View Full Version : It seems my friends are droppin....

Lord Gue
Jul 31st, 2002, 01:32:47 AM
I played a game at one time, T4C, a nice game, but not my point. I would post this at their board, but its a requirement that you be a paying custumer still to post, and I couldnt not let this one go unsaid. A good friend of mine has passed on, her name was Cattie, and while the details around her death are as of yet unknown to me I at least know she died painless. She was a very nice girl to hang around, she would stand up for anyone that was in trouble or having problems, she was always an ear to talk to, she was so full of life and it will be an empty realm without her. Though im aithiest I sincerly hope that shes in a better place now, somewhere appropriate for such a fine person, Cattie you will be missed.