View Full Version : I Know I'm Not Supposed To....Walk The Gardens At Night....

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 01:13:42 PM
It had been a few days since her first night at the Palace, and Feliciana was getting used to the sounds in the night. The shadows no longer bothered her and she found it rather easy to sleep now. Looking out her window, she watched the sun fall beyond the horizon...and a few stars began to dot the velvety night sky. Pulling the hood of her black cloak over her head, she quietly left her room and walked down the halls of the second floor. She looked over at Sasha's room and saw nothing...so she continued. The shadows seemed to be her aid this night, covering her in the darkness.

She had headed the warning that Lady Vader gave her, not to walk the gardens at night for the dragon that lived there would not appreciate it...but she had been so curious. She had seen dragons before...but she had never actually met one. In her mind, there were two kinds....nice ones....and mean ones. Quietly she crept down the large stairs of the castle until she reached the main floor...and then walked to the front doors. Pushing through them, she snuck out into the courtyard and cut across to the gardens....then planted her feet on the path. Pulling down the hood from her cloak, her waist length black hair spilled out. Her bright cyan eyes searched the darkness yet she saw nothing...so she proceeded. Walking cautiously as she did, she continued to watch her back. In her hands, she held a bag of a strange food that she knew the dragons on her home planet appreciated as a treat...but she did not know if this one would accept it. A nervous feeling developed in her stomach and made her feel a bit sick, as if she wanted to turn back and go to her room...but she couldn't...it was too late, she was here....

Aug 13th, 2002, 03:34:55 PM
*The dragon had been dozing near the endge of the large lake situated roughly in the center of the garden. He'd been enjoying the music of the night when an unatural sound caught his attention and he rose.*

*Moving stealthly into the trees, he peered through the branches, discerning a figured clad in a cloak, walking the path. Yet another foolish wanderer not heeding the rules. Perhaps he should ask his Mistress to lock the Garden doors after dark.*

*Stepping forth with one gigantic claw onto the path, he looked down on the figure, his godlen eyes shining in the dim light of the firey torches lining the path, small wisps of smoke curling from his nostrils.*

*He spoke to the individual through telepathy, not having any capability of speech like most sentients had, letting a rumble emmit from his throat at the same time his mind spoke.*

Who dares to walk my domain after nightfall?

Feliciana Devano
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:03:29 PM
Fel continued walking until she stopped at a sound in the distance. It was like leaves rustling as a creature walked through them...and it made her heart pound in her chest. Suddenly the huge dragon appeared and nearly made the girl fall to the ground in terror.

"I.....I do, great Dragon of the night. I'm sorry.....but I was...curious....here...."

She held out the sweet food that the dragons on her planet liked in a great hope that he would accept it as a gift. Backing up for her own safety, she trembled a bit....hoping that this had not been a great mistake....

Aug 21st, 2002, 02:51:19 PM
*Shenraun watched the female place the large fruit on the ground before him and step beck. He lowered his head and sniffed at the sweet smelling melon, raising his head and picking up the fruit in between to large claws. He looked from fruit to woman.*

A Dragon's Blossom. It's has been years since I have had one of these. I did not know if they still existed.

*He popped the plump melon into his mouth, letting the sweet juices pool on his tongue before swallowing. A satisfied rumble emitted from his throat as he looked down at the Sith.*

You have pleased me, and since you have pleased me, no harm will come to you tonight. But I advice next time to come during the daylight hours to ask permission to walk my gardens at night.

*He settled where he stood, looking at the Sith.*

Tell me why you have come.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:11:48 PM
Fel's gaze went from the ground up to the Great Dragon at his words. She smiled brightly, glad that he had accepted the gift. She had plenty of the sweet treats....and would gladly give him more at his request.

"I....I have come here out of curiousity, first off. I heard my friend, Sasha, speak of you once. He has left for some time now....and I....lack friends. I used to speak to the Dragons on my home planet....and they were very wise. I hoped....perhaps....you would be like them...."

Her words were broken out of nervousness, but she maintained her train of thought, hoping that she was not being a bother to the large creature. She was just glad that he would not harm her....despite her rudeness for coming without permission.....

Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:22:55 PM
*The massive dragon smiled at the thought of Sasha.*

Ah, yes, Sasha. A good friend. And one that came to me during the day to speak, hence allowing me to give him permission to visit me after nightfall.

*Yes, it was a small reprimand, but nothing more. He was intrigued by this woman's knowledge of dragons and having spoken to them before.*

Tell me about these dragons of your homeworld. It has been centruies since I have seen another of my kind. I would have you entertain me with a story.