View Full Version : Gods and Monsters: Dirty Dealings (Darth Vader)

Keeto Mora
Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:46:51 AM
OOC: Takes place after this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21108) thread.


Shortly after his talks with one of the cloned Dark Jedi, Gav had walked off in the opposite direction of the Bar and Grill to avoid being seen, from there he made his way into the next street where he retrieved his speeder from a young Yodian who had offered to mind it whilst he was away for a sufficient sum. The Sith paid the boy and hopping onto his speeder bike, shot off down the street.

On the outskirts of the city, hidden within an old, abandonned warehouse waited his new personal starship, "The Narcisus Retribute." Not long since completed at a science facility on a military station orbiting the Corporate Sector world of Duroon, Gav's new ship was a sight to behold, it's shape completely spherical save for the four exhaust shafts at the rear of the ship for the engines. He was only an average pilot but the controls to this ship were tailor made to his liking, making flying and navigating the remarkable looking craft much easier.

Entering from a lowered ramp at the rear of the ship, he made his way up to his personal quarters via a narrow passage and ladder. There he was changed into his state-of-the-art armoured suit and thus became his alternate alias, Keeto Mora, freelance mercinary and businessman. Aside from the advantage of being armed to the teeth with a dazzling array of weaponry, Gav is able to conceal is identity by slipping into this whole new character.

Lower down, in the cockpit he now set the Retribute to return back to Ziost automatically where it would remain hidden until he needed it. So when he was a fair distance from the warehouse, he heard the roar of his ship's engines and then saw it pass overhead and soar up into the clouds as he returned to the East District. He had five minutes left before the shuttle would be leaving, "Docking Bay B49," He reminded himself.

The shuttle was only small; big enough to carry four passengers, a pilot and a co-pilot so hopefully it wouldn't be too short a journey since Gav wasn't fond of space travel, especially uncomfortable space travel. A droid loaded his speeder into the cargohold whilst he boarded the ship to meet the pilot.

"A droid!" He thought, the suprise hidden behind his helmet as he sighed rather audibly.

"You are he who is to meet the creator are you not?" It hummed in a cold, mechanical voice, turning to meet him. "Who are you?"

"My name is Keeto Mora and yes, I am here to meet the man who created the Reborn warriors." Gav replied, then dispensing with the formalities, he retired, leaving the droid to it's work. Shortly he was strapped in as they were screeching through the sky until all went silent and still as they broke the planet's atmosphere.

"We will be jumping into hyperspace in two minutes, once we are out of Arcan's pull." Came that familar mechanical voice over the tannoy system throughout the ship. Two minutes passed and right on schedule there was a high-pitched whine as the engines powered up and jumped into hyperspace.

Darth Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:20:04 AM
:: Byss was at the glowing heart of the galaxy, a planet that knew history without depth. Even for such a timeless location, the planet was barren. Few dared live on this world, believed to be enthralled by the Dark Side of the Force. Those that did, however, fed upon such a blight...like demons upon the darkness.

Several hours after leaving Arcan, the shuttle descended through the perpetually-twilight sky of the Heart of the Core. The eerie glow of condensed starlight bathed the ship in a somber corona; a pall of silent foreboding at the unfurling of future possibilities. As they traveled, the landscape became more bleak...indeed, more lifeless. Finally, a cluster of black buildings could be seen, and rising above them all....an obsidian tower that would rival the behemoths on Coruscant. As black as the night, the tower stood, like a shard of Hell, jutting from the depths of the craggy deep. The shuttle moved closer, disappearing into one of a myriad of landing alcoves. ::

Keeto Mora
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:56:31 AM
"If this journey happens to prove fruitless then at least I can say I've visited a planet I've not yet seen." He thought to himself, it had been several days in hyperspace and all the while he had kept that blasted helmet on in order to disguise his identity. It wasn't uncomfortable as it was designed to be worn for extended periods of time, nevertheless it would be nice to be liberated of both it's weight and the rest of the encasing of amour.

The Sith had an idea that this planet may indeed be Byss, it had that kind of feeling; an elusive sense of foreboding constantly touched his mind but it wasn't until he caught a glimpse of the buildings that he would get a better idea as to where he was. Against the twilight sky, there was black and even more black, a cluster of buildings seemed to emerge from the cracks in the ground and disappear into ominous valleys. But that one tower loomed up ahead and it had a presence about it, a striking presence at that.

Gav could only wonder what could be transpiring on this lifeless world and who was behind the cloned dark-siders.

The landing alcove was barely a niché in the massive structure but it was reasonably well lit unlike the exterior. Through the windows, Gav could only see the sides of the alcove and no matter how hard he tried to catch a glimpse of someone save a couple of droids he was without success.

"Please make your way to the rear of the vessel and wait for the disembarking ramp to lower." The droids voice boomed throughout the shuttle, still as cold and harsh as before. Gav gave his suit a quick check before he left and upon arriving at the rear of the ship the ramp had just hit the ground with a heavy clunk. Jets of steam hissed from either side and craning his neck, Gav paced down ramp and onto the platform to meet whoever was their to greet him.