View Full Version : In the Shattered Kingdom

Jul 28th, 2002, 02:55:48 PM
“It must have been one hell of a battle,” Lewis said as he stared absently through the view port of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Heaps of scarp metal and carcasses of once great warships orbited erratically across the space surrounding the ISD.

Lewis’ Secretary of War, Ester, stood just to the left of him and voiced his feelings too, “What was the Diktat thinking? Surely he knew marching in with practically the whole fleet would ensure destruction. Look at the Empire now…”

It was the seventh week since the news of Viscera’s death had reached the Empire. Every day, survivors of the war funneled into this sectors. Some of them came in on barely working capital ships—hulls of Star Destroyers where life support was in the red. The saddest, however, were the ones that came in on a Hyperdrive equipped starfighter. Meant for one pilot, often times, two or three crammed into the cockpit of a TIE, attempting to make a journey many lightyears to safety.

Then there were the frozen bodies of soldiers that the Yuuzhan Vong had dropped in system and had left to drift into the atmosphere before burning up. The expressions on those people’s faces were frozen in horror, as if the Yuuzhan Vong and other monsters of the Unknown Regions were too tough to even put up a fight.

A tug boat pulled an unsalvageable Carrack Cruiser towards the system’s sun. It released the Carrack, letting momentum and gravity pull the capital ship into a fiery death.

Lewis turned his head away. Almost as soon as the news had reached the Grand Admirals, splinter factions of the Empire arose. Rogue warlords, intent on taking what was left of the Empire for their own, broke off and created Remnants of the once great Galactic Empire. Territorial skirmishes arose between the Admirals, and it was only a matter of time before the Galactic Empire was fully destroyed by its inner squabbling.

Upon hearing the news of the Empire’s fall, Lewis kept his Rear Admiral’s commission under Vice Diktat Khendon. The slice of the pie controlled by the Black Star Fleet group was meager. Before reclaiming pieces of this shattered kingdom, Lewis thought it best to maintain the territory all ready occupied by the Fleet Groups’ ships, which did not amass to much.

Sean Piett
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:43:14 PM
No one had called Sean Piett. When he finally heard the news six weeks after the Empire set out on a crusade against the Yuuzhan Vong, Imperials had already rallied to their respective banners. What remaining forces might have joined Piett had already been spread amongst the other Warlords, and Piett would have quite a time trying to pry them away from such people as Lei Lebron, Taylor Millard, and Serena Laran.

So, rather than bother with that, he simply joined up with an already powerful Warlord - Khendon Sevon.

But where had this man been, that he missed such paramount news for more than a month? He'd been gone for ages now- more than long enough for dozens of rumors to spring up.

The truth was, it actually hadn't been anything critical. His absence started with a minor mission, and from there he just took something of a break. He'd done a little bit of Force training, he'd gone from Byss to Tatooine looking for good crewmen an pilots (and found quite a few brilliant people), and he'd done a little looking around in the Unknown Regions.

Well, here he was, standing on Delteon- Viscera's first planet as he rose to power. Khendon has taken it and it's population as his own, and Piett thought it a wise choice. Planets of great repute, such as Thyferra, would be much more subject to attack. Sean knew that this Federacy would go relatively unnoticed until they had already amassed a force large enough to adequately defend a planet from whatever foe.

Piett had just received the news that he would not be Khendon's right hand- instead, he'd chosen a Rear Admiral. Piett felt relegated if nothing else, but he knew that Sevon was intransigent in his choices. Fine. Let Lewis trumpet about, if he would. Piett had been assigned a fine ship, and he respected no officer more than Khendon. When Viscera returned, all would be set right.