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View Full Version : Flier: Party... cuz I missed the formal

Dios Kane
Jul 27th, 2002, 11:22:17 PM
:: Dios walked up to the message board and thumbtacked a flier to it with big letters that were seen from far away, they said party. He thought they should have a better way of putting up stuph like that but anyways. He laughed as he read over the flier. It said::

Alright, alright. Dios Kane, # 1 partier in all the GJO asks YOU to come join the party at the B&G. Don't worry about being late, there's no time limit and it's not formal so wear something that can breathe. And no wallflowering! It's not big nough to do that.

See ya there!

:: Dios was done and thought it was good so he made sure it was in and left. To the B&G.::