothers....

Blue eyes were trained on Zasz, ever cold and ever calculating possibilties. He would be interesting in calling Brother instead of Lover.

Jehova Eaven
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:32:27 PM
Vjun, it had been quite a while since his last visit. The planet still looked the same, the people, the ashes on the ground, the decrepid old buildings. Nothing had really changed, except the fact that he no longer was a stranger. He was welcomed, or so he came to believe as he followed Zasz and Shaed down the wide halls.

He sensed a few lifeforms other than himself and the group on the way in. All of them had the same tainted aura which came with dark power.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:16:17 AM
She regarded the Goblin carefully. "I bring with me my apprentice, Shaed, and the supplicants Grimm and Eaven. They have passed my test, as I'm sure you know."

De'Ville sat in the chair to the right of Hob. "I have given them permission to enter Bast, as the power was granted to me to test their mettle." She inclined her head in a nod. "My apprentice has been inside before, but only as my apprentice. Now he is a member in his own right as well."

She eyed the goggled Apprentice, and raised an eyebrow, "Though he is still under my eye for training until he is ready to take the trials. But I digress. I was hoping more would be here to greet our new brothers. But apparently the inhabitants of Bast are as anti-social as it is rumored." She smiled, looking towards where she could feel Mal Pannis' presence.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:02:59 AM
"Hrmph ... Sorry for being polite and waiting for all our new Brothers to arrive before showing myself."

Which she did, letting her mental command part the shadows around her frame and stepped forward.

"Besides, at least I am here. No?"

She asked with a smile and looked over both Zasz and Jehova

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:19:57 PM
Shaed said nothing, but observed all that he could. Despite how much he had been in Bast castle before, he had never been up-close and personal with the other inhabitants like this. The one who had been hiding in the shadows had been easily seen by the tall and lithe apprentice. And the one they called "Hob" had been observed while he played his little trick, as well. Though, not nearly as easily as the woman. Shaed had no idea he was already there until the trick had started. Hob was crafty, and hid his mind better than anyone Shaed had ever met...

When there were eyes to see, much was revealed.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:15:33 PM
"Indeed you are here."

He looked at Dalethria, her presence well known to him. His head casted downwards as he looked at her, he still felt anger towards her that needed to be resolved. His eyes quickly shifted to Hobgoblin for mere seconds, then to De'Ville. He stood straight as he looked to the other two that had come with him, Shaed and Eaven.

The test once it had been given to the three had seemed to be a rather easy task, in words. But it had been anything but easy, they had to all three work as a team, not as individuals. They worked well when it came down to it, and of course, they made it back and passed their test.

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:50:01 PM
Hob's lips quirked. "Well, old Hob did require a ride back from that desolate planet of Sith, don't y'know?" he chuckled. "And as far as tests go, there would have been no Gatekeeper to greet them until you arrived, at least. Your trial was a clever test of their ability to wield the Force, and to cooperate. I congratulate you on its' success."

Hob then cocked his head curiously at the new arrivals. "So what say you Brothers? No cheers, no joyous noises of exultation, no relief? Is your view of the world so serious as to not allow you to feel pride or joy in your own victories?"

Zasz Grimm
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:26:27 PM
"I am overjoyed, My Brother. I guess you could say, I lack the means to express it."

He was very happy to finally make it into The Black Hand. It was his main goal before even meeting his former master, Jeseth Cloak. He smiled to Hobgoblin and then to everyone else as he began to lighten his own mood.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:34:43 PM
"All right."

Dalethria said as Zasz smiling face turned to meet hers.

"What was this test that you all had to pass?"

She held out her arms and shrugged, acknowledging her ignorance.

"Recently new here. Tell me what happened. Including this being left behind on some planet??"

The brunette asked, looking at Hobgoblin with a lopsided grin.

Jehova Eaven
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:43:50 AM
He spoke aloud as he stepped forward, a slight smirk at the sides of his small mouth. His thoughts went back to the little time they spent on her ship. The poisonous gas aboard her ship which knocked the trio unconscious. The cramped space inside each of their respective pods left adrift near an asteroid field of sorts, of course few people still remembered the debris as Alderaan. Finally summoning their wills to find a seemingly abandoned freighter. Only to find that, the hyperdrive and nav computers were kaput. After a few hours, the Dark Knight Zasz finally recognized the area and sent them straight into an artificial satelite. Only to find a good sameritan, or rather a good sameritan found them. A good deed never goes unpunished as the greedy humanoid man found out.

"The test was far too simple, maybe you would have something more suited to my talents."

He moved his hand forward to shake her hand and introduce himself more formally.

"Jehova Eaven, Son of Alexander Eaven and leading Knight of the Sith Order."

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:54:25 PM
De'Ville bristled at Eaven's cocky words. But she restrained herself. For the moment. 'Leading Knight of the Sith Order' might have meant something at one point in time...but his words were empty to her.

"Excuse me." She nodded respectfully to Dale and Hob, both more powerful than she in the Force, and then she exited the room abruptly. Insolence was always rewarded. It just took time.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:58:49 PM
Shaed observed his Master's sudden exit from the "celebration". Hm.

He looked at Hob.

"Pride... oh, I have too much of that already. It is better to be serious than haughty, I have learned."

With that, he nodded to Zasz and shadowed his Master's steps out of the room.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:24:17 PM
With a half smile, Dalethria took Jehova's hand even after watching De'Ville leave.

"Dalethria Mal Pannis."

She was much more laid back in her answer, leaving off any titles. Still holding onto his hand, Dalethria stepped forward and whispered sweetly into his ear.

"Humility my dear Brother."

Perhaps he was unaware of their Sister's reaction but she a sudden shift in De'Ville's spirit was visible to her. With a pat on the side of his shoulder, she pulled back to look at the remainder of the group.

"I look forward to speaking with you in the future. Until then...."

Her eyes lingered upon Zasz's form longer then it probably should have and finally offered Hob a bow of respect before leaving.

Jehova Eaven
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:23:45 AM
He noticed his words strike a chord with De'Ville as she respectfully excused herself to the members of the hand. Indeed, he had hurt her somewhat but at the moment it didn't really matter. He would make it up to her some time in the future, after all it was because of she that he was introduced to the dark jedi 'brotherhood.'

He bowed slightly and also excused himself to explore the confines of his new 'home'. The other members would perhaps introduce themselves in time.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:14:03 PM
He couldn't help it. He could help but notice her eyes on him. Why were they on him for so long? He would find out another time. He looked to the others as he stepped back and began to move off on his own as he spoke to himself, but everyone else was in earshot...

"Indeed. Another time..."