View Full Version : A cave in the mountain side (challenge to Odin Murk)

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:11:32 AM
Wei Wu Wei walked along a mountain path enjoying the day as best he could. It was a prety good day, considering the mountain was barren and rocky and the sky was clouded over. The mountain was tall and craggy, with some small caves scattered about. As Wei passed one of these caves he heard a sound of someone screaming and then the sound of someone eating. Wei shuddered and went inside the cave to check it out.

Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 08:03:24 PM
:: Odin twisted his neck around at the taste of another mammal in the air. Odin finished swallowing the still alive traveler he had found along the mountain path and roared at the human entering the cave. Odin felt the soul begin to be devoured inside of him and felt it turn into dark energy. He felt it running in his veins now... This human would finish his meal for the day. He changed his color to black, making him almost invisible in the cave's darkness. Odin slithers almost right next to the mammal before he lunges with a kick. The human goes flying out of the cave entrance and a reptillian figure is seen slowly stalking out to him.::
Mammal... you have made the wrong choicccccccce of travel plansssssss today. Today... you will be devoured.
:: Odin leaped on top of the human and spit his slime straight at his body before he tried to claw the mammal to death.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 08:09:51 PM
Wei was suddenly knocked out of the cave and some strange beast was standing over him. The beast spit out a slimey substance. Wei just barely dodged the slime, but caught a scratch on his face.

"I may have made a mistake."

Wei felt the Force flow into him and give him strength. Wei managed to get out from under the lizard-beast and assume a fighting stance.

"You won't make a meal out of me! I guarantee it!"

Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:37:14 PM
:: Odin stared at the mammal for a moment. The creature had actually taken an educated stance to fight. Odin was slightly surprised but laughed nonetheless. Odin charged the warm blood and lashed out with claws ready and his tail swinging dangerously.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:42:15 PM
Wei dodged the beast's claws and jumped over the thing's tail.

Wei released a fierce punch aimed at the creature's jaw.

"What is your name, sentient beast?"

Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:47:24 PM
:: AS the fist came in, odin simply opened his mouth and bit down on the human's hand. He shot out slime at the same time that he held the hand, dousing it with the paralyzing fluid. He then slung the mammal and threw him against the mountain wall.::
I am Odin Murk, you're nightmare. And you are called meat to me, for that is the only purpose you shall serve.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:51:48 PM
Wei kicked Odin in the throat, making him force his jaw open. Wei looked at his hand. He justneeded some bacta and it woul dbe fine. He had some bacta patches on him, as was his custom when trvelling wiht his family. The hard part was going to be getting them out and applying them.

Wei decided to give his legs a workout and began a lengthy kick combo. Round kick, side kick, round kick, side kick...and so it went as Wei applied the medicine to his hand and finished the combow tih an Axe kick to Odin;s head.

Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 11:05:04 PM
:: The axe kick came down into Odin's open claw. That had been enough of that. This human knew how to utilize his body well, but not well enough. Odin slashed the inside of the caught leg and grabbed the other one with his tail. He lifted the human up and took him to the side of the mountain.::
I could kill you so easily now human. But I want your soul in my sssssssstomach now, so I'll have to settle with the nexxxxxxt best thing.
:: Odin threw Wei into the side of the mountain once again. The human would not be able to heal the scars down his leg with those small pads now.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 11:36:26 PM
Wei got up and assumed a stance with most of his weight on his unhurt leg. Odin was a hunter: it was in his blood. He was dealy naturally. Wei focused on his Master's training, forcing out the pain and exhaution and the hurt. Wei focused the Force into his hurt leg, making it stronger, to compensate for lack of bacta patches.

Wei ran in a sort of limping fashion towards Odin, and body tackled him, sending him to the ground. Wei sat atop him and pummeled his face and neck, trying to close off the animal's breathing passage.

Odin Murk
Aug 7th, 2002, 11:27:14 PM
:: Unfortaunately, Wei inflicted little damage to the lizard. Odion's scales absorbed most of the damage and Wei was just wasting his time by hitting Odin's slime glands. They were powerful muscles that didn't give to pressure easily. Odin instantly wrapped himself around Wei with his arms and tail. He would strangle the being to death then eat him cold. It was better than having to bother with the creature any longer.::

Aug 8th, 2002, 09:12:45 PM
Ansatsu had heard Wei was coming here today, but he could not see where he was. Ansatsu then heard a battle from one of the caves. He ran inside to find thid lizard fighting Wei. Family was in trouble, and you do not mess with family. Ansatsu reached in his belt and grabbed 5 stars. He activated the tips on the end with a poison. Not strong, but enough to let Wei and he attack. He threw all five. Two hit the things leg, one in the arm, and another in its foot. The last one went in a wall. Ansatsu looked over at Wei and smiled, "Thought I would join you on your hike. Sorry man. Looks like we will have to take this thing to pasture. So, you know any weaknesses yet?" Ansatsu drew his metal sword and got beside Wei. He then got in an ancient stance from his school. What was this thing?

Odin Murk
Aug 9th, 2002, 01:24:23 AM
:: With the human in his hold almost out of oxygen, Odin had time to turn his attention to the pathetic being that threw the sharp objects. There were four objects now protruding from Odin's scales, one had missed. How had such a creature missed at such a close range? Odin tensed and his muscles ejected the stars from his skin, the tissue underneath the scales was untouched. Odin let the human go from his grasp but twisted so that he picked up the the stars as he got up. The stars were then firmly placed into the gasping human. Odin hoped he liked the fact that his allies weapons were now being used against him.
Now it was time to deal with the ninja, Odin hissed at the new arrival. It was time to make an appetizer. Odin slowed for a moment as it began to snow, this would be good. The humans would be slowed down by this climate. Odin slowly changed his skin to a dull gray as he approached the man. He suddenly leapt up and onto the side of the mountain. He scaled towards the mammal and lunged.::

Aug 9th, 2002, 02:00:20 AM
Ansatsu placed his visor over his head. He could now see all things that had energy. Every rock every grain of sand was visible. He drew more stars and this time he drew his sword. He saw the creature lunge at him and tried to move, but was tackled. He took his sword and jammed it into the creatures side. The sword broke and did not even peirce its skin. He tried to restle free, and even stuck the stars directly into the creatures head. Nothing happened. "Wei help me! I can not get him off." Wei was still gasping for air. This was bad.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:00:49 AM
Wei took in a great gulp of air. that thing was strong. Wei's head was feeling funny, and his vision was beginning to blur. He got his breathing under control and began to focus on the poison coursing through his body.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 9th, 2002, 05:27:34 PM
Wraith sat from afar for a while and watched the ongoing battle. He had tracked Odin down to this remote mountain side to give him something important from the Sith palace. Wraith wasn't so sure if Odin could handle two people at once, so he decided to join in on the fun. Stepping out of the shadowy corner of rocks, Wraith proceeded towards the fight. He concealed himself until he was right behind Wei. He had seen Odin stab the poison darts into him. Now was the chance to strike as Wei was distracted by the poison within his own body. Wraith's icy presence and the poison was enough to paralyze Wei. The icy shadow unvieled his scythe, but did not ignite it. Instead, he struck out with the butt of it across Wei's face. This moved the warrior several feet to the side, almost turning him unconsious. Wraith stepped back and gazed upon his two opponents, then shifting towards Odin. "I thought you might need my help. I also have something important to give you after this fight," he said. Wraith turned and got ready for the enemys retaliation.

Odin Murk
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:18:27 PM
:: Odin tensed the strong muscles in his jaws and neck and the stars popped out as well. What a pathetic human. Odin slashed at the visor but found it to be harder than inspected. So this human would not give up his eyes? How interesting, Odin would make him sacrifice something else then. He put his tail around the ninja and started to suffocate him with that he then slammed him into the wall still holding him.::
Cold one... lure the human up the mountain, meet me there and make sure he isssssssssssssss right behind you... If you fail me... Every single last human on this mountain will be devoured all the ssssssssame...
:: Odin didn't like depending on this cold blooded one. He looked to much like a human, but Odin could sense the sith signature within him and put the choice into his mind. This one would either do as he says or die. Odin took the ninja, still stranglin him slowly, he lifted him up and started to scale the mountain.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:02:37 AM
OOC: Uhh....guys....this was a challenge to Odin. The word "closed" comes to mind. Ah, whatever. Next time, butt out.

Wei's sides were aching from the lizard's vise-like grip. Wei shut his eyes and concentrated on the Force. Gradually the pain subsided, making it easier for him to breath.

Then something hit him across his face.

"What in the world is going on?" He thought. Whatever was troubling him now, Wei could not stop it.

Odin Murk
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:56:34 AM
ooc: I agree, next time, pay attention to the words on the title

:: Odin looked back to see Wraith hit him. he roared down the mountain.::
I want him hurt no more, lead him on cold blood!
:: Odin continued up the mountain, the ninja was struggling to no avail, this was almost fun other than these initerventions.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 11th, 2002, 01:31:51 PM
{ooc]- Um, you told me to join Andrew. Thought you could use the help. LOL.

Wraith obeyed Odins orders and grabbed Wei by his collar. He proceeded to drag him up the mountain side to where Odin was headed. This human had taken a beating. How much longer would he last?

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:28:55 PM
Wei was grabbed by his collar and hauled up the mountain side. Wei took the opportunity to expel the poison in his veins. Wei shut his eyes and concentrated once agian on the Force and felt himself become purified as the poison left in his sweat. Wei reached up with his sleeve and wiped off the sweat from his face. No need to get poisoned again.

Wei spent the rest of the rather rough ride preparing for the fight to come.

Odin Murk
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:51:03 PM
ooc- I know about you Matt, due to Ben's intervention you are excused from it, I didn't mean you but Ben knew better. I was more talkin to him, but don't worry, he'll get his just rewards. lol, just kidding Ben... well not really.

ic- ::Odin as at the summit in now time. He took the now knocked out human and rammed him into the snow. The snow was welcoming to Odin, it kept his muscles taught in the ice and his scales wet with the flakes. He took the ninja and laughed... This would be all too well of a welcoming sight for the other human. They had said something about relations hadn't they. Well... then they'd need a very heart felt welcome. Odin wanted him a live but yet fatally wounded. Now... how to do that? He knew instantly... to test it out. It was something odin had developed in the palace. He liked the idea that lasers immediatly sealed up wounds and kept the loss of blood from killing someone. He then proceeded to pull Ansatsu's arms from his sockets.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 12th, 2002, 05:47:00 PM
The icy figure almost merged with the snow. Wraith engoyed the coolness, it refreshed him. He had not been in a climate as cold as he was in a while. Odin now reached the top of the mountain with the helpless ninja at hand. Wraith could see him through the tundra. His gaze pierced the snow as if it was transparent. Dragging Wei, Wraith continued up the mountian towards Odin. "I did what you asked of me Odin. What now?" Wraith voice could be heard from all ends of the mountain. By this time Wei was blue in the face and purple at the lips. He had not tried to escape or fight back. Something was amiss. If Wei was smart, he wouldn't move at all. This was Wraith's territory, his strongpoint. He could blend in with the blizzard and could manipulate the snowy turf to his advantage. Plus Wei would have Odin to deal with also. Wei wouldn't dare.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:29:57 PM
Wei felt the cold biting him. He shrugged it off and influenced the Force to warm him up. Wei's body began to feel normal again and he managed to step to his feet.

"Let me go. Now." Wei's voice was firm.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 02:51:55 PM
"How about we shut up and listen to what Odin has to say first," he says sarcastically. "I'll let you know when I am going to let you go." Wraith continued to hold Wei by the neck, awaiting orders from Odin.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:22:39 PM
Wei sighed. He was a Sith. It was so obvious by the tone he used. Wei was going to wait for Odin's move: That was the idea from the beginning. Jedi never attack unless provoked.

Aug 13th, 2002, 05:29:18 PM
Ansatsu felt the pain, this creature was ripping his arms out. He screamed, he felt pain course through his body. He could hear the muscle ripping, the blood pouring, and his skin tearing so easily. This creature and his friend were causing him and Wei serious pain. "I hope you rot in hell beast!" Ansatsu said to him as he delivered a kick to its face. It was not even phased. This was not helping. He felt the pain once more. He could only think about Wei and his brother.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:33:34 PM
"Get over there!" Wraith shoved Wei face first into the snow. Wei turned over on his side. Then something happened that the Jedi did not intend. The snow around Wei quickly turned to ice, closing in around his feet and hands as the icy Sith had comanded. Wei was no locked in his own prison. Wraith pressed on several feet towards Odin, leaving his baggage bound in the snow. "What now?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:46:55 PM
Wei looked at his hands and feet. They were cold. But Wei's heart beat fiercely in his chest. Wei focused on his heartbeat, loud and strong. It gave him all he needed. Wei began to slowly flex his arms. Either the ice would give and crack, Or Wei sould soon be sitting up with a frozen glove on either hand.

Odin Murk
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:21:38 PM
:: Ansatsu's arms were gone in moments. They popped off the juicy body and Odin held both in one claw. He shoved them in his mouth and down his throat. He didn't have time to unhinge his jaw so he just had to stuff the parts down his throat. He quickly let the laser expose from underneath his flesh. It worked perfectly but hurt barely. Good. He sealed the wound and closed the bleeding. Now this was a human armless. He turned and saw Wraith standing there. He snapped quickly. He couldn't taste the other human with all the snow in the air.::
Where'sssssssss the other mammal?!

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:27:12 PM
"He is locked up back in the snow. Can you see him? I can." Wraith answered. The battle was already won, and he hadn't even done anything. How sad. All that was left to finish was the armeless human and the leashed dog. This was all too easy.

Aug 14th, 2002, 07:02:19 PM
Ansatsu fell to the ground. The pain was unbearable. He could not take this. He screamed at the top of his lungs. He saw Wei traveling in the snow. He looked as though he were trying to escape. Ansatsu connected with him and told him, "Watch out this lizard can almost kill you." He then passed out from the pain. This could be very bad.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 14th, 2002, 07:37:43 PM
Wraith stood next to Odin, admiring his work on the ninja. "Nice job. I really like it." The poor creature writhed on the ground, as it yelled and screamed. "How pathetic," Wraith says, feeling no remorse or pity whatsoever. "Now for the other one." Wraith and Odin went now to the imprisoned Wei several meters back.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:53:44 PM
Wei could hear the two coming back toward him. Their feet made sounds in the snow. Wei pulled harder at the ice hodling him.

"KIIIII--AAAIIIII!" WEi let out a mighty yell and got to his feet. His hands were still covered in the chunks of ice. They made his hands heavy, but it could work to his advantage.

"Stop where you stand!" Wei said, rushing them. Wei let loose with a severe right hook aimed at Odin's eye.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:49:37 PM
Wraith stuck his hand out towards Wei. In a matter of seconds the ice around Wei's hands accumulated many more pounds, weighing down his hands so much, that his hook fell early before it reached Odin. Wei dove forward into the snow with the combined momentum of his punch and the wieght of the ice blocks around his hands. He had now put himself in an even worse position. Wraith pitied the poor soul.

Odin Murk
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:19:23 PM
:: Odin smirked at the situation. It was very funny to him but he needed a little workout, the ninja had been too easy. He pushed Wraith to one side as he came up to Wei.::
Let me fight thissssssssss one, then we will talk...
:: He grabbed the ice block with one claw and crushed it, leaving Wei's hand unharmed. He wanted this human somewhat at his normal state but this would be amusing nonetheless. Odin moved backwards. If he got bored, he'd knock Wei off the mountain then get his splattered guts later.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 15th, 2002, 07:45:27 PM
Wei felt his body tilt crazily as once of the ice blocks shattered. Wei focused more of the force into his weighted arm, and managed to stand upright.

"Do not underestimate me," Wei spat.

Wei lunged at Odin once more, bis body rocking side to side from the weight on his bound hand, and Put his whole body into swinging the huge kugel that was his frozen hand. Wei would take the serpent's head off his shoulders, or upon missing, kick him in the belly.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:02:21 PM
Wraith watched as Odin and Wei battled. This was good, for Wraith could also learn something without participating by watching them. He was amused. This silly lopsided warrior could not conquer Odin. There was no way.

Odin Murk
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:41:37 PM
:: Odin seemed to smirk, this human had more likely underestimated him... he seemed to move like water to Wei as he dodged both attacks, but barely, the last had been harder to see with the snow but Odin made up for it as he came behind Wei and kicked him closer to the edge.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:15:56 PM
This was all too amusing. Wei, stood on the edge of a knife. All Odin had to do was poke him, and all would be lost for the sorry Jedi. Wraith stood and watched in awe.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:29:06 PM
Wei felt the edge of the cliff dig into his back. Taking his encased hand, he smashed the ice on the rock until it finally broke away. Wei then backflipped over the edge of the cliff, finding foot and handhold and began climbing down the mountain. The path was below him. They would continue the fight there. Wei knew Odin was now after him. The better a distraction Wei was, the safer Ansatsu would be.

Odin Murk
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:55:02 PM
:: Odin turned to Wraith::
Take the torso to the jedi base, drop him on their front door and let him moan like the pathetic mammal he issssssssss. I am to deal with the other.
:: Odin leaped off the cliff and was coming down at Wei head first.::

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:37:26 PM
Wei looked up, watching and waiting for the enemy to appear. And appear he did. Odin came donw from the sky, straight at Wei. Wei took a step back and before The lizard could touch the ground, Wei kicked him into the side of the mountain.

"See how you like it!"

Odin Murk
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:12:34 AM
:: Odin's impact left cracks along the rock wall as he removed himself from it. He shook his head before feignting Wei and fading back before coming and actually slashing while his tail threw dirt and snow at Wei's face. Wei began to near the edge of this path closer and closer as odin pressed harder and harder. All the way here until odin shot out his hand and force pushed Wei, who then balanced dangerousy on the very edge, and right as he began to slip on the now giving away snow, Odin had him by the collar, he held Wei over the edge and laughed.::
You so much as touch me now in any way posssssssssssssible that shows a threat to me and you fall to your death. I waste no time with my meals but I taste more potential in you, which means I have to wait a bit longer until your soul will be devoured and given to the darkside. Know thisssssssss though, I could've eaten you now, but you're own destiny saved you because you are not finished cooking in the time of fate. But when you are done, I will eat you fried and boiled over a bonfire.
::Odin threw Wei against the wall and quickly climbed down the mountain to where Wraith's shuttle was. He wanted to find what Wraith had for him now. He needed something to get his mind off his hunger. He also slightly grunted as he walked closer to the ship, scales were turning a dim blue, that meant bruising.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:33:44 AM
Wraith had dragged Ansatsu down the side of the mountain to his shuttle. He arrived to see Odin waiting for him in the doorway. "Heres our garbage." Wraith tossed the pathetic armless wretch into a holding cell in his ship. He then pulled out an injection gun from a small compartment. He casually approached Odin, as he turned his head, Wraith stabbed the gun into his shoulder, injecting the fluid directly into his blood. The gun was strong enough to pierce Odins scales.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:58:05 PM
Wei grasped his chest, trying futiley to stop his heart from beating. Wei wasn;t hurt too badly. But that had been some fight. Wei turned and walked down the mountain, headed home. He would have to be treated for some minor frostbite, among other small cuts and bruises.

Odin Murk
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:54:38 PM
:: As tired as he was, Odin had no time for some insolent creature who had decided to touch him now. His claw shot out and he grabbed Wraith's arm and bent it until the gun was dropped and the arm was bent in an irregular way with a loud snap.::
I will break it off and the rest of your limbs unless you tell me what you just did Frosssssssstmourne!
:: Odin didn't wait for an answer but simply applied more pressure until Wraith yelped like a low life mammal.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:59:07 PM
"Ok ok. Just a minor applicant made to enhance the armor of your scales. This substance is made from Cortis Ore. The very substance that my cape is made up of. An impenatrable rock, even to lightsabres. I liquified it for you so I could get it into your system easier." Wraith felt the pressure on his arm lessen as the lizard let go. "You are now practically immortal thanks to me. Do I hear a thank you?"

Odin Murk
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:44:31 PM
:: Odin smiled, he liked Wraith a bit now, for almost no reason other than the fact that Wraith knew this would enhance both of their odds in killing the jedi now. He threw Wraith to the side.::
you get no thankssssss for a gift I didn't ask for. But thank you nonetheless, cold blood. But I assume that I will need more of this when I shed.
:: Odin could actually see his scales start to turn purple underneath. He shifted colors and it wnet away but when he reverted to normal it was there. He liked this new ability.::
We shall leave now and take this to the jedi no?

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:30:10 PM
Wei had reached the base of the mountain and had begun walking home when there was a flash in his mind. Wei stayed on his guard and focused on the Force.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:22:19 PM
"Of course we shall," Wraith said with a mocking grin on his face. "Let them see how worthless there warriors are when it comes to conflict. I believe they will be amused."