View Full Version : No Body Said That Life Was Fair.....

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:21:28 PM
It was nearing evening and a band of four or five figures trekked across the sand of Tatooine, heading for some shelter from an expected sandstorm. A few members of the group spotted a bar off in the distance.....right on the edge of a strip of buildings directly before them. Slowly making their way through the annoying substance at their feet, they finally reached the door of "The Sand Dune". It was not the most glorious place in the galaxy. The door was crooked on its hinges, and the outside of the building itself had been beaten and worn by the sand and other unfriendly forces that took up residence on the Godforsaken planet.

"Sorry about this place, guys......"

Sighing, the Sith Apprentice, Feliciana Devano, placed a hand on the door and sung it open, moving into the establishment to make room for her friends. Those accompanying her this evening happened to be.....Jedi. Smiling slightly, she handed over her sword and a few daggers to the security guard and then motioned the group to a large empty table. The table top had engravings of past beings who had sat there and some crude saying accompained the nicer. Fel sighed to herself as she sat down upon a rickety chair and scooted it closer to the table, creating a rather obnoxious array of squeeks and creaks. A rusted droid, R5D4 make, approached the table with a chugging sound, and beeped a tired whistle. The young woman lofted a brow and simply ordered a glass of Namana juice.....something she had seen Navaria drinking, and left the air open for the others to order. She hoped that they would make the best of their time there....for their small trip of fun to Tatooine had just turned out to be one large sand box.

Aug 1st, 2002, 07:40:57 PM
Satine pulls down his hood, and shakes out his shoulder-length silver hair, dust falling out of it. He smiles and orders a pitcher of klah.

"It's ok. I've been to worse places..."

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:03:31 PM
Fel looked over at Alpha and raised a brow at his comment. How could it get worse than this? She thought to herself. Sighing once again, she looked around at the crowd gathered and thankfully, she saw no familiar faces. She was content being with the group that sat around the table.

"So what are you guys going to have?"

She questioned Navaria and the rest of the group. Fel hoped so very much that the drinks were better than the establishment.....though she was thakful to have shelter from the sandstorm.....even though it wasn't much.....

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:48:37 PM
"No namana juice?"

Navaria frowned in response to the bartender. She was going to order that as well and gave Feliciana a disappointed look.

This was Tatooine. Importing a Bakuran drink out here for really no reason was too much to ask for.

"Then tea will be fine. I know you have tea back there."

The human gruffed a response and looked to everyone else for their orders. Navaria on the other hand spotted a table for the five of them and gave Feliciana a smile.

"I'll grab it for us."

It was at that moment, the winds began to pick up in speed. The sandstorm had to be quit violent out there for Navaria could swear she heard the sand hitting the side of the building.

Focusing on it a little more, she could....As the Knight sat down, she couldn't help but listen to the rhythm the coarse material hitting the window and the wall. Each impact made a different sound. Either a ping or something that sounded like nails across a brick wall.

She was concentrating on it so much that Navaria had no idea that she zoned out. These spells didn't happen too often. Not as often as her cloned had them but when they hit, they usually hit pretty hard.

Would figure that being trapped in a small bar, in the middle of no where thinking the sound of the storm is 'cool' would set it off.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:06:38 PM
Fel was disappointed that the bar had no Namana Juice, so she settled for the tea that she hoped they had. Sighing, she watched out the window as the sand began to pound against it and the building. Her eyes searched those of the people around the table....and then came to rest upon Navaria's.

"Hey, are you alright?"

She questioned, gently placing a hand on her friend's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. Navaria looked completely zoned and Fel wondered if the Jedi was alright. She had never seen anyone look off into no where like that.....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:28:18 AM
He hadnt ventured far from the castle on Corellia for some time now. Not since he'd ben forced to cut off his own hand to undo the mistake he had made - the mistake of becoming blood siblings with a jedi.

He was considerably different now. Before, he'd been rather easygoing, particularly for a Sith, and he'd been optimistic and naive.

That lesson had taught him many things, but first and foremost, it had taught him that the jedi were not to be trusted. Xazor had to have known when she'd suggested sharing blood with him that it would only lead to trouble. She had to have known, having been a Sith before, that she was only digging the beginning few feet of his grave in suggesting such a thing. She had tricked him. And he woulnt be tricked by a jedi again.

He had come to Tatooine because he'd been there before, and knew it was often frequented by other Sith. He'd been cooped up in the castle for too long, and his restless spirit had finally given in to venturing out once again. But the sand had begun blowing, and so he'd ducked into the closest establishment for shelter. He hadnt removed his hood since he'd been there, for he rather enjoyed the protective feeling of it.

He hadnt paid much attention as a small group of people entered the bar. He had been far too busy checking a message from the castle. He was prepared to head back should he receive any sort of summons. But it was nothing important - not at the moment anyway, and he was about to head over to the bar for a drink when he heard a familiar voice. And it rooted him to his seat.

He looked over in the direction of the voice. Feliciana. For a moment, he grinned. He didnt like to admit it to himself, but he had definitely taken a liking to the girl. But he had training - he had far to go before he would become the powerful Sith master he sought to be, and he could not be distracted by a girl along the way. He just couldnt....but still, he liked talking to her, liked being around her, and he was glad she was here.

Until he noticed the company she kept. He recognized the one with the silver hair. It was hard not to. They had met before - once in an abondoned building, and the guy had grilled him on why he was there - had told him he was a jed. Instantly, Sasha's violet eyes narrowed. Jedi...

What was Fel doing with jedi? Rather than standing to greet her, or get the drink he'd considered getting, he remained frozen where he was, and sunk perhaps a bit lower in his seat as he merely..observed. Her back was to him, so she couldnt see him, but he knew that voice, he knew her laugh. He sighed quietly, a painful feeling of dread and confusion washing over him.

His left wrist, where a mechanical hand was now attached, throbbed in a dull ache. A constant reminder to him that jedi were not to be trusted.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:01:44 AM
"A beer." Chase stated plainly as he drew back his dusty hood that sheltered his face from Tatooine's dry climate. Shaking some dirt off his clothes he settled back in his chair and let his eyes wonder over the bar. Tatooine wasn't known for it's lovely hospitality, but he wouldn't have it any other way...after all, it was home.

Aug 4th, 2002, 03:31:58 PM
Zeke shrugged and sat to the side.

"Despite the oppressive heat, I won't be drinking anything." He cast his eyes around the bar. "Nice place they got here. Friendly lookin' bunch."

He was joking of course. Everyone in there looked pretty mean to Zeke.

Aug 4th, 2002, 03:45:45 PM
"Ah, c'mon Zeke, you now as well as I that they'll be friendly if you pay for their drinks." Satine says with a grin as his klah comes over. Klah was a stimulant much like coffee, except the color of the liquid was amber, and it had a distinct cinammon smell to it.

"So, Feliciana, why'd you pick here to meet at?"

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:59:35 PM
The world of reality came back crashing around her as Feliciana placed a hand upon her shoulder. It instantly broke Navaria out of her trance in listening to the sounds outside.

In a way, she was grateful for the contact, but also was not pleased that her friend had seen that. The side effects, though not as powerful when Daleethria was alive, was not something she was proud of but coped with.

At least Felciana was the only one that noticed apparently.


Navaria patted her friend's hand.

"I am fine. Is the tea ready yet?"

She wasn't sure how much time had passed. Probably was only a few minutes.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 6th, 2002, 04:17:14 PM
Feliciana smiled gently as Navaria came back to "reality". At her question, the drinks that the group had ordered were finally delivered....by a cranky barkeep that smelled rather badly. The young woman sighed to herself and nodded.

"Yes, it appears as though it is ready....."

She took a cup of the tea and handed it to Navaria and kept a cup for herself. It smelled good, despite the conditions of the small bar. Alpha spoke and drew her attention away from the rest of the group for a moment. She smiled and shook her head before speaking in reply to his question.

"I don't know.....I can't really go to to the Jedi Bar and see you guys. I was lucky that the Order did not find out about my last visit there, where I met Navaria. I told no one.....not that I'm ashamed or anything, but I would pay dearly if they found out."

She said softly, rather regretting the truth in it all. It was a sad thing that even though it was possible for the Jedi and Sith to get along....one group had to prevent it from happening.

"So how has life been for all of you?"

She questioned broadly, looking from face to face of the small group gathered there.....some of the only friends she had....and they were Jedi. Her heart skipped a beat when she felt as though someone was watching her, but when she looked.....she saw no one so she pushed the thoughts aside and returned her attention to the gathering.....taking a sip of the warm tea that sat before her.

Aug 6th, 2002, 05:16:20 PM
Satine takes a sip of his klah, then answers his friend's question.

"Fairly good. Oddly enough, lately I've spent more time with my Sith friends--Eve, Tirsa, Miryan, and you--then with some of my JEdi ones. But that's life." Satine smiles wryly, and shrugs.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 6th, 2002, 07:52:34 PM
"Now, Satine. You know better then that."

Navaria took a sip of her tea, blowing on it first so it wouldn't scold her mouth.

"Tirsa is not a Sith ... She is insane. But no Sith."

She added a small wink and smile at the end, hoping to get some chuckles. Feliciana was a bit unhappy and on the edge. Her lies to the Sith were eating at her and it would only be a matter of time before they knew of this.

The Jedi didn't like this at first... Having her friend live under a ruse but if it was what she wished, Navaria understood. It was the only way for her to see Feliciana as well.

Aug 6th, 2002, 08:08:59 PM
Satine chuckles. "My mistake."

Noticing Feleciana's glum look, Satine gives her a grin.

"Aw, cheer up, we're not that bad of company...Well, except maybe Zeke." Satine says, ducking a punch from his friend. "I was joking Zeke!"

Aug 7th, 2002, 08:23:42 AM
They all spoke easily, familiarly with one another. His violet eyes flickered once again to the group, then away. Her words, Felicians's words - that she knew the order would be displeased with her for visiting the jedi..... Why then did she do it??

For the same reason he had, he thought glumly. The castle was lonely and quiet most of the time, and the jedi bar offered someone to talk to. And sometimes, that was all a young sith needed. Someone to talk to. It was a difficult thing to be a young sith - so much anger and confusion - and little direction led to frustration and a need to be heard.

Some took it out by killing, others, like Sasha and Feliciana, sought company.

But the company he'd found had betrayed him - had cost him his hand, nearly his life, and it was not something he would make the mistake of doing again.

Part of him wanted to explain this to Feliciana, to confide in her. The other part of him remained cold - refusing to give in to his feelings, feeling instead only anger. Anger to replace his feelings for this woman. He crossed his arms over his chest, his hood still pulled over his head, low over his violet eyes, and he continued to listen.

Aug 7th, 2002, 01:03:58 PM
Zeke grinned as Satine ducked his punch.

"I know. The worst company here is m'buddy...no wait, he's at home."

He looked around the group of people to Feliciana.

"Don't make me cheer you up. I got 5 ways to do it." He said with a happy smile.

Aug 7th, 2002, 02:36:52 PM
He bristled. Was it jealousy?

Don't make me cheer you up. I got 5 ways to do it. It had been a male voice - and clearly it was speaking to Feliciana. He looked up briefly to see, and his eyes narrowed.

He didnt want someone else trying to cheer her up. He wanted to be the one to do this. He wanted to.....He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts that had entered.

He was a Sith apprentice, and there was no room to be pathetically love sick over the girl who lived across the hall. Was there...?

Lady Vader
Aug 7th, 2002, 03:29:30 PM
*It wasn't hard to track Sasha, now that he was her Apprentice. She given him leave to take one of the sleek craft meant for the Order, and he had been more than pleased to fly it. He'd told her about the flight lessons Commander Parr had given him while he had visited the Saiatah High Roller on one of her many cruises. Now she had tracked the homing beacon within the ship.*

*Exiting her own polished, black advanced Sith Infiltrator, she walked out of the hangar into the adjoining one to check on the borrowed ship. The boy hadn't even put a scratch on it settling into the landing berth. She'd have to commend Commander Parr on his excellent lessons.*

*Walking out into the harsh sun, she concealed her face with her hood, warpping the rest of the cloak about her body. It was blowing furiously, the beginnings of a sand storm well under way.*

*Thinking it best to get under shelter soon, she opened her senses, feeling Sasha in the Force. But he was concealing his presence, as if not wanting to be found. Now why would be want to hide ona forsaken planet as this?*

*Following the Force trail, she was lead to an old run down cantina, and lowered her head to walk in. She spotted Sasha instantly, sunk in a booth at a far corner in the shadows... watching something.*

*She silently made her way to the table, and sat, turning to look in the direction he was looking. She, as of yet, had not removed her hood, and kept her Force signature masked. Turning back, she looked at Sasha, speaking in a low whisper.*

What has so caught your attention, my Apprentice?

Aug 7th, 2002, 06:23:51 PM
He had known the moment she had entered that it was his master. Her signature he was not - had not been able to detect, but there was a bond between them - the bond of master and apprentice that had given him this knowledge.

Her presence was two things to him: comforting and alarming - alarming for Feliciana's sake.

He would keep nothing from his master. His devotion to her ran deep. And since she had become his master, she had been kind, but firm with him. That she had trusted him to venture out - allowing him to fly on his own was a big step. He had to admit, he had been quite nervous about taking a ship on his own for the first time, but he had studied and practiced hard in his lessons in the simulator, and he had been well prepared.

He had known she might follow him, this did not surprise him. And he was glad for her presence. There was always something to learn from her, and he felt that any time with her was time he was lucky to have.

But he had not spoken with her of....girls. They had spoken of many things, but this had not been a topic. He knew he could, and would tell her, eventually, if it came to that. But right now, it was nothing but infatuation - a raw attraction. Or so he led himself to believe. Forced himself to believe. He didnt have time to be distracted from his apprenticeship. He had much to learn.

He smiled at her from beneath his hood in greeting. He was proud to be her apprentice, and more so, he was touched that she had come to this godforsaken place to find him.

He glanced back over to Feliciana's table, then back to his master.

He knew his thoughts and often his emotions were an open book - this was something he had struggled with for quite some time now. He had several strengths, but concealing his emotions was not one of them - and his master, if she so chose, would have no trouble feeling them. In this one instance, he was thankful,for it meant that there was much he would not have to say. And while he knew he would be allowed to make his own decisions, her guidance was to be respected and considered.

"Its difficult to watch someone make a very big mistake." He replied quietly, his voice low as he spoke with this woman that he respected and admired.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:24:48 PM
Chase continued to sip his beer, enjoying the conversation. He smiled at the bunch, it was good to be amongst friends indeed. He had to give a slight laugh at Zeke's comment. He glanced around the old run down cantina. It wasn't much. A few patrons lined the bar area, drowning sorrows un-seen. He felt relaxed and content. But there was something that itched in his side. There was a soft presence in this very place, although Chase could not tell it's origin.

But...it was very....familiar.

Lady Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:53:43 PM
*LV looked over at the table Sasha had glanced at, her hood still concealing her feartures. She spoke while watchng those at the table; most of them Jedi, but one was not. It took LV a moment to realize it was Feliciana, one of the Order's Sith... consorting with Jedi.*

*She hissed softly between her teeth, and spoke to Sasha, keeping her eyes burrowed in the back of Feliciana's skull.*

You fear that she will make the same mistake you did... and pay the price for it.

Aug 8th, 2002, 03:04:27 PM
He heard the hiss. But more, he felt her anger and her disgust. His cheeks flushed slightly, as andreneline ran through his veins. He knew his master to be a formiddable woman, one who would make you pay, and pay dearly for your mistakes.

He released a quiet breath.

"I do." He replied softly. He would not beg for mercy for Feliciana. If she made a mistake, she would learn from it. He had. But he didnt want to see her make that mistake. He didnt want her to make it at all.

"Am I a better friend to let her make the mistake and learn from it, or would I be a better friend to warn her of the mistake before she makes it?" He asked. He looked to his master. He wouldnt have taken back his mistake - not now, not with the good fortune it had in some strange way of fate brought to him. But not everyone could be so lucky.

He would never, ever, go against this woman's word or command. She was his master - and he owed her much - he owed her his life, even, for she had allowed him to have it after he had made such a grievious mistake. But he did care for Feliciana, as much as he was trying to fight it, and if there was something he could do to prevent pain for her, something within the bounds of what his master would allow, he would do it.

Lady Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:44:18 PM
*She brought her eyes to rest back on Sasha, answering his question.*

You had already been a part of the Order for some time when you "sinned" against it, and that is why you had no warning.

But Feliciana is new, and I am not as cruel as I make myself to be.

*She looked back at the table where the Sith sat surrounded by Jedi.*

You may go to her and give her a warning. Whether she heeds the warning will be of her own free will. And it will be at that time that she will learn... the hard way if neccessary.

Aug 9th, 2002, 07:50:29 AM
He sighed softly in relief, and a faint smile came to his lips. His master could be hard, demanding, and at times he did not understand her, but he did respect and admire her.

"I dont believe you to be cruel." He stated. Cruel sometimes, perhaps, but with good reason. There was order to be kept, this, he understood.

And he was relieved that she would give Feliciana a warning - a chance to not make a very very bad mistake. With this thought, he briefly felt confusion. Why did he care so much? He didnt, he thought to himself, he just didnt want to see his Sith sister make a mistake as he had.

He gave his master a slight impish grin as he stood. This would be his first experience with jedi since...well, since he'd made the mistake of accepting Xazor's offer of becoming blood siblings. He now looked at them quite differently - they were the enemy, not a possible friend. And something inside him, perhaps it was the simmering anger, was almost looking forward to a confrontation.

He pushed back the hood he'd kept low over his violet eyes, and headed toward the table of jedi.

(ooc: for those who dont know, Im out of town from aug 10-Sept 2 - I wont be able to post during this time...sorry for the delay)

Feliciana Devano
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:19:50 AM
Fel finally smiled when Zeke spoke of five ways to make her happy. She grinned to herself but suddenly felt a cold wind come over her....more like a presence. It was familiar....and powerful, but she could not place a name or rememberance to it. Sighing, she nervously looked about her.

"I'm sorry....but I may have to leave soon. I feel something is....wrong....."

She said softly, eyeing Navaria with concern. How she hoped that her Jedi friend would know what she spoke of. The young Apprentice pushed her hair back to the side and as she did.....her cyan eyes met a pair of violet ones......and her heart nearly quit beating. What is he doing here?! The thought practically screamed inside of her mind. She scooted back in her chair a bit and lowered her head.....realizing that he had probably been watching her the whole time.....while no one was supposed to know of this at all.

"Well Sasha.....strange that we should meet up here, isn't it? Care to join us?"

She offered and motioned to an empty seat. She was just trying to be nice....and innocence laced her smile....but it was quickly replaced by a certain fear. She could not place a finger on what she felt....but it was not good. Her eyes darted about the room but she could not find the figure which held the powerful aura. So she rested her eyes upon the table top again......trying not to look at Sasha...for she knew he was angry.....

Aug 9th, 2002, 11:29:39 AM
Her voice sounded anything but thrilled to see him. In fact, she sounded almost...upset that he was here. This made him slightly anger,the slight feeling of rejection getting to him. What did he care? He asked himself. It wasnt like he cared about her...but he did, he knew now that he did, for her fallen expression hurt. And he hid this behind a face of stone.

His violet eyes moved from her, scanning the others at the table.

"Im not sure a [I[ sith [/I] apprentice would be wise to keep the company of jedi." He stated, his eyes flickering to Satine, then back to Feliciana.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass." He added, his voice a bit gruff as he spoke.

"Maybe you'd like to get a drink with me at the bar." He suggested, the tone of his voice more of a command than a suggestion.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:41:32 AM
Fel winced at his words. It hurt to see him upset with her....and she too felt a bit of rejection. Sighing, she looked at Navaria...and then to Satine, Zeke, Lance and the others. She sighed and looked up at him for a moment.

"Why do you care if I sit with them or not? They're my friends...yes, Jedi....no, they won't hurt me."

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Her eyes fell to the table once again and she looked at Navaria. Reaching over to her, she grasped her hand and rose from her seat.

Think of me often as I fear that a greater darkness will keep us apart for some time.....

She spoke in the woman's mind, and gave one last look to the faces around the table. She sighed and turned to face Sasha.

"I'm sorry....let's go talk about this somewhere else....."

Her voice trembled and she looked at the floor, realizing that Navaria was right in all that she had said. It was sad to see this happen.....it was even more sad to know that she had made a 'mistake'. Sighing, she waited for Sasha to lead the way....

Aug 9th, 2002, 12:22:09 PM
His eyes narrowed slightly as she asked him why he cared who she sat with. Defiance in her voice. Challenge. He met her eyes, then looked away, shaking his head slowly as he did so.

When she agreed to come with him, he looked back to her, and without another word, offered his hand. His grip was perhaps a bit more forceful than necessary. Nothing that would hurt, or cause her alarm, but enough for her to know that he was tense, angry perhaps.

As they passed the table where his master sat, he cast her a sidelong glance. His eyes spoke volumes. Later, he would go to her. There were many questions he sought answers to, and if anyone would have them, it would be Lady Vader.

The wind had settled down outside, the storm disappearing as quickly as it had come. Sstorms in the desert were fierce, coming with a powerful force. A quick punch in a small, but ferocious package.

It was quiet outside, for normal activity had not yet resumed.

"How do you know them?" He questioned, though it sounded more like a demand. His gruffness came from the fact that he cared - and he was doing his best to hide it.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:30:50 PM
"Seems like our friend doesn't like her talking to us..." Chase said glancing around the table to the Jedi nobles who lined the booth. He took another long sip from his beer, continuing to scan the cantina. Something was wrong. Someone familiar was here. Someone....too familiar. But where?

Aug 9th, 2002, 05:53:15 PM
Zeke listened to the exchange between Sasha and Fel.

"Jealous boyfriend, I'll bet," he whispered jokingly to Satine.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 10th, 2002, 03:14:18 PM
Fel willingly went with Sasha after she saw the anger in his eyes.....and felt the strength in his hand. Her heart was torn....she knew the truth about her feelings.....she wanted to tell him so badly....but she wanted to keep her friends. Her eyes went back to Navaria briefly.....recalling what she said to her the night they met in the Bar and Grill. Her eyes fell to the floor as Sasha led her outside. She leaned against the wall and looked down at the sandy ground below her feet before looking up into his eyes.

"I know them because I went to Yog's Bar and Grill.....I met Navaria and then she introduced me to the rest of them. They're my friends, Sasha......they won't hurt me. I don't fear them.....but now......now you have made me a bit fearful of you......"

Her words were shaky, wondering if he would be like her father....wondering if he would hit her now. She winced after speaking and looked to the side, waiting for him to unleash.....waiting for him to hurt her so that she would learn....

Lady Vader
Aug 12th, 2002, 03:38:29 PM
*LV stood a few moments after Sasha had taken Feliciana outside, making her way towards the back of the establishment. She caught the arm of a waiter and asked him a question. He pointed to the back and then went about his business. LV made her way to the back, turning a corner in a hallway, and then exiting through the back door. Making her way up the sandy alley, she came up behind Feliciana, stopping there, hearing her last words.*

It is not Sasha who you should be fearful of, young one. Nor should I be the one you fear.

*Feliciana turned, still not able to see the face, nor discern the presence as it was still masked, and yet she still felt the eyes boring into hers.*

What you should fear... is betraying your Order whom you have sworn your life to.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 12th, 2002, 04:19:54 PM
The young woman felt a presence behind her.....but she could not recognize the signature of the being. The words that were spoken were of a woman......the voice was familiar, but she did not know from where she knew it. Turning around ever so slightly, she lofted a brow and then fell to one knee.

"I'm sorry.......you saw everything didn't you. Please don't tell the Masters......please don't let them know what I've done......I can't jeprodize my future!"

Then she realized that whoever was speaking to her....she didn't know. Sighing, she rose to her feet and turned toward Sasha, shaking her head.

"Whoever you are, just please keep this a secret......and Sasha.....I thought I knew you......"

With that, Fel began to walk off, not knowing where she was going. How she wished a friend would come after her.....or Sasha.....or maybe the one who spoke to her would show her some compassion......but then again, she thought that would never happen to her......

Aug 12th, 2002, 05:48:30 PM
Satine looks concerned as he replies to Zeke's comment.

"I don't think so..." he says, turning to Nav. "Nav, that was Sasha wasn't it? What happened to him? He has an artificial hand now."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:21:13 PM
Something was terribly wrong and Navaria was at a lost to explain it. Navaria wasn't sure what Satine was talking about since she never met Sasha.

"He does not concern me ... not yet. Feliciana ..."

She struggled for words ... only feeling the powerful emotions outside the bar. Not all of them belong to her friend, but to another ... A Sith ...

"Has to be ..."

Navaria said to no one in particular and stood up, quickly making her way outside.

The winds were still strong but not violent as they were moments earlier. Sandstorms were tricky things. Sometimes they passed as quickly as they came ... Almost like a flashflood ...

Her hood came up as eyes searched for Feliciana physically and her mind stretched out smoothly to find her friend's life signature. Navaria had been in her presence long enough to recognize Feliciana instantly.

It didn't take long at all to find her. Feelings of rejection, hurt, loss, confusion ... All her feelings were jumbled so tightly together that it caused Navaria to mentally end the connection. At least her friend would know she was on the way.

Ever cautious for Sasha and that other Sith was nearby .... Navaria rounded a corner and found her.


The Jedi called, hoping that she would stop.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:12:51 PM
Chase stood at Nav's departure, contemplating following her outside. His eyes wandered around the bar and fell onto a woman, cloaked in the shadows, her hood drawn tight.

For a few moments all he could do was stare into those eyes...

It was...her. He clenched his fist. The mechanical devices inside the artifical skin sped to life, obeying his command at touch. The arm had been a reminder from this very woman, who now sat no more than thirty feet from where Chase still stood. It didn't take long to figure out who she was with. That was no jealous boyfriend.

He started to move toward her but found he couldn't. All he could do was look into those cat-like eyes...for he couldn't escape them.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:34:55 PM
Suddenly a call came after her and Fel spun around at the familiar voice. It was Navaria......how she had not expected her to come. Sighing, the young Sith walked back toward her and then fell to her knees in the sand.

"I can't do this anymore......I'm tired of hiding.....of lying. And why......why would you come after someone like me? I'm a terrible person! They were right.....I swore my life to my Order....but what has it given me? Nothing! Nothing nothing......nothing.......not a damn thing......."

With each "nothing" she spoke she pounded her fist into the ground, drawing blood on her knuckles as she pounded the skin right off of them. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she took her injured hand onto her lap and wept into the sand.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 12th, 2002, 09:12:42 PM
Navaria kneeled down into the sand and caught Feliciana's fist before it could smash its way into the unforgiving ground.

"Because I care about you."

While she was speaking, the Knight was healing the wounds covertly through the Force. At first, the bleeding had stopped....

"You are my friend and I told you that I always would be until we became adversaries."

The anger was so strong and the pain. Navaria hadn't felt such pain since she was a child herself....

"Have we? No. We have not. I do not abandon my friends. Ever."

Feliciana Devano
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:27:56 AM
Fel did not protest as Navaria took her fist in her own hands. Tears continued falling from her eyes as the Jedi spoke. "Because I care about you." The words echoed through her mind as she came to a new understanding.

"But no one else cares for me. I know...we have not become enemies yet...I don't intend for us to do so...but them.....the Order.....they will do something to me! I hate living with that upon my shoulders...."

She cried out, noticing that her knuckles and fingers were somehow being healed as they rested in Navaria's hands. Her bright cyan eyes searched Navaria's...and she suddenly wrapped her arms around the woman's neck...taking comfort in her strength....

Aug 13th, 2002, 12:19:11 PM
Zeke felt the tension between Chase and Alpha and looked dubiously in the direction Nav, Fel, and the 2 others had gone.

"So...we aren't happy anymore?" he asked. He'd never encountered either of the strangers; he had no clue what the problem was.

Lady Vader
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:09:08 PM
*LV watched Feliciana run off, conflict and turmoil within her soul. The young woman would have to choose, for being a Sith meant being enemies with the Jedi. And that meant having no freinds among them.*

*She looked at Sasha who looked ready to chase after her, but she reached out a hand, firmly holding him by the shoulder.*

Let her go. She must now choose which path to follow.

She knows the Order's rules, and she is intelligent... but she must never the less choose on her own.

*She released Sasha and turned towards the small berths they had landed their ships in.*

Come, Sasha. There's is nothing more we can do here.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 13th, 2002, 03:56:13 PM
Navaria wrapped her arms tightly around Feliciana's body.

"You must do what you feel is best. I cannot force anything upon you, Feliciana."

She stroked the long brown hair slowly in comfort before pushing Feliciana gently away, wanting to look directly into her eyes.

"But, if you do wish to come with me... I swear, I will not let anything happen to you. It is the least I can do for you, my friend."

Feliciana Devano
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:07:39 PM
Tears fell from the girl's eyes as Navaria held her close. The Jedi had a hidden strength that she longed for...and took in every chance that she got.

"I...I don't know what to do...."

She cried out softly as tears fell upon Navaria's shoulder. Her offer was so tempting....but there was a knot in Fel's stomach that silently told her that she was making a mistake. She shook her head at the thoughts and smiled through the tears.....

"I.....I'll go with you for now.....but I can't be a Jedi....not now...."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:19:28 AM
"Nor did I ask you to be one."

Her tone was soft and soothing. Feliciana could swear that Navaria's voice passed through her body, offering a warmth and compassion that has never been felt before.

"I offer you my protection for as long as you wish it."

She pulled back Feliciana and smiled, looking into her friend's swollen eyes.


Fingers gently caressed those tear streaked cheeks, hoping to calm Feliciana.

"How about we go back to the bar? Pick up the rest and get off this planet."

Feliciana Devano
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:47:16 PM
Fel smiled despite her tears and she nodded. Navaria words and just her voice were comforting to her.....sending some sort of comforting wave over her. Smiling once again, she rose to her feet and looked to the bar.

"Yes, let's do that....."

She said softly, wiping the remaning tears from her eyes that Navaria had mised. She smiled at her friend and then waited for her before they made their way back for the others.....

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:53:46 AM
He looked after Feliciana. He wanted more than anything to go after her. But it was his master's hand that stayed him, and without question, he began to walk with his master back toward their ships.

He was silent and brooding as they walked, his thoughts on Feliciana and the jedi. He could only hope she wouldnt be fooled by them as he had.

He offered his master a small smile as they reached their ships, Feliciana not forgotten, but there was little he could do, and so he would move on - for now - but later.....

"Not a scratch on her..." He commented, nodding towards the ship his master had allowed him to borrow.