View Full Version : I come before the council... about Tomak Ohara

Dios Kane
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:00:51 PM
:: Dios rushed into the council, he had no time whatsoever. He stormed onto the platform and held his hand up to stop all the talking.::
I come before the council to present the problem of the turned jedi Tomak Ohara. I am Dios Kane, padawan of Ryla Relvinian. I am here to present three things to the council. First, I ask that I may also be allowed to restore my title as Vampire hunter, I require this to prevent more damage caused by these Vamps. I am highly trained in the arts of hunting these demons so I find myself partly responsible if any damage is caused by them.
Second, I ask that I may be accompanied by Xazor Leo Dawnstrider and Azhure Darkstone if they would on a uest to retrieve Tomak Ohara's soul back. It was stolen by Saurron and Soth and I believe it is a possible task to retrieve it and return Tomak ohara to his former state. Third I ask permission that I may have the p[ermission to personally deal with Tomak ohara if the situation arises that he is not coming back to the light and that he will continue with his dark ways. I am not killing him, vampyres are made dead, I will be releasing the body from it's prison and ending the torment that the curse places upon the soul. I do not see this last resort as finishing Tomak Ohara off, but simply as saving him from any further pain and everyone else.
I ask for a descision on this matter now, because even now Tomak Ohara is on the rampage, spilling the blood of innocents and causing evil. He has hurt many of us here...
:: Dios lets a single tear streak down his face.::
Many of us were his friends, and I remember when I myself was a darksider and how Tomak Ohara and Xazor Leo Dawnstrider gladly welcomed me into the light. I have come before you... and I... have nothing else to say... I'm finished...
:: Dios slowly walked down off the platform. The loss of Tomak hurting him badly but yet the duty he had for the GJO still overran that. He had to keep his thoughts clear and concentrate on what had to be done. Azhure... Xazor... All of the people effected by Tomak Ohara... All hurt by a vampyre... And the one who had killed his family was now part of open hunting.::

Kelt Simoson
Aug 4th, 2002, 04:38:26 PM
' If i may...' He said looking toward the council.

' I feel that if you are given the titleof Vampire Hunter it would seem to everyone around the GJO that you are not Jedi like, Jedi are here to preserve life, but kill where it needs be, some Jedi dont kill at all, and sometimes dont even use a blade, take Jubei SaDherat Vader for instance, he is a Monk he uses n blades, or has not since i have known him. So i think your title as Vampire Hunter is not Jedi like in my personal opinion, some Vamps are good...ive seen them not many mind you but they are out there...' He said expressing his feelings on the matter.

Dios Kane
Aug 4th, 2002, 05:25:39 PM
:: Dios shook his head as he heard Kelt speak. There was no point in hunting the good ones. But the evil ones, they caused so much pain. They had to be stopped, the pain that they spread through the innocents had to be prevented. He had never said that he would kill them. Containing them made sense above anything else, maybe some could be brought to see the light in the jedi. But they couldn't let it continue, was it not jedi to prevent pain among the innocents. And then vampyre's souls were already damned, what did it matter if the evil one's were released from their torment? but then he had brought this upon the council for debate. What they decided is what he would do.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 4th, 2002, 06:35:47 PM
Xazor sat up in her Council Chair and eyed Dios. She wished to help Tomak...but not in the way that her friend was speaking of. The Knight rested her soft eye on Dios and smiled gently.

"Your request in itself is noble...you wish to help a friend....but the way in which you do is not of the Jedi at all. I will not go on this mission and be called a Hunter of Vampires. If you wish to be a friend to Tomak...let him go. This was his choice and no matter what you do, you will never be able to convince him otherwise. The fact of his soul is out of my hands...granted, I am a Jedi Knight...a Warrior....a Council Member...but in all of that, it is sad to know that there is nothing even I can do to help you. If I could find some way, I would, Dios...I really would. But as I sit upon this chair, I cannot allow myself to go with you......and I advise you to stay here as well. It is not wise to go looking for trouble. Saurron is powerful and so is Soth....you, a Padawan, would not be able to take them on as well as the rest of the Shrine. I have faith in us, yes...but I will not commit suicide for one soul."

She paused, not sure what the others would think of her words...but this was coming straight from her heart. The Knight sighed to herself and shook her head, sitting back on her seat. Her head went up to her forehead and she rubbed it slightly, then rested her arm back beside her once again, eyeing Dios.

"Tomak made a conscious choice not to be a part of this Jedi Order any longer...it was his choice, and his choice alone. To go after him now and hunt down him and those of his kind, is wrong. I understand that you would like to end the suffering of others...and that too is a noble wish....but I do not support the way in which you are hoping to go about it."

With her piece spoken, the Garou Knight sat back once again and steepled her fingers, looking to the faces of her fellow Council Members and other respective Jedi in the room. Kelt was correct his words as well...and she agreed with him. Hopefully the others would as well, for this act was not of the Jedi...not at all.......

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:59:18 PM
::Leia sat quietly in her council chair. She listened Dios defend his reasonings behind his request, yet one could see she frowned upon it, as she shook her head lightly in disapproval::

I do concur with Xazor and Kelt If you know anything about myself, I firmly disapprove of this as it is not Jedi-like. Your request is noble but this course of action would greatly put you in danger especially with the likes of Saurron. Trust me, I have dealt with him several times. This Sith Master/Vampyre is one to truly reckon with.

As far as Tomak, I am afraid you have to realize that he has chosen his path and own destiny. We all know it to be the wrong one. But this is his decision and one he will have to venture alone. Hopefully, he will realize he has chosen unwisely.

::Once again, the Jedi Master fell silent and looked on to the other council members::

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:04:55 PM
"His friends are also powerful and strong."

Navaria said.

"To fight him you face his allies. Going alone would result in your probable demise. Vampyres are solitary creatures to a certain degree but when one of them is threatened, they will attack like a pack of starving wolves."

She took in a deep breath and cupped her chin with a hand.

"Tomak will be confronted but it will because of the Force's doing. Then and only then will he see the Light of his wrongs or be destroyed."

It was said with a heavy heart. Loosing anyone to the Darkness was always a terrible day.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 5th, 2002, 01:43:52 PM
The Vampyre race are an abomination...an affront to the Living Force itself. There is no misdeed in becoming a Vampyre Hunter.

:: Anbira's countenance darkened ::

But you are not prepared to awaken the evil you seek. The Dark Lord Saurron and his minions are a blight upon this galaxy, only our combined efforts can erase him. To seek what you seek...is folly.

Dios Kane
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:35:34 PM
:: Dios looked up as they all spoke. Pleased with every answer. He could not always expect the answer he wanted, to do that was to be foolish. They had told him not to except the title, not to hunt Tomak, and to forget about confronting Saurron and taking back Tomak's soul. He needed training... but he had recieved so little. He stepped before the council once again.::
Then I ask one more thing before I graciously step down with content answers from you.... I require training... I have recieved very little and yet I have faced so much without it. Master Anbira speaks that I'm am not prepared to face Saurron but yet I have seen the pit of darkness that we call so. I admit that I still have no idea how I survived but yet... I am still here. How can such things go on and you ignore them. Innocent blood is sucked dry every day by these creatures and it seems we ignore them. I have not seen such a issue brought yo the council before. I don't argue, I just merely state my opinion. And I am willing to here it proved wrong...
:: Dios flipped his hood off his face and stood there with the burn marks of the fight down one side of the face. He straightened up as he spoke now.::
Forgive my outburst... council...

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:43:24 PM
"Dios. Do you think we are gods?"

Dios Kane
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:56:43 PM
:: Dios turned his head to Navaria.::
I believe'd in one at one time... until a vampire, named Tomak Ohara slaughtered my family. I have no belief in any god but maybe the existence of the force being the closest thing to one. If you were gods... then why would I be here before you? I am here to ask for your opinion and your help... Not to rebel or defy anyone... merely a request and to leave with wisdom.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:14:39 PM
"Then if you understand that, then you would realize we cannot be everywhere at once and we do not condone any action that is against the Force. We do not ignore. We try to understand all things and take action when necessary ... And taking action foolishly serves no one."

She leaned forward and smiled, making sure Dios realized she was not angry ... just speaking her own thoughts as he did.

"A never did I think once you were defying the Council, Dios."

Dios Kane
Aug 5th, 2002, 11:34:54 PM
:: Dios shook his head and smiled, his lip twitched from the scar by his mouth. It hadn't healed yet, the vampyres had made sure that Dios had suffered.::
I was just being sure that I erred on the side of caution Master Tarkin. But I believe that the actions that I have asked for will not be foolish courses taken in the proper way. But I am graceful for the wisdom you have parted upon me.
:: Dios stood there waiting for the reply from the rest of the Council.::

Kaytor Surna
Aug 6th, 2002, 01:15:17 AM
Kaytor heard all that Dios and the council said. At this point in time, the vampire jedi was standing in the back of the room, up against the wall, staring, wide eyed at Dios. She had known that there were Vampire Hunters but never relised she had been this close to one before. All she could do through her shock was stand there, gawking.

Aug 7th, 2002, 11:52:50 AM
Zeke had seen Dios enter the Temple and had followed without being noticed. He sat just inside the door, out of the way so no one would trip over him, and listened. Now he felt it necessary to speak up.

"If we cannot seek Tomak to save him, then what should we do?"

Liam Jinn
Aug 7th, 2002, 02:17:20 PM
Liam had sat and listened silently. He couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for the loss of his padawan. Clearing his throat, he spoke up.

"I wouldn't say that we cannot seek Tomak. Though, without proper planning and preparation, it would be a futile attempt."

Aug 7th, 2002, 03:43:50 PM
"What would you suggest?" asked Zeke from his position on the floor.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:01:09 PM
< Dios, like the Council has said, your intentions are honorable. However, right now you may be blinded by bitterness and anger - traits of the Darkside. Jedi do not seek revenge, nor go looking for trouble. I concur with Navaria, Xazor, and Leia ... Heed Anbira's words wisely. Those of the Shrine are not be reckoned with carelessly. Surely you cannot go without more training if you wish to regain Tomak's soul, not to mention he left us willingly ....>

Salemn's soft, brown eyes remained locked on Dios as she strode out into view, her mental voice trailing off slightly. It was a tender moment in the male padawan's life, having his family killed by one of his best friends. Situations like this had to be handled carefully.

< If your entire being is set on this task, then push yourself further both mentally and physically in training. Liam is right - without strategies and preparations, I fear that you won't return. >

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 9th, 2002, 02:07:27 AM
::Azhure did not say anthing, it was a touchy subject. A lot of anger, a lot of pain. But it was a feeling not know to her till now. She foudn it easier to be cold about the subject to hide the pain.::

He is gone. Thats that, and he will only try to hurt you. Someone will kill him one day but not now

::She walked out of the door before a tear ran down her face, the opposit of all she said. No one needed to see her weak::

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 9th, 2002, 07:40:36 AM
Lion spotted Zeke in the crowded room and snuck up behind him, then nudged him in the ribs.

"Zeke, anything I should add to whatever you and Dios have said so far? I don't think he's gonna win this one..."

Lion still felt bad everytime he saw a picture of Tomak...this must be killing Azhure...

Aug 9th, 2002, 05:19:19 PM
"I don't think there's anymore to be said. We just need a decision on this."

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 11th, 2002, 11:46:44 PM
Lion knew his friend was right.

"Ya, I know...but it kinda seems like it's already been decided, dude...they ain't gonna let Dios do this...and knowing how he'd probably drag us into this, it looks we won't get to go after him, either..."

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:47:09 AM
The time to strike at the heart of the vampyre is when he ventures from his dark lair.

:: Anbira could understand the need for action, but it must be tempered with wisdom. A dog didn't need to be trained to bite. The training was to teach the dog when to bite. ::

There is a growing dominion of evil between the Coven and the Shrine. They are most vulnerable, however, when they seek us out. Therefore, we will sever the hand that reaches from the grave itself. Only in such a way can we sway their dark horde. To venture into the belly of the beast, is only to feed their power.

Aug 13th, 2002, 12:30:03 PM
Zeke considered Anbira's words.

"With skillz of mad variety, Anbira with the acting wisdom."

Zeke stood from his corner.

"Sounds good to me. Dios, if they ever come after you, you know who to call."

Zeke stood and bowed to the Coucil.

"Good day, Coucil." He turned and left.

Dios Kane
Aug 13th, 2002, 02:55:18 PM
:: Dios had a fw other things on his mind that he needed to bring up... he had observed and nodded to Anbira but yet still, there was really still silence for Dios.::
Where is council member Ryla? Master? What do you have to say to your padawan in his hour of questioning? Though he hasn't spoek or learned from you in weeks... He is still willing to learn now!