View Full Version : Only A Mother Would Know...(Helenias)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:58:04 PM
Xazor quietly crept from the Jedi Living Quarters, and quickly crossed over to the apartments where Marcus and Helenias Q'Dunn resided. Softly she climbed the stairs to the floor that their room was one, and then turned to the first room on the right. Once at the door she knew to belong to them, she softly rapped on the door and stood back, wrapping herself tighter in her robes as a small draft brushed past her.

Sighing as she thought about all she had to tell Helenias, she knew it was for the best. There were a few secrets that she had been keeping....one of which rested heavily upon her heart....and elsewhere. Stepping up to the door once again, she softly knocked, hoping that Helenias was home....even though it was a bit late.

"Mother....it's me, Xazor..."

The young Knight called out and then stepped back once again. A man climbed up the stairs and passed her with a rude nudge, and she looked his way with narrowed eyes...then softened them a bit, and turned back to the door...waiting for her friend...mentor...and Mother, to open it....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:18:30 PM
There was a full workout room in hte apartment that Marcus and I shared - now with the addition of Jyanis, who was taking over one of the spare rooms. I did not mind, for Jynais was Marcus' closest male firend in the Jedi Order. There was a planned extention to be made soon as well. This whole complex was far to big for just us, so we were both working on creating somethign that all Jedi could share - training, terminals for study, records, kitchen. Even with what was in here, we both lived simply, keeping what we wanted for personal to an absolute minimum.

Today, I was on a running treadmill. Some didnt think a Jedi had need for exercise, but I knew differently - I kept myself at the peak of conditioning with a good solid workout each day. As I was rnning, I noted there was a light that came on, signalling someone was at the door. Not wanting to break from the rythym I was in, I pointed at a control board, using the Force to toggle the remote door lock deactivation.

"Come upstairs please" I called out via the speakerphone, knowing there would be another that would convey my words downstairs to whom was at the door

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:23:12 PM
Xazor was suddenly alarmed at a voice which came from a speaker box beside the door. It was Helenias's voice, so she figured it okay to enter the room. Slowly she pushed the door open and looked about...then spotted the stairs that would lead her up to the woman's location. Taking a bit of time, the Knight slowly climbed up the stairs until she was upstairs and eyeing Helenias, running on a treadmill. Smiling brightly, Xazor walked across the large room and approached her Mother, and bowed gently. For a moment, she just stood there, unable to think of words to begin a conversation...but she did so anyway.

"Greetings Mother....how do you fare this day?"

She questioned softly, trying to adjust her robes so that Helenias could not see the bit of chub that was forming at her normally "washboard flat" stomach. Smiling once again, she let her eyes wander about the vast room....seeing that there was much more to this place than what met the eye....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:44:27 PM
Quite pleased my visitor was Xazor, I waved. I knew she would understand the importance of continuing with your training program, so I continued running, waving to her.

"Hi... Xazor! Care to ..join me?" I puffed, pointing to another treadmill. "Or... somothing on.. your mind?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:47:38 PM
Xazor grinned as Helenias spoke through breaths. She eyed the other treadmill for a moment before shaking her head. Though the offer was tempting...she did not think that running was the best thing to be doing at this very moment....not when she had things on her mind.

"Yes...I do need to speak with you. There are a few things on my mind at the moment...."

She said softly, but loud enough that her fellow Knight would hear her over the noise of the exercise machine. Xazor smiled, hoping that perhaps Helenias would wish to take a bit of a break so that she could speak with her.....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:07:40 PM
I nodded, smiling as I continued to run, breathing hard as I was almost sprinting.

"Certainly... what is it.."


I see Marcus holding his sword. There is a look of detirmination on his face as he fights off a monster. I see Jina nearby and Arya. And in the background, I hear a woman sceaming... then a moment later... I hear a baby cry out...

Startled that I had the sudden vison, I missteped on the treadmill and was spat off backwards, to sprawl in a heap on the ground. I blinked and shook my head, beginning to get up and realising I was going to have a few bruises from that spill.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:15:40 PM
Xazor rushed to Helenias's side and crouched to the ground, wrapping an arm around the woman's neck and taking an arm. A puzzeled expression laced Xazor's soft features for a moment.

"Are you alright!?"

Xazor exclaimed the question, worried about Helenias. The fall looked bad from her angel...but she was tough and the Knight knew that she had nothing to worry about once her adoptive Mother was on her feet once again....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:47:30 PM
"Yes, I'm quite allright... I had a vision that was rather upexpected when you came in."

I called a towel to my hand with The Force and began to wipe the sweat off my body - i certainly was not wearing my usual dresses, I was in a tube top and tight shorts, with showed off just how ripped I was. Normally only Marcus got to see that....

"It was a strange one. There was some sort of fight going on, and I heard a woman screaming - then a moment later a baby began to cry. What an odd thing to see"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:52:38 PM
Xazor saw how buff Helenias was, and it made her think back to just a month ago how buff she had been....until she started to bulge a bit...everywhere. Sighing, she began to relax when suddenly a look of terror came over her face at Helenias's description of the vision. Her eyes became as large as Republic Credits and her heart skipped a beat.

"O...Oh really? That is...odd indeed!"

She said to cover the worry that she suddenly began to feel. How could Helenias have known about the baby? She couldn't...Xazor did not even really admit it to herself yet...so how could anyone else beside Marcus and Natia had known? Shaking her head, she sat down on a chair and eyed Helenias, wondering what she was thinking about....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:00:42 AM
I finished wiping myself down, whilst Xazor took a seat.

"Yes, it is very odd. I really wonder if it was a vision of the future or of a possible future? Sometimes, being gifted with the ability to see through time is a curse as well as a blessing. I get strange dreams occasionally that I have trouble working out. Very, very odd I get one when you wlaked in.... anyway, that is something I will ponder - how is my daughter today?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:07:45 AM
Xazor grinned at Helenias and nodded as she spoke.

"I am well....and how are you this fine day? You'll be quite surprised for what I have to tell you...heh...."

She laughed half heartedly....knowing that her Mother was truly gifted, for what she was was something that could possibly happen in the future...well, at least part of it was guaranteed to happen. She shifted her weight in the chair and wondered what her reaction to that would be....what her reaction would be to what she had to tell her....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:41:11 AM
"I am quite well, even the better for seeing you"

I finshed wiping myself down, before calling a water bottle to hand to replace some of the fluids I lost in my execise.

"Something to tell me? Oh, you are pregnant after all?" I joked, smiling to show that it was as such.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:33:10 AM
Xazor smiled gently at Helenias's words.

"I am even better for that fact as well...I have not seen you in some time..."

She smiled thoughtfully and suddenly Helenias spoke of her being pregnant. The Knight flushed a deep crimson and lofted a brow at her words...but then saw that she was joking.....

"Well....ummm.........you just hit the nail....on the head! Yes...I am pregnant...actually...."

She stuttered and stammered over her words...trying to figure out how she knew....had she read her thoughts? The vision....had it been her? She shook her head and looked at Helenias expectantly....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:28:27 AM
I choked on the water I was trying to drink, spitting it out and coughing.

That what I saw... that was the child's birth!

I looked up astonished as I regained my breath. Sometimes the visions of the future I got were puzzling, but almost always right. There were dangerous days ahead... but for now there was only one thing I could say.

"My daughter.... "

I felt emotion choke me, so instead I came across to her, before being able to speak

"My blessings for you and your daughter, also my congratulations."

Daughter? Was I sure? Foresight could be hard to work with, but in my heart I was certain.

"Oh Xazor, Marcus would be so happy for you! Have you told him?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:40:39 PM
Xazor watched her Mother.....expectantly. She smiled gently and nodded.

"Thank you! I am very much excited....."

She said softly. As Helenias regained her composure, the Knight looked down at the floor and sighed......there was much more to this than she was willing to admit.....things which pained her heart so deeply.....she did not think that anyone would understand......especially a good person like Helenias.

"And yes, it is a girl....I found out yesterday......"

Again she drifted back into thought.....thinking of Shade.....of.....Dasquian. Her heart skipped a beat and she shook images from her mind.....concentrating on her Mother's question.

"Oh yes, Marcus knows......I didn't even have to tell him.....he sensed it through our Life Bond. I'm afraid, to be honest with you.....I don't think that.....I'm ready."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:47:23 AM
I returned the smile, for to see her happiness, uncertain as it was drew joy to myself as well.

"My daughter, it is a fact that women all over the Galaxy never believe they are ready. But I will tell you - when you hold your baby for the first time... you will truly know if you are ready or not. At that time, you will know that ready you are."

But even in this happiness, there was a darkness in my mind. The vision was not random, it was important. And it had been revealed to me for specific reason. A warning prehaps? Even as I considered this, the Force opened up again...

A cave or a ruined building. Dasquain holding Xazor as she wrapped the newborn, the pain of childbirth already receding. But outside, there was Marcus and other Jedi, fighting against a Terror. I saw a Jedi fall. Marcus himself, now with sword and sabre, fighting for his very life, to prevent whatever it was from reaching the new mother. And I felt there was little hope he would live....

"RUN!" he yelled. Ohters paused.

"RUN!" he roared. Take Xazor and Dasquain, plus the child, do not look back!" Other left him and he stood alone, as a Dark Presence loomed....

"By my life or death I swore to protect her" he stated to the Nameless Fear "And to that I hold! Go back to whence you came!"

The darkness paused, before Marcus crossed his weapons, closed his eyes and was overtaken by a ball of flame....

I came out of the vision in a gasp, eyes wide.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:08:49 AM
The Knight smiled as Helenias spoke of being ready...how she wished that she could be so sure. Hopefully the woman was right and on the day of her daughter's birth....she would know.

"I suppose you are right...maybe I will be. It's just so hard to imagine my own flesh and blood...yes, I have two children by adoption...but for some reason...this feels different..."

She sighed to herself and eyed Helenias, thinking about what she wished to tell her next when suddenly she closed her eyes and sat there...unknown it was to Xazor what was going on in her mind. With that, Helenias's eyes shot open wide and she gasped...as if she had just seen a terror beyond common words.

"Mother!? What's wrong? Are you alright?"

She questioned, placing both hands on her shoulders and looking straight into her eyes. Whatever it was....was not good. Her heart pounded in her chest as she thought of what could be wrong now....

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:11:40 AM
"I... I had another vision..." I said, regaining my breath. "I saw.... you with Dasquain.... I saw your baby, newborn. I saw outside Jedi fall and in a peak of rock, I saw Marcus, telling the Jedi to run as he prepared to give his life so others could live. I heard him telling the Jedi to protect you and your child. And I saw... the very air for a great distance explode into flame..... like a grear warhead had detonated. Like.... Marcus had done something truly ....... oh Xazor, I know you have seen hints of it, but you have no idea how powerful Marcus really is. I fear he will do something that he should not, unleash a power that even he can not control. And that should scare us all if he does that, for I would fear whatever he was fighting is indeed powerful"

I turned and tried to hold my gaze level with Xazor.

"Something dark and terrible is going to want your child. Why, I do not know, but I fell you may well escape it's cluthes but at a terrible cost"

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:20:34 AM
* Bump *

Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:53:14 AM
Xazor listened as Helenias spoke of the next set of visions. It made her heart jump into her throat as the terrible prophecies unfolded in the woman's words.

"Shade isn't the Father of my baby...."

She said, staring off at the wall across the room. It was a detail she had not told her Mother....for she was afraid...but now, it just came out. Her eyes shifted to Helenias's and she sighed, looking down at the ground.

"Why would someone...or something, want the child that belongs to Dasquian and myself?"

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:37:35 AM
I shook my head sadly.

"I am sorry my daughter, I do not know apart from this - a Jedi baby is a precious thing, for they will always be strong in The Force. It may be the Black Hand, it may be somethign else. Or it is soemthign from the past that tries to get at Marcus and myself. Xazor, now you are part of our family, you are exposed to the dangers that Marcus and I are. We have enemies that make anything the Order have pale and for them, trying to get the baby would make sense.

But in the end, you are my daughter and I will protect you and give you all the strength I can."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:07:26 AM
Xazor nodded in a sad understanding. Enemies...how could these people have enemies when they have done so much for everyone. But as she always told the new Padawans....you would be hated and hunted by many yet...needed by all. Sighing, she leaned over and embraced Helenias tightly.

"And if I am able...I shall do all that I can to help you and Marcus. I could not bare to watch the people whom I view as my Mother and Father...fight alone. Blood or not...it doesn't matter...you're my family...."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:06:58 AM
"Thank you"

It was heartfelt.

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:38:35 AM
* Bump *

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:29:04 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.

"You know that I would anyway...I would let nothing touch you or Marcus...even though my strength is far less then both of yours. I am a Warrior....no matter what..."

She said softly, meaning every word that fell from her lips.

ooc: Sorry I'm slow to replying.... :\