View Full Version : The Quest of a Nobleman(Open)

Tomak Ohara
Jul 30th, 2002, 12:56:45 AM
Tomak was ina ship looking toward the infinte regions of space. There had to be another vampire out there. He looked at the symbol on his arm, a black and silver tattoo that said in an ancient vampire language "Giadsonmy". He knew there had to be another out there. He wondered if anybody had followed him. Well, he was looking forward to this. He had found his castle now it was time to find his clan and bring another to the light of the Jedi.

Dios Kane
Jul 30th, 2002, 01:35:17 AM
:: Dios came staggering out of one of the rooms in the back.::
Are we there yet? Wait, Tomak? What the heck am I doin here? Did you kidnap me again? Blast it all. Stupid vampyre, think he can just drink me up and then talk me into going on some crazy search.
:: Dios not so quietly staggered back into the room to change.:

Jul 30th, 2002, 01:51:57 AM
Zeke was in the cargo hold, snoozing in his cardboard box. It had been a simple matter to get on board: he just closed up his box and stuck a label on it. Now he woke up and wandered in search of Tomak.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:11:21 PM
Tomak laughed at Dios and thought to himself,"Not my fault you wanted to come. Wonder who else is here?" Tomak took to the rafters and then hung upside down for a bit. He thought about what he would do if he found another like him. Best not to worry now though. He heard footstepd from behind him and wanted to know who it was seeing as how he was in a secluded room. He called out to the person in the force and then drew his sword, "Who is there?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:20:05 PM
A dark figure stepped out of the secluded room and came within a 15 ft. distance of Tomak. His identity unkwown, for his face was hidden behind a dark hood. His entire body was covered in a night black cloak, and he was has silent as a dead man.

" Care for a spar?"

Tomak Ohara
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:25:43 PM
Tomak looked over to see this man standing there and then recognkized his energy signature, it was Kindo, "Sure thing friend, but I would like to fight you hand to hand, mono a mono. What do you say?" Tomak smiled and showed his fangs, his eyes shone a deep blood red. He reached in his pocket pulled out a blood pack and drank from it. Tomak put his fists up and then went into his schools ancient position. "So do you know any martial arts, or would you prefer that I pass mine along to you through example? We can still use force just no lightsabers. I miss the old way of fighting. So what do you say friend?" Tomak glared at Kindo once more.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:36:37 PM
" If you wish, but..."

He left his words unfinished. He removed his black hood from his face, then took off the cloak. He was wearing his standard all-black uniform like always. He had on his Jedi belt, which on his left had his lightsaber, and on his right in holster his blaster. The belt buckle has a silver Jedi emblem on it. He drew nearer to Tomak.

" ... but I am educated in the arts of Ninjutsu and Aikido."

Tomak Ohara
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:46:23 PM
"Nothing is a challenge to the art of the Vampire. We are faster than you think." Tomak shed his weighted clothing. He was now wearing his robe. He dissapeared in a flash and was behind Kindo in seconds. He delivered a hook kick to the back of his head and then came in for a flying sidekick to the gut.

Jul 30th, 2002, 10:53:45 PM
Zeke walked in and saw Tomak and Kindo fighting.

"Swizzle. Dios, I betcha Tomak wins."

Dios Kane
Jul 30th, 2002, 11:34:09 PM
:: Dios in his room heard Zeke.::
I betcha I could kick Tomak around the room twice before I woke up.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 30th, 2002, 11:57:25 PM
Kindo caught the kick and held it with his left arm. He then kicked Tomak's right behind the knee cap, causing him to fall. He then flipped over Tomak, standing a few feet in front of him.

Tomak Ohara
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:29:20 PM
Tomak took to the air using his wings and spun around quickly and came with both feet to Kindo's face his skin twisting with Tomaks feet. Tomak then grabbed Kindo's leg and threw him at a wall. Tomak stood there in a cross armed position,"You are good my friend, but as I tell all my challengers....your just not good enough." Tomak smiled and laughed, "Just joking my friend, you are an equal match in hand to hand sparring." Tomak went back and pulled himself into a deffensive position.

Aug 4th, 2002, 04:15:35 PM
"I'm betting your side."

Zeke leaned on the door to Dios' room.

"This is interesting."