View Full Version : Jedi Defender at work....(Open challenge)

Aug 6th, 2002, 07:51:02 PM
Satine smiles as he sits on a hover bus, talking with a few people who shared an interest in weaponry, enjoying the conversation with them. Suddenly, a small explosion rips out the front of the bus, sending the thing into a wall, and knocking Satine to the floor, making him slam his head into it hard.

Minutes later, Satine checks on the survivors, looking at the blast damage, and seeing it was a handheld missile launcher's signature blast pattern. His cloak shifting to his sleeveless black leather trenchcoat, and his jumpsuit shifting to his normal light, but durable and strong metal armor, Satine looks at the survivors, telling them to get a move on.

As they filter out of the bus, Satine pulls out both his SOCOM, reaching out his senses. Finding one person armed with a missile launcher on the top of the building to the left, Satine wheels around, and lets fire, the slugthrowers piercing the man's jacket, and throwing him backwards. the report echoes, and Satine can tell he got the leader's attention with it. Sensing a dark presence, Satine looks around for the source, keeping his pistols level, using the Force to float silencers on the guns, attaching them, and also laser sights, from his belt pouches. He waits, making sure all of the survivors get to safety ok...

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:49:39 PM
(Alverec was dead. Might as well have been a fly that got swatted. I barely knew his name, anyways. He was a no-talent nobody my client had paired with me on this job...along with a few other no-talent nobodies. It wasn't a bad strategy at that. The rocket blast had disabled the bus, creating just the right amount of pandemonium I needed. The others would likely be bottling up the escape angles, keeping the passengers caged in like so many sheep.

From my vantage behind a holographic billboard, I could see it all below me, as the crowd of shell-shocked passengers milled around in panic. I tapped my microdeflector generator, powering it up with a whine. With my other hand, I slid out my duronian handblaster, the ornate barrel telescoping to its full length of half a meter. Flipping up the reticule, I wedged the barrel into the crook of my right arm, staring down about 200 meters to my targets. They all dressed in business formal attire...looking like a flock of lost penguins, stuck on hamburger hill. The bald guy had a briefcase cuffed to his right hand.

I smirked. For all his precautions, and for all his overpaid bodyguards...he was simply outclassed here. I could've done this alone, and had the same results.

Once I had steadied my target in my sights, I squeezed the trigger.)

Aug 8th, 2002, 01:55:32 PM
With a flash of insight from the force, Satine projects a shield around that area of the passengers. A bullet rebounds off the shield, and into a wall.

"What the frell?" he asks himself, turning to where he thought the shot came from, by a holo billboard, bringing his SOCOMs to bear, firing a rapid burst of slugs.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:04:03 PM
OOC: The duronian handblaster is an energy weapon...aka, tis why its a blaster.


(The initial return fire screamed in a ricochet against the projector's durasteel frame. There was obviously another bodyguard at work here...and my mark appeared to have personal shielding of some sort in effect. I leaped away in an overexaggerated backflip, the gravity altered by my boost pack as I careened back to a building behind the holoboard, obscured from the angle of attack below. As I did so...a freight hauler screamed down the lane below, swerving and effectively capping the road off to the north. Two smaller speeders did the same at the south end, as various thugs emerged, spraying the fleeing passengers with intense blaster fire.)

Aug 8th, 2002, 02:09:12 PM
{OOC: Oops, sorry, didn't catch that. :)}

Satine sees the thugs come out, and the weapons in their hands, and he quickly puts up one of his pistols, drawing one of his sabres, and thumbing it on. The blade crackles out of the hilt with a hiss, and Satine swings the black blade to intercept some of the laser fire closer to him. He sends the blaster bolts back towards the thugs, projecting more Force shields, his brow beginning to sweat at the strain. Aiming, Satine fires one shot per thug, each shot taking down one of the thugs. He kills a half dozen this way, then his pistol clicks.

Of all the times to run out of ammo! Satine thinks to himself, jumping at one of the people, and slicing him in two. He drops his SOCOM into its holster, and uses the Force to float his second one to his hand....

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:15:33 PM

(I fired a blue shell down towards the bodyguard...who had now revealed himself to be a Jedi, as he swatted away blaster shots with his lightsaber. The shell's microdeflector created a fast-charging field of force, throwing Alpha to the ground with ease, and causing his floating SOCOM to clatter away from his grasp. Ejecting the spent casing, I slid an orange and a black shell into each barrel, snapping it shut. As the remaining thugs kept up their attack, I fired the black shell down at the Jedi. It would be interesting to see just what he could do with that lightsaber...)

Aug 8th, 2002, 02:20:36 PM
Satine throws the sabre in a circle, taking out most of the remaining thugs. While doing this, Satine jumps to his feet, igniting his second lightsabre, Satine blocks the black blast.

{OOC:Just curious, do these different colored casing have different effects?}

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:36:27 PM
OOC: Yes they do >D...oh yes they do...


(He'd taken the bait, swallowed, and ran with it, hook line and sinker. The black shell was cored with cortosis, and as his swatting blade vaporized the durasteel shell, the brittle cortosis fractured, and at the same time, deactivated his saber. The shrapnel of the shell passed through unchallenged, hitting Satine full in the chest like a shotgun's pattern, dropping him to the ground like a sack of potatoes. In the distance, I watched him bleed through his many puncture wounds, and then redirected my attention towards my task at hand. Miraculously, the bald man and his cadre were holding out behind a gutted speeder, exchanging fire with the two speeders to the south. Positioning my mandalorian weapon in the crook of my arm...I once again took up my target...and fired. The orange shell accelerated out of the barrel, and then, in an ear-splitting crack, accelerated towards the man's briefcase at hyperspeed. The solid slug vaporized the case, and the resulting shockwave and exploding debris took the bald man to the ground, severing his left leg at the thigh.

Standing from my vantage, I holstered my weapon. Whether the bald man or the Jedi lived or died didn't matter. The briefcase was all I was after, and I'd destroyed it. With a signal from my comm, the remaining thugs began to withdraw from the area.)

Aug 8th, 2002, 02:40:38 PM
Satine moans, and gets back to his feet, finally seeing who was firing the weapon. He recognized him from the Jedi Database. Sanis Prent.

Tapping into the Force, Satine crouches, and then jumps up, using the Force to propel him. He lands beside Sanis, pulling out his last pistol--a modified NMC-92 pulse pistol--and aiming it at Prent.

"Sanis Prent, I presume?" Satine asks, ignoring the pain and blood from his wounds.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:46:42 PM
That's the rumor.

(I held my hands up slightly, not making any sudden movements for the moment)

Aug 8th, 2002, 03:07:29 PM
"What were you so eager to kill for down there? Must have cost you quite a bit to hire that many morons to do your bidding..." Satine looks closely at Prent. He didn't see much that told him to fear this man, as the Database implied.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:10:32 PM
A little presumptuous today, aren't we?

(I smiled)

What makes you think I'm the one that hired these guys? They can barely tie their shoes, let alone shoot in a straight line.

Aug 8th, 2002, 03:30:16 PM
"So, I take it they're just acting on their own, and you just are lucky enough to go after the same thing?" Satine says sarcasticaly.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:36:04 PM
Never said that, either. But you're giving me more credit than I can claim, here.

Aug 8th, 2002, 03:47:05 PM
"Then care to explain?" Satine asks, his finger twitching near the trigger.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 03:53:15 PM
Not particuarly.

Aug 8th, 2002, 04:57:31 PM
"Didn't you just get out of jail? Do you want to go back right now?" Satine asks, hitting his wrist comm.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2002, 05:29:15 PM
Didn't you just get shot?

(In the time Satine diverted to hit his wrist comm, he made a fatal error. I lowered my left hand, twitching the wrist enough to trigger the spring holster, which popped the 3-shot holdout derringer blaster into the palm of my hand. Alpha now stared into the barrel of my snub-nosed weapon.)

Seems deja vu's staring at both of us pretty intensely. Lets not test our mutual luck.

(I glanced to the side)

You've got plenty of other suckers to ask. Ask them.

Aug 8th, 2002, 06:40:05 PM
"Yes, but already, I have you here. Might as well save some time."

As he says this, satine constructs one of his special talents, a Force shield, and he also reaims his pistol at Sanis, while talking into the comm.

"Security? Yes, this is Jedi Knight Capashen. I think I have someone who you would love to meet." Satine says, using the Force to shut it off.

"Sanis, you assaulted another Jedi. Me. I don't think the law would look kindly on that..."

Sanis Prent
Aug 9th, 2002, 08:49:16 AM
We're not on Arcan, and honestly, the officials might be more interested in knowing why a Jedi Knight was protecting a known mob chieftain.

(I winked)

It makes for a great story, doesn't it.

(Satine's concentration isn't quite what it should be. His force shield falters, as he is losing blood from his multiple wounds. As he holds his pistol his hand shakes a bit. I back away from him, sliding my gun back into its wrist holster.)

Keep pressure on those shot wounds, and try not to move around so much. That's cortosis inside you. Its brittle, and if it splinters more, it'll do more harm than good.

(I turned my back to him, and began to walk away.)

If you're trying to be a hero, there are half a dozen corpses down there. Claim your fifteen minutes of fame, but don't get ambitious on me. We've both got work to do.

(With that, I turned to a door on the rooftop, entering and going down the stairs.)

Aug 9th, 2002, 08:57:34 AM
Satine growls, and sends a message itno Sanis's head.

Until we meet again... he says, simply, jumping back down to the wreckage, to meet the police that were finally showing up, along with an ambulance.