View Full Version : Finally saw Minority Reort

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 27th, 2002, 08:55:48 PM
Oh how thankful that decent movies still get made. MR, despite some bizarre continuality problems, is IMO, inspired filmakes. Even with 2.5 hours, I was immersed and just grabbed by it, and man was I unhappy when it finished! Absolutly love this thing.

Why cant we get more like this? And just why the frell didn't it do better at the B.O.? I love a moive that is intelligent and makes me think.

Oh, interesting note - at the screening I was at, the threatre was filled - and mainly with 20 something y.o. women. About 70 odd percent.

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:59:44 PM
I'm falling behind on my movies. I still haven't seen Minority Report, Road to Perdition or any other movie I've been meaning to see since AotC came out.

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:59:53 PM
Saw it, loved it.

It doesnt do well because of a few things IMO. Style, length (SOme people dont like watching long films), lack of cinema rewatch value...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:03:32 PM
I saw MR a week ago and I too have to say that it was fantastic! The theater I saw it at, screwed it up a bit though.....the sound kept going and the screen went black in a few of the best parts.
:( And the lights kept going on and off. :lol

There were a bunch of old people there......I mean, like, 70 year old dudes and ladies. :lol They were sitting behind myself and my friends and kept going, "Huh.....what did he say?"

And did you notice at the part where "Jon" meets that evil dude....can't remember his name.....the one with the little mustach/gotee thing going on.....well, he called "Jon", Tom!! :lol I heard it because I was really listening....I had not heard his name before that so I wanted to know....then I got confused because, well, you know.

Anywayz.....it was an awesome movie and I was disappointed when it ended! I'm definatly going to see it again! :D

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:28:48 AM
3rd favorite of the summer for me, behind AotC and Lilo and Stitch. Wonderful...got to see it 3 days before official release :)

Jul 29th, 2002, 02:11:27 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
And just why the frell didn't it do better at the B.O.?

I think it was slightly lost in the very crowded summer marketplace. This movie may have been more suited for a fall or winter release. It's almost too smart for a summer movie.

But it's got about $136 mil. in the bank I think. Not too bad.

Jul 29th, 2002, 08:07:13 AM
Eh, closer to 125M. Still a decent number though.

I do think the film was more of a fall movie (kinda like "Perdition")than a summer release.

Jul 30th, 2002, 02:46:47 AM
I mean, fall is for crap movies, no good movies come out in the fall except movies that the critics like and nobody else likes, pretty much, lol. Fall is a dumping ground of nonsense such as Blair Witch Project 2. There is late fall like Thanksgiving, but I consider that winter, at least it sure is winter here. It's just as much winter as September is fall, which it is, lol, and just as much as June 1 is summer, damnit, not June 21. I don't know how they arrived at all of that but it's very inaccurate ;)

Plus, winter ends by March 1, not March 21. They just need to subtract 20 days from each of their periods and they'd have it right.

A.I. and MR, man Spielberg is on a roll. Oh wait, he always is, haha.

Jul 30th, 2002, 09:16:50 AM
Late summer and early fall is a dumping ground I agree. However by late September and early October the "prestige" pictures start to roll out. Of course they will roll out for the next 3 months...till the New Year to be eligible for Oscar's gold.