View Full Version : To be one with the darkness...

Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:24:32 PM
Softly, quietly, a thin, wirey figure entered and slowly made her way to the center of the room. There wasn't too many things that stood out about the girl, except for lack of any sort of pigment in her skin and hair.
There was a moment of pure silence before the girl spoke; her voice was soft and somewhat monotone, fully drained of emotion.

"I wish to join.."

Salem Ave
Aug 10th, 2002, 12:58:51 PM
A figure shuffled towards Anadi - well, not shuffled, but of a slide, as if the steps were hesitant but also tough on him, like he was having to drag himself towards the girl. His head tilted sidewards as he stood watching her in an irking silence for a good minute or so. On eventually speaking, he snapped his head back up.

"... Why?"

Aug 10th, 2002, 01:12:02 PM
First her eyes moved to the side to see the one that had talked to her, then her head followed as she looked over at the Sith. The movement was smooth and although small, there was a certain unusual gracefulness to it.

"I wish to be one with the Darkside, and I feel strongly that this is the place that will teach me how to be so. The Darkness has always been in my life, and now I wish to truly feel and be a part of its power."

Lady Vader
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:46:40 PM
*LV came up behind Salem.*

Is that so?

Be it known, young one, that joinging this Order means giving oneself to it. You become a part of it's family, it's members your bretheren.

Be it also known that the Order does not take lightly to treachery. Stray into "sin" from the Order, and be punished.

*She looked at the newly arrived being, crossing her arms over her chest.*

After knowing this, do you still wish to join?

Aug 14th, 2002, 11:30:15 PM
Turning to face the Sith Woman, she listened to the woman's words carefully. When the Mistress of the Sith had finished speaking, again the soft voice pierced the silence, as Anadi answered the question.

"Yes. I somehow knew that would be expected of me, and I agree to it, full heartedly."

Salem Ave
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:17:10 AM
He shrunk away somewhat at Vader's presence, his head retreating beneath the cowl of his hood as he watched this new one.