View Full Version : The arrival of a ninja.

Aug 4th, 2002, 12:15:15 PM
A man wearing a black cloak and carrying a sword on his back steps into the giant circular room awaiting and speaks into the emptiness, "I am Ansatsu. I am ninja from a clan far away. I have come here seeking redemption for my acts. I was hired as anm assasin many times, and now I would like to redeem myself. You Jedi can help me I have heard. I am doing something now that my clan would say is inacceptable, but I have left them and their memories behind." Ansatsu took off his mask and behind it was a very handsome face. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, and his hair was long and flowing. The blonde streaks really shone through the brown. He smiled and looked into the room no one there. Something inside him told him that he was wrong.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 4th, 2002, 06:25:28 PM
"Is that so?"

A soft, yet powerful voice echoed through the Recruitment Center. Smiling softly to reveal her elongated canines, Xazor stepped from the shadows and allowed the light to bathe her tall, muscular figure. Her red robes flowed around her like the waves of the ocean, and her waist length blond hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids. As she walked toward the newcomer, the golden coins that were woven into the braids, clanged together softly until she came to a stop about a meter from him. Bowing in greeting, she returned to her upright position and eyed the man curiously.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Magus. You seek the Jedi this day to become one of us?"

She questioned, knowing that the answer was yes...but she wanted to hear it from his lips. Hopefully he knew what a commitment was....for as of late, the Order had lost a few members due to lack of it. Smiling despite of the memories, she folded her arms across her chest and eyed him....waiting for him to speak....

Aug 5th, 2002, 03:08:42 PM
Ansatsu looked at Xazor, "Yes Great Knight. I know what a commitment is and I will keep my commitment. I am here to become a great person like my brother. He is a great man, and I heard he has changed over the years. He died some time ago. He lost his life in a battle. I will become like him so I ask you now to please take me in, and help me for I have no family left. Help me to find my destiny." Ansastu looked at Xazor again, "You seem troubled. Is something wrong Knight Xazor?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 5th, 2002, 04:56:40 PM
Wei walked in. "Hi, Miss Xazor!" he said in passing before he went away again.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:04:48 PM
Xazor smiled at his answer but shook her head at his question.

"I am sorry if I am distracted....I lost a dear friend to the Dark Side the other day....but that's beside the point. Are you fully committed to the Jedi, despite the trials you shall face?? Do you accept the Jedi Oath?"

Xazor questioned and then smiled as her friend and fellow Jedi, Wei, passed by. She waved at him and waited for Ansatsu's answers....

Dios Kane
Aug 6th, 2002, 02:03:40 AM
:: Dios entered the recruitment center. It had been so long since he had been here. He saw a man in black and Xazor talking, probably recruiting. He heard the last part of what she said and approached the two, his hood covering the scarred side of his face.::
Hail Xazor... Hail newcomer. Commiting to the oaths is very great. Breaking them... can cause much pain friend. Becoming jedi is to prevent that. The oath is not something to take lightly because if you do, and it is dropped just as quick as it is taken... then many things come to change and life trembles at such a choice. You're very destiny becomes wrapped in the force that every choice shakes the very foundation of it's source...
:: Dios closed his eyes before turning to Xazor.::
Forgive me Xazor...
:: He extends his hand to the ninja and shakes his hand before he turns and walks off.::
Nice to meet you.

Aug 6th, 2002, 01:23:48 PM
Ansatsu turned to the newcomer, "Yes, you too. Now then Master Magus. Yes, I shall take in the vow. The force will cleanse my body of the toxins. I wish to become like you, Great Knight Xazor." Ansatsu looked around and turned to ask Xazor another question, "Have you seen my cousin? His name is Wei Wu Wei. He might know something about my brother."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 6th, 2002, 01:42:09 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.

"Good.....and yes, I have seen Wei, he is usually around here somwhere. Well.....I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master shall be appointed to train you when one is available. We have many Padawans but Knights and Masters who are able to train are few and far between. Have patience and make yourself at home. Find a room on the Living Quarters for yourself....or make some friends in the Bar and Grill. Above all, though.....may the Force be with you."

The Knight said softly, and then turned to Dios, bowing her head slightly and then she turned back to the newcomer.....waiting to see if he had any further questions....

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 08:32:55 PM
Wei had just about left the recruitment center when he turned around.

"Miss Xazor, I'm right here! And who are you toi be talking like I'm your cousin. I had two! Which one are you?"

Wei ran over to him and looked at his face.

"Satsa? Satsa! I have not seen you since we were all stil playing pretend! How have you been? And what did you say about your brother being gone?"

Wei clasped the ninja's hand in a firm shake.

"After you finish here with Miss Xazor, we must go to the Bar and Grill and catch up."