View Full Version : To find a key to the truth...

Aug 4th, 2002, 04:43:47 AM
::Saharia stood outside, the beach was empty accept for a lone bird walking in the wet sand. It had started raining three minutes ago, and the sith stood as if she had not noticed it. She was here for a reason and when she gave her word she kept it. The jedi should be here soon, and she had a feeling another might come. He had not been very trustful. But he was a jedi and most jedi did not trust those who thought differently to them. jedi spread lies but occasionally a few had honour.
Her weapons were close at hand and the stone was in her right hand, held tightly. The only key to find the truth, the truth about her mother. The memories..there had to be another way than the other plan. A sacrifice or a key? or would the key demand a sacrifice too? She did not like sacrificign what did not need to be sacrificed, this had to be a way where blood was not needed. The blood of a lier did not matter much but...no. She had to try.
The sith was silent, when there was no need for words, words should not be wasted.
Looking around the beach she nodded to herself in a decisive way. Where was he?::

Aug 14th, 2002, 02:37:19 AM
::No-one came and either it was that other pesky jedi intervening, the one that had doubted her with good reason, or he genuinly could not make it or....or he just did not come. Shehad to try it with or without the jedi again. This was vital and she needed a jedi. Angrily she looked at the stone and felt the sharp pang from it, yes it was deifinantly made by a jedi as it defied anger. Shaking her head she looked up at the great stone she would have to climb. She woudl try again and if Dios arrived perhaps there was more chance::

Chase Starwalker
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:43:18 AM
A lone figure watched in the distance. Nor moving or speaking, he stood in the backdrop of Arcan's grand forest.

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:51:57 AM
::Saharia felt the presence of another though where she could not tell. The stone she rolled in her hand consideringly. Perhaps it held the key to...no that was closed a long time ago. Never to be opened again. That had been taken care of. Then what wa it, the entire mystery to this stone was frustrating. What did it hide? Why had it been so difficult to get? She remembered finding it, the hisses in the forest that it had caused. So many animals taking care of a....stone? And animals at that. That was against their very nature to hold onto something that could not feed them or have any benefit. The whole thing ahd been unsettling. If a jedi came there would be answers but he had not arrived yet. Growling softly she turned towards the darkness of the forest. Perhaps it was one of those pesky animals, perhaps it wasnt. There was another force signature about.::

Dios Kane
Aug 16th, 2002, 07:13:46 PM
:: Dios arrived and waved to Saharia standing silently there.::
Hey! I'm over here, sorry, got held up a bit... explain later.
:: Dios got off of his motorcycle and threw back his hood the scars against his face still there from the fight with the vampires. But he didn't bother with that memory, right now he thought of the one time he had sat in the back of Rama's with Saharia and the time they had shared a drink.::
What did you need of-
:: Dios snapped his head to the direction of the jedi sitting back away, out of most normal senses. His force perception had been sharpened since his more rigorous duties had been brought before him. It was Chase, he could tell from here, he'd told him not to bother, but no...::
Ignore the otherSaharia, don't even think about him, he has no reason for being here, if it is who I think it is... but anyways, I was saying, What'd ya need me for again?

Aug 17th, 2002, 04:27:20 AM
::Saharia nodded and looked at the direction the force signature had been::

He does not trust him as I do not him, but he will not interfere.

:;She half smiled, he better not if he knew what was good for him. She was not known for her temper for nothing. Putting the stone in Dios's hand she looked into hsi eyes for a moment then pointed to the tall stone, as tall as a tower. It looked almost impossible to climb, this was the time when she wished she still had her wings.::

The moon is full tonight, the power from that stone calls strongly towards it, can you feel it?
There is somethign about this stone that holds a key to an important clue to something not yet known. All I know is we must climb that rock and stand on top holding the stone together while wrapping the healing power of both sides towards it.
I have tried violence towards it already and it stings back. This stone was truely made by a jedi as it repels any violence or hatred.
I am not sure what is to happen but that is the fun in this mystery. Sith healing alone did hardly anything, although the power of healing is of the same kind, so I am taking chances on jedi help. Your friend Chase may help us if need be.

::After explaining she looked at the stone silently, considering. Her foot was near the long two ropes she had brought with her. Yes, wings would have definantly helped, but the past was the past. There were things at hand. Looking at him and nodding, redying herself for whatever will come she smiled at her friend.::

In thank you in advance for your help and hope there is no need for battle tonight as you are one of the few honourable jedi I have met.

Dios Kane
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:51:18 PM
:: Dios smiled back and nodded also.::
Well, lets figure this thing out shall we?
:: He picked up a rope.::
Where to now? Down or onwards?

Aug 19th, 2002, 02:46:43 AM
::Saharia smiled, taking the other rope and smiling::

Upwards good jedi. Upwards. The rope will be used when gettign down as I feel our energy level will be rather down. I will not pretend this is an easy task, nor that I know half of what will happen. Perhaps it is a good thing your friend Chase is out there if anything happens to both of us. At least you'll be safe.

::She took one rope, tied it to her waist where it would not get in the way and began climbing, lookign for dents int he smooth rock to hold onto and push herself, all the muscles in her body working hard::

Dios Kane
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:35:12 PM
:: Dios smiled as she began to climb. She looked pretty nice from this view but he wasn't gonna say anything, Maia'd probably have a fit. He didn't bother with climbing hand to hand, he drew out two vibroblades and activated them. the superheated metal went firmly into the rock and Dios began to climb.::

Aug 20th, 2002, 12:49:10 AM
::Saharia felt her muscles work, enjoying the feel of it. Finally gettign up on the rock she swang her left foot to the surface and pulled herself up looking down and half smiling at the distance. She liked hieght, remembered what it had been like to fly free into the air with brillient blood red wings....those days were gone. But the memory stayed, it would always stay. Sometimes the ground felt like a prison but it was all she had.
TSE was no more and she was a rogue, the ground was the stable thing. Kind of like standing with no stable ground anymore, no oen to answer to. free and more risky in a way.
Heights were beautiful. Getting the stone out of her pocket she moved it around, looking for something she wished was easier to see, what was it? Her mind flickered like a sharp knife, between all sort of topics in one second, but if a topic was important it stayed there. Watching the moon glow she watched as Dios came to the top of the stone::

It's beautiful up here is it not?

Dios Kane
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:15:02 PM
I agree, it very nice up here Saharia.

:: Dios looked briefly around at the sight before him. He turned to the direction of Chase and waved with a smile. He turned back to Saharia and saw the stone in her hand.::

What now?

Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:32:51 AM
::Saharia looked at the stone for a few minutes without replying, seeing where the moons glow caught the sharp edges of it.
She held out with one hand and started channelling the force through it, the only healign she knew which was limited as most sith did not specialize in that art. It was primarily a jedi skill and by some looked down on, but Saharia saw the wisdom in knowing how to do even a little of it, if not wanting to know more of it.::

Put your hand on it and try to 'heal' it. Something should happen to the stone. I hope you have brought your weapons as well, for a few creatures or such might be there...my mother was ever careful and did like to make traps.

Dios Kane
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:11:31 AM
:: Mother? This would be a very interesting night Dios thought. He quickly opened one side of his jacket, revealing not half of his artillery of weapons that never left his side. He gave a quick smile before reaching to the stone, he tried to send the force through him and into the stone, it was like water that reflected the sun moving through his veins and into the stone.::

Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:10:32 AM
::She let the healing flow through her hands, quite different from her usual flows and the stone started to respond. It glowed brighter and brighter... the pain in her mind grew and intensified..the light side glowed in her mind and it hurt. The dark aura fought and she knew now why she especially liked the dark side, besifdes loyalty. IT glowedas it had the last time but it continued until the brightness fell down to a point in the rock on the other side fo the beach, and a cracking sound was heard from there, the stone itself smashed, glittering red with drops or blood. Strange.
Concentrating on what was in her hand held a key. Made of stone. What was this? Looking at Dios she heard the sound coming from the area, not the sound of cracking rock but of somethign entirely different. They were not alone...::

Dios Kane
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:43:15 PM
:: Dios saw it all happen but it didn't register, the stone was like a vessel, it held the light side and dark side within it. The strange thing to Dios was that his body welcomed both. Dios gave a cold smile, then stopped, a strange thought within his mind just stopped. It was wrong to welcome both, he was light, all light. Nothing else. He opened his eyes and was stunned to see other things happening, and on the edge of his senses were other things goin a miss.::
Saharia? What is that?

Aug 28th, 2002, 05:30:04 AM
::Saharia took out her grandfathers, her mothers and now her saber 'death' and switched on the pure silever coloured saber that glowed in the darkness. She could feel the familiar heat from it as her senses seemed to scout the area::

I not be sure. but it does come from the rocks. Belagarta shai Zihimska.....

:;The last words were from her own tongue, they meant dead does me/they. She expected trouble and one of them would die. Whatever lay there would die. Death always dissapointed her, Saharia rather thrived on pain. What had to be had to be.::

Perhaps we should find out...

Dios Kane
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:44:24 PM
:: Dios withdrew his hand from the stone and felt the force slowly subside within him. He drew his own saber, Drinking Angel, and the orange blade split out to it's full eight feet length. He stepped forward slowly, if it meant harm, it would mean so no longer. He would make sure of that. Saharia had drawn her saber too, Dios felt that Chase would've warned him at this moment but he disregarded the thought.::

Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:18:50 AM
::Saharia looked down at the ground, miles down and shrugged, you gotta die sometime or later. Jumping she landed hard on thre ground and stood up, loosening the muscles that had grown tight from the shock of the fall. Dancing with luck was always entertaining. She was surprised that had been a light fall compared to what it should have been. She cursed again for her wings in her own tongue, soemhtign that would not have been very fit if it was in understandable language. Moving towards the newly made cave she silently moved forward carefully, her back against the rock. There were noises and movement around. They surery could not be...not in this universe.....
Creatures that slept until disturbed, but how had her mother gotten them, and why? These creatures were dangerous. And intelligent to a point, but intelligent enough to be extra dangerous. Their arms were like a sword point, their legs made for speed, and their eyes glittered with some intelligence. She could see the grey skin and the red eyes....some thought thye had been made by genetics, some did not. She did not care as long as they were gone. Looking at where Dios was she touched her saber almost lovingly.::

Dios Kane
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:46:21 PM
:: Dios flew to the ground. His saber in his hand. The ground cracked beneath his metal plated boots when he landed. He looked up and saw them... monsters was the best word he could find, in fact it was a pretty good word for them. He pulled his saber in front of him and turned his head slightly to Saharia. He did not want to just kill these things, he wanted to massacre them, but that was a hidden feeling... the need to make sure that no one really was harmed was his biggest priority.::

Alright Saharia... whaddya want to do from here?

Sep 7th, 2002, 05:07:57 AM
:;Saharia looked at him and gave him a smile that refelcted a very sith feel that would give most a shiver down the spine. It was a pleasant smile that one gave when they said they were going for a walk in the park. These creatures would die by a loving hand, as they were not an 'intelligent race' and they were killers themselves by nature, that much she knew. They held no honour. The honourless died honourless::

We dance tonight, and bury tomorrow. I always bury my prey.

::her saber almost sang with the song of battle as she jumped out, barely escaping a sword hand, and plunged her saber into its back, like butter to a knife, knowing that would not kill it, these creatures were hard to kill and low on pain. It made a tiny noise which could be translated as a sound of pain and turned around angry. Pain, it made her body shiver in delight, though she did not like death itself. These creatures were smart in the way of battle, fast and hard to kill. Many died trying to kill one, and she was not immortal. Laughing with enjoyment of the thrill down her spine she danced with death once more::

Come Dios, death is waiting for another lover

Dios Kane
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:30:01 PM
:: Dios wanted to laugh, death was no lover to him, it was only the jailer. I lunged forward my saber dancing across my hands as I stepped up to meet these loathsome monsters. I dance with Saharia, moving between he attacks and dodging the monter's sickle like arms as I slashed and stabbed.
The creatures slowly fell as we pressed hrough them. I was at the point where I had gainedsuch harmony with the battle that I moved like water and could've gone on with my eyes closed. It was like walking on water.::

Tell me when they're all gone...