View Full Version : Sometimes the night isnt as dark as it seems (Feliciana)

Jul 31st, 2002, 01:58:11 PM
He semi-closed his door behind him. It was still open by a crack, but he wanted just enough privacy to think about things for a little while. He had just met Feliciana. She lived across the hall. And already he couldnt think of anything much besides her.

At eighteen, his hormones told him to just go for it, and not think about the consequences until later. But his recent experience with not thinking had cost him his hand - and now he tended to think things through just a bit more before acting.

He was attracted to her, there was no doubt about that. Part of him wanted to act on it, go back across the hall and visit with her. But the other part of him, the part that had forced him to leave with a lame, fabricated excuse, told him to leave this well enough alone. He had training to think about - not girls. Not right now. Not if he wanted to be as powerful as he hoped he would be. He didnt have time for distractions.

He paced his room. It was relatively neat, as he didnt own many possessions, and so there was little for him to do. He tried to concentrate on self training, working on a few things he needed to improve upon, but his mind wasnt on his studies. So he settled down on his bed, and began to write in the journal that he kept.

As the evening grew late, he finally grew a bit tired, and his journal slipped from his hands, falling to the floor as he fell into a restless slumber. The light from his room could be seen through the crack in the doorway, for he'd never bothered to close his door completely.

Feliciana Devano
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:13:00 PM
Feliciana had continued fixing up her room after Sasha left. She liked him.......a lot, and was very attracted to him though they had just met. Sighing to herself, she opened a drawer in the cabinet next to her bed and took out a pair of pajamas.....black satin pants that were tight at the waist but flaired out.....almost like the gypsies of old. For a comfortable top, she simply had a black spaghettie strap shirt that was a little short and revealed her mid drift.

Once comfortable again, she brought down the sheets on her bed and crawled in, covering herself with the first layer of sheets so she didn't get too hot. From her nightstand she took a small book of ancient lore and began reading where she had left off just a few days ago in her own bedroom.....so very far away from her. Now this was her home.....this was her bedroom. After reading a bit, she became tired and turned the light off, placing the book back beside her bed......then she placed her head on her pillow, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

She had not been asleep for much more than an hour and suddenly a loud banging sound woke her up. She sat straight up and flipped on the light, looking about. She saw nothing......except for unfamiliar shadows dancing along the walls. Her heart lept into her throat as she thought of what it might be. Someone in her room.....or trying to get in.....or.....something.

Crawling out of the bed, she slowly crept over to the wall where a switch for all of the lights rested. But as she did, something moved past her and brushed against her bare feet. She let out a scream, but then covered her mouth as she ran past the switches and toward her door, flinging it wide open, then slamming it shut behind her. Breathing heavily, she moved away from the door slowly, creeping across the wide hallway.....occasionally jumping at a sound. Did she dare ask Sasha for comfort? She ignored the feeling to even look back at her room as she placed a hand on his door. Suddenly something came up behind her and she swore it touched her shoulder. Screaming once again she pushed through his door and slammed it behind her......then rested her back against it as she looked about.

Not spotting him in the living room area, she moved over toward the window and looked out over the dark ocean that lay below. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she took a few deep breaths.....hoping that she would find him in his large apartment. Moving closer to the window, she touched a hand to the pained glass and looked down......the moon created a silhoutte of her slender, yet muscular figure against the night as she stood all alone in the room of a guy she had just met.......

Jul 31st, 2002, 02:27:21 PM
He, too, had woken in the middle of the night. And so he'd gone to walk in the gardens to speak with Shenraun. He heard the scream from down the hall, but there was only darkness until he reached his room. His door was wide open, and he remembered closing it behind him. His violet eyes narrowed for a moment. The castle had always been a safe place, and he didnt feel any sort of evil lurking close by. Still, he had heard a scream, and his hand went to his lightsaber that he had carried with him to the gardens. He had not planned on needing it there, but it was something that was becoming a part of him,and he carried it most everywhere he went.

He stepped inside, prepared for whoever, or whatever might be there. And inside he found....Feliciana.

His violet eyes widened slightly and he stood there watching her by the window for a moment. she was in pajamas, still, and he had to look away for a second to clear the thoughts that came to his adolescent mind.

"Couldnt sleep?" He finally asked, his voice carrying across the room, distracting her from her gaze out his window at the ocean.

Feliciana Devano
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:40:21 PM
Feliciana covered her mouth, prepared to scream at the sound of someone's voice. She fell to the ground and cowered close to the window......until she saw Sasha's face. Sighing with relief, she rose to her feet and slowly approached him.

"I'm sorry.....but I heard something.....well, a lot of things.....and I saw the shadows..."

There had been too much circling her mind the moment everything happened for her to recall it all right now, but she did know that she was afraid. Sighing, she nodded at his question....

"No, I couldn't sleep......."

She finally retreated from the excuses and faced the fact that she was afraid.....it was her first night in a strange, new place.....and she couldn't sleep. Sighing, she glanced away from him.....avoiding contact with his deep eyes that made her heart race even more than whatever happened just before she came bolting into his room. She hoped that he was not upset with her for such a.....sudden.....entry.....

Jul 31st, 2002, 02:54:50 PM
He had scared the hell out of her. For a moment, he felt terrible - for she looked so young and sweet and innocent and...scared. He could feel her fear, and had she not been one of his own - his sister in this Sith order, he likely would have liked it. But that he had scared her.....he hadnt meant to.

He'd moved towards her to help her up - to let her know it was ok - but she'd risen to her feet on her own, and now she stood close enough to him that he could smell the faint scent of her perfume, and his heart began to beat just a ltitle faster than normal. He sighed softly, trying to slow it.

She looked away, and he couldnt help it. He did what he hated when others did to him - he sought to read her thoughts, her feelings. And what came to him, instantly, was fear. Fear of everything at the moment.

without thinking, he followed his firs instinct. Tenderly, his hand reached and a few fingers cupped her chin to turn her to face back to look at him.

"You have nothing to fear." He stated softly, his violet eyes searching her blue ones in the dim light of the room. He brushed a tendril of hair back from her face before his hand came to rest once again on his lightsaber.

Feliciana Devano
Jul 31st, 2002, 03:04:14 PM
Fel felt her heart nearly pounding its way out of her chest as he cupped her chin with his fingers. She couldn't help but look into his eyes this time.....making her melt completely. She tilted her head to the side as he brushed a strand of her long black hair from her face. It felt so natural to be like this with him......yet she couldn't help feel a bit nervous still......until his soft, soothing voice flowed into her ears. "You have nothing to fear." she thought his words over and over again.....drifting off into the space of his violet eyes.

Finally she snapped back into reality and realized that she was just staring at him......unable to say anything. He had calmed her nerves.....exceedingly so......but she was still a bit jumpy. A smile crossed her soft lips gently as she looked at him. Sighing to herself, she tried to look elsewhere.....but found herself unable. Instead, she continued to look into his eyes......seeming locked in this gaze with him.


It was so lame and the minute the word escaped her breath, she kicked herself mentally. It was all she could think of in reply to what he had spoken to her. Blushing a deep crimson, she forced herself to look away from him and found comfort in eyeing the floor. How she needed to get better lines to say when speaking with someone like him........

Aug 1st, 2002, 06:46:24 AM
The way she stared at him - her blue eyes meeting his - the way she seemed, almost, for a moment, to be mezmerized - made him feel a mixture of things. Cockiness, for this reaction from her gave him confidence that she had some sort of interest in him, but also a strong sense of protectiveness. Her voice was so small as she spoke to him.

Okay..... She had responded before her eyes darted to the floor, glued to the rather uninteresting gray hue of the floor.

He watched her for a moment. At this point, rather unchivalrous thoughts had come to his head, and he quickly brushed those aside. She was his sister in the order. She was new here. And she was afraid. He collected himself, and then reached for her hand.

Taking her small hand in his, he tugged gently on it. He more than anything wanted to pull her close to him, and keep her here with him in his room - but he wasnt going to take advantage of her weakness. And he wasnt going to get involved with her. He wasnt. He couldnt be distracted.

"Come....lets make sure there are no monsters lurking in your room..." He offered, his voice gently teasing her.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:51:51 AM
Fel was glad when he took her hand in his own...and even though she tried to avoid contact with his eyes...she couldn't help it. Smiling, she lightly punched him in the arm with her free hand when he teased her.

"There was something in there....hopefully it'll eat you up...."

She had to tease him back and a giggle escaped her lips as they walked toward his door and into the darkness of the hallway. Again, shadows moved along the walls and made her jump a bit...but then she remembered that Sasha was with her....protecting her...and it made her feel safe again....

Aug 1st, 2002, 08:06:01 AM
He grinned at her. Her punch on his arm was light and teasing.

"If it eats me up, then you'll be left alone with it." He replied with a sly grin.

"Be careful what you wish for...." He added as he pushed open the door to her room, and reached for the light switch.

He turned the light on for her and the two of them looked about.

"I dont know - those curtains can be awfully scary when they blow in the wind..." He stated, his tone of voice teasing her again as he spoke.

"My first night here was a long one, too..." He added a moment later, his voice serious now as he spoke with her.

He didnt want to let go of her hand, but eventually he did, and he gave a quick, but thorough look about the room to be sure there truly was nothing there.

"The castle is quite safe." He assured her.

"And theres nothing here in your room...." He added, his violet eyes trailing to hers, lingering for a moment.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:54:40 AM
Fel giggled at his comment and then thought about if he was gone from her. It saddened her to think about this, but then she was snapped back into reality....knowing that he was right here beside her. It was a bit disappointing when he let go of her hand...for she would have held him closer if she even dared.

"I know...those curtains are a bit...terrifying."

She giggled as he rushed about her room, checking for "monsters" and things of the such. When he came up empty handed, he returned to her and spoke of how safe the castle was. It made her feel better to know that.

"Thank you Sasha....it means a lot that you would come over here and check it out for me."

She said softly as she let her blue eyes cling to his violet ones. How she loved his eyes......they were as gorgeous as he was. Suddenly at these thoughts, she blushed crimson.....but did not look away as she had done in many previous times. Instead, she continued staring into his eyes......content to just stand there in the silence.......

Aug 1st, 2002, 11:35:44 AM
He noticed her blush as they stood staring at one another. and then finally, he looked away.

"You should probably get some sleep..." He suggested. His violet eyes were difficult to read as he shoved his emotions deep down within. He was not going to give in to these thoughts.

"Will you be ok now?" He asked. He was hot and cold toward her, acting one moment as if he were interested in her, and the next as merely a concerned friend. He didnt mean to play these games with her - it was only that his emotions were playing games with him and he wasnt sure how to deal with them. So he made every attempt to ignore them and forget about them - it was the only way, in his mind, to accomplish his goal.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 02:08:14 PM
Fel noticed Sasha move his eyes away. She smiled slightly to herself and nodded at his suggestion. How she wished that they would stay up and talk all night...she still hated the thought of being alone...in her room.

"I guess I'll be alright..."

She said softly, wishing somehow she could change his mind to stay...at least for a little while. Acting on impulse was usually a terrible idea...but here, she felt as though it might be a good thing.

"Sasha....could you....stay with me until I fall asleep?"

She knew it was a lot to ask...but she hoped that he would consider it. She knew that she went to sleep quickly and it wouldn't hurt.....

Aug 1st, 2002, 02:47:22 PM
She'd said she'd be alright, but her voice wasnt entirely convincing. And then she asked him to stay. He heard himself saying yes before he'd even had a chance to think about it.

"Yeah, of course I'll stay if you want me to." He replied.

"I'll just sit here by the window...." He added as he moved to sit on the windowseat. He leaned back against the wall, looking out the window for a moment, and then to her. He watched as she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her.

When she'd was comfortable, he used the little skill he'd developed in the force to flick off the switch, and then they were there in the darkness.

The moon shone down into the room, silhouetting his frame and he sighed deeply, contentedly.

"It takes a while to get used to the noises of the castle...." He offered softly in the darkness.

"Eventually, they'll be comforting..." He added, smiling to himself in the darkness. He, too, had ben uneasy and restless his first few nights there, but now, it was home to him.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:10:23 PM
Fel rested comfortably in her bed as she looked across the room at Sasha. With a trick he had learned, he shut off her lights and sat beside her window. She smiled gently as she watched his silhouette and the shadows dance together.

"I hope.....I get used to them......"

She said softly, yawning a bit. Then she remembered his promise of breakfast and a tour in the morning, and it made her grin in the darkness and she pulled the sheets closer to her and snuggled comfortably in them, then she shut her eyes and laid in the silence.

"Good night dear Sasha....."

The words escaped her lips slowly as she began to drift off into light slumber. Soon her breathing had slowed and her heart rate was down.....and she rested gently under Sasha's protection.....not afraid of anything anymore.....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 08:50:06 AM
Good night dear Sasha..... She whispered as she fell asleep. His name the last thing on her lips before she disappeared into a peaceful slumber.

He smiled at this in the darkness. Her words had sounded so natural. He watched her for a while as she slept. She had asked him to stay until she fell asleep, and so, he supposed, he could go now.....but something kept him from leaving.

He wanted to be sure she was safe. That she didnt wake frightened once again. He thought of this while he sat there in the moonlight. What was it about this girl? Why was he suddenly so protective? He tried to convince himself that he would do this for any of his Sith bretheren. He was just being a loyal member of the family.

When he was sure she was sleeping, her breathing slow and soft, he stood. He stared at her for a moment longer, and then he moved quietly, his footsteps soft as he headed for the door.

Goodnight, Fel.... He thought, sending these thoughts to her in her sleep. This was something Xazor had taught him, to speak in someone's mind, and while he knew their friendship was over, he saw no reason not to use the things she had taught him.

The door creaked softly as he opened it, and he waited to be sure she remained asleep before he stepped outside and shut it softly behind him.

And then he walked into his own room, leaving the door open so he could hear, so he would awaken if she screamed in terror once again. He flopped onto his bed, clothes and all and lay on his back, thinking for a bit about this evening - about meeting her, about his talk with Shenraun....and then he drifted off to sleep.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:35:39 AM
As Fel slept, she heard Sasha's words in her mind. It was comforting and made her sleep even better than she thought that she could on her first night in the Castle. The night seemed to fly and she dreamed of many things....then the sun began to rise and it danced in through her window. The morning was cold and as she light shown in her eyes, she opened them, and then squinted them shut....trying to curl up in her sheets to stay warm.

She then realized that it was morning....time for breakfast and her tour! The young woman sat up and pushed the sheets off her, then ran her fingers through her long, black hair. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and put her feet on the floor, then shuddered at the cold she felt. How could it get so cold, she did not know. Sighing, she pulled out some black robes that she had acquired, and slipped into them. Walking over to the mirror opposite the fire place, she began combing out her hair and fixing herself up with makeup. Once please with herself, she pushed her hair back over her shoulders, and then walked out of her room, gently shutting her door behind her.

She quietly walked across the hallway and placed a hand on Sasha's door...seeing that it was open. Do I dare go in? She wondered to herself. Sighing, she knocked on the door so as to avoide being rude. Hearing nothing, she pushed the door open a bit to see quite a sight. Sasha was asleep on his bed....fully clothed. She giggled to herself, but covered her mouth, hoping not to wake him until he was ready.

"Sasha.....hey, Sasha, wake up!"

Giving up on her first thoughts, she quietly crept in and approached his bed as she spoke. Placing a hand on his skin, she realized that her touch might be cold so she pulled away. Why is it so cold in here? She thought to herself and then stood back, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for him to wake. What a shock he would recieve when he woke to find a woman....her, nonetheless, standing over him....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:49:52 AM
Once he had fallen asleep, he had slept soundly. He hadnt meant to fall asleep, fully clothed on top of the blankets - but he'd been thinking so hard, and it had been such a day..he'd drifted off.

And now he was awakening. An oddly familiar voice bringing him back to the sunlight of morning. He opened his eyes, rubbing them as he did to see....Feliciana? He bolted upright, confused for a moment. Seeing her - it was as if it was always this way, that he always woke up to her voice, to the cool, soft touch of her hand - but - he didnt. He'd never woken up to it before - in fact - he'd only met her less than 12 hours ago....

His cheeks flushed slightly, and he ran a hand through his tousled hair, clearly a little embarrassed.

"Fel...." He stated, his voice husky with sleep.

"What time is it?" He asked immediately, slightly disoriented. He slowly placed his feet on the cold stone floor and stood up. He smiled at her as he did, a lazy, sheepish grin.

"I hope I havent kept you waiting long..." He added quickly, remembering that he had offered to take her to breakfast - and a tour of the castle and grounds.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:55:43 AM
Fel grinned as Sasha sat up quickly. It gave her pleasure to have startled him a bit...but she had not completely meant to. He asked what time it was and she shook her head, then eyed a crono on the wall. It read....nine o'clock. The young woman shook her head at his words.

"You haven't kept me long at all....and good morning, by the way..."

She winked gently and paced a little before she came to rest in a chair, waiting for him to get ready so that they could go to breakfast and she could have her tour....of course, she was naturally excited about this...and to have him join her was just the icing on the cake....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:05:02 AM
He chuckled soflty.

"Yeah, good morning." He replied, pulling open drawers and the closet to grab clean clothing. He couldnt believe he'd slept this late - he hadnt slept this late since...before he'd come here, anway.

He snuck a quick glance in her direction. She looked just as beautiful this morning as she had the night before. Instantly he turned away, pushing these thoughts aside.

"I'll be ready in just a minute..." He told her apologetically as he stepped into an adjoining room. He showed quickly, and threw on his pants. He'd forgotten a shirt, but there was nothing he could do. He stepped back into the main room, grabbed one and pulled it on, then buttoning it, he turned to her.

"Did you sleep ok the rest of the night?" He asked, sincere concern in his voice.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:11:40 AM
Fel smiled as Sasha went to change into some clothes. While she waited, she looked about his room.....it was a lot nicer in the day when no shadows could fool her into believing that they were something else. Smiling when he came back out, she was a bit surprised to see him....shirtless.....her mouth instantly hit the ground and she lofted a brow.

"Ah....uh huh...yeah, it was really....hot......I mean, cold....my room, was hot, then it got cold and now it's freezing...."

Way to go ace.... she thought to herself after stumbling over her words. Sighing, she felt her cheeks get warm and knew that they were about as crimson as a Dantooine Cherry. Smiling, nonetheless, she rose from her seat and patted the creases out of her robes, then looked up at him....all the while trying to avoid eye contact with him after her little....incident....She tried to push the picture and the accompanying thoughts from her mind, but alas, she found it nearly impossible....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:35:08 AM
He gave her a curious look as she stumbled over her words and explanation of the temperature of her room throughout the night. But then he noticed the crimson shade of her cheeks, and his flushed just as deep. He put two and two together, and knew she had been slightly surprised to see him half clothed. What he didnt put together was that she was embarrassed by stumbling over her words - he'd just figured she was a little surprised by how rude he'd been, getting dressed in front of this girl he didnt know. And for putting her in that situation, he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, its uh, pretty cold in here, too." He muttered, grabbing his lightsaber and blaster and carefully attaching them to his belt to avoid looking at her.

"Uh, so...you ready for a tour of the castle?" He asked, finally looking to her again., mostly recovered from his embarrassment.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:42:44 AM
Fel smiled to herself and noticed that he was blushing as she was. It made her giggled quietly to herself, but she nodded in reply to his question.

"Yes, I am ready....."

She moved over closer to him and then the pair left his room and walked out into the large hall between their doors. A smile crept over her lips once again as she thought about the coinicidence of their rooms being across from one anothers.

"So the Castle is pretty big, yes? I mean, from the outside, it's huge...I can only imagine the many places in here that one may not even know about...."

She said softly as she eyed the walls of the hall. Everything made of stone and materials of the such....it was beautiful and she was proud to call this place her home....even though it was a little scary at night....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:51:37 AM
As they moved into the hallway, he relaxed a bit, and they began walking and talking of the castle.

"It is huge...." He replied. "More than you could really ever explore in one day. Theres hallways I've still never bee down before, but every now and then when Ive got some time I check 'em out..."

As they walked, he pointed out various places or things to notice, or to be aware of. They were headed in the direction of the dining room, where they would be able to grab breakfast.

And in between these things, they fit in normal conversation.

"I was a little intimidated when I first came here," He admitted. "Back home it was just me and my mother. I think our whole home would have fit in my room...." He added with a slightly amused grin.

"What was your life like, back home?" He asked. He didnt mean to upset her in any way, but he was interested in knowing more about her - and the only way he would was to ask.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:02:43 AM
Fel smiled as Sasha pointed out different things in the Castle. It was big and beautiful....just like she had always imagined. Smiling as they moved toward the dining room, she thought about breakfast and how hungry she was.

"My home?"

She knew that he was asking about how her homelife was. Smiling as she thought about the good times, she tried to forget the bad.

"Well, I had my Parents and my Brother...and we all loved one another. We lived in the rich part of the city and so I was brought up with everything that a girl could want. They raised me well and we did things together. It was such a warm environment, my home was....unless my Father was angry. He used to beat me and my brother....more so me, even when I had done nothing to upset him. According to him, all things were my fault and I did all the wrong things in life. It's funny to think about...but he viewed my Brother as perfect. I still had to love him, nonetheless...and my Mother made up for his outbursts. She was so kind until they found out about my dreams and goals....and then they kicked me out...."

She paused in her words as painful memories rushed in. Sighing, she pushed the thoughts from her mind and concentrated on looking about the Castle as they walked through it....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:38:04 AM
His violet eyes narrowed. He didnt have a father of his own, so he wasnt really one who could judge, but he knew it was wrog that a father would beat his children. Particularly one like Feliciana. That anyone had laid a hand to her.....

He felt the heat rising in his cheeks. Protective anger that sizzled, threatening to bubble over.

"Im sorry." He stated quietly, brooding as they walked over the things she had told him.

"That wont happen here." He stated, determination in his voice. No one would touch her here. No one would abuse her. He wouldnt let them.

Again, he tried to rationalize his protective feelings. She was his sister in this order...he was protective because she was his sister.

He pushed open the door to the dining room, using a bit more force than necessary in his anger. Unlike many of the modern doors, the room the castle dining room was like the doors of old - big, wooden,heavy. It flung open, bouncing slightly off the door stop, and it took some effort to keep it from crashing back into the two of them.

He led her over to a table,and they sat down at a smaller, more intimate table along the window.

"Did you leave a lot of friends behind?" He asked as the server droid made its way over to them.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:04:14 PM
Fel smiled slightly at his apology, and shook her head. He didn't need to apologize for something that he could not control....it wasn't his fault. Sighing, she took his words in. "That wont happen here." She replayed it over and over in her mind....hearing the determination in his voice. It brought a smile to her lips again as he said this to her.

Suddenly the pair came to the large, wooden door of the dining hall and Sasha pushed it open....with a lot more force than needed. He was strong.....or angry, one of the two....and Fel could not decide which. Smiling despite her curiousity, she moved to the small, intimate table with a window and nodded in reply to his question.

"Yes...I did leave a lot of friends behind. Maybe not the biggest group someone could have...but I did have many....one in particular."

She looked down at the table as she thought about her friend, Xavier. How he had watched over her and protected her...he had been such a good friend and he gave her an unconditional love that she thrived upon. When her Father was in one of his moods, he and his family took her in and let her spend the night...the day, or a few days...even a week at a time, at their home...just so she could get away from hers. She seemed to stare off into space as she thought about him and those times...

Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:27:50 PM
He considered her words. He hadnt had a huge group of friends. There had been six or so of them that hung out together. Four guys and two girls. One of the girls was the sister of a friend, and the other was the girlfriend of a friend. As far as he now knew, they had moved on after the boys had left for the Imperial navy. Of the four guys, one he knew already to be dead. The others were in the military somewhere.

He'd been about to tell her that she didnt need a big group of friends - that sometimes a smaller group was better when she'd mentioned one in particular . He felt himself bristle slightly with...what? Jealousy? He didnt even know this girl - and if she had a boyfriend back home...well....what business was it of his? Besides, he wasnt interested in her anyway.

He watched her distant stare and looked away. Fortunately, the server droid arrived to break the silence between them. Once they'd placed their orders, they were left alone again.

"Was your boyfriend upset about you leaving?" He asked. He wanted to hear about this girl, about her love for this one in particular if anything, just to convince himself that he didnt care.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:36:34 PM
Feliciana had been off in space, thinking about the one in particular who had nearly saved her life a few times....when her thoughts were broken by the appearance of a server droid.

"I'll have...pancakes and some Namana Juice...."

She said gently and then looked at Sasha. His gaze was a curious one....and he seemed to change between a soft gaze and a hard stare. It made her wonder what he was thinking most of the time...."Was your boyfriend upset about you leaving?" She replayed his words...the tone of his voice when he spoke them...and it nearly made her laugh. She shook her head and smiled gently as she looked up at him.

"He wasn't my boyfriend...I've never had the pleasure of having a 'boyfriend', if you will. He was my best friend...he was like a brother to me. Then I told him of my aspirations to learn the ways of the Sith...and he said, 'That's alright....' and that he was going to follow in his Father's footsteps and become a Jedi. He wasn't made and actually...on my departure day....he was the only one to say good-bye and watch me leave...."

She said softly and seemed to look off into space. If their lives had not dramatically changed and she had decided to go along with her parents idea and become a Jedi too, she probably would not have lost contact with him. He had given her his address at his home and at the Jedi Academy he was training at...but she had pretneded to loose it...although she kept it in her jewelry box on a shelf in her room....

"How about you, did you leave a big group of friends...someone special?"

She was curious if he had a girlfriend back home and if so, she would not pursue the feelings that she had for him. Sighing with regrets of the stupid question, she sat back and eyed him for a moment...curious and wondering....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 01:18:59 PM
He felt relief as she confessed that the guy hadnt been her boyfriend. That meant that she was available....his thoughts came to a screeching halt. What the hell was he thinking? He'd wanted to know to prove he didnt care.

He looked away, out the window before he looked back to her. And when he did, she was staring off into space again. Clearly this guy who was like a brother to her meant quite a bit to her. He had to bite his tongue not to say anything bad about the jedi. It was her decision to make, not his. And why the hell did he care? He kept asking himself.

When she finally came back to Corellia with her thoughts, she asked him about his friends...about..someone special.

He shrugged. He'd been with girls before, dated them in the casual sort of way that a teenager does - infatuated one moment, and disinterested the next with the fickleness of youth and inexperience with love.

"I had a close group of friends." He replied, thinking briefly of them. A quick expression of regret passed as he thought of his friend who'd recently died in battle before it was replaced with his usual reserved expression.

"And no, no one special." He added leanign back a bit in his seat.

His violet eyes looked to her.

"So do you keep in touch with this guy?" He asked, wondering about her now jedi friend.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 01:34:05 PM
Fel smiled, glad that he too was....available....though she pretended as though she did not care. She noted the sadness in his eyes as he spoke of his friends...and perhaps he felt regret when he left them. His question shocked her a bit, and she smiled and shook her head.

"No....I.....lost his address. He wrote to me once....and I replied....but then I did not reply to his next letter...."

She had a bit of sadness in her eyes for partially lying to him. She had not lost his address....she still had it kept secretly in her jewelry box on a shelf in her room. Looking down at the table, she hoped that he would not see the evient guilt in her eyes....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:00:43 PM
He didnt assume she was lying, but he wasnt sure she was telling the complete truth either. The way she'd looked down at the table, he wasnt sure if she was upset, or hiding something from him.

He stared at her for a moment, in thought, his own eyes flickering to the table, then back to her.

"Its probalby easier that way." He commented, his voice oddly quiet, and then he changed the topic, for he had no desire to think or speak of the jedi.

Their food was served to them, distracting the two of them from conversation for a moment. They both ate in relative slience, with pieces of conversation here and there. Nothing important, for they both seemed to be delicately conversing around important issues.

When he was finished, he moved his plate aside the tiniest bit, and the droid quickly came to retrieve it.

He sipped at the water that had been brought to him, then he finally spoke again.

"Was this what you always imagined you'd be doing? You know, like when you were just a kid?" He asked.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:10:36 PM
Fel noticed him staring at her...wondering. She could tell that he was looking for the truth in her words...but she could not tell him. Sighing, she nodded at his comment.

"I suppose you're right...."

She said softly. His next question threw her off a bit.....for she had never really thought about it at this time in her life. Shaking her head, she sighed.

"I played along with the fact that I'd be a Jedi someday....but that was when I was younger. I always knew that it wasn't the life for me....I always knew I would be doing something like this now...but I did not dwell on it when I was younger...."

She said softly, wondering the same about him. She figured that he would tell her without her having to ask the question...she felt awkward asking right away anyway....so she finished eating and then pushed her plate to the side, allowing a server droid to come and get it from her....

Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:27:38 PM
He couldnt help but give her a curious look.

"You look so serious for someone who is getting to do what they always dreamed of doing..." He stated, his expression changing to a teasing grin.

"I always wanted to be a fighter pilot." He confessed.

"I probably would have if I hadnt stuck around for so long to watch out for my mother." He added with a thoughtful expression replacing his grin.

"Its kind of funny the way things turn out sometimes...."

"Anyway..." He said, standing from the table.

"You ready for the rest of that tour I promised you?" He asked, his hand reaching for hers to help her up from her seat at the table.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:38:47 PM
Fel giggled at his comment and shook her head. She was not too serious....she liked to have fun but right now, she was thinking about too many things at once. Sighing, she smiled and became intrigued when he spoke of becomming a Fighter Pilot...what a dream to give up.

"Wow, a Fighter Pilot? I've only seen those in books and stuff..."

She grinned and then when he rose and offered to take her hand, she smiled and placed her hand in his. She was ready to see the rest of the Order, if he would take her.

"Yes, I am ready....thank you for breakfast...it was wonderful.."

The young woman said softly as they walked toward the large doors once again and exited the dining hall....

Aug 5th, 2002, 07:45:03 AM
As they began walking through the halls once again, Sasha turned to Feliciana. A question had been on the tip of his tongue, but he was silent. There was something about the way the sunlight shining in from the windows - the way it fell upon her face. Why did this girl have such an effect on him? He turned away, heat rising to his cheeks in embarrassment.

Gruffly, he pointed out another room of the castle, just so he would have something, anything to talk about rather than what was actually on his mind.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 9th, 2002, 11:24:14 AM
Fel smiled as he pointed out some of the rooms. The place was huge....and she doubted that she could ever remember half of what she saw. Something caught her attention though....and it was not in the castle. There was something bothering Sasha....she could tell by the look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

She questioned cautiously, her voice just barely a whisper. She did not want to offend him by wondering...but she was concerned for him.....

Aug 9th, 2002, 01:29:31 PM
Her voice was so small as she asked him what was wrong. He wanted to admit then and there what he'd been thinking. But somehow, he couldnt. She'd think he was crazy, certainly. They'd only met last night...

He sighed softly.

"Its nothing, Fel." He replied, using already, a nickname for her. It wasnt something he noticed he had done, it just seemed to roll easily off his tongue.

He offered a smile, an attempt to make her forget the confusion she had read in his voice, on his face.

He led her into the gardens, where only hours before he had stood in the moonlight speaking with the dragon of the garden, of the castle, Shenraun. But there was no sign of the massive creature now, and the quiet sounds of natural wildlife created a soft hum in the air.

"These are the gardens...you arent allergic to flowers or anything are you?" He asked quickly.