View Full Version : A place of learning (open)
Odin Murk
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:26:04 AM
:: Odin sat at a table with several old books and holopads in front of him. He had to learn more of these mammals if he was not to underestimate them. Another fact he had learned is that he would need to devise a weapon equal to the strength of a lightsaber. His hands were not made for hilts of swords but merely for ripping flesh. He also had looked up things on the more advanced Sith of the order such as Lady Vader and Darth Vader. There more recent events were very amusing. He would enjoy the power that he would one day be able to utilize as they did. But the mammals... so many of them... so much stink. His tongue lazily slid up to his eye and cleaned it as he read on. He hadn't found much on the dragon other than it's name, Shenraun. He needed to learn more, and books and data tables were not going to suffice this time. He decided he would look over the books one more time before going out and finding a more... able information source.::
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:39:46 AM
Sasha walked into the library with a book on lightsabers. The thing had proved completely useless. Whoever had written it had done so with a twisted sense of humor - one intended only to frustrate the reader. He'd learned nothing from the book except the fact that eh would not learn to construct a lightsaber by using one.
He had a lgithsaber - given to him by Mu Satach, but he still wanted the satisfaction of being able to construct his own.
On his way to return the book, he noticed an unfamiliar face poring over a book at a nearby table.
"Hope your book is more useful than this piece of crap.." He commented as he got a bit closer. He held his book up slightly, a relaxed, amused expression on his face.
His violet eyes studied the creature curiously. Not in awe or wonder, or even in disgust, but mildly curiously - for he was from a rather remote planet and had not seen much of the galaxy.
"I'm Sasha." He said, introducing himself. His voice was relaxed and almost lazy, not excitable or eager as he spoke.
Gouyen Chee
Aug 2nd, 2002, 04:00:52 PM
Gouyen sat in a corner of the great library, working on a translation of an ancient Sith text that was written in an old variant of the Assazi tongue. She had noticed the reptilian enter the library but paid him little heed. Perhaps on the training grounds, she thought idly to herself. She wished her friend Xanx were here -- he was of a race much closer to the reptilian's than humans were. She turned back to her studies, but her concentration had been broken. Her mind kept wandering, thinking back on her training and the friends she had made while on Selnath, her voyage into this part of the galaxy and all the strange and not always wonderful things she had seen and experienced.
Then she saw Sasha enter the room, and suddenly her mind was filled with a host of unpleasant memories. She had to do something about them -- perhaps by talking with him. She scribbled a quick note :
Sasha -- could you see me here in the library at your earliest convience -- Gouyen,
folded it into the shape of a paper airplane and sent it floating in his direction, settling in a Force-aided landing in front of him. She returned to her studies, but her heart wasn't into them. She kept up the pretext and waited.
Odin Murk
Aug 3rd, 2002, 05:32:39 PM
:: Odin had tasted the mammal as he had entered the library. He seemed to carry an air about himself... to Odin it seemed more experienced than the mammal he'd met earlier in the training grounds. Not experienced, but just... not as weak. Odin tried to steer away from that kind of comment but it was the best thing he could come up with. The human approached him and spoke of his books and the "piece of crap" in his hand. Odin listened as he then introduced himself casually. Odin nodded as his skin shifted. Another oppurtunity to learn, but not fighting this time. His eyes had picked up the title of the book, and it had something to do with lightsabers. His interest was lost just as quickly as he took the human's meaning that the book was useless.::
I am called Odin Murk. What do you know Sassssssssha?
:: Odin had read that manners was something that most humans expected every now and then but then again, Odin was not human and didn't feel like acting like one, unless they were power of course. Then that demanded respect. His approach to things seemed much more simpler. And then a paper plane flew across the room and landed in front of Sasha. Odin sniffed and from there he could tell it had come from the sith in the back of the library... Interesting. But it did not necessarily consider Odin so he did not care. As he waited for Sasha to answer he quickly scanned over his books again before looking back up.::
Aug 5th, 2002, 07:33:44 AM
He'd been in mid conversation when a paper airplane had settled on the table in front of him. He noticed Odin's eyes glance to it, then ignore it. He picked it up idly, about to refold it into a more aerodynamic form when he noticed the writing on it - and the letters that formed his name. He held it for the moment, not reading it just yet as he didnt want to be rude to this new member of the order that he was meeting.
He committed Odin's name to mind, and a slight smirk of amusement came to his features.
"What do I know?" He repeated, questioning. He thought for a moment.
"I know that I still have much to learn." He replied easily. He turned to place the lightsaber book back on the shelf where he'd found it a few nights ago, and it was then that he saw Gouyen. He scowled slightly, and glanced down at the airplane in his hand. It was from her.
She wanted to see him? His violet eyes narrowed for a moment, and he stared at her, as if trying to decipher what she wanted with him. Up until now, they had not quite hit it off all that well. But, she was a member of this order, he reminded himself, and because of that, and because of his promise to Lady Vader, he would be civil. His head cocked curiously for a moment in thought, and he nodded to her, as if to say, I'll be there in a little bit, and then turned back to Odin.
"So what are you studying?" He asked, straightening his solid six foot frame just a bit as he looked to the newest member of his bretheren.
(ooc: Gouyen, I'll stat a new thread right now for when Sasha finally comes over to talk to her - just look for it in the palace. :cool)
Odin Murk
Aug 5th, 2002, 04:57:24 PM
:: Odin nodded to Sasha::
I am ssssstudying you mammal... I mean Sasha.
:: He turned around many books and holopads displaying structures of the human body and many history books and displays.::
And thissssssss...
:: Turning many others around for Sasha to see, it displayed pictures ranging from lightsabers to the dragon in the garden to news articles on recent sith events.::
And I am trying to learn more of thisssssss place. I am afriad that this culture is very different from mine. Your kind walks free and your race actually shows some intelligence at times. I found this very surprising at first but I am glad to know that I have joined a pack that consists of sith... something new that I have devised as a category... It consists of mammals that I consssssssider not even that anymore. Through the darkside you have evolved into sith. As I hope to do, I wish to learn the dark side because I think it and I have a mutual relationship. We both devour the weak. My race has the ability to devour the life essence, it turns it into some kind of energy but we have yet to find what it is. I believe that it is the dark side brooding within us. But on ottttttther mattersssssss... again, I believe that you know some forccccce powers. I would like to know them.
:: Odin sat back in his chair as his tail twitched slightly. He needed to know what these sith knew.::
Aug 6th, 2002, 07:34:02 AM
Fair enough , he thought as Odin explained that he was studying Sasha, and others like him. He was guilty of the same thing, turning to books or asking questions about other creatures, cultures, planets. A faint sense of a smile showed, but only through the slight wrinkle at the corners of his violet eyes. It would take someone who knew him, or was very observant to notice.
He wasnt insultd as Odin mentioned that his race, humans, showed some times. In fact, he chuckled softly, amused.
"Well it seems a fair enough trade...." He commented.
"I know little of your race, but I would be willing to tell you what you wish to know of mine, if you would humor me and do the same in return."
"I think the dark side makes us both a different breed altogether, than what we would normally be categorized as." He added, and with a quick glance in Gouyen's direction, continued. " It brings those who normally would despise one another together in a common goal. It doesnt make us like one another, but it does make us tolerant in our pursuit of power. And this tolerance, I believe, makes us stronger."
Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 08:03:37 AM
:: Odin nodded. He didn't want to agree with a mammal but he was slowly learning that he couldn't always think in such a way. A trade of knowledge would not be so bad either. This human could use very little against odin from learning the basics where as Odin could learn worlds just by watching the human speak. He would give his information first and be through with it.::
My race is not known very well. We are called the Fale, that would be a simpler version for you. We hunt mammals like cattle. We herd the beastsssssssssss across great distances just so that we can tire them out and devour them. But the human's there are no where near as learned assssssssss you are here. But then they are naturally stronger, more built to sssssssssurvive. Their children's smallest can only be but 4 feet tall, that would be within 5 winters of living too. You warm bloods here are very small. My raccccccce are evolved hunters. Our claws are stronger than most steels, we are large in size and incredibly athletic. We have several abilities to our disposal.
:: Odin changed his skin color, shot out his tongue and snapped a fly out of the air, and then he let the three lenses settle over each eye. He also spit a small amount of slime onto one of the holopads and they both watched it sizzle.::
Our mossssssssst known ability among the cattle would be our ability to eat a human body whole and then devour their life essencse. I find that ability... very mutual to the force. Now I have spoken more of my race than I would normally dictate. It issss your turn Sasha. Speak.
Aug 6th, 2002, 09:45:11 AM
He tried not to judge as Odin spoke. Admittedly, these things that Odin spoke of disturbed him, but he tried to remember that Odin spoke of a different place, a different time. Still, he was wary. While the creature's words did not necessarily convey his distaste for humans and the fact that he thought them all inferior, his tone and his rather detached demeanor did. And Sasha was learned enough by now, comfortable enough now with his ability to pick up on the feelings, the thoughts of others, that he could feel this.
He sat down for a moment in a chair across from Odin, watching the creature's demonstrations of his abilities. When he demanded the same of Sasha, the young Sith leaned back in his chair, tipping it slightly on the back two legs.
"I wouldnt want to waste your time telling you that which you already know." He replied, all four legs ofthe chair coming to rest on the ground once again, his elbows coming to rest on the table as he leaned forward, his violet eyes staring boldly at Odin.
"Ask what you wish, and I will keep the promise I made to you." And then before Odin could ask, he asked a question of his own.
"If you devour the life essence of mammals, why tire them out first? Why diminish their life essence? Isnt that a bit of a waste - of both mammal and your time and energy?" He asked. The question was not asked in a bold challenge. It was asked with a curious tone, though beneath it, there did lie a defensiveness, and a slowly simmering anger. He was well aware that he still had much to learn in the ways of the force, but he didnt appreciate the insinuation that he was inferior to this bretheren of his.
Odin Murk
Aug 6th, 2002, 10:59:46 PM
:: Odin tasted a bit of defensiveness from the mammal. He didn't like the way his race was reffered to in Odin's terms. It did not matter to Odin, that was the truth. And then the human asked the question about wasting energy.::
The physssssssical body does not reflect on someone's essence. We tire them for the game. The thrill of the hunt, I believe is what you humans call it. But even though it is not always for survival, it is laid in our basic instinct to hunt the weaker and make game and life from it. We find that the human body appears to be one of the most revolting warm blooded things we hunt but their life essence is the most pure. They are in abundance of the essence and this is why I beleive there are so many mammals that can utilize the force. Now I asssssssssk. What force powers do you know?
Aug 7th, 2002, 11:25:40 AM
He seemed to accept Odin's explanation and when the question was asked, he leaned back in his seat, his arms coming to cross over his chest in thought. His head cocked slightly to the side for a moment, as was characteristic of the young sith.
"Are you asking me what force powers I am able to command, or what powers I know of, and am determined to one day use?" He countered almost rhetorically.
He wasnt the type to go into a demonstration, or to show off what he did or did not know. He found such demonstrations silly, and a waste of time.
"I'm aware of many, though I find everyday that there are countless other skills I am quite ignorant of. As for what I know...for the powers I am finlly capable of commanding..." He shrugged.
"The basics and then some, I suppose..." He answered. He wasnt trying to be vague, nor was he trying to keep secret what he knew. If Odin asked, he would willingly teach that which he knew.
Odin Murk
Aug 7th, 2002, 11:15:44 PM
:: Odin blinked as he let the mammal finish.::
Tell me how to do what you are able.
Aug 8th, 2002, 06:51:23 AM
Tell me how to do what you are able. Odin had...demanded? Asked?
Sasha smiled briefly.
"It would take some time to tell you everything, and certainly, it is better to learn from a master, for I myself am only an apprentice and still learning many things, but if you'd like, we can meet on the training grounds some morning or afternoon and speak of things extensively."
Although he didnt understand Odin completely, he understood the desire to learn.
"But mostly, know that it comes from within you. All that you do, will ever do, comes from concentration within. Aand imaging what it is you hope to accomplish. But none of it can be done without practice. And patience, most tell me, though I've found its difficult to be patient...."
"Have you ever used the force?" He asked Odin.
Odin Murk
Aug 10th, 2002, 04:06:02 PM
:: Odin nodded shortly. It was a small abilty bit the hunting shamans taught all fledglings minor abilities that Odinlater learned were really force abilities of the sort.::
I can gauge how much force you control, contain, and exxxxxxxxpend. I can also subdue you slightly to a coma stage if you are weak in mind. It worked on many of the cattle at home but the mammals here are more learned with will and succcchhh. That is all, simply demonstrate an ability you have and tell me how you did it, mamm... I mean Sasha.
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:25:42 AM
(ooc: sorry it took so long to reply, I was home in russia visiting my parents for a few weeks)
Sasha eyed Odin, perhaps a bit warily, perhaps a bit in challenge.
He was a kid who pretty much knew his bounds, but every now and then, he got a little cocky.
He didnt think Odin could subdue him as easily as he though he could. Sasha's mind and will were strong, but he didnt comment on this. He knew it was smarter to keep some things a secret, even within the order.
He sighed.
"The library isnt the best place to show you some of the stuff Ive learned..." He replied with a slight grin of amusement.
"Why dont I met you on the training grounds tomorrow morning or something...?" He suggested.
Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:38:54 AM
:: Odin nodded. Patience was a virtue of his, he could wait...::
Agreed... tomorrow morning, training groundssssss...
ooc: no prb man, ain't nothin wrong with leaving for a good time to see yo parents, :D
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:42:24 AM
(ooc: *grins* Thanks for the want to start a thread in the training grounds to continue this....?)
Sasha nodded, his eyes holding a bit of a mi9schievious sparkle in them.
"Tomorrow morning then." He agreed.
"Im usually up pretty early..." He added. He loved mornings. Particularly the early part - just before the sun rose and all was peaceful and quiet.
Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:45:56 AM
:: Odin listened to the pointless pratter and interupted him before Sasha said early. He nodded.::
I don't ssssssleep, too much to learn now. I will see you tomorrow morning Sassssssssssha.
:: Odin knew the conversation was over, he had more things to learn now. And tomorrow he would learn even more first hand, no more reading, though he hoped the Sasha wouldn't be as boring.::
ooc: I'll start it in the training grounds
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:57:10 AM
Sasha stared at Odin for a moment longer, then turned and walked off, towards Gouyen, who had earlier sent a paper airplane his way. He shook his head as he walked, rolling his eyes in amusement at the conversation he'd just had.
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