View Full Version : As of September 3rd....

Ange Tot
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:24:34 PM
I will be lacking in the RPing department because.It's school once again, and I need an 80% average to get into the colleage I wanna get into, so I'm giving everyone a WHOLE months notice so noone's like,

"Where's Ange?" or "Where's Aki?".

Um, LV/AB, if ya want you can get a new chief of Secutrity for the Saiatah High Roller cos of this, I dun mind.

And Alpha, No I will not fall off the face pof the known universe! I'll still be RPing, but mostly on weekends and Civic Holdays.

Aug 1st, 2002, 12:27:53 PM
I'll miss picking on you and Wei constantly. j/k. Good luck in school.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:45:03 PM
Yes, good luck in school! What grade are you goin into?

Aug 1st, 2002, 05:37:47 PM
I may not need to get a new Cheif of Security. You just post when you can. I do however have someone in mind that can take over during your absence. But I won't get rid of ya. :)

Aug 1st, 2002, 06:09:10 PM
Good luck

Dae Jinn
Aug 1st, 2002, 06:22:14 PM
BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA..you know you will be online a lot. Mum is a push-over :p

Ange Tot
Aug 1st, 2002, 06:55:05 PM

*baps Dae*

I won't! And thanks peeps.

Wei- Hm....It'll be my graduating year, and I live in Canada, so Grade 12.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:00:26 PM
Canada...school....all too familiar to me.....cause I do the same exact thing and me too I will be lacking of rp as of the 28th of august(im already lacking of rp -_-) Anyways ill miss you a bunch Hun. =P

Kaytor Surna
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:09:33 PM
i'l be posting just as much as I do right now beings I am in summer school right now. :( And in 2 weeks I start band camp. NO AMARICAN PIE JOAKS! I am not a flute player.

Ange Tot
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:16:20 PM
"in band camp......"

*is accosted with various crockery*

Yeah, school is total suxor Lance.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:20:58 PM
Summer School! Yay, I didnt go to in fact in Maths 436 ^_^ Means im in the most advanced class and I SUCK!!

Aug 1st, 2002, 07:59:15 PM
K Ange. I know the feeling...I get to be Freshmeat (freshman) though...:( Gonna get killed...but youre lucky you're going in so late! I got less then two weeks left! :(

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:02:01 PM
Where the hell do you live Alpha to come in so early!??

Kaytor Surna
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:13:32 PM
ohyea thats right I'm not a freashmeat any more. YEA!

Aug 1st, 2002, 08:17:48 PM
Socorro NM...Also, my HS is completely trashed...They tore most of it apart, for construction, and they haven't finished yet, but they still want us in on time over there...:(

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:24:47 PM
:: Gives Alpha a cookie::

Too baad

Aug 1st, 2002, 08:57:55 PM
You lucky!!! :)

*takes cookie, sits in a corner, and munches on cookie*

Ange Tot
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:01:27 PM
*accosts Alpha abnd steals his cookie*

Viva la canada!

*eats cookie*

:cry I ate a whole bowl of chocolate chips!!! I'm gonna be fat if I stop going to the Y!

Aug 1st, 2002, 09:08:39 PM
:cry :cry :cry

My cookie...:(


Dae Jinn
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:41:14 PM
*gives them all Lollies*

:D :lol

Aug 2nd, 2002, 06:51:56 AM
*is happy!*


*eats lolli*

Chase Starwalker
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:53:01 AM
Originally posted by Kaytor Surna
i'l be posting just as much as I do right now beings I am in summer school right now. :( And in 2 weeks I start band camp. NO AMARICAN PIE JOAKS! I am not a flute player.

:: holds back laughter ::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:39:22 PM
:lol euh oups I mean CHASE.............don't talk bout Lancey's gf like that *nervous laugh*

Aug 4th, 2002, 08:38:16 PM
Lollies? LOLLIES!

::eats one::

I want another!

Salemn Lysce
Aug 4th, 2002, 11:24:09 PM
School for me starts August 12, I believe, so my posts will probably be reduced. :)

And don't worry Alpha, you're not the only one who's going to be a Freshman.

Dae Jinn
Aug 5th, 2002, 01:55:16 AM
Freshman, so american :D :lol

Aug 5th, 2002, 06:49:14 AM
Yay! someone who is both going into the same grade as me and starting a day earlier then me! :)

I start the 13. The 12 I'm just gonna be hanging with all my friends for our "last day of freedom." :) :D

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:53:26 AM
(Takes a lollie) Thanks much! And Ange, I'm glad to hear that. I already graduated high school and am moving on to college. 1st day is August 17. And to all you freshmen out there, no worries. You'll all be just fine.

Ange Tot
Aug 5th, 2002, 11:27:39 AM
Yeah, your Freshmen, just don't let them notice you, or act crazy!

:D That's how I avoided hazing, I came to HS with a bad rep.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2002, 11:40:54 AM
I'm so glad I started my current school 4 years ago... makes me in the second highest year, so I can haze all the n00bs :D

Ange Tot
Aug 5th, 2002, 11:49:32 AM
Tsk tsk, Jen-Jen, set a good example for all the little children!

Aug 5th, 2002, 02:55:54 PM
Ange~I would try to escape notice, but the only problem is that I already pissed off/and/or made friends with the entire senior population...:) Which means I should run away...:D

Salemn Lysce
Aug 5th, 2002, 11:42:18 PM

At least you aren't starting in a new state where you know nobody except your kitten. :)

Aug 6th, 2002, 06:54:22 AM
Did that the start of Middle School. Got slugged the first day there. Have fun! :)