View Full Version : Girl Psychology: Hello, Goodbye [Open]

Eve Siren
Jul 30th, 2002, 12:08:54 PM
OOC- This thread is for Eve to just rob a place. It can turn into a challenge or just remain a normal thread. Anyone, Jedi, Sith, etc. is welcome to join.

Standing on top of an oval roof, Eve looked down at the building in front of her. The lights just went out, and someone went down the elevator. She closed her eyes then opened them again. Her pupils grew larger as she inspected the inside of the large apartment. The 86th floor was empty. She grinned.

What's a girl got to do to get some money ? She told herself.

She sent a solid black rope towards the tower and watched it latch onto the brick wall of the building, right next to a large window of the floor. Attaching herself to the rope with a metal circle to her belt. She let herself go silently, then landed against the brick wall softly. With one hand, she pulled out glass knife from the other side of her belt, then drew a large circle on the window.

Licking her lips slowly, she managed to pull it out on the tip of her fingers and slid inside the circle hole silently. Inside, she kneeled down to the floor, putting the cut-out piece of window on the floor and looked around to make sure nobody was there.

Wow. Rich place.

She paced around the place silently, making sure there was no cameras.

Sukura Carme
Jul 30th, 2002, 12:54:01 PM
--Sukura massive frame was outlined beneath a faultering street lamp. It flickered on and off, illuminating her figure and then leaving it in complete and horrible darkness only to tease her and blink back on.--

--The wind was hardily blowing but Sukura's heightened senses caught a wiff of a wicked stench. Well it wasn't really a stench in fact it was just a smell...rather the smell of flesh, human and yet not quite human. She knew that smell, she dug deep into her horrible memory thinking, thinking....--


--She practically roared, the sound of it bouncing off the buildings and reflecting in loud echos through perhaps half the city. Her ears moved, catching the sound of scraping and meos and moans of all the beings in the city, it was late, most were asleep others roamed looking for their own type of fun and violence.--

"Fun...in this wretched place..?"

--Sukura blinked and tilted her head looking up at the massive building, catching the small climpse of a figure slipping through something--

"What the---? Now my eyes are going...The world is cruel.."

Eve Siren
Jul 31st, 2002, 07:59:35 AM
Finally done. No cameras. This is going to be easier than I thought.

She stepped into what seems like a control room. It was empty, but the computers were still on. She made sure there was no cameras once more before approaching the computers. A hacker room. She grinned. She didn't know much about computers, but there was always one thing she could resort to, when one wants to destroy it: a bat. But in this situation, the only thing closest to a bat was: a chair.

She grabbed a chair and slammed it against the bearest computer, and continued until it smashed into pieces. She grinned some more as she did the same to the other machines. Pieces to pieces as little electric wires was cut to pieces also.

Always need a warm-up.

Talus Brokenfang
Jul 31st, 2002, 09:14:36 PM
ooc* you don't mind if a noob comes along for the ride do you?
2:45 am

Talus had been up all night. He couldn't sleep. Something was eating at the insides of him. He had decided against becoming a Jedi, not enough action for him and besides who wants to be a senator's pet the rest of their life. He decided to take a walk outside for a breath of fresh air.

Sound of something being destroyed a couple hundred feet away.

Talus' ears perked up, he was a freak. At least thats what everyone on the street called him. 6' 5" 264lbs of steel. His senses were acute, in a few seconds he had already determined how far away the noise was coming from and what direction.

"What the hell I don't have anything better to do." He mumbled to himself and began to jog in that direction. When he came across the building he was sure the noise was coming from, plus it didn't hurt that he saw a rope dangling from the roof and a hole in the glass about 86 stories up. Talus sniffed the air; "Female... but there is something odd, she has the same distinct scent as I do. Great, another freak!" Talus thought to himself. Even though curiousity killed the cat, only a minor part of Talus' DNA had any feline in it. Talus looked around, to his left was a building with an old fire escape on it, moving quickly he climbed up the progression of ladders and platforms until he got high enough to make the jump to the rope. Squatting low he, thrusted himself forward towards the building and the dangling rope. With grace and agility that would make a chimpanzee proud he grasped the rope and pulled himself up to the hole.

"Obviously there aren't any cameras or security systems because it looks like our little intruder wasn't too worried about being sloppy." Talus had a bad habit of mumbling to himself, especially when he was alone. He gazed into the room as beheld a very shapely young woman getting her jollies by smashing very valuable pieces of equipment.

"Don't you just hate it when they talk back?" Talus asked suprising the object of his voyeurism, as he jumped down into the room with her.
"That XrZ-2400 over there looks especially mouthy" and he quickly spun and kicked out the monitor in it. "Mind if I join you?"

Eve Siren
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:58:29 AM
Eve's eyes widened as another man jumped into the scene. She had never seen him before, but somehow felt familiar. Her feline senses also acted up as she stood there, looking at the man. She squinted her eyes for another long moment, before hearing him ask if he could join.


She wasn't sure what to respond. She was a Sith, naturally, she didn't feel like sharing the loot but he seemed interesting.

"Nobody saw you ?" She finally asked.

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 1st, 2002, 11:41:28 AM
Talus smiled, she was Sith, he could feel it, although he had limited amounts of training as a young boy, he knew the difference between a lightsider and a dark one.

"No one, well except that entire squadron of Jedi outside." Talus laughed. He could easily amuse himself. "No one saw me, but I did feel something else outside, much larger than me actually and whatever it was moved pretty quietly so I'm pretty sure it knows we're around here too." Talus looked at the girl, she was very beautiful, but most freaks were good looking, question was would she kill him for interrupting since he knew she was probably a much better trained fighter and he saw that lightsaber hanging from her hour-glass hips.

"Don't worry about me or your money, I'm just out to make friends tonight." Talus added. He too had an affinity for the Dark Side and knew that Siths didn't like to share too much. "By the way you can call me Talus, instead of 'hey you" Talus smiled again. He wasn't much of a theif, he made most of his money in sport fights and sometimes as an enforcer for the local crime lord, but he could skulk around if need be.

Eve Siren
Aug 1st, 2002, 05:13:33 PM
"..." Eve remained silent once more.

She wasn't sure what he was, but she knew that he sensed she was a Sith. She cocked her head to the side, sighing and trying to make up her mind. Well, at least she'd have company. She shrugged her arms and walked past him, but tried not to do it in a rude way. She stepped into the hall and discovered the main room.

She looked up and saw a laser security box, placed over the door. She sighed. Though she was a Sith Knight, she was still a shortie. Turning to Talus, she motioned him to come over.

"Hey you."

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 1st, 2002, 05:32:29 PM
Talus' grin could have not been wider he walked towards her and silently spoke; "Yes'um" He saw the box above the door and reached for it, he could reach it but he couldn't see inside it enough to know how to deactivate it. Talus turned and smiled; "I can reach it but I can't see what I'm doing and I like having all my fingers." Then he walked around behind his pint-sized partner and stopped.

"Alley-oop" he said with a false grunt, as grabbed the girl by the hips and tossed her up on his shoulders. "There you should be able to see it a little better now" Talus laughed. He could only imagine what his counterpart was thinking right now.

Eve Siren
Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:28:19 AM
This actually was what Eve had in mind, but she didn't think Talus would actually do it. She tilted her head to the side, and dug in her fist into the metal box with ease. She threw the chunk of metal on the floor and now, it was nothing but a small hole filled with electric wires. She looked at them and sighed.

"What a pain in the ..." She groaned as she plunged her hand into the hole and ripped out all the wires.

She threw them down to the floor, and slid down Talus' back afterwards.

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:20:04 PM
"Very precise technique, I liked how you decided exactly what wires needed to be removed." Talus laughed, this girl was itching to get caught. Talus didn't mind particularly, but he was unarmed and not really in the mood to fight off security guards who would no doubt shoot first ask questions later.

"So exactly what do you want me to do when the security guards show up, miss?" Talus revealed that he didn't have a weapon on him by opening his long leather trenchcoat up. He was built well, dark creamy skin, a litttle over 2 meters tall and nearly 130 kilos, his face had a trimmed goatee and was framed by his long black dreadlocks. He had no peircings and no markings except for one tattoo located on his left shoulder which not even he could explain.

Eve Siren
Aug 3rd, 2002, 09:22:00 AM
Eve cocked her head to the side, and sighed. She dropped her gaze to her gun locked on the side of her thigh, but as her eyes slid down to the silver steel gun, they fell on his tattoo. It was located on the same place as hers, but didn't seem like it was a barcode.

She shook her head, half-confused, unlocked the gun and threw it to Talus.

"... Here."

She then ran her hand over her left arm jacket, over her barcode tattoo silently.

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:05:30 AM
Talus thanked her as he put the gun in his pants behind his right arm. He smiled at her. "I know you're a freak too, I could smell it." He tapped his nose as he finished speaking. "I've met others too, but I'm the only one with this marking, the rest have barcodes. I don't know what this means maybe it was some distinction, I tend to be a little bigger and stronger than most of the other freaks, but it doesn't matter, I don't even know who I am or where I'm from, they all talk about some center where they were being trained to be the elite soldiers of the empire before its fall, but I've never been in any center at least any that I can remember..." Talus' voice trailed off, his eyes looked towards the window, he heard something.

"Well Miss, if you're gonna make any money to night we better get a move on it, because it seems like someone has detected our stealthy presence."

Eve Siren
Aug 3rd, 2002, 03:35:07 PM
Freak. That was a really nice way to put it, and a sure way to get a girl, she sarcasticly thought. Her eyes shifted towards the window as she also heard something. It was no worries, but she didn't feel like getting caught. She paced into the grand room, and looked around. A huge frame was placed on the wall.

"This is too easy ..." She muttered.

She lifted the frame slowly, telling Talus to get down to the ground. As soon as it was completely lifted, an arrow shot out of it, but only hit the opposite wall. She knew the type of these people. She then just threw the frame to the ground. A lock. Who cares ?

"Another pain."

She smashed her hand into the combination, breaking it apart, and opened the safe. A few bags of credits, nothing big. She sighed.

"What a waste of time."

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:44:04 PM
"Waste of time, but momma always told me anytime spent in my company was never a waste." Talus smiled he could tell that Even wasn't a fan of the slang for the Geneticly engineered. Grabbing the blaster that Eve had loaned him he smiled and quickly uttered; "Shall we, miss?" Talus turned and kicked the door open, Now is not the time for tact he thought to himself. He turned back and looked at Eve, Does she want to be caught he thought to himself and started moving towards the stairs, he would suggest they go upwards and escape via the roof so as not to have as many security officers to bother with.

Eve Siren
Aug 4th, 2002, 06:49:16 AM
Eve shrugged as she unlocked her other gun, who was placed on her other thigh. She took the little money the safe was holding and just put it into her jacket's pocket. She just paced out of the room, passing Talus. Without looking back at him, she tightened her hand gloves, pulling them at the wrist.

"Well, my night's not completely ruined. I can still have fun. If you don't want to, then escape by the roof."

Talus Brokenfang
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:59:40 AM
She just made my night...

Talus grinned wickedly as he spoke; "What do you have in mind?" Then he put his hand behind his back and bowed like a butler; "After you m'lady..." Talus after all was nothing if not first a gentleman.

ooc* Hey eve I'll be gone for about 4 days starting monday and I may not be on tomorrow so if I don't reply for a few days don't think I'm quitting on you I just am on vacation.

Eve Siren
Aug 4th, 2002, 01:57:39 PM
OOC- No problems. :) Have fun.

Eve's arched her eyebrow as he bowed. She then walked past him, and out of the door. Security just started going up by the stairs, but Eve Siren was a classy girl; She used the elevators. She pressed the button going down, and waited. They were at the 86th floor, so it might take a while. She watched Talus coming out.

"I know you're a gentleman and all ... But I'm no lady."


The elevator's door opened.