View Full Version : Collective Black: Dreams of Falling

Severen Morkonis
Aug 6th, 2002, 11:28:16 AM

They called his name...screams, screams everywhere,women, children and grown men shouting that name of evil as if they were in desperation for his mercy, as if he loomed over them with his saber about to strike.

AHHHHHH!....muuhhhha!, a thumping head seemed as if it was about to burst..burst and splatter his brains all over the...the....the darkness. Darkness?...He looked around to find he was sitting in complete darkness as if he was pearched on a stool in a starless sky...he was sitting above a planet, a planet that he could not remember but only recognize it as Vegas home....like it was burned into his brain.

'Uhhh..huuuhhh...Obei da namora!!...Obei da namora!!!???....'

Sieken jolted his head left to view where the haunting voice had come from, it was distorted as if two voices were molded together...one Vega..it had to be..this world he was in seemed to revolve around the Lord, and the other....the other he had to strain to hear....it...it was Gitane.

Suddenly a great pain his arm was felt, like a great sword had slashed it but there was no blood, just an arm shaking in pain, it quivered and shook voilently, Sieken grabbed it and clenched it tight, the pain was becoming overwhelming, suddenly without warning he throw up blood like he was sick from the pain, as if he was poisoned...

and then again without warning the stool he sat on vanished and he began his decent onto the planet below him...his shout ecoed around him without a reply.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2002, 12:01:01 PM
"Shut the hell up,"

Was the first thing Sieken heard as his eyes snapped open. e was not, as he had first thought, above Fascinataru but was infact within the castle Volfstadt still. However he was not in the basement as he had first been when he visited Vega, he was now laying staring up at the bright white ceiling of some room. On closer inspection, it could be seen that he was on a metallic table, and the room he was in was a medbay of some kind, though the open door to his left betrayed the location of the small room.

The former Knight of the Sith Empire was wearing only a pair of dark trousers, as around his torso bandages were wrapped. Gauze covered his forehead. Slow realization struck him; these were wounds gained in the fight he had had with Vega, which ended in Kasstra blacking out. On Sieken's arm, a drip pumped something into his vein.

"What are you screaming about, you idiot?!"

Severen Morkonis
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:16:54 PM
Sieken snapped his eyes open, to a distorted yelling.

"Shuuuuat..duha Hessla upmp"

Sieken raised his head as much as the straps to his neck would allow. His face and hands were covered in sticky sweat and caked blood from when he was sick, it truly was not a pretty sight. He quickly tugged his arms but they were also strapped down tight, he was not getting out of here anytime soon.

'What are you screaming about, you idiot?!' A shout came from the other side of the room, pretty much clear this time and regozizable as Vega...Van...Develd. WHAM!, the straps flew up violently jolting the bed and bouncing it upon the tiled floor, another jolt nearly flipped the bed over.

'What are you doing you god damn mad man?!...oh..no..thats a compliment to you is it not you worthless strip of tripe!' Sieken waisted no time and ripped at his leg, the strap snapped open and his right leg was free. ' You WILL NOT DO THIS TO ME!!!' he roared.

The bed flipped over with on last jolt knocking the drip over and smashing a rather large hole into a computer, or monitor. The lead that ran into Siekens arm was ripped out and blood gushed from the open wound ignored and pushed aside by Siekens anger. Two arms and one leg was still stapped to the bed, but the whole be contraption was crushing Sieken under its weight.

' I would rather die than live as your pet!' he said with the last breath he could muster from the weight.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2002, 02:00:01 PM
The dark side smashed against Sieken's body and rammed him backwards, still half attached to the table, into the bare back wall of the room. The straps still holding the Knight in place tightened around his body, so much so that in time they would cut off the blood supply to the specific limbs that they secured.

"I can quite easily grant that request, Sieken."

He let the grip on his captive loosen somewhat, so much so that Kasstra was given a slim element of freedom, but not enough so that he would be able to rebel in any fashion. Vega smirked.

"You can die an abandoned man, now that your Empire is disbanded, or you can live under a fair code of rules and my guard."

Vega paused, and smiled.

"Either way, I am benefited. It is up to you."

Severen Morkonis
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:47:39 AM
Siekens back hurt like crazy, as if a dagger had been dug directly into his spine and then slit down to the base of the bone. He was also very winded, he could hardly breath and on top of that he was still straped to the stupid infernal bed.

'What the hells your problem you stupid nutcase!...since leaving the TSE whats going on?...you gone nutts?...hit your head just a little to hard this time?' He stuggeld against the straps again trying to pull or break his hand free from this hanging position was not easy. he tried to keep the Lord destracted.

'So what now hmm?...another child you can control?..another life you can ruin in a instant?...what am i?..a pet? a prisonar?...TELL ME!' Just at that moment his foot came loose quietly coverd by the bed sheet.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:37:56 PM
"Why don't you tell me Sieken? I have the ability to turn you into something at my whim, yet I'm willing to let you roam freely around the galaxies so long as once in a blue moon I am able to study your body,"

He tightened the hold on the Knight again, driving Siekens foot hard against the metal behind him.

"Tell me, wise one, what are you?"

Severen Morkonis
Aug 10th, 2002, 10:12:33 PM
'Who the hell cares who or infact what i am?' He said once again pinned back by the true force of Vegas power. This time he could not even struggle against the flow of energy a great feeling of dizziness came over him and then.....blackness.


Sieken snapped open his eyes to find he was looking up to a red and purple sky he somehow recognized. He eyes moved from side to side, he was surrounded by NR Commandos...he could scarcely belive his eyes...vega had betrayed him to the NR.

' This is Bravo, Zulu 5..we are under attack i say again we are under attack by clone forces we need urgent assistance....' The big guy to the right sad, showing off a captains insignia to his upper right arm, and to his left...Peterson...peterson?..hell he had been dead 6 years now...this was all starting to fall in motion. The captain was Robby 'Snakeskin' Herman....he was....he was back with his NR buddies.

' MOVE!' Shouted snakeskin and all including Sieken sprang up in a diamond formation and started there charge towards a mounted gun dig out. One man in front of sieken was taken down with a few bolts fromn a blaster, the capatan took care of the killer with his own E-11. Sieken suddenly and out of control fired at the battle dressed clones that were attacking the formation of his friends charging into a hopeless battle like he to was a clone, as if he was re-living what he did.

Bodies were on the floor, in trees and plants, choped in half and spread 50 feet...but he couldn't quite place where he was and he got back here again...suddenly snakeskin shoved 2 perimeter bomb charges in Siekens hand and started shouting is order over the gun blast explosions.

' Kasstra..i want you and Peterson to get in that gun bunker place the charges and get the hell out, the rest of Bravo-Zulu 5 will move on and take out the others..you got that Corporal?'

Sieken hesitated for a few moments, thee guys were his enemies, why should he help them?...why should he not just pull his blade out now and slash them all. But he knew he was not THE Sieken anymore..he was the NRs Sieken, he had no force powers or even sword training.

' Sir YES Sir!' Sieken shouted clutching the bombs in his hand while swinging his rifle behind his back. He went to put his hands through his hair, but it was short and not shoulder lengh..it was also brown...he was the old Sieken...the good guy with the medals and the brother and sist...and family...maybe Vega had given his second chance...

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 11th, 2002, 03:16:17 AM
Peterson followed Kasstra from behind, readying his rifle. As the two charged up on the mount they were targetting, Kasstra's comrade dropped and rolled to the floor to avoid taking a piece of shrapnel to the head. Shifting with a clunk into a crouch position, he pressed his rifle on the firestep and aimed clearly towards the men manning the turret. With a pull of the trigger, he fired of a round that shot straight into the bunker, striking one of the enemies in the forehead.

"Throw in the charges!"

The eyes of the Corporal turned on his ally. Sieken lobbed the hand bombs straight into the air, causing them to rain down onto the surface side section of the barrack. The remained still for a brief second, before exploding in a spray of smoke and fire. As his eyes had done moments ago, now his gun moved to be pointed towards Sieken.


A round rang out from the gun and whailed towards Sieken.

Severen Morkonis
Aug 11th, 2002, 04:25:46 AM
Sieken quickly rolled down the other side of the gun mound narrowly missing what had been fired at him. It hurt him quiet badly hitting the gun shield with his rib cage and then falling down into the actual collapsed turret area where the men had stood only moments before.

He quickly picked up one of the enemy guns and dropped down and pushed his back up against one of the corners overlooking the only way in and out of the crushed gun shelter. This did not happen...Peterson would never attack Sieken, Hell they used to be bunk buddies over at the NR HQ, they were practically brothers.

'What the hell are you up to John?..huh?..whats this all about?' Sieken yelled out of the small gap hoping he would not have to shoot his best friend.

' Sound off..one,two...one two..3,4!...SOLDIER!!..this is a training exercise not a sleeping quarters..stop dozing!' Said Snakeskin as if nothing was wrong. Sieken popped his head out looking around for Peterson. Whats wrong Corporal..lost something?'[/i] Said Snakeskin with a sarcastic smile.

'N...No sir..Sorry Sir!' Shouted Sieken is a respectful voice. He looked out to see he was in a traing field, the bodies and clones were no longer there, in fact it looked like a completely different planet, as if it was all big simulation, but of course it was not. A pulsing, confused head ach started to swamp Siekens head like a mass wave towering over him.

Everyone stood in a row waiting for Sieken to attend the final line up of the night after a long training session. After a long pause he finally made it to the parade like a gulped down the oozing serliver in his mouth out of fear. His eyes oly looked around for Peterson, and there he stood right behind Sieken with a smile and a nod as if nothing happened.

If this was a dream, he wished he would wake up soon....it had something to do with his buddie Peterson and he had no idea what the link was....then again...maybe this was reality..and TSE was nothing but a long free falling dream.

Sieken gave a nod to his mate John Peterson.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 11th, 2002, 04:36:04 AM
John nodded back and smiled, giving Sieken a good hard slap on the back, his smile broadening before he fell back into line. Something irked Sieken about what he'd done though - moments ago it seemed like Peterson had been trying to kill him, and now everything seemed normal?

But ... but something was on his back. He could feel it, moving very slightly. The others cadets and soldiers stood totally still, staring forward at their commander as he briefed them, yet the head officers words became fuzzy to Sieken and eventually lost all sense of coherency and meaning. The former Sith began to twitch and itched in his lower back. Something was pricking the small of his back, like very tiny needles. He just had to see what. So quickly, he brushed his arm against his back.


Snakeskins voice boomed loudly as he thundered towards Sieken, his brow knitted into a deep frown.

"What the hell are you doing?! Stay the frell still, you maggot!"

This wasn't the commander he knew, yet all the others seemed to welcome his attitude. Infact, Peterson simply laughed. He outstretched one hand towards Sieken, and laughed harder, his finger pointing at where he'd felt the tingling. As the others turned to look and see what was happening, something pushed out of Sieken's back, clawing at his flesh. His skin expanded as something snaked around beneath the surface.

A hole was in his jacket, at top of his spine, where Peterson had slapped him.


Severen Morkonis
Aug 14th, 2002, 05:23:34 AM
Sieken at this point was in a panic, he quickly turned and throw his elbow out at Peterson, he had quite clearly had enough of the man. The elbow struck the past NR officer in the head knocking him clear across the back two rows of soldiers. Sieken face was red with rage, clench his hands together he twisted his body and kicked the seargent in the face with force sending his boot right through the mans head and slumping him to the floor.

Just as that moment every single officer turned on there heal towards the Sith Knight. Sieken held up his gun and without a single hesitation. ' Bastards!'. He then let out a rage of fury sending light bolts from his E-11 into the chests of the soldiers, there were like zombies, after a while of resting on the floor they got strait back up. Closer and closer the came and before he knew it he was backed up against the fortification wall.

The officers by now looked mutilated and falling apart, blood stained the ground and insides dropped from there bodies like they were melting. It was just then that it struck him. He turned around to see Vega standing there, as if controlling them with his mind, every time he shot them down, Vega brought them alive again, like a god resurrecting his minions.

'STOP THIS NOW!..or so help me god ill try and try to kill you till you have to kill me to stop me!' He shouted just as of the fallen officers went to bite his neck.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:42:02 AM
Vega looked out of place in the setting. Unlike the others, he wore normal clothes - at least semi normal, it was his red dojo outfit, cut at the shoulders and slightly ragged from fighting. An unusual smile played on his lips, one that suggested amusement yet at the same time threatened to become an aggrivated frown at any minute. He rose one clawed hand and motioned towards the swelling mass of shoulders, causing a surge in their movemented - the drove harder towards Sieken.

"Don't you see it, Sieken? The treachery they show is akin to those of the Empire. As the Sith expelled you and disgraced you, so do your former brothers at arms. There is no one for you to trust..."

The men vanished and everything became dark as the two were plunged into shadow. As Sieken looked down, he found he was standing on a stone floor, yet all that was around him was a void of black. Vega rose a quizical eyebrow, the right hand corner of his lips turned upwards very slightly. It was not an entertained look, but more of an expectant one.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:23:11 AM
Sieken not only wondered how Vega was doing this but why?. The silver haired man looked away from Vega he couldn't bare to look at him sneering away, he thought this was funny?...he thought this was a big joke?.

'What do you want of me?' Sieken snapped back at Vega....'tell me and ill give to to you..the i can go...' he said quickly looking up to the blonde Lord.

OOC Sorry..forgot about this one...