View Full Version : Drowning his sorrows

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 1st, 2002, 10:54:44 AM
The Gungan Padawan Bar Bar Drinks sat at the bar, drowning his sorrows for the thousandth time in his life. He had nothing: no master, no friends, no chance to bring his people respect. He tipped back a full bottle of Corellian whiskey and didn't stop until it was empty. He set the bottle and his head on the counter with a loud thunk.

"Dis is so patetic. Meesa so messed up...meesa neber succeedin'..."

Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:37:22 PM
:: A gentle hand rested on his shoulder as AB sat in the seat next to him. ::

I don't think drinking in excess is going to help.

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 4th, 2002, 05:34:58 PM
"Is not hurtin' either! Meesa got nuttin' ta live for but dis'n here!"

He shook the bottle, then threw it away in disgust. It shattered somewhere behind the bar. He ordered another despite himself.

Aug 4th, 2002, 09:05:59 PM
Kiron walked up to the bar to order another drink and she saw a Gungan drinking as much and as fast as he could. 'Well,' she though, 'this is the first person I've seen here actually doing some heavy drinking.' As Kiron listen closer to what he was saying she heard something about wanting a master. Then a women walked up to him and said something about drinking in excess. Kiron certainlty knew from experience that drowing bottles of whiskey is not a good thing. So she walked up to him and said. "The Lady's right ya know. If ya keep on drinkin' like that you'll end up with ya head in the 'fresher bowl the rest of the night."

As she sat down on the other side of the Gungan she realized who he was, "Wow-we! Your Bar-Bar Drinks! My Jedi friends told me all about you and how cool your are!"

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:44:56 PM
Bar Bar looked over at her sadly.

"Cool, shesa sayin'. And whosa tellin' yousa dat?"

He popped the bottle open and stared at it long and hard. He didn't want to do this...but it was all he could do. Not like he had any other useful skills to employ...not like he would accomplish his goals even if he was sober...He drank deeply, draining about a fifth of the bottle.

Aug 4th, 2002, 09:56:48 PM
"Zeke and Wei." Kiron replied as she looked at Bar Bar chugging back his bottle of whiskey.

"I can tell you from past experiences chugging is not the best way to drink. But anyway Zeke and Wei mentioned that you can fight intoxicated and I find that pretty cool."

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:40:01 AM
"Oh, rilly?"

Bar Bar could barely remember fighting someone in the Academy. Who it was, he didn't know, because he'd been drunk. He drained the bottle so it was half gone.

"Its half empty."

He finished it off.

"Now is all empty."

Aug 6th, 2002, 12:17:45 AM
"Well since your drinkin', I might as well join ya. Do ya mind?" Kiron said and ordered a bottle of Kessel Rum.

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 6th, 2002, 01:12:43 PM
"Not meesa business. Meesa havin' da rum too."

Aug 7th, 2002, 12:58:53 AM
"Cool beans." said Kiron. "Let see who get smashed first alright?"
Kiron picks up her bottle and starts and makes tost to Bar Bar "To the best drinker." and tips back.

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 7th, 2002, 05:03:22 PM
Bar Bar downed his bottled before she had even finished her challenged. He was starting the second when he stopped himself. He didn't need this...he didn't need this at all. He smashed the bottle on the counter and walked out, a severe expression on his face.

Aug 7th, 2002, 05:13:12 PM
"Woh!" Kiron exclaimed as she whatched Bar Bar stalk out of the bar. "Well I guess he doesn't want to drink anymore." Kiron turned back to the bar and finished her bottle. When she ws about to order another one then she thought of Bar Bar and him being depressed. "Ya know," she mumbled to herself. "I should follow him and see whats up with him."

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 9th, 2002, 08:33:13 PM
Bar Bar by now was half way to the Living Quarters. Those who saw him stood aside, let him pass. No one pointed. No one snickered or laughed as they usually did.

Aug 10th, 2002, 07:06:22 PM
"Damn!" Kiron exclaimed as she whatched Bar Bar enter the Jedi Temple. "I won't and can't go in there! Well I guess I'll look aroun for another way in." Then a thought entered Kiron's head, "I bet this place has underground air ducts. Well I guess I get my wish about exploring the lower levels!" Kiron went off to her entrance to the Temple.

Bar Bar Drinks
Aug 10th, 2002, 11:41:06 PM
Bar Bar entered the turbo lift and went to the highest place in the GJO: the roof of the Living Quarters. He stood near the edge, looking out over the trees.


It felt good to shout like that. It helped, but not much.

Aug 11th, 2002, 11:57:05 AM
'I must be at the fricken surface of this sticken planet,' Kiron mutterd as she mde her way through the underground tunnels below the GJO. "AHhahahah!" Kiron sang as she found the entrance she was looking for. "Well here goes nothing." she sai and started to climb up the air ventalation shaft.