View Full Version : will faces/licenses harm the film industry substantially?

B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:45:43 AM
I mean i hate how a recognized mug with little to no talent gets too much exposure and stuff and how just about every goddamn franchise becomes a(usually lame) movie.
Just look at
Mortal Kombat
Tomb Raider
Harry Potter
Super Mario
Ninja turtles
Street Figter

B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:49:37 AM
And I detest faces getting shoved down. The newest and most disgusting example is The Rock. Oh please the guy is a WRESTLER and hell never be a Tom Cruise.
also look at
Swatcheneggar or however the hell you spell that crap
Can Damme
Jet Li
Jackie Chan (at least his hollywood acting is trash)

And then theres movie franchises. Just about any movie that does good has to have a string of crappy sequels, like
Mission impossible
The mummy

Isn't it disgusting?