View Full Version : Signs discussion **Spoilers**

Aug 2nd, 2002, 05:58:18 PM
I thought I'd start a discussion of this movie for those of us who have seen it.

First of all, I love it! I'll put this along with AOTC and Minority Report as the only 4 star movies I've seen this year.

This was a very unique movie that really kept building suspense and kept me guessing the whole way. And I like the way the whole alien invasion story was really a backdrop for the real story about Gibson's family and his redemption. Plus I was skeptical about the crop circle angle, but this turned out to be a minor part of the story and I was happy to see the characters acknowledge their awareness of known crop circles being man-made.

I think it's safe to say that Shyamalan is the suspense master of our generation. I wouldn't compare him to Spielberg as Newsweek has, but he's more like a modern Hitchcock. There were so many moments in this movie where I just knew something was about to happen, but the waiting was just killing me. And then it would get sprung on us. Such as the scene where Gibson is talking to his daughter in her bedroom after she said she saw a ghost outside. I kept thinking "OK, so where's that ghost." And the scene with Gibson searching the cornfield, I knew something was coming but not what or when. I could go on and on, but...

I wanna know everybody else's reaction to this movie...

Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:33:28 PM
It was absolutly amazing i haven't seen a movie that good in forever

when gibson is using the knife as a mirror and he walks away and comes back and the hand jumps out i litteraly almost leaped out of my seat and made a startled gasp

and ya never see where its going tell ya get there it totally blows you away

i absolutly loved it and am going to see it again

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:20:16 PM
I loved it too it is the second best movie I have seen this year ( I have to pick SW #1) it was like you guys said very supsensful. I thought Gibson was amazing in it, and the kids were great too, I also like Phoenix I thought he did a very good job. I also liked how Shyamalan set up the story and where all the pieces fit together, the water, the brother and his playing baseball, the son's asthma, there might be more but I just can't remember. Also I agree that it really was more about a family relationship and how Gibson's character had lost his faith that is why that last scene is so important we see him with his collar back on showing he had regained his faith which was kind of shown when he was holding he son praying he was still alive but that scene really showed it better, IMO. Overall, it was a great movie 4 stars for sure, I am debating how these ranks with his other films, have to see it a few more times for sure. Also that Shyamalan playing the vet right? Somebody said he was in the Sixth Sense too, I am not sure if he was unbreakable or not. I guess he is really following Hitchcock there.

Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:36:16 PM
I also have to see it again before I can say for sure how it ranks against the Sixth Sense. I liked them both slightly more than Unbreakable, but I liked that one too.

Shyamalan was in the Sixth Sense as the Doctor who confronted Cole's mother about the scratches on his back after she took him to the hospital.

I already can't wait to see what Shyamalan comes up with next. He's definitely one of my favorite filmmakers at this point.

Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:14:08 PM
I have to say it is one of the more disappointing films I have seen this year. Although it succeeds on many levels, it fails on many other levels that are just not acceptable.

I will go with the critic average and give it a solid B grade, or 3 stars. There are many better movies this year, like Resident Evil which just came out on DVD, even, far better film. Plus, the repeat value for Signs is almost non-existent. I have no desire to see it again anytime soon. I will buy the DVD, used, out of respect for Shyamalan. He's a great director, and he mostly does a good job with this film too, but there are just more problems than usual for him. It's been downhill since TSS, I think. 4 stars for TSS, 3.5 for Unbreakable, which still ruled, and 3 for Signs.

I will say the suspense and atmosphere he creates in Signs really is excellent. I don't see how anyone could deny that because it does keep you on the edge of your seat quite a bit. The camera work is great too. Both main actors, Gibson and Phoenix (heck yes) are really good, as always I suppose.

Now for the problems...

Far too hokey in places, and although there are not too many places like that, I think there are enough. Flashbacks do not always come at the appropriate moments and sometimes disrupt what is really happening, in real time. I cannot whatsoever buy that aliens come to Earth just for no reason but to kill people and without apparent reason like perhaps eating the humans or harvesting the resources of the planet or whatever else. But I could maybe make myself believe that, it's just the tip of the iceberg as far as plot holes go (I could run a Death Star through the rest of the plot holes). Phew, where to start. Ok, no being would be damaged by water. Plain and simple. It's a neutral liquid that has neither acidic or basic properties. It's not harmful to anything whatsoever because lifeforms are all water-based, or if they weren't, they would be silicon based, some people theorize perhaps. Nonetheless, water wouldn't hurt a silicon based lifeform either. So that was incredibly hokey and just took the entire movie down a notch. I figured it would be hard to land this plane, even though the ride was smooth, you can't crash on your approach vector ;) Then even if I did believe this whole water nonsense, which is a major, major stretch, then I'd still have to believe they are SO stupid that they didn't see water on Earth despite flying hundreds of ships over it and, in the first place, LOL, even having the technology to travel to Earth. Yet they are so stupid they just land anyway, and then they leave almost immediately after just... doing nothing. Wow that makes sense.

Obviously someone was a little more concerned with the suspense than the plot, which pretty much sucked. The actual plot is not even decent, it's below average, and the suspense is not good, it's GREAT. Combine those two and you have a good movie still, fortunately, but wow, I'm pretty bummed.

Another major problem for me is the whole forced religion matter. It's like they pushed it right down our throats that there really is "someone watching out for us," which I find to be a load of hooey. The only one watching out for you is YOU and maybe family and friends, if you're lucky; some people are not that lucky, unfortunately. That's it. The entire point of turning the movie into a religious redemption for Gibson was about enough to make me ill. That alone is - 1/2 star. I would no sooner want to see that then to see a movie about someone renouncing their religious faith and becoming atheist because "it's the right way" or something. I don't want to be told subjective lessons, whether or not I agree with them is not the point. If you're going to teach a lesson, it should be like, "Helping other people when you are able to do is a good thing to do," which is pretty much a fact not an opinion. Or it's an opinion that everyone who isn't really twisted would agree with, essentially. However, when dealing with religion, clearly there are people who believe all different things. Gibson had it right the first time: don't waste another minute on prayer. Your minutes are precious; saver them.

Ok so he was a father, but still why didn't he have any shotguns or weapons in his farm?! My dad has six shot guns and a handgun and he's not into guns at all, but he hunts sometimes and the handgun was for self defense (he kept it locked away but when our alarm went off at the last house, he'd search the house with it; needless to say I guess, it was always the stupid wind or a cat or something that jarred a door open or loose and just caused needless concern). On a farm, people have guns. It's just that simple. Coyotes or all sorts of other things could get to your farm and you'd need a gun to scare them away, and they had none? Man was that stupid.

Ultimately, Signs was a mixed back of great aspects and lousy aspects, combining to make an enjoyable movie but an unfortunate disappointment nonetheless, much like MIB2. Though it is better than that, obviously IMO.

There are plenty of four star films this year. Go see: AOTC, Minority Report, Changing Lanes, The Count of Monte Cristo, Road to Perdition, The Rookie, and at least for action/comic book fans, Blade II.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:32:16 PM
Jon I don't know what film you saw but you must have saw something different than me, how can you say RE was better, WTF I just saw that movie and that movie was disapointing to me, I love the video games and the movie was just so unscarry, gory sure but I hate gory films.

Now your problems

I cannot whatsoever buy that aliens come to Earth just for no reason but to kill people and without apparent reason like perhaps eating the humans or harvesting the resources of the planet or whatever else.

Well it is no different than ID4, or War of the Worlds, they came because as the kid said there planet had run out of resources, it is pretty simple, IMO. besides that point really is not important, believe me if Aliens did show up and trying to kill you, I doubt you want to ask them hey guys why are you here.


Ok, no being would be damaged by water. Plain and simple. It's a neutral liquid that has neither acidic or basic properties

why not, sure if they were like us but they aren't like us beings that aren't like us would react differently to stuff that is normal to us. To me it is no different than the virus thing in War of the Worlds. Also water probably doesn't exist on there planet, maybe they drink acid or something there are million possibilities, or maybe they are extremly dry species like a cactus, if you put too much water on a cactus it will kill it, so that is another possibility. Also I think he might have borrowed this idea from the film Alien Nation where water was hazardous to the Aliens and it worked in that movie.

Another major problem for me is the whole forced religion matter. It's like they pushed it right down our throats that there really is "someone watching out for us," which I find to be a load of hooey. The only one watching out for you is YOU and maybe family and friends, if you're lucky; some people are not that lucky, unfortunately. That's it. The entire point of turning the movie into a religious redemption for Gibson was about enough to make me ill. That alone is - 1/2 star. I would no sooner want to see that then to see a movie about someone renouncing their religious faith and becoming atheist because "it's the right way" or something. I don't want to be told subjective lessons, whether or not I agree with them is not the point. If you're going to teach a lesson, it should be like, "Helping other people when you are able to do is a good thing to do," which is pretty much a fact not an opinion. Or it's an opinion that everyone who isn't really twisted would agree with, essentially. However, when dealing with religion, clearly there are people who believe all different things. Gibson had it right the first time: don't waste another minute on prayer. Your minutes are precious; saver them

Well Jon I am sorry that is your problem that is all I can say 95% of the people in the world beilieve in some form of diety God, Allah, Vishnu, whatever but they do so if you don't that is your problem but most people would agree with the director their so that point I guess would fly over your head.


Ok so he was a father, but still why didn't he have any shotguns or weapons in his farm?! My dad has six shot guns and a handgun and he's not into guns at all, but he hunts sometimes and the handgun was for self defense (he kept it locked away but when our alarm went off at the last house, he'd search the house with it; needless to say I guess, it was always the stupid wind or a cat or something that jarred a door open or loose and just caused needless concern). On a farm, people have guns. It's just that simple. Coyotes or all sorts of other things could get to your farm and you'd need a gun to scare them away, and they had none? Man was that stupid.
Well he didn't believe in guns, he used to be a reverend as was said, I don't have guns and would never have one that is my opinon, plus I doubt he would need 45 minutes outside Philadelphia (inside Philadelphia you might need a gun :p)

Finally I jsut don't find any your arguments valid, you didn't like fine but you arguments just don't work for me.

Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:29:55 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB

Another major problem for me is the whole forced religion matter. It's like they pushed it right down our throats that there really is "someone watching out for us," which I find to be a load of hooey.

I have to take issue with this criticism. There was no forced religion in this movie. It was about a man who had lost the foundation of beliefs that gave meaning to his life, and in the end he found them again. There was no implication that "God" had anything to do with his son being saved at the end. It was just the resolution of events that led Gibson to regain hope and reaffirm his beliefs.


Gibson had it right the first time: don't waste another minute on prayer. Your minutes are precious; saver them.

It wasn't during "the first time" that Gibson made those comments. It was after his fall from faith and before his redemption. It was during a period of his life when he had lost his identity.

Anyway, I am truly sorry you didn't enjoy the movie more, Jon. We all love your enthusiasm when you really like a movie. ;)

Aug 3rd, 2002, 03:23:48 AM
I am a Shyamalan fan still, he is a great director, and I obviously did enjoy the movie, but to me it was just quite disappointing. On a pure thriller level, like did I think it was creepy, etc., then it is a four star movie. But there is more to any film than that, just as even a summer blockbuster must have a plot and not just effects (*ahem* Godzilla...).

"Well it is no different than ID4, or War of the Worlds, they came because as the kid said there planet had run out of resources, it is pretty simple, IMO."

You must not have been paying attention. The kid said that was one THEORY and that was later proved wrong. They later said the aliens came just to hunt, not to take resources at all. In ID4, it was not like that. They came for an actual purpose. Anyway, that movie wasn't meant to be intellectual at all, it was meant to show stuff blowing up. It was a good "ra-ra" patriotic movie, LOL, but that is about it. Great DVD, though ;)

I don't care if 95% of the people believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or God, that is not the point. The point is that it came across as hokey. In The Count of Monte Cristo, the manner in which God was involved in the movie really worked well and I'm not religious at all, nor do I believe in God, yet I found that it was actually effective in context. You have this guy whose life is going great, then he is wronged in so many ways, and he begins to lose his faith. He goes from saying, "God is everywhere" to basically "There is no God," because of his plight. Then he receives help from a priest, who is a pretty funny/cool guy, and he still doesn't believe in God at that point, but the priest says, "That doesn't matter; he believes in you." Then by the end, he has regained his faith and his entire life in general, only better than it was before even. Ahh, nothing like revenge. I assume people are familiar with that story anyway, so not to spoil anything because you'd still love or like or not like the movie anyway ;) Then the inscription on the prison cell, also at the end of the film, "God will grant me vengeance," and the musical score is perfect during that zoom in. It's well done all the way through, and if you're going to have religion as a theme, it should be done like that, tastefully, not patronizingly as it was done in Signs.

I was offended by the idiocy of the way it was handled throughout Signs. Seriously, some of us are not brainwashed by any religions and would prefer not to see more attempted brainwashing in film. It's just annoying. I go to the movies to have fun and be entertained, occassionally, though rarely, inspired, not to be preached to. I guess if you're religious you wouldn't get how preachy Signs was, but sorry, that is the way it comes across.

You cannot simply dismiss my criticisms because you loved the movie. You didn't really answer any of them, Carr, you just walked around them like, "Ok, I don't care about that plot hole *step* or that one *step* or this one either *jump*." I'm not saying you can't love the movie obviously, but even my friend Bryan, who probably would give it four stars (he liked it more than I did), thought the whole water thing was incredibly hokey.

I am anxious to see what CMJ thinks of this movie.

Also, it's not fair that I should have to be on the "opposite side" here, because I'm still giving this movie a favorable review. It gets three stars and a strong three, too, nowhere close to 2.5. For instance, both B- and B are 3 star grades; it gets a strong B. That is good. I don't give too many B's overall really. In July, the only films I'd give a higher rating would be Road to Perdition (A) and Reign of Fire (B+) along with the utter bomb Eight Legged Freaks in a tie (B), but tie goes to the intellectual film, so Signs wins. :) Seriously, I did enjoy the movie and the whole atmosphere was fantastic. It's not something I'd especially want to see again anytime soon, unlike Minority Report or AOTC for instance, but it's nonetheless another solid effort from Shyamalan overall.

I forget if he wrote and directed this one too, I guess I'd assume he did, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have someone else help with the writing too sometimes. Although, TSS and Unbreakable were wonderfully written. Still, Lucas had Jonathan Hales help him out a bit. It never hurts. I don't care how good you are, it can be nice to have an assistant.

The music is Signs is also really good. I think maybe the running time is a little bit long, but only a little bit. My editing critic side says ten minutes shorter even would have worked well (K-19 should have been about 40 minutes shorter, though, massively underedited and that cost it an entire 1/2 star).

Anyways... whatever, no need to get that defensive over Signs, it's obvious we all did enjoy it anyway, me a bit less so than other people because I have some nitpicks, minor and major, but it's not like I think it's a bad movie. I don't even think it's just above average. I think it's GOOD! :)

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:17:23 AM
Well thats fine, Jon I got defensive about it because I thought it was that good thats all so its no big deal. Okay about the water issue, I don't think its a plot hole, I am sure its possible that some other form of life could have a problem with water, like I said it could be an extrmely dry species or maybe based on another set of properities, silicone, or what have you, I really didn't have a problem with it. Also the faith bit, I didn't see the movie religious at all like Quadinaros said I saw the movie as more about one's own faith in anything, Gibson's character had no faith in anything and it was his faith in something at the end of the movie that saved his family. God was hardly even mentioned really so I wouldn't call the film religious at all, but that is just my opinion there.

Darth Viscera
Aug 3rd, 2002, 12:44:12 PM
Eh, the plot fails to stand up against a determined assault by logic, and I left the theater lacking closure. That's not good. I like closure. There's supposed to be a part in a movie where you get a revelation which explains the whole movie. For some reason, screenwriters are finding it more and more popular to not attach endings to their movies, and leave the audience lacking closure. For that they should die.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2002, 02:24:14 PM
There was a closure really, they should that Graham Hess regained his faith by going back as a Reverend, because really the movie was about that family and not about the Aliens, what happened to the aliens weren't that important really because he regained his faith and his family survived.

Darth Viscera
Aug 3rd, 2002, 04:10:32 PM
what happened to the aliens weren't that important really because he regained his faith and his family survived.

Gah. I went to the theater expecting to see a movie about aliens, not faith. What is it with this moviemaker and his insistence on character development?

Darth Viscera
Aug 3rd, 2002, 05:08:12 PM
btw, Rory Culkin was excellent in this movie. He's like a fatter clone of his older brother. I can't believe how much this movie reminded me of The Good Son.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2002, 09:32:29 PM
Whats wrong with Character development? I like movies that have it most of the time, well it looks like you were looking for Id4 or something like that but I think this movie is way bettter than ID4.

Sanis Prent
Aug 4th, 2002, 01:09:57 AM
To all who can't get over the water/belief system/alien motive:

Here is a crack pipe for you. Perhaps if you kill enough brain cells, you can evaporate the BS out of your system, and hold just enough motor function to nod in agreement...that this movie was utterly kickass.

Yes, water probably isn't the most lethal agent to a life form. Guess what? A TIE fighter wouldn't make the TIE sound if it were real, either.

There is no religion shoved down anybody's throat here. I didn't feel this subliminal urge to become Episcapalian (sp), and neither should you. But most people believe SOMETHING. Even if you believe in nothing, you're a nihilist (cue the Big Lebowski scene). What it does is compel you to believe SOMETHING, even if you believe that every leap year, magical skittles will fly out of Bea Arthur's navel. Who gives a rats ass, honestly?

Alien motive? Even if it were relevant to a damn thing...I don't think a bunch of Podunk, white-bred farmers are gonna be "in the know" on it. Hell, for all I know...they're using cattle-prods to collect semen in order to hybrid-breed the next boy band group. I do not care. It is not important to the movie. And to be honest...why can't they just be here "to kill"? I mean...its such a retro, novel idea. All the 50's horror shows...they came simply "to kill". Hell, Japan came "to kill" in Nanking...so why not have it simple like that? You're just pissed because the secret to the crop circles wasn't some off-angle thing like time-traveling followers of Jerry Garcia. Nobody expected Shymalan to actually do something so...well....done. A movie where aliens actually attack earthlings for really no reason? He'd made the off-tangent something we predict, and then came out with the one thing that we should have been expecting, but didn't. That is sure-fire genius.

Say what you will...this is easily one of the best movies of the summer (right behind AotC for me), and one of the most suspenseful, if not outright scary movies I've seen in a long long time.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:21:20 PM
Great post Sanis. I feel the same thing about the water, it really doesn't matter if it is possible or not but it is still crucial to the plot and it is no plot hole. I agree with you about the religion thing to, I didn't see it pushing a specific religion just the idea of faith which I think is a very important thing to have if it is faith in a god or faith in yourself, humanity what have you. And the motive well as was said really its not important because the focus is on this one family. I actually found that similar to the novel War of the Worlds, where the focus was one one person during the Alien invasion, and while the motive for the alien attack was a little clearer, we still didn't get a full understanding about why they attacked and it was never clear if they were trying to conquer the planet or just take resources. Finally I agree with you Sanis, the film is pure brillance and one of the best movies of the year, IMO.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 12th, 2002, 11:32:49 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
Hell, for all I know...they're using cattle-prods to collect semen in order to hybrid-breed the next boy band group.......

......Say what you will...this is easily one of the best movies of the summer (right behind AotC for me), and one of the most suspenseful, if not outright scary movies I've seen in a long long time.

I saw it! I saw it!!

And :lol to that first remark, Sanis, and I totall agree with your assessment.

Thankfully I was only frightened IN the movie, and it had a good enough happy ending that I'm all bettah now. And my nephew Josh went with me. :)

I loved the movie. Now I have to watch it again, with my eyes open. :D

Aug 13th, 2002, 12:25:41 AM
I'm glad you liked it, Lil. I plan to see it again soon, also. And yah, it is much better with your eyes open. :rollin

I can't even believe I'm entering this discussion about the lethal water, but I don't think it's all that farfetched. Water doesn't agree with everything. Did you ever try mixing water with oil? Have you ever tied heavy rocks to your feet and jumped into a lake? Maybe the aliens evolved in a dry climate and their metabolism simply cannot tolerate high levels of hydration. I enjoyed the movie so much, I didn't even think twice about the water.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:05:19 AM
I thought it was awesome how all the little things worked together to make a big picture in the end. Loved it!

So much better than Purple Rain... ;) :crack

Aug 13th, 2002, 06:43:40 AM

Remember, Lil. Prince used to be a sign. His name looked kinda like a crop circle. Maybe he'll star in Signs II. :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 13th, 2002, 02:52:40 PM
Woah! Never thought about that!

Gawd I hope not! :x


Sanis Prent
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:34:28 AM

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:27:19 PM
I'm going to see it again on Sunday...with my eyes open the whole time. :lol

Aug 14th, 2002, 04:26:52 PM
I liked this director the first time I saw Sixth Sense, but the second time it was just boring. Once you knew the twist, it had nothing IMO. Unbreakable then came out, and nearly EVERY review I saw focussed on the twist. This one seems to be going the same way too, IMO.

To be honest, he wont intrest me until he makes a film that DOESNT seem to focus on a twist. It's almost like the old "Theres a man, he finds out his wife is having an affair, and theres a knock on the door, and he opens it and........A PIG EATS HIM!" kind of thing you saw in the Tales of the Unexpected (Eddie Izzard;)).

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 14th, 2002, 05:36:34 PM
I was surprised..weren't you surprised? Yeah, I was surprised.. :p

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:33:32 PM
Well actually this one doesn't have a twist that is the interesting thing, I thought there might be a surpise like it wasn't aliens or something like that but instead there was no surprising ending, actually everything made sense in the end, that is why I have to see again to see how the dots come together in the movie

Aug 16th, 2002, 07:27:08 AM
Coming soon....

SIGNS II starring....


Sanis Prent
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:56:36 AM
lol I can see them turning on Bo's baby monitor, to hear faint, static-ridden echoes of "Party like its 1999l" playing.....from somewhere :uhoh

Aug 16th, 2002, 08:59:17 AM
Scary :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:51:56 PM

Aug 16th, 2002, 11:19:03 PM
"Daddy, Prince is outside my window. Can I have a glass of water?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:47:22 AM
lol I'm not sure which is worse. :D

Aug 17th, 2002, 06:56:38 AM
Dont cry, he'll just sing that doves song ;)

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:55:50 AM
And instead of wearing foil hats, they get jerry curl wigs :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:22:37 PM
>_< LMAO

Aug 18th, 2002, 01:52:10 AM
At the risk of sounding too much like a critic, if you think Signs is an intellectual, sophisticated film, please, do us all a favor and go rent some films on the AFI list. Maybe that will show you what real filmmaking is.

Signs isn't better than Independence Day. As STUPID as the script for that movie was and as corny as parts were, it is still a very well done blockbuster that you could fairly call "popcorn crap," but at least it's a lot of fun and for what it is, popcorn nonsense, it is very good! It's pretty obvious the film was made with one thing in mind: $$$, but nonetheless it was a hugely successful film and at least it made sense!

Signs has so much nonsense in it that I just can't take it seriously, nor can I take anyone seriously who actually believes this is high brow entertainment. I mean jesus, I will defend XXX and Blade 2, but I wouldn't ever go so far as calling either of them intellectual films! They are just really cool action movies, nothing more, nothing less, but arguing that Signs really "makes you think" is so STUPID I cannot even believe it. What does it make you think about? How lame the plot is? Yeah I was thinking about that too, and I was thinking about what I'd do when I got home, so I guess I was thinking, but certainly not in a good way. It's not The Matrix, it isn't Fight Club, it isn't even Vanilla Sky. You aren't left thinking about anything. The movie does all of your thinking for you, which is to say that it just fills your head with idiotic plot elements and tells you how you should feel about all of this nonsense.

"Gah. I went to the theater expecting to see a movie about aliens, not faith. What is it with this moviemaker and his insistence on character development?"

lol, well yeah, I wanted to see a movie that focused on ALIENS, which are a lot more important than one stupid character and his stupid family. This is a typical example of thinking too small. Movies like this should be epic in some way or should have importance to everyone, but instead I'm supposed to care about this dang farmer and him becoming religious again because that is the "right" way to think or whatever. Yeah whatever.

The film IS preachy because I say it is. If I felt that it was preachy and I watched it, then it was preachy at least to me, and to many other people too. My friend Sean said exactly the same thing. I have heard others say similar things. Yes, most people loved it, but it is preachy. If you can overlook that, more power to you, but that combined with the 100 other flaws in that movie and I just can't excuse them all.

SomethingAwful.com had a great review of it, I wish I could find it now. He pointed out all of the million problems with it in quite a humorous way. I think it is such a joke how many people find that movie to be so wonderful. Yeah, it is good, at best. At worst it is so awfully flawed as to be laughable, but fortunately WHILE the movie is playing it is good, and only after you think about it you start to get really frustrated at how stupid the plot really was. ID4 has a better plot by far, and that is really insulting.

Aug 18th, 2002, 04:21:37 AM
Sings is a fun movie to watch, but my beef about this show is if you ever worked on a farm, and you are a alien that melts in water--the last place you want to be is at a FARM. A wheat field might worked for me, but not a corn field. You are watering a corn field all the time at night, so you don't burn your crops during the day with water damage. For me, I thought it was silly for the aliens to hid out in the fields with water all around going at night. Unless, of corse the corn fields out side of Philadelphia does not need water to grow--then, hell ya hide out all you want. If we are looking for realistic values in our films, for me corn field will not work, a wheat field yes, because you don't need to water a wheat field when it starts growing. But all in all, I had a lot of fun watching it, and I would not mind seeing it again soon.

I don't know what the gun laws are like around Philadelphia or Pennsylvania for that matter, but have a shotgun or a rifle would be legal in most states because it is harder to conceal them than it would for a pistol. But on a farm a gun is a must too keep varmints, and wild life off your farm. Well thats how it was like for me while we had a farm in Oregon, and having a gun on a farm is a reality for most farmers. So, I am sure it was a Hollywood anti-gun message, to teach us that water is a better way to take care of alien invasions than a gun ever will;)LOL!!

Aug 19th, 2002, 08:07:10 AM
Originally posted by dbn
Sings is a fun movie to watch, but my beef about this show is if you ever worked on a farm, and you are a alien that melts in water--the last place you want to be is at a FARM.

Yes, but how many aliens do you know that not only melt in water, but also work on farms. :rollin

Aug 19th, 2002, 07:35:44 PM
I know of at least 6 that qualify as both :)

The water angle was one of the weak points, for a supposedly advanced species you would think they would avoid a planet as water heavy as Earth is.

Then again from what we saw(India & the farm) they avoided area's that have a lot of water.....lets hope they didn't go to Seattle.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:24:41 PM
Well that is why they weren't conquering the planet, it was a hit and run kind of thing similar to what the Huns and Vikings have done in our own civilzation, it also seemed like they concentrated on more humid sections of the world Mexico, Argentinia.

And Jon who called it an intellectual film? I looked over the whole thread and I can't find anybody who said that, I think most of us agreed that it was a high character film and very supsensful, but I don't think anybody called it intellectually, know it is is smarter than ID4 :p Come on this film is a lot of better than ID4, ID4 had 10X amount of plot holes and worst dialogue and no character development, sure I like it but I think Signs is a much better film, because it deals with a different angle and doesn't just blow stuff up.

Aug 19th, 2002, 11:22:11 PM
I seem to put two different thoughts together in the same paragraph.lol!! It will be my down fall if I don't get a good proof reader soon:smokin

Sep 13th, 2002, 06:24:50 AM
Ahem. Firstly id like to say this film is class. I know im a little late in posting on this forum but the film only got released today here in the UK. Ive read over all the posts and there seems to be a lot of people complaining about the whole water thing. Well actually it is entierly possible. There is a young girl in THIS COUNTRY allergic to water. This is the article...


Allergic To Water

We can't live without it. It's almost impossible to avoid. Water.

But for 12-year Heidi Falconer of Great Britain, this essential element of life could kill her. Heidi is allergic to water. Her mom says, "If it's raining she just can't go out without thinking."

It's called aquagenic urticaria. Her mother Wendy says Heidi was born with the rare allergy where one small drop of water can bring out blisters, rashes, and, in extreme cases, anaphylactic shock which could lead to death.

Wendy says, "Any allergy can be life threatening. It's like people who are allergic to peanuts, that's life threatening. We're always aware of that."

That means she can't drink it, bathe in it, or even enjoy an innocent splash in the rain.. Heidi says, "I just feel that I'm missing out on a lot. Swimming and just going out in the snow and doing everything my friends can do. I just have to sit and watch."

And because water accounts for 80-percent of the human body, Heidi is in effect, allergic to herself. Her sweat, blood, saliva, and tears leave nasty marks on her skin. And imagine her mothers' heartbreak at not being able to kiss her own daughter.

Wendy says, "She hates anybody to kiss her because of the mark it leaves. Now she bends her head and we just kiss her on the head."

Because Heidi lives in the rainy English countryside, she must take certain precautions. A special raincoat keeps her dry and she always carries a doctor's note and a shot of adrenaline in case of anaphylactic shock.

Her diet consists of dry foods and she drinks only whole milk or orange juice. Which because of their chemical composition bring her no harm. She can only shower once a week for 30 seconds and even that brings on blisters. She says, "I have to get in and out, it stings."

And she's allowed just one small shot of water when she brushes her teeth. But that too can lead to a break out.

Even more troubling is that experts aren't sure what causes this allergy. Doctor Gary Rachelefsky of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says, "It's usually the release of a chemical called histamine into the skin. But we don't know why water, in this case would cause the release of histamine."

And there is no known cure. Dr. Rachelefsky says, "The cure is avoiding water. Obviously that's not an easy thing to do"

But Heidi doesn't let her allergy get the best of her. A special cream helps deter breakouts and good friends keep her spirits high. She might not be able to play outside with them, but Heidi can still dream.

She says, "I'd like to learn to swim, be able to eat ice cream and go out in the rain."

Here is the link http://extratv.warnerbros.com/reframe.html?http://extratv.warnerbros.com/dailynews/rxtra/01_01/01_06d.html

If you do a search on google for "alergic to water" you will see a fair bit of stuff come up. So givent this, it is completly possible that an alien life form from another plannet could be more extream.

ACTION: Sits down.

Ah thank you!

ACTION: Takes a bow. :D

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:26:26 AM
I have to agree with Jonathan, I'm afraid. Signs was an entertaining movie, but the plot doesn't make a lick of sense if you examine it in any detail. With the God is watching out for you message and the aliens being driven off at the end like Kang and Kodos on The Simpsons ("look, the humans have got a board with a nail in it!") it has to be one of the hokiest films of recent years. And while the main actors were all good, the film contained some of the worst acting I've ever seen from bit players in a Hollywood film (the female Sheriff, the mad army general and Shyamalan himself). It almost seemed like every expense was spared on this film, including the script. But I guess the aliens had to be kept mostly off-screen to pay for Gibson's wages :p
It amazes me that the same critics who accuse Star Wars films of being empty and full of plot holes praise films like this.

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:39:01 AM
The plot doesnt make a lick of sense? Are you kidding. If you thought the script was good or not is your opinion but to say it didnt make sense? Did you even watch it?

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:43:42 AM
Wow... I actually totally AGREE with Jonathan here. :)

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:47:09 AM
With which bit?

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:50:36 AM
Especially about the whole religion matter.

I didn't like that either. The movie had a great build up, but it lead up to nothing. At least not something that interested me, and actually annoyed me.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:08:42 AM
Its weird how this movie has divided people, there is no middle ground, people either hate or love it (I think more like it than hate it but that is just hear opinions from people I talk with). I actually really liked it, it was my second favorite film of the year, and as far as the plot goes, you could make the same argument about a lot of films, Star Wars comes to mind, people will say how the plot if full of holes so I don't by those arguments.

Sep 13th, 2002, 11:40:48 AM
Well, I'm actually right in that middle ground. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:53:19 PM
Oh I thought you didn't like it, maybe I am wrong on that, there does seem to be some diversity over the religious aspect of the film though, which I find very intersting.

Sep 14th, 2002, 04:55:04 PM
Hey, I said I enjoyed it! But you can't deny the plot completely falls apart if you examine it in any detail. But I guess it wasn't meant to be a serious sci-fi film. It's more like The Exorcist with aliens or something.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:43:01 PM
Yeah thats a good analogy, still it had a better plot than ID4 where the plot holes are even bigger than those in Signs.

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:34:56 AM
The thing about the film is, its not about Aliens, or and invasion or religion really. Its about the possibility that everything happens for a reason. Im not a religious person at all but I do belive in fate and that things happen for a reason.

I also think this is my second favorite film of the year. Second only to AOTC. I find it sad that people cant watch a film and simply enjoy it without having to dig deeply into it and rip it to parts. Every single film ever made probably has its plot problems and what not but at the end of the day a film is meant to be enjoyed. If you go along and have a good time then its done its job.

Sep 16th, 2002, 07:11:36 AM
The movie had a great build up, but it lead up to nothing.Actually, I felt the complete other way about this movie. The first hour or so of the film felt hokey to me... I just wasn't buying into it. When they showed the video footage of the alien running by the kids' party, it felt like one of those "Bigfoot" sightings. The alien looked like a guy in a green suit, and he even stopped to look at the camera (just like Big and Furry). The whole movie felt way too hokey.

But then... the last half hour or so definitely redeemed it. Once they started boarding up the house, I was hooked. The suspense and tension was gripping. Definitely a movie worth dropping your cash on, at least once.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:45:07 AM
The television scene alone is worth admission.

Sene Unty
Sep 16th, 2002, 12:32:29 PM
I saw no plot holes in the story. A lot of people seem to be making alot of noise about the whole water thing. So why can't they be hurt by water? We can be hurt by fire. Its essentially the same thing.

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:02:26 PM
See my comments above for the fire explination.

Mu Satach
Sep 17th, 2002, 12:42:41 PM
Next movie that comes out with a "there is no god" message underlying the story, I'm going to rant and rave about how atheism is being shoved down my throat. ;) :p

I saw it, expected it to be full of crap and was pleasantly surprised when it was a family story.

The Sci-Fi angle is weak, but most people out there don't really care about that. It's fantasy.

And when you get a show that is hard core sci-fi people complain they can't understand it and it's full of technobabble.

And in the end... it doesn't matter either way.

Sene Unty
Sep 17th, 2002, 12:46:53 PM
I liked the human side of the story. I think it put it in perspective.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:29:57 PM
hehehe Mu, yeah!

And guys, you don't need spoiler tags, the thread has **spoilers** in the title. :)