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Dark Xazor
Aug 6th, 2002, 08:55:26 PM
Xazor tugged lightly on Vega's sleeve as they entered Yog's, a slight smile dancing on her lips. Her blue eyes sparkled a bit as her red robes flowed behind her ... just like the waves of the ocean. Her long, blonde hair was in Garou Warrior braids done up with golden coins. In every way, she looked exactly like the Jedi Knight Xazor Magus.

Infact, she was.

Well, half of her soul, anyways.

"Come Vega, let us find a place to sit."

Her smile turned into a demonic smirk as her fingers let go of his sleeve, dropping to her side. Spotting a vacant table, she led the way and pulled out a chair for Vega for him to sit down. Only then did she sit down in her chair, watching him earnestly.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:17:25 AM
He followed in tow, his panning across the bar towards all those present as he took his seat across from 'Xazor'. A grin played on his lips, showing his Lupine fangs as he watched the Jedi Knight.


He glanced upwards; his mind was wandering to what the Jedi would think of seeing Xazor here, it was oh so entertaining. It amused him greatly, so why not give them a little something else to be confused over? Leaning forward, he brushed his lips against Xazor's before sitting back in his chair, trying not to laugh to himself.

Dark Xazor
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:26:33 AM
"Do you want something to drink...?"

She continued to lock her eyes onto his figure, her gaze unwavering. She existed only to serve Vega so she could make him happy... Xazor began to nibble slightly on her lower lip while waiting for a response.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:28:29 AM
"Sure, a JD would do nicely,"

The Dark Jedi watched her curiously. She seemed rather nervous, even more so than usual. It was justified, of course, as her friends would soon see what she was doing and no doubt would have something to voice about it.

Dark Xazor
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:32:31 AM
She flagged down a droid and ordered a JD for both herself and Vega, wanting his approval in every way. In time, she would soon learn how to satisfy his every need and want.

As it whisked away to prepare their orders, Xazor suddenly broke out into a grin, baring the tips of her canines.

"I apologize for my unusual behavior... This is my first time out, actually."

And just the way she wanted it - with him.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:05:53 AM
"I have a better idea"

A dark cloaked man, face hidden came to the table, standing precisely 3 meters away.

"How about an explaination who you are". The voice came from the depths of the hood, quiet and strangely accented, toned politely, but with a hint of menace.

The Life Bond was missing. While she felt and looked like Xazor, the Bond Xazor and Marcus had was absent. This suggested something very, very wrong.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:15:59 AM
The sound of the one known as Q'Dunn speaking almost caused him to burst into a fit of laughter as he looked up towards the Jedi.

"This is Xazor, surely you recognise her!"

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:31:52 AM
The hood moved, indicating the Jedi had moved his head to stare at the Dark Jedi.

"Really. Then I guess Xazor should be quite able to answer what I was doing last night"

Dark Xazor
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:17:10 PM
"But I am Xazor."

A look of confusion passed her face as she reluctantly broke her gaze from Vega to the hooded man. She knew that it was Marcus, but what did he want with her? Surely he recognized her...

"But I wasn't there with you last night!"

The grin turned to a slight pout.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:21:26 PM
The Jedi Knight, Xazor Magus, sat in a dark corner of the bar. She was alone.....sitting in the shadows.....hiding her face beneath the hood of her black cloak. It was odd to see her dressed this way....but she was so for a few reasons. She wished to remain in solitude to get away from the attention she had recently been recieving from her long lost fiance. Suddenly Vega....one who called himself her friend, entered with a woman who did not look like Gitane. This caused the Knight to loft a brow in surprise. She leaned forward on the table and eyed the couple, then nearly fell over at what she saw.

What the frell?!

She spoke under her breath as she realized what was going on. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she looked again....but sitting across from Vega was......her....no, someone that looked identical to her. Then she spotted Marcus go over to them and began speaking. She could hear his words and was glad that he knew it was not her.

Marcus, that isn't me.....you know where I am......

She let the light catch her eyes, the silver reflected as she shot him a glance. She wished to go over and find out for herself what was going on.....but she would let Marcus take care of that and she would listen and watch through their Life Bond.....

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:50:22 PM
He did not reply to Marcus, but instead simply looked towards the Jedi. As he remained silent, he instead spoke through the Force to the 'original' Xazor.

"Good evening..."

Dark Xazor
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:57:25 PM
She saw Vega look at someone sitting in the shadows out of the corner of her eye, and glanced to see who it was. She knew that even though the person was fitted into a cloak that it was Xazor .... Her other half. She lifted two fingers up in acknowledgement before turning her attention back to Marcus.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:29:27 PM
Xazor's blood was boiling at this point. She was ready to get up from her seat and rip off the head of her impersonator...but she remained calm.....instead, she continued silently sipping her drink...allowing Marcus his space to handle the situation. She did not reply to Vega or the other in any form.....for if she would have, it would have not been a friendly greeting....

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:17:02 AM
A bit of a bitter smile came over Marcus' unseen face, while he communicated directly to the real Xazor.

Looks like a clone to me Xaz. A good one too, for even I would not have been able to tell the difference. Pity she's lacking a certain something that would identify you to me any time

His attention came back to the second Xazor - the fake one.

"Wrong answer - You are now under arrest under arcticle XA-FA302 of the Arcan IV legal code"

Dark Xazor
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:20:34 AM
"What is the meaning of this?"

Her voice was soft as her hand grasped the end of table, her knuckles turning white. Her blue eyes stared coldly at the man before Xazor shook her head, her Garou coins clanking.

"No, there must be some sort of mistake."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:00:43 PM
Xazor smiled to herself under the hood of her black cloak as Marcus spoke to her through their Life Bond.

Thank you my friend......please make sure that she cannot do anything to harm me or my reputation any further than she has already.....

The Knight said in his mind, watching as the woman refused arrest. Marcus would be able to handle her, though.....she knew that the "other Xazor" could do nothing to her.....

Dark Xazor
Aug 9th, 2002, 04:19:03 PM
Anger flared quickly inside the chest of the Jedi Knight. It was an outrage to convict her when she was innocent of everything.

But, remembering her teachings as a Padawan, she quickly calmed herself and pushed the chair back, standing up.

"I refuse to be taken against my will for something I never commicted. If this is how you treat your friend, Marcus, then I'm shamed to say I even knew you."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 05:13:40 PM
Xazor growled deeply from the shadows and rose from her seat. Pushing the hood of her black cloak back, she walked over to the situation and glared into the eyes of the woman claiming to be her.

"I am Xazor.....daughter of Verse Dawnstrider.....wife of Shade Magus. Mother to Jedidiah and Natia.....and I am a lot smarter than you at the moment. I suggest you go with my friend before you get hurt....."

She said in deep tones, baring her canines as fair warning that she was not playing games anymore. The Knight was tired of being taken by others.....being used as some sort of joke. That would all end here and now......

Dark Xazor
Aug 11th, 2002, 05:01:04 PM
Xazor turned to look into the face of herself, and a slow smile spread across her face.

"I know who you are .... Tell me, how is Master Verse doing?"

Only the tips of her canines showed, unlike her other "half".

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2002, 05:15:32 PM
Xazor growled deeply and raised her hand in a flash, and brought it to meet the other woman's cheek.

"Do not ever speak of things in my life as if they are yours!"

She said through a deep continual growl. Her canines remained exposed and her eyes bore holes into the other. She did not think herself out of line for slapping her.....nor was she acting out of anger. She was tired and frustrated with the situation and the woman persisted to make it worse.

"Now.....you listen to Marcus and go with him or you will face worse trials than just a slap to the face......"

Jakob Burton
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:19:04 PM
Jake, spending what seemed like hours fixing his sabers, walks into the bar to get himself a drink. He walks across the bar and notices Xazor sitting at a table with a strange looking man. Something wasn't quite right. Jake reached out, to feel the familiar warmth that was Xazor......

And was shocked when he felt absolute freezing cold, a huge wave of it hitting him. The initial shock made him shiver, but after it passed, he was determined. He must find answers.

He shift his direction and walks over to the table, passing the real Xazor. He took a second to acknowledge his master, before he spoke. His words were cutting, direct, and infused with the Force.

"What is an impostor piece of scum like you doing here? If you have nothing constructive to do, then leave, before we have to make you leave. And whether it be you exiting the bar or your essences leaving your cold, evicerated corpses, you will leave when we say so."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 12:52:33 AM
"What is an impostor piece of scum like you doing here? If you have nothing constructive to do, then leave, before we have to make you leave. And whether it be you exiting the bar or your essences leaving your cold, evicerated corpses, you will leave when we say so."

A hint of a thin lipped smile could be seen in the shadows of the cloak, but there was clearly no humour on his voice as he spoke once again at the imposter

"You are not Xazor and I know the difference. The real Xazor may not be in the same room as I am last night, but she knew precisely what I was doing. Now, the Padawan is partially correct - you are leaving here. But your choices are dead or under arrest, under the charge of impersonating a NR military officer. You have 20 time clicks to comply"

Some would think that was just a threat, but ones that truly knew Marcus knew he did not make threats. Killing this... travesty of Xazor was going to cause no dilemas at all.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:54:13 PM
The Knight stood back and watched the situation unfold. Her Padawan's remark was correct.....and she thought it kind of him to speak on her behalf. What Marcus had to say was interesting, to say the least. Xazor eyed the woman, hoping that she would go in peace.

You would kill her? But the Council would look down upon that.....hell, I would kill her save for the fact that I would probably be taken off of the Council......

The Knight spoke in his mind with a visible smirk on her lips. Her eyes narrowed at the woman and she watched her.......

Jakob Burton
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:43:54 PM
Jake, entirely oblivious to the words or how to even communicate via the Force, began to think. If Xazor would kill the imposter, then perhaps her position as a council member might be compromised. Little did he realize that these thoughts were being manifested by the Force, influenced by Xazor's thoughts, but without any action upon her behalf. The Force was, in a sense, a friend sharing a "secret" with Jake.

Jake's next set of moves were hostile, and shocking even to him. He brought his right leg underneath the table, kicking straight through it. The table split in half, falling, clattering to the ground. His moves weren't guided by himself, but by the Force. Apparently, the Force wanted these disturbances gone from it's domain. The words coming forth from Jake's tongue were those of the Force itself, and tactfully modified tenfold.


Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:55:51 PM
Xazor was completely shocked by the actions of her Padawan. She was glad that he was standing up for her.....but she did not know if he was acting out of anger or an innocent oblivion. The Knight backed away and crossed her arms over her chest and watched the situation.

"I suggest that you do as told.....we're not playing anymore....."

The Knight said softly with full control over herself. She would not succumb to anger.....not now......

Dark Xazor
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:39:22 PM
"Hold your tongue and learn your place, Padawan!!!"

She glared at him before speaking again, lowering her voice to a near growl.

"I would watch my temper, Jakob, and respect elders."

Xazor then turned her attention to Marcus, glaring defiantly at him.

"And you," she said, jabbing a finger out at him.

"You have no right to arrest me for something I never did. Impersonate Xazor ? I am her."

The Jedi Knight was irritated by the negative energy surrounding her, knowing that she in no way was "impersonating" her other half.

Aug 12th, 2002, 07:07:38 PM
Satine had walked in from the back door, his cloak on, and his hood up. As he pulls it down, revealing his silver hair, he keeps in the shadows, and walks to the Xazor that is not beside Marcus.

"Uh, sis? why are there two of you?" he asks, surprised and confused.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:27:26 AM
Xazor nearly dropped her jaw when her own Brother did not recoqnize her. She turned to Marcus in disbelief and then turned back to Alpha...gently touching the necklace that he had given her. The "other Xazor" was not wearing it...why couldn't he tell them apart.

"Brother....I thought I knew you."

The Knight said softly, feeling a bit of betrayal. Her eyes shifted to Marcus again and a tear streamed down her cheek. Suddenly she slammed her fist through the remaining part of the table and glared at the "other Xazor".

"You have made my life a living Hell! I hate this, I f**king hate this f**king s**t! What the f**k, Alpha? You know me!"

With that, the Knight drew her sword from her back and turned toward the door, then stormed out of the Bar and Grill. Where she was going....who knew? Silently, she walked across the field toward the Living Quarters. She would go their first....to meditate...

Aug 13th, 2002, 09:31:18 AM
"What in the frell..." Satine says, noticing the necklace for the first time. Satine puts his hood up, and follows his sister--the one with the necklace.

"Xazor! Wait!"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:35:00 AM
The Knight continued walking until she reached her room (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21750)....

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:08:16 PM
Thi was going beyond a joke.

"You. Shut up" he said at the fake Xazor. "You have just officially worn out your welcome."

Dark Xazor
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:20:53 PM
"And you have just worn out the last of my patience."

Spinning on her heel, Xazor began to walk out. She was infuriated with the treatment given to her - Was she not a Jedi Knight and a Council Member ? Was she not the other half of Xazor Magus's soul ?

But, no, the fools just couldn't see that, could they? For once in a long time, Xazor began to welcome to feeding hatred into her body as she shoved open the B&G doors with the Force. She would show them all not to disrespect her ...

Stepping out of Yog's, she closed her eyes briefly before re-opening them, leaving the damned place behind.

And to think, Marcus wanted to arrest her !

Jakob Burton
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:59:27 PM
Jake watching all of this, was infuriated. His anger got the best of him. He yelled at the other Xazor as she walked out.

"Respect!? You must earn that, and as a Sith, you will never earn the respect of mine, you damned, Dark-Siding b****! Now leave before I cut you in two!!!"

Grabbing a bottle, he left the bar, following the real Xazor to her room.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:07:24 PM
Just as the false Xazor was walking out the door, she was without grace dragged back inside by an unseen hand, dropped onto the floor in front of the Jedi Master, who was also summoning a Rail Gun into his hand from a NRSF trooper. It landed into his hand with a thud, to be pointed at the fake Xazor's head.

"Your not going anywhere until I have finshed with you. I know the difference between real and fake, so your going to do some explaining or you will die right here"

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:39:30 PM
She lifted up her arm and pinched it infront of Marcus.

"Looks real enough to me," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Standing up, she smiled innocently at Marcus, when suddenly her hand moved up, slamming the gun away.

"I don't think that's the way of the Jedi, killing when it isn't necessary."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:26:08 PM
Suddenly the real Xazor ran back into the bar. Because of her Life Bond with Marcus.....she knew what was going on and was tired of it. The other Xazor could not see her when the Knight ran up behind her and wrapped her right around around her neck...then slammed her knee into her back. She threw the woman on the ground and drew her lightsaber out, igniting it with the touch of a button. Two blue beams shot forth from each end with a hissing sound, creating a duel-phase, double bladed weapon of death. Xazor held one end of the saber so close to her neck, that it began to singe her skin. She growled deeply and bared her elongated canines, then pressed her foot firmly into the woman's chest.


She barked the words, yelling them right into the face of the impersonator. The Knight shoved her foot into the woman's chest harder.....creating an impossible situation for her to get out of...

I'm sorry Marcus.....I had to come back when I saw what was going on......

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:34:48 PM

This had pushed the Jedi Knight too damn far. Letting out a loud snarl, her face took on a truely demonic look. Reaching down, she unhooked her two lightsabres and ignited them swiftly, swinging them up to push the other Xazor's away.


Using the Force, she pushed Xazor off her and jumped to her feet, her blue eyes narrowing.

Both of them had the look of irritation of their faces while holding the same blue sabers. All in all, it was like looking in a mirror.

Aug 14th, 2002, 08:44:43 PM
Suddenly, both Xazor's were thrown backwards, Satine's silver eyes flashing.

"That is enough!!!" Satine shouts, both out loud and through the Force. He had his own black bladed sabres in his hands, and steps between the two copies.

"Put your weapons down. Right now! Sis, that means you too..." Satine says, adressing the Xazor with the necklace on, for the moment trurning his back on the other Xazor.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:45:34 PM
The Knight growled deeply and slammed her saber against the other's. She slammed her foot into the other's gut and spun around, slamming her heal into her chin.


She ran at the other Xazor and jumped up, slamming her feet into her chest. The other Xazor fell against a table, braking it in half. The Knight lifted her off the ground with the Force and threw her into the wall.....an audible crack could be heard.


Suddenly Alpha stepped between them.....and for once, the Knight placed her saber pointing at him......

"You don't want to do this......."

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:47:31 PM
As soon as her brother stepped between them, Xazor's hands trembled a bit as her arms began to lower.

One, terrible mistake.

The other Xazor took advantage and began to "slam her around", until finally she was thrown into the wall. Letting out a shriek of pain, she slumped to the ground, both of the lightsabres deigniting immediately. Placing on hand on her belly, she groaned slightly and continued to lie there.

Don't hurt my child, Xazor .. If you do, yours will have the same result.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:50:00 PM
The Knight growled deeply and eyed the other Xazor, laying on the ground. Using the Force, she called the others weapons to her hands, clipping them to her belt. Shaking her head, she placed a hand on her stomach and smiled.

"That's where you're wrong......."

Suddenly she processed the thought and shook her head. Her anger sparked to a high, but she fought against it.....a fire burning in her eyes.

"Cherice..................you little BIT-CH!"

With that, the Knight ran at her, spinning with a fury of slashes to the weaponless mock of her true self. She stopped and held her saber at her neck......glaring down at her.


Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:00:08 PM
A sort of ... unexplainable ... grin creapt across Xazor's face. She continued to keep her hand on her stomach all the while watching her other half.

"I think you already know."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:03:22 PM

The Knight held her saber closer to the woman's neck.....pressing it into her skin slightly. It began burning a bit....and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. She narrowed her eyes at Cherice and watched her.


Aug 14th, 2002, 09:03:54 PM
Satine says nothing, looking to Marcus for help on this matter. Maybe the elder Jedi might know how to diffuse this...odd...situation.

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:13:54 PM

As the agonizing pain went through her neck, the same happened to Xazor. The same burning mark began to appear on her body as the lightsabre began to press against the other's skin.

Suddenly, the other Xazor was flung backwards into the floor, the lightsabre flying against one of the tables and slicing it in two.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:18:49 PM
The Knight growled in pain and called her saber to her hand. She felt the burn mark on her neck and furrowed her brows. They were two separate people.....it shouldn't have mattered....but it did. Raising her arms into the air, the Garou sent three heavy Force blasts in succession at Cherice.


The Knight yelled at her and rushed over at her again, then held the saber right at her neck.

"You will tell me what's going on and you will tell me NOW!"

Her voice was a bit more calm, but held the streness as before. Her eyes shifted to Marcus and Alpha.....begging for a shread of help if they would give it.....

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:21:27 PM
The Force blasts hit her successfully, but it also knocked the other Xazor back slightly.

"You can't even fight yourself without asking for help. How pathetic."

Sneering slightly, she raised her hand and wrapped her fingers around the end of the saber very lightly. It began to burn deep within the skin, leaving the other Xazor's sabre hand in uncontrollable pain.

"Stop threatening me, and I'll tell you a story .."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:23:43 PM
The Knight growled deeply and switched hands, pulling her saber away at a safe defensive distance.

"You tell me a story you bi-tch, and you tell me now......"

She held her hand close to her and glared at Cherice......watching her for any sudden movement. Even if she moved unnoticably, she would sense it through the Force......

Aug 14th, 2002, 09:24:18 PM
Slowly taking a med kit from the bar, and taking out a tranq dart. Aiming it, Satine chucks it with great accuaracy, the thing going for the dark Xazor...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:26:23 PM
Xazor smled and eyed her brother.

"Good work Bro......."

She said softly and then turned to shoot a hard glare at Cherice...

Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:29:45 PM
In the blink of an eye, Xazor reached up and caught the dart. It would've hit her in the shoulder if she reacted one second less. Her eyes roamed over to her brother and bitterness filled her mouth.

How could he do this to his own sister ?!

"Xazor .. Xazor, I'M NOT CHERICE ! .. I'm Xazor Magus, Jedi Knight and Council Member ... I .. I'm with child and already have two adopted ones ... And I have a brother, Satine, who apparantly doesn't wish me to be in my senses."

Looking back at her other half, Xazor's burned hand clenched into a fist, fingernails digging into the palm. Another wave of pain washed over her but she didn't mind.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:34:06 PM
The Knight fought the pain with the Force.....feeling nothing now. She growled deeply and pointed her saber back at Cherice.


She growled deeply and in one swift movement she sliced a deep cut into the woman's arm. It would affect Cherice now.....as Xazor had put up protective Force coverings upon her body.


Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:39:06 PM

The gash Xazor had cut in her arm was deep, but now she was accustomed the pain she was receiving in this one visit.

"I'M NOT CHERICE ! I'M NOT HER, I'M NOT HER ! I CAN'T BE ! I'M A JEDI KNIGHT .. A Jedi Knight ... A Jedi Knight ..."

Xazor closed her eyes, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath she was taking. A red tear trickled down a pale cheek and fell to the floor, leaving a bloody streak.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:42:31 PM
The Knight grinned to herself.....a dark smile.

"Neither was I, but I KNOW where he was.....I KNOW what he was doing......."

She growled deeply and lashed out, striking Cherice in the other arm.....leaving another deep gash.

"You're Cherice you BIT-CH! I am a Jedi Knight I am the Council Member, and I am the NR Military Officer! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WHORE! Now, you're under arrest......"

The Knight growled deeply and lifted Cherice up with the Force and put invisible bindings on her wrists......holding her in place with the Force. Growling deeply, she held her in the tight invisible grip.


Dark Xazor
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:47:26 PM
"Ung .."

Floating in the air now while being binded down, Xazor opened her eyes and looked at the Jedi Knight.

"I'm .. Sorry .. I just wanted to taste life like I used to."

With that said, a ripple went throughout her body, followed by another. An agonized look appeared on Xazor's face before she completely disappeared, replaced by another person: Cherice.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:49:21 PM
"Now you won't have that chance again!"

The Knight growled deeply and looked at Marcus.

"I'll take her......"

With that said, the Garou led the floating Cherice out the door and headed for the NR Headquarters. Why she spared Cherice at all.....she did not know......but a part of her felt sorry for the woman. Shaking her head, she made it outside and trudged across the field......taking Cherice to be locked up.....

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:53:04 PM
The Sith Disciple's blue eyes looked around wildly while being suspended in air. She tried to move but found that she was binded down by something invisible.

"What the hell ?!"

Cherice growled and began to struggle against the unseen bindings.

"Xazor, what is the meaning of this ?!"

That's when the Jedi Knight began to leave with her trailing after. Letting out a frustrated scream, the purple-skinned Succubi stopped moving, watching silently.

What she noted before she left, though, was that Vega was sitting in the bar with an amused look on his face.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:56:01 PM
"You, my friend are going to prison for impersonating me, an NR Millitary Officer, Council Member, and Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. I'm not sorry for doing this to you....and there is no use in struggling......it'll only increase your pain....."

With that, the Knight twiched her fingers and the unseen bindings tightened....digging into Cherice's flesh. The Knight smiled and continued leading her on through the air.....almost to the NR Headquarters....

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:57:54 PM
".. I did WHAT ?!"

Her eyes widened at these words and then her face contorted into one of pain. She could feel the .. things ... cutting into her skin.

Cherice truly had no idea of what happened, or why she was here. It was almost like amnesia ...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:03:53 PM
The Knight growled to herself as she entered the large building of the NR.

"You know very well what you did.....stop lying, it won't get you anywhere.....but then again, neither will the truth. Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you..."

Walking up a flight of stairs, Xazor reached the second floor and stopped at a desk....signed her name and ID number, then waited for the guards to let her into the secure door. Smiling as she passed by a friend, she led the floating Cherice inside.

"There is no way out of this place.....so have fun, and I'll be sure you're here for a good long time!"

With that, she was guided down the hall by two husky men who took her to a cell.......in seclusion. The Knight opened the large blast doors.....three in succesion of one another with large pains of unbreakable poly-plastic. She sent Cherice inside and closed the doors one after the other, leaving the Force hold upon her.

"You'll really like it here. I guarantee it!"

She said, and set the demon on a bench. With that, handcuffs came out of the walls and latched onto her wrists, then Xazor dropped the Force hold.

"Time to be served.......oh, looks like you'll be here for a year! And that's after I put an easy sentance on you......good day!"

She grinned to herself and spoke with the guards....who then took their places on each side of the cell. Remembering something, the Knight turned around and whispered something in the man's ear about a Ysalimir. He nodded and then Xazor went on her way......

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:09:49 PM
"I didn't do anything ! You cannot put me in here for no reason ..."

That's when the face of Vega flashed back into Cherice's mind and her body went limp. Leaning against one of the walls, she slumped down to the ground and stared blankly at the floor. It was Xazor's soul that had literally possessed it.

It was only meant for fun and games, to tease the ex- Sith Lord about his lust for Xazor. In a way, it was to flaunt what she "owned" .. But the soul had gotten too strong. It became its own person and now Cherice was being punished.

Letting out a wail, she stood up and faced the wall, staring at it. Life was so pathetic now.

OOC- Oh, shut up you. i^_^

Jakob Burton
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:58:35 AM
Jake returns to the bar in time to see Xazor leave, with a strange, demonic woman in tow. Perhaps that was the fake Xazor? Jake then beckoned the Force, asking it to help him percieve this female better. And he then felt a blast of cold on his psyche, the very same feeling that he felt when he first met the imposter. So, he decided to follow them, secretly, if possible, to figure out a little more about what was going on.

Jake remains in the shadows, relying upon the Force to keep him secret. And fortuately, it did it's job and very well. Jake found himself sneaking down a corridor and looking around a corner. He sees the strange creature in a holding cell and Xazor standing there. Jake asks the Force to help him again, to read the thoughts of the strange demoness. And he saw a face, the face of her male compainon. He was causing trouble, and got this one here, although it wasn't entirely his fault. But to Jake, he still went unpunished. And he felt that it was a bit f***ed up that he seemingly orchestrated all this just to cause trouble among people who didn't do anything wrong, and in fact, were doing the right thing. That f***er was gonna pay!

Jake ran back to the bar, stopping at the front door. He then shoves them open, and walks in, looking around for that face. And surely enough, in a dark corner, Jake found him. Jake's hands began to shake with a profound fury, unchecked. And he couldn't control it. He began to feel much stronger, filled with a raging inferno, an electrical storm, and a earth-shattering fury. He nodded to a group of people sitting at a table to move, and with such a fire in his eyes, they did so. He gripped the table with one hand, and amazingly, yanked it upward and flung it into Vega's table. He grinned at the sound of splintering wood and the sight of the thrown table smacking into Vega's table, breaking it as well. With that same unbridled anger, he roared.

"GET THE F*** OUT!!!!"

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:55:05 PM
7 Months Later ...


Her skin had turned from a violet-hue to white as her blue eyes went a shade deeper. The silver in her blonde hair disappeared completely as it hung in tangles around her face. She could barely muster up enough strength to move at all.

She was dying.

But the hatred wasn't.

Oh, no. It burned like an inner fire as it fed off of her body. It wanted revenge - revenge for the unjust punishment.

The guards were petrified of the Succubi and they stayed as distant as possible. Not like she cared about their pitiful lives, but they knew that she had the power to destroy them. The power to drain them of their souls.

The door to her cell opened and a guard walked in, carrying a bowl of water. He did this every day even though she never touched it. He picked up the other one that laid in the corner and replaced it with the new, and walked out.

The door slammed shut and was locked.

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:35:09 PM
Do you have any idea what it's like ? To stay imprisoned a dirty cell in isolation for a year, without any contact from anybody except the guards ? Being locked away for something you're innocent of ... Can you imagine ?

Can you imagine ?


"Get up, you scum!"

The shadowed figure hesitated a moment then stood up, their hands still cuffed behind their back.

"Come over here and don't try anything funny!"

Cherice walked over to the guard, her movements jerking - for she hadn't walked in a long time. The guard grabbed her arm and motioned for the doors to be opened as he led the prisoner out.

For safety precautions, there was a Ysalimir in the corner.

The guards continued to lead Cherice out of the NR building. For a moment she stood stunned, as light shone of her face for what seemed like the first time. Her pupils slit as she hissed slightly, looking down. Her eyes were light-sensitive now, and they pained her. Suddenly, a rough push caused the Succubi to fall her to knees. The guard kneeled down and uncuffed her, revealing red wrists. There were little scars of where the handcuffs used to dig into her skin.

"Now get out of my sight before I shoot you," growled the man. Groaning slightly, it was an effort for the weak demoness to stand up. If only she could eat ... If only -


The man raised his hand as if to slap her, and in a flash she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to the ground. The other guards immediately pointed their guns towards her, but she was too fast. Cherice rolled down with the other man and pushed him on top of her, then shoved her hand inside his chest. Her fingers wrapped themselves around the beating heart as blood gushed out from his uniform, soaking her.

"Give me a kiss."

She placed her lips upon his mouth and began drain him of his Life Essence.

The guards started to let fire loose when they saw that their friend wasn't going to make it. Fortunately, they just kept shooting the guard. Cherice could feel her strength being restored as she 'stole' the other man's, feeling energy surge throughout her body. Adrenaline began pumping itself through her veins as her hair began to turn slightly silver again. Her skin also started to turn its original color - a light purple.

Still keeping her hand inside of the dead man's chest, she stood up, ripping his heart out. His body fell to the ground and his friends lowered their guns in shock .. Not to mention that since the Ysalimir wasn't around, she used the Force to help keep them paralyzed.

Turning around, she began to walk away, still keeping the heart in her hand.

"Xazor .. Xazor, my Jedi Knight friend .. I've come to deliver a present."