View Full Version : Circle of Teachings - Closed For Xazor

Aug 1st, 2002, 09:12:53 PM
The sun had just rose over the horizon in the inner jungle sanction of GJO's headquarters basking the trees and plants with it's life giving glow. Inside the canopy, Chance sat on a high branch, a interesting look on his face as he scans the horizon back and forth.


With this spoken, Chance fell backwards off the branch and free falled the the ground, slowing his decent with use of the Force. His scruffed boots contacted the soft dirt with nothing more than a puff of dust.

"Hello Xazor!" He spoke out into the blue, smiling and watching out of the corner of his eye at a shadow...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:29:05 PM
The morning sunrise was something that Xazor always watched, nearly religiously. Smiling as the ribbons of color rose over the trees of the jungle surrounding her, she seemed to fall into its peaceful serenity. Suddenly she felt a familiar presence behind her and heard the familiar voice that belonged to it. Turning around where she was sitting on a large boulder, she spotted Chance.

"Greetings my Padawan.....come and sit with me....."

She said softly, recalling that she had something planned for them this day. After the sunrise, they would engage in a very physical spar and it would last for a good deal of time. He was ready, she knew it, and it would test his boundaries. Smiling, she turned around and watched the sun completely peak up above the trees and bathe them in its warm light.....assuring all on the ground below that today would be a beautiful day......

Aug 1st, 2002, 09:39:18 PM
Chance solomnly walked over to the boulder next to Xazor's current position and hopped ontop of it, one leg crossed under the other that was dangling over the top.

The sun was rising quickly, and it's peaceful glow awoke the rest of the jungle. Birds began to chirp their own individual songs and added to the chorus of the nature.

"Good morning, Master Xazor, how fair you on this day?" He spoke politly, smiling innocently...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 06:49:59 PM
Xazor smiled gently and continued watching the sunrise.

"I am doing quite well my Padawan, how are you?"

She questioned softly, running over things that she would be doing with him this day. The sun was almost up, marking the beginning of a training session that he would not soon forget....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:51:12 PM
Chance grinned to himself, "I am doing well, better than I have before to be exact! So, What do you have planned for this great morning?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:18:31 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and looked down at her Padawan. How he had grown since arriving at the GJO...not just physically, but in the Force. He made her proud, and today...he would make her even more proud.

"Today, you will endure a spar unlike any other. I want you to give it your all in an attempt to beat me. Use your body, but more importantly, use the Force....it is your greatest ally.....greater than any other weapon..."

She said softly and then rose to her feet, removing her cloak and then taking her saber from her weapons belt. Running a finger over the ignition switch, two blue blades shot forth from each end of Love with a hissing sound. The double bladed, duel-phase saber hummed gently in her right hand. She looked over the center separater/connector feature where she could take the two ends apart and form two sabers....and then put them back together to form the on double bladed. Grinning, she took up a tight defensive stance and eyed Chance...

"Are you ready, young one? If so...you may take the first attack..."

Aug 3rd, 2002, 08:04:10 PM
Chance hopped from the rock he sat apon onto the soft sand below. Trying to unclip his saber from a uncooperative clip Chance hastened to draw his own built saber.

Finally when the clip gave the green saber loose, Chance took up a defencive stance with the defencive force wall up and ignited his saber.

"I'm Sorry Xazor, But Jedi dont take offencive first although it may give an advantage to the fight; so I implore you to take the first" He replied with flipping the ignitor switch on his saber...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 09:27:59 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and bowed her head as her Padawan spoke. It was good to see that he remembered her teachings. In time of battle it was important for him to remember that the Jedi are defenders.....

"You have learned well, my Padawan......you make me proud with your words......"

The Knight smiled once again and bowed her head, motioning that she was ready to attack. She started by circling around him first....then with one swift movement, the Knight spun around on her head and made a strike with her high blade to his head....and with her low blade, she made a strike to his legs. After doing so, she spun around on her heal and slammed her foot into his solar plexis....

Aug 4th, 2002, 02:36:36 PM
Chance's sabe swirled in the air as he blocked Xazor's first two strikes without much difficultly. But the kick to his chest startled him and sent him rolling back on his rear in the sand.

Coughing slightly, Chance jumped back to his feet; taking a simple fencing style stance. As soon as Chance could reestablish his boundries he struck forward with a quick stab then followed through with a backstep and upward slash.

Having doing so, and without faulter, Chance summoned the element of wind to his aid via the Force and sent a strong gust at the Knight...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:11:11 PM
Xazor could sense what her Padawan was doing. He was calling upon the elements to help him....but she was unaware of which one until an extremely strong gust of wind came blasting at her. It picked her up and slammed her against the wall opposite of the pair's position. A whip like crack could be heard as a rib in her body was fractured. The pain shot throughout her body, but she used the Force to aid in blocking most of it.

Rising to her feet, Xazor eyed Chance and called upon the Force, creating five invisible walls around him. She then called upon the water from the man made fountain behind him and lifted it with her mind. Dumping it all over the Force Box, she ran to it and with a touch of her finger.....the whole thing froze. Standing back, she created five more walls around those.....about five feet away from each. Again, she called upon the water with the Force and covered the box....then touched it with her finger using her ability to control all things that are of the element of cold......and then it froze. Now her Padawan was inside two thick boxes of ice.....and he would have to find a way out quickly or he would freeze to death. Even a mere lightsaber would take too long to cut through the ice. He would have to think of another way.....

Aug 9th, 2002, 02:15:37 PM
Chance gasped as the temprature dropped dramatically around him, Xazor had encased him in not one but two boxes of solid ice!

Panicing, Chance tried to cut the walls down, but to no avail his lightsaber could not generate enough heat to melt the hard ice. He tried to calm himself down, but the rapid temprature drop on his body was begining to take it's toll. Slowly, his breath became more labored as oxygen began to slowly run out..

Then he remembered an earlier spar were the element of fire had helped him greatly, puffing out white clouds of steam, Chance tried to center the element once more at his shivering hands.

Sparks jumped in the air but nothing more, trying harder once more, and with abit more success Chance felt the radiating warmth from the flames. But, the air was quickly begining to run out so he had to work fast.

Exerting more and more concentration onto the flame, Chance winced as it began to lick at his robe and singe the flesh and material. The flames traveled up his arms and stopped at his shoulder, fire laced out from his fingertips creating two whiplike appendages that Chance used on the ice. Melting it quite rapidly and more effecent than the lightsaber did.

Within moments, Chance was at the second wall of ice and nearly out of air. Coughing, Chance broke free of the last wall and sucked in a deep breath and doubled over. The flames were dissapated but left his arms severly burnt and bleeding, the air rushed into the prison and revived the Padawan abit. The wounds on his arms would most likly scarr even with the healing of the force...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 03:25:41 PM
Xazor smiled as she watched her Padawan struggle to get out of the trap she had created for him. It made her heart swell with pride to see how far he had come along. His training was complete....yet, he still could learn a few things from her before Knighthood. Rushing over to him, she suddenly grew darker....as she had in a spar once before with him. Yes....she had gone into Sith Imitation mode again. It was something she had learned from her good friend Sage Hazzard. It allowed her to look and act like a Sith....without compromising her Jedi standing.

The Knight shoved her foot into his side and pushed him over. Laughing in his face, she grabbed his arm.....right on the burn. He would learn a great deal of tolerance in the next hour....and patience.....emotional control beyond what he already had. Xazor brought him to his feet though his pain was tremendous. Lifting him with the Force, she threw him across the room and slammed him into the wall. He fell to the floor in a slump and the Knight walked over to him....grabbing him up by the hair.

"LOOK AT ME SLAVE! Did you really think that you could be a Jedi? I think I should kill you now.....you worthless, good for nothing little boy......."

The Knight laughed in his face once again, though her heart ached for him. She hated doing this, but knew that it was the right time now.....before was only a taste.......now it was the real deal. She had to be very hard on him now.....so that he would learn what was left to be the best Jedi he could be. Holding him up by the hair, she forced him to look into her eyes......hoping that he would be able to forgive her when this was all said and done......

Aug 10th, 2002, 06:58:23 PM
Chance had cried out in nearly pure agony when Xazor had brushed then clenched to his arm. Then he was trown across the room adn slammed into it and rebounded. Landing in a slumped state.

Then Xazor was back 'ontop of him'. The boy had hardly no chance to think of what to do but out of deparation, he called the force to a bamboo rod. The rod lifted into the air as Xazor laughed, the end splitted into several threads capible of slicing flesh easily.

"You---" the rest faded off into a inaudible whisper, hopefully causing Xazor to bend closer and order a repeat. The Bamboo rod flew into the air and spun at Xazor with lighting fast speed. The threads came bearing down on Xazor like thousands of razors....

Xazor Elessar
Aug 10th, 2002, 08:11:23 PM
Xazor leaned forward to hear the words coming from Chance's mouth. she knew that she was causing him great pain.....and it did not make her happy to be doing so. Suddenly hundreds of sharp whip like shreds of wood came cutting into her skin. Growling deep with pain, Xazor reached out with the Force and grabbed onto the tendrils.....then twisted them back together to form the original staff. Taking it in her free hand, she eyed Chance....holding the lower blade of her saber to his neck....and the staff in a defensive stance.

"Where.......where did you learn that, little boy?"

The Knight taunted, lauging at him once again. She had to stop for the pain from the sharp cuts was getting to her. It was a more annoying throb in each area than anything else. Calling upon the Force, she began healing a few of the cuts....one by one. Her Garou healing set in as well and aided in the process. The Knight moved her saber closer to his neck and let it singe the hairs and slightly burn the skin.

"Now...get out of this position, only using the Force.....or wait, you can't do that can you.....SLAVE?!"

The Knight grounded her position in the Force, offering a difficult challenge to her Padawan who had to face the task of getting out of the tight position.....only using the Force for his aid.....

Aug 10th, 2002, 09:50:54 PM
She most likely thought he couldnt, but he could.. he could try.
Also, the repitation of the 'slave' term was starting to get on his nerves, he was no longer and would never... EVER.. be one again.

Lifting up his chin away from the saber, Chance kepted his eyes on it. His mind probed, hoping the design was the same as a single, he quickly jumped from wire to wire via the force until he found a loose connection. Plip. the wire was pulled out of it's morrings causing the blade on his neck to short and dissapear.

Having the advantage, he hoped, of surprise; Chance pulled Xazor's saber arm torward him and hit the crook or her arm with his right arm. Grunting against the pain and knowing each second could be fatal, Chance jumped up and used Xazor's bent arm as leverage.

Getting behind her quickly, Chance pulled the arm with him over her shoulder in a basic lock. Wrapping his thin right arm around her neck in a sleeper hold. Hoping he could keep his grip long enough to lower Xazor's chance of retaliating the young boy held fast..

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2002, 10:26:55 AM
The Knight was quite surprised when her saber shorted out. Both beams closed in and disappeared. Growling deeply, she attempted to retaliate.....but the boy had her in an arm lock. She cursed herself for not being quicker, and then began to think of ways to get out of it. The whole time this was going on....she was hoping in her heart that he knew she was not serious about her words and such things. She knew he was a Jedi....and he would make a great Knight....but he had to learn the lesson she was teaching.

Using the Force, she pried his arm away from her neck and took her hands off of her arm. Then she lifted him into the air and flung him at the wall. He smashed into it with a resounding crack. Rising to her feet, Xazor rubbed her right arm with her free hand. Her saber would need to be repaired....for it would not work now and it was beyond the hope of the Force. Clipping it to her belt, she drew her long, wide bladed sword from her back. Its silver finish shined brightly in the lights of the Academy, and the name "Chase" flashed in Chance's eyes as he recovered on the floor. Slowly she raised the weapon in front of her.....and walked toward him.

"Well Slave.....it seems as though you have learned much. But you still cannot defeat ME!"

With lightening speed, the Knight was at the boy's side, lifting him up by the hair. She grabbed his right arm with her free hand and twisted it hard behind his back. Using the Force, she called up the roots of the ground and suddenly a viney plant appeared....and latched on to the boy's left hand. He was now restrained.....and she held her sword against his neck.

"I won......."

She whispered softly into his ear. The words sounded demonic and possesed.....they were not of her usual cheery voice and they were broken....they no longer flowed together softly as they once did. Her heart ached for him again......wishing there was another way......but there was not. She held him tighter....allowing the blade of her sword to cut the skin of his neck ever so slightly.....

Aug 11th, 2002, 03:40:10 PM
"Not... Yet... You.. Havent." Chance growled, a spark of anger igniting a small flame. His arms and joints ached, plus the annoyance of the sword at his neck and biting into the flesh. Concentrating, Chance saw the surrounding area, the vine's orgin that was latched onto his left arm and much more.

Behind Xazor, out of the ground, a flower petal rose from the dirt and grew. Vines crawled steathfully across the ground torward the Knights ankles while more dropped from the trees with whispers.

"You see Xazor.. You havent won until I am gone." His voice had a hint of mischeviousness about it, but it was too late if the Knight had reconized the tone. Vines lashed out from every direction, even the one around his wrist loosened and attacked the Knight. Chance could only calmly stand forward, head bent down over the sword as vines moved it away, his concentration was fully on the force. Deep and without hinderance, he could feel the anger well up but tried to substain it.

The vines wrapped around Xazor's arms and stomach, pinning them together...

OOC: Sorries for the small mod there, cant figure any other way out of that situation :(

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2002, 05:41:18 PM
Xazor lofted a brow at the words of Chance. Suddenly she was attacked from all around by vines. He had used her teachings against her.....just what she wanted. A smile crossed her lips as she nearly lost the Sith Imitation Mode....but then remembered what she was doing. Her heart was overjoyed at his progress...but then she got back to business. Growling deeply, she closed her eyes and focused on the Force, then created five Force walls around her. Gathering water from the fountain behind her, she dumped it all over the Force cube. The Knight then focused on Nature....her deep bond with it. She called on the winds and suddenly they wipped up inside the Academy....freezing the Cube into ice! It became dangerously cold inside the cube....cold enough to force the plants off of her so that they would burrow back into the ground to live. With that, Xazor closed her eyes and outstretched her arms. She thought about each little particle in the cube breaking apart. Suddenly there was a great expolosion and the cube burst into millions of tiny shards of ice....that went flying at Chance and into the walls and elsewhere. It would be difficult for him to block the thousands of pieces that came his way.

"And you just will never win, Chance.....simple as that. One cannot win when injured as badly as you......"

She laughed with a dark smile once again, still feeling very badly for him. It was not like her to do this at all.....but he had to learn and she had to keep telling herself that......

OOC: Oh no! You did just fine! :)

Aug 11th, 2002, 06:06:01 PM
Chance hit his knees as the first wave of shards flew into him, quickly conjuring up a force wall Chance poured more concentration into it. The bigger shards, as apposed to the smaller which just bounced off, began to slow down in air nearly until it seemed they were floating in mid-air.

The shards began to turn around as Chance began to growl with fatigue, quite quickly they were pointed in Xazor's direction and then shot off when released from the confinds of the area between two force bubbles.

Like speeding bullets they flew at the Knight, all the while Chance stood with and grim look on his face. Drawing the saber that was given to him by Xazor, Chance ignited the slate blue blade and dashed into the midst of the shards, silently crying out as each shard peirced into his flesh and gave him cover for the Ultimatum; Block the shards, or block the blade.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2002, 06:20:54 PM
The Knight nearly dropped her jaw when she saw the pieces of ice flying back at her. Suddenly she summoned the Force and captured them in a box.....a bubble, rather, and they fell to the floor. Just as she did so, she brought up her sword and blocked the blade of the saber. Grinning, she shoved Chance off of her and lifted him into the air with the Force. Instead of flinging him into the wall.......she flung him into the ceiling. An audible crack resounded throughout the room as he free fell to the ground and hit the floor with a loud thud. Xazor walked over to him and knelt down with her knee in his back.

"So SLAVE! How did you like that trip?"

Aug 11th, 2002, 06:32:44 PM
Chance couldnt move, he had thought that his plan would work out, but it backfired resulting two more broken ribs added to the previous one. But this time one poked through the skin and let blood drip onto the floor, the crimson liquid was added to the amount left by his arms.

All he could do was lay there, it was too painful to move, the knee in his back added to the pain.

"I...." He gasped out, "Xaz..."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2002, 06:36:22 PM
Suddenly it hit Xazor.....he was really hurt. The Knight immediatly came out of Sith imitation mode and got off of her Padawan, kneeling down beside him. She placed a hand on his cheek and lifted his face up to look into his eyes.

"Chance......no......I'm sorry! It wasn't supposed to be like this!"

A tear fell from her eye as she moved him over to his back and lifted him into her arms. Wincing at the sight of so much blood and the rib....she rose to her feet and began carrying him toward the med bay.....

"I'm so sorry Chance....."

Aug 11th, 2002, 06:47:28 PM
Before Xazor reached the opened doors, they slammed shut infront of her. The limp form of Chance shook breifly, then words spoke out.

"Stop." Chance whispered, "I'm.... not....done.. yet.." It was obvious he wanted to contiune. But could he in this state? The mere addition of another wound could fear fatail for the boy, Or could it?!

Suddenly the rib dissapeared, it was an illusion. Chance felt guilty for deciving his instructor, but he had to do something! He jumped out of her arms and felt to the floor, sprawled. Regaining his posture, Chance recalled the slate blue colored saber to his hands.

"Sorry about that." He smiled, a smile you do just as you fool someone for entertainment and not to be hurtful to them. Chance dashed forward and struck out, grimacing against the paint that laced up his entire body.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:38:26 PM
Xazor sighed relief when she found out that Chance was alright. The Knight assumed her Sith Imitation Mode once again and glared at the Padawan.

"How dare you trick me, SLAVE!!"

The Knight yelled out at him and blocked the slash from his saber. With that, she spun around and her right foot met his jaw in a Force powered roundhouse kick. As he fell backwards, she called upon the Force.....loosening some rafters from above their heads. Suddenly they came crashing down towards Chance.....ready to take his life if he did not act.......

Aug 12th, 2002, 07:20:36 PM
Chance was sent spinning from the roundhouse, landing on his hands a feet. He bounded up and turned to see the rafters plummiting down at him. Panicing, He jumped back and slammed into the doors he had closed a minute ago.

Pulling the handle, he swung outside of it and shut it behind him. The thud thud thud thud thud of the rafters shook the door. Once the thuds had stopped, Chance pushed the door back open and dashed streight at Xazor with a flying roundhouse..

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:50:31 AM
The Knight growled as he came at her with a kick. He clipped her jaw but she had turned her head to avoid most of the kick. As he landed behind her, the Garou spun around and landed a heavy back kick into his solar plexis, sending him to the ground a few feet away. As he laid there, the Knight rushed at him with the sword in her hand....and pinched his arms to the ground with the Force...holding the blade of the sword at his neck...drawing a bit of blood as she did so.

"What are you going to do now, SLAVE! Yeah, I know you like that title! Something to be proud of! I am your taskmaster and you're not working HARD ENOUGH!"

Suddenly the Knight transformed into the image of the taskmaster that Chance had as a slave...hard and unforgiving, waiting to strike him if he moved....

Aug 13th, 2002, 02:55:51 PM
Chance's eye widened greatly when Xazor transformed into the taskmasters of the camp.

Instantly his body went limp and he thought he was done for. Then it sparked inside his mind; No. Never. EVER.

Chance gathered the force around him, then directed it at Xazor. Anger fueled his power, it wasnt the sith anger, it was anger because of all the others that were left behind to die.

"You...." He growled, as Xazor felt her arms being pulled up and backwards into the air, "...Will Never.."

The rest couldnt be finished as Chance let loose a massive torrent of Force right at Xazor. She was lifted off the ground and launched clear across the room and slammed hard into the opposite wall. Chance lifted himself to his feet and began to stalk torwards the Knight....

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:05:34 PM
The Knight could not believe the power her Padawan was using now. Something inside of him clicked...and he went with it. It made her heart proud to see him do so...but she felt anger. Anger of any kind was not good....zealousy was something that he needed in place of it. The woman slammed into the wall very hard....and fell to the floor in a slump. A resounding crack was heard as she did....three ribs broke. Grasping her gut, she slowly rose to her feet...taller than she had been before as she took on a new form. A giant version of the taskmasters at the camp.


She yelled out at the Padawan. With that, the Knight charged at him, towering over his small figure. She slammed her elbow into his gut and spun around, labelling his jaw with a hard, Force aided kick. After executing the moves, she grasped her sides and cradled herself in her hands....for the ribs were hurting terribly now....causing bleeding inside....

Aug 13th, 2002, 04:10:24 PM
Chance was sprawled out on the ground roughly two meters from Xazor. He couldnt move this time, it indeed hurt too much.

Plus, he couldnt talk. Xazor must've knocked his jaw out of it's sockets or much worse; she could've broke it. Growling inaudibly as he tried to pull himself up, he also sent force waves of healing up and down his body trying to get back up.

Finally getting to feet, and woobling back and forth heavily. Chance slowly walked over to the crippled over Xazor. He hurt to much to be angry anymore, but he still saw the image of the task master.

Quite quickly for his wounded state, Chance had came apon Xazor with his lightsaber drawn and read to cleave in one hand, He brought it up over his head and closed his eyes. Out of one, a small tear came forth and he brought the saber down. But before it hit Xazor, the blade dissapeared as Chance flicked it off and colapsed backwards.

"Yio... Fwin.." He tried saying through his injured jaw..

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:12:49 PM
Xazor suddenly became herself again...shorter than before...and not the image of the Task Master. Her ribs ached badly and she went to gather her Padawan from the ground.

"Yio... Fwin.."

His words hurt her heart. In reality, he had won. He had not struck her down with the saber....he had fought hard and well. Shaking her head, she knelt at his side and gathered his head in her hands as tears of her own came down. She had hurt him badly....and she was sorry.

"Chance...no, you won! You did what I wanted you to do....you learned compassion and you did not strike me down!"

Her words were sincere and heartfelt. She reached for his hand and took it in her own...wishing that she had not hurt him so badly. With her free hand then, she placed it upon his jaw and closed her eyes, calling upon the Force and her Garou healing powers. She sent waves of them into his body and his jaw began to heal. It took her several minutes...but she fell back slightly...drained mentally and physically. Her heart pounded in her chest and she breathed heavily to catch her breath...but his jaw was completely healed! Smiling through her own pain, she sat up again and let her Garou healing take over her own body...beginning to heal her ribs and other injuries....

Aug 14th, 2002, 02:13:53 PM
Chance managed to sit up, cradling his burn scarred arms. Thankfully, Xazor had managed to heal his jaw so he didn't have to go around mummbling again like long before.

He had managed to heal his own wounds while Xazor had worked on his jaw, now only scars riddled his arms and shoulders were the fire had licked the flesh right off.

Smiling, he slid over to Xazor and put an hand on her shoulder, "Thanks." He smiled, an innocent smile, and aided her in healing her own injuries.

Eventually, they were both without wounds but tired out. Chance had gone about looking for his lost saber while Xazor rested and finally came back with both in hand.

"Are you as hungry as I am, Xazor?" He asked heartily with a shrug. Of course, they would have to stop by the rooms to change or somthing...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:16:31 PM
Xazor smiled gently and handed Chance's saber back to him. Nodding slightly, she motioned for him to follow her.

"Yes, perhaps we should catch something at Yog's? We have to change first...."

She said softly. All the while in her mind she thought of how well he had done. It did her heart good to see he had progressed so far and had learned everything that she had taught him....

Aug 14th, 2002, 02:40:19 PM
"Most defininatly," Chance replied, opening the door for his Master.

"New clothes for meeeee," He spoke cheerfully, prodding at the burned sleeves and bloodied tunic. He had learned much from this experience, the one most of all was to learn to wear more protective clothing when sparring. The second, and most important, was the lesson Xazor wanted him to learn.

As they exited the room, Chance walked by Xazor's side. Hunched over slightly because of fatigue...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:48:20 PM
The Knight smiled brightly and wrapped an around around her Padawan's shoulder to steady him as he walked. Her ribs ached something fierce...but they were healing nicely.

"You did very well today, young one....I am most proud of you..."

She said softly, but very heartfelt. He had learned a lot...she knew...and he had learned all that she had intended him to....