View Full Version : Another shadow to the darkness *open*

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:29:05 PM
Sitting atop his dark throne, Wraith pondered upon his upcomming future. Being locked in a dark corner of the galaxy with his parents for most of his life, the freedom of open space and the planet below were welcoming. His parents being one of the most secluded Sith nobles ever, had kept him in their custody for too long. The time had come when they couldnt restrain him anylonger. They couldn't bleed any longer either. Wraith remembered how long they had taken to drain of their life's water. He had taken all of their legacy with him including two of their more able slaves. He now sits upon the throne of his fathers Victory class Star Destroyer, noting that it had little weapons but a fairly good defense was something he meant to change. Wraith pulled out of his meditation and looked to the slave that was piloting, "Pylos, prepare the docking procedures. We plan on docking in the outskirts of this... Tatooine. What did the computer say the city was called? Mos Eisly? Make sure the ship is clean when I return also. I do not plan on leaving with dust on my new ship." The slave nodded, " Yes Master Frostmourne, shall I get your weapon?" Wraith waved at the slave, " No, Ragg will get that for me." The other slave attending the throne bowed and quickly ran off. The ship entered the atmosphere and slowly entered the space port Mos Eisly.
Wraith walked down the ramp with his black cape whipping in the wind. His slave Ragg held his laser scythe, "Woe." He walked out the port after paying for the stay and headed for a bar. This would be his first time in a bar off of his parent's planet. He needed to know what life was like here, and how it could be controlled. He entered the bar and had to hold his hand over his mouth before he could get used to all the smells. This place was almost not worth his time. He entered and sat down at a booth. His slave stood next to him.

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 1st, 2002, 10:29:55 PM
ooc* Hi I'm kind of a novice at this and if you want someone a bit more experienced along with you just drop a line in your next post and I'll delete this one.

Crack! "gumph, The screams of a Dug as it's arm is being broken.

"Next time Salva tells you to have his money on time it better be, understand bug?" Talus growled at the Dug who owed his employer Salva the Hutt, quite a few hundred credits for his gambling losses. Talus grabbed the creature by the back of the neck and threw him through the bar room door. The young man was large well over two meters and 130 kilos. His dark skinned was covered in a latex looking body glove which was covered by a long black over coat which in turn was covered down to the shoulders by his long black dreadlocks. Many of the locals wondered how he could stand the heat in such a get-up. As he walked towards the bar he felt something, something unnaturally strong and dark. He glanced around the bar, it wasn't unusual for this novice force adept to sense the dark side in Mos Eisley but it was odd for him to be nearly overwhelmed by it.

"Bar-keep, a double correlian whiskey, make it neat." He tossed a few creds on the bar and took his whiskey and walked towards the man in the corner booth with the statue standing at attention at his side. "For a Sith he sure doesn't know how to blend into the shadows." Talus thought to himself. As he came towards him the slave stepped in between him and his master reaching for a weapon in his cloak. In one fluid motion Talus locked his left hand on the wrist of the hand holding the weapon and his other hand went directly to the slaves throat. He then buried his knee in the slaves groin and whispered in his ear; "I have a feeling that if your master didn't want me around he'd take care of the problem himself. So why don't you go get yourself a drink before your windpipe gets crushed." He then twisted the slaves wrist so that it dropped its weapon which he then kicked across the bar room floor into the crowd. Talus released his grip on the creatures throat and looked down at the well dressed stranger without saying a word.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:11:33 AM
Wraith watched the pathetic example before him. His slave was beaten and tossed aside. Too bad he didn't feel any pain for it, not to mention that his slave hadn't felt an ounce of pain since birth. He stood up and pulled his weapon to him with the force. This man had no manners. Slaves did not deserve manners but Wraith did, as a noble and some dirty blood scoundrel would not walk all over him, "This is Woe, woe to you and any spawn you might have." Wraith ignited the scythe and let the blade warm up a bit before turning it on the dirtbag. " Ragg, go prepare the ship, we will have a visitor." The slave bowed without any sign of pain and quickly departed, "Now for you. My slaves feel no pain, I can share that benefit to you also." Wraith pointed to the shiny object that ran down the slaves spine. As the man turned his head to look, Wraith kicked him in the groin, he then twisted his wrist, making him drop his weapon, which was then kicked across the room. Wraith held his hand before the scoundrel's throat. The man's wind pipe began to close suddenly, " I don't even want to really touch you, but now you know what my slave would've felt you worthless piece of maggot scum. Now follow me or you will recieve the blade of my scythe." Wraith let his grip go on the man and walked to the door, he payed the bartender and then turned to the man, waiting for him to follow. His scythe was still ignited.

ooc- don't worry, I'm a novice too... hehe

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 2nd, 2002, 06:40:59 AM
ooc* kool, by the way I don't carry a weapon, I'm not a Sith or anything as of yet. But that's just a minor detail.

Talus' genetic engineering allowed him to recover very quickly from physical blows such as the ones he recieved, the force choke however had taken a bit of wind from him. He gagged for a second and then sucked in a deep breath to nourish his oxygen deprived cells. He smiled, he wasn't any match for the Sith so long as he had the weapon, he might be able to challenge him unarmed with his limited force abilities but so long as the Sith had his blade, he would do as was asked of him, that is until he felt any real danger and then he would have to fight or flee.

"Yes sir..." he said half-sincerly, half-mockingly and followed the Sith out of the bar.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:45:58 AM
Wraith malevolently dragged the low gutter snipe to his ship. They arrived at the docking bay. It was miday and both suns were becoming fiercely hot. Pylos met them at the shuttle that would take him back to his ship. "Pylos, is everything ready? I think I may have found a new servant." Wraith turned to the door and flicked his wrist. The door slammed shut and locked. His scythe was still ignited so he expected little resistance from the man. He didn't have much more force powers than he had shown so far, but the maggot didn't know that. " I am offering you two choices here. You can either serve me alive or die here, where in turn you still serve me in death. And if you willfully accept, I might even think of not implanting a cerebral collar on you. Saves me the effort and you the free will." Wraith stood there and ran a hand over his eyes, annoying desert planet. What a waste of so much space. His ice blue skin could not take much more of the scorching weather and climate. This creature would have to speak quickly, he needed someone experienced in this area and this one had aptly volunteered.

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:41:57 PM
Talus' eyebrow raised. He would work for someone as a hired gun or an apprentice, but a servant that is where he drew the line.

"A servant, I'm sure we could come to a better agreement than that." Talus replied. He looked around him still no weapons for him to commandeer if he had to defend himself. "I work on retainer, most of the time for parts, food and a warm bed. I am not a hand servant or an errand boy. But your offer is intriguing what say you about training me a bit the ways of the force, I am force adept and learn quickly. So if you provide me with food shelter and a little bit of training I will be your guide and assistant here on Tattoine

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 2nd, 2002, 04:04:12 PM
Wraith caughed, his icy breath incinerated instantly into the air. "I have no remorse for you whatsoever, but I will agree to your terms. I'm not in that dire need of a tour guide, but you'll do. I am not that strong in the force, being fairly new to the outside world. But I can offer some experience, not much. You may have a smalll room in my ship. Do as I say or I'll personally rip you limb from limb."

Satisfied with their agreement, Wraith decided to take up a new errand. Instead of adding more slaves to his property(which he would definetly come back to), he would go in search of new weapon installments for his ship. Now that he had his tour guide, he would find something worthy of his attention somewhere in this filthy heap of dung. It shouldn't be too hard.