View Full Version : Going for a Swim

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 3rd, 2002, 06:16:25 PM
Light filled the early air, has the suns peak their bright heads across the distance. The sunlight climbed over the Greater Jedi Order Center, giving cue to a begin a new day in the life of a Jedi. However not far from the Center was a refreshing lake, and Kindo was on his way. He liked waking up early anyways. It let him get a jumpstart on the long day ahead. He decided today he would spend some hours taking a nice swim, and anyone who wanted to join him was more than welcome too. In fact, he left a message outside on his Quarters' door notifying anyone who wanted to come swimming with him could. He was already well on his way, on his back a pack full of items to use for the swim. In their was a towel, drinks, and a few snacks. After a good twenty minutes of admiring nature, he finally approached the lake. Just looking at it made him throw down his belongings. He dashed for the lake, jumping off a ledge only to land in the most refreshing water he had ever swam in. He surged from the dive through the water, finally rising to the top for a breath.

Aug 4th, 2002, 04:05:57 PM
Zeke sat atop a cliff, meditating and enjoying the cool morning air. A splash registered in his hearing; he paid it no mind. He steeled himself, for he was preparing to put his Force control to the test. He ran to the edge and jumped off the cliff, dropping into the Force. He felt it flow, and turned and put his feet to the cliff wall. He ran down the cliff, using the Force to boost his speed and keep up with gravity. He met the water and ran across it. Suddenly, Kindo surfaced before him. Zeke stopped, kicking up a wave and dropping into the water.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 6th, 2002, 07:05:25 PM
Kindo watched has Zeke sank like a anchor in the sea has he he saw another in the water besides him. Kindo was startled at first, but then laughed has the fellow padawan surged underwater. He finally popped back up for air.

" Care for a swim?"

Kindo asked sarcasticly and seriously.

" While you are out here lets have a good swim. What do you say?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 09:51:15 PM
Wei was passing the lake when he saw Zeke and Kindo swimming.

"Mind if I hang out too?"

Wei set his feet in the water, adjusting to the temperature.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:44:30 PM
Floating Kindo turned his attention from Zeke towards Wei.

" Jump on in. The water is just right."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:55:39 PM
Wei shrugged and submerged himself in the water. It was just the right kind of cold. Kindo had been right.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:22:08 AM
Sejah had spent the night out in the jungle, for he had gotten lost and it had become dark out. Fearing becomign even more lost, he bedded down between the roots of a large tree, and awoke to the sounds of voices in the morning.

The brown mongoose, clad in his normal attire, got up and followed in the direction of the voices, only to see a lake ahead, and three faces he recognized swimming in it. Though he didn;t know them personally, he had seen them arounf the Jedi Complex before, so odds were that they knew how to get back to it.

Pushing out of the jungle and into the clearing that surrounded the lake, Sejah stepped up to the water's edge and called out, "Hey, what's up, guys? You head out here form the Complex this morning?"

They seemd to be having fun swimming, and the water looked both cool and refreshing, But at the moment, he needed directions more than he needed to get wet.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 7th, 2002, 10:04:30 AM
Kindo turned his attention to the one who stepped out from the wilderness. He was in what seem to be Jedi attire, and he had seem this man before. Kindo also felt the Force over this one, like Zeke or Wei. He swam over near him.

" We came from their this morning. Just take that small trail in the grass for about ten minutes, and you will reach a large hill. Over the hill you shall see the Jedi Complex."

Kindo was glad to be of some assitance to this one. Kindo's eyes lit up when an idea struck him like a hair dryer in water.

" You can swim with us if you would like?"

Aug 7th, 2002, 12:04:03 PM
Zeke swam to the shore and removed his soggy shoes and shirt.

"I hate wet shoes. It is as Kindo says."

He wrung out his shirt and thew it over a tree limb to dry.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:42:06 PM
Sejah chuckled slightly as Seke pulled off his soaked shoes. "Wouldn't know the feeling," the mongoose explained, lookign down to his sandaled footpaws, "Not that much water to get them wet in where I come from."

Though he didn't swim all that well, he still did know how, and the lake did look like fun, so Sejah took Ki up on his offer. "Sure, I'll join you," he said unbuckling the straps on his gloves and pulling them off before also shedding his sash-belt and outer vest. Laying his lightsaber atop them, Sejah continued to undress down to his pants, and then made sure that the drawstring was on tight before stepping back a few paces.

With a quick step, Sejah dashed forward and dove headlong into the cool, clear water, his fur blowing back in the wind as he did so. Only a moment after he had submerged, Sejah shot back up, his pink eyes wide. "Yipe! This is cold!" he exclaimed while treading water and brushign wet headfur back on his head.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:04:31 PM
Kindo laughed has Sejah was startled by the water tempature. He took a deep breath and swam back under the water's surface. The water was clear enough to see well, and the surrounding enviroment was excellent.

Aug 7th, 2002, 01:34:43 PM
Zeke laughed at Sejah's outburst.

"I wouldn't have found that out, but I nearly ran Kindo over."

He cannonballed into the water and surfaced quickly.

"Jeez! Cold ain't the word."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 7th, 2002, 02:35:40 PM
Though the water had been cold the very first moment, Sejsh's body slowly grew used to it, and he began to swim out a ways before turning back. Pools had been few and far between on his desert homeworld, and he had only learned to swim because it was required by his fencing master, though he didn't know why.

Still, he could swim decently, though underwater swimming was somehtign he hadn't become fully comfortable with yet. Stopping a short distance form the others, he looked down through the clear water and could see his toes throught he warble of water distortion and smiled. "Ahh, this is starting to feel good," he finally said.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 9th, 2002, 02:44:58 PM
Wei followed Zeke's example and took of his glasses, tucking them into one of his shoes.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:03:00 PM
Exhaling a deep breath, Sejah leaned back in the water, floating on his back. For the first few minutes, fur had a funny way of retainign small air bubbles so he floated well, but after those made their way out, he became just as boyant everybody else.

It was just as well that he was goign for a swim that morning, he had been planning on cool shower to offer some releif from the late summer heat. Floating there, he ahd to chuckle as he called Arcan's temperature hot. It was nothing compared to the 105 average, and the 120 degree summers of his home. But they were dry heats, nothing like the moist air he was currently in. Many from his planet would kill for real estate on such property.

Takign in a breath, Sejah leaned forward and then suddenly performed a surface dive, submerging int eh cool, clear water. Remaining under for a few seconds, he emerged again, though having traveled to come up near Zeke. With a devilish look, he suddenly spat a mouthful of lakewater into his face, then smiled as he quickly backstroked away. It felt fun to act like a kid every now and then, even though he was twenty-five.

Aug 9th, 2002, 11:12:15 PM
Zeke rubbed his face dry.

"Hey, wait a minute...COME BACK!"

Zeke dove in and took Sejah under the arms, dunking him in the water.

"That'll learn ya..." Zeke said as Sejah resurfaced.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 10th, 2002, 01:00:43 AM
Water. Too much water.

He was underwater, and hadn't meant to be.

Too much water.

Sejah was panicking, he knew how to swim, but wasn''t good enough at it to keep the terror of being dunked under from his thoughts. Frantically, he struggled free of Zeke's grab and clawed his way to the surface, swallowign a great gulp of water as he did so.

When his head broke back into air--he had only ever been two feet under--Sejah heard Zeke laughing, and in reaction, spat the breath of water he had taken in his face again. Coughing, he replied, "Don't dunk me *cough* again, got it?"

After a few breaths, eh had cleared his lungs and was back to normal, though his heart still beat rabidly in his chest as he tread water.

Aug 10th, 2002, 01:09:03 AM
Zeke noted the expression on Sejah's face and the tone in his voice, feeling bad that he'd scared the mongoose so badly.

"Gee...sorry pal..." he apologized. He knew that wasn't enough to make it better, but didn't know what else to do.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 10th, 2002, 01:51:32 AM
It appeared that Sejah had scared Zeke almost as much as he had scared him. Shakign his head, the wet mongoose tried to recover the situation.

"Aw, no problem, it's okay, I know it was in good fun. Suppose I shouldn't have sprayed you like that anyhow," Sejah smiled as he pushed his wet headfur back. "I've seen you around, but don't think we've met yet. I'm Sejah Haversh, but just call me Sejah. The only person who uses my full name is my mother."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:41:41 AM
Wei laughed. "OK, then Sejah. Glad to see no hamr done. As my mother always said, 'no violence in this house!' You guys should do as my mother said, and learn to get along."

Wei laughed again. Water was fun.

Aug 10th, 2002, 10:18:14 AM
"M'name's Zeke!"

He extended a hand and a grin to Sejah.

"And don't worry 'bout the spray. Let's go tackle Kindo!"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 10th, 2002, 11:02:46 AM
Kindo was having a peaceful swim when he saw many men swimming at him. This was not good. Kindo immedialty swam really fast underwater to avoid the catastrophe.

Aug 10th, 2002, 11:28:49 AM
Zeke managed to get one of Kindo's ankles.

"Sejah! get his arms and we can dunk him!"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 10th, 2002, 01:52:47 PM
On the surface, Sejah could swim fairly quickly, and shortly after Zeke caught Ki's ankles, the mongoose snagged his upper arms. Bewteen them, they first shoved Ki up fromt eh water, and then brought him down quickly, submerging him in a playful manner.

Aug 11th, 2002, 11:59:23 AM
Zeke lifted Kindo out of the water again.

"One more time!"

He dunked Kindo again, then released him and backed off, in the event that Kindo came after him to seek revenge.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:37:31 PM
Wei watched Kindo get teamed up on and remembered horseplaying in the water like that. As long as Wei's feet were on the bottom of the lake or pool, or whatever, Wei was invincible. But in deeper areas, he was a goner.