View Full Version : Last 5 Albums You've Listened To

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:08:14 PM
Or for you young whipper snappers, what are the last 5 CD's you've listened to? (jedieb rears back and gets ready to unleash a Forcesmack in retaliation to buff's inevitable old man comment). Right now I'm listening to Pink's Missunderstood (Just Like a Pill is my favorite). I'm not usually into dance music but there are a couple of songs on there I really like. Anyway, here's what's in my 5 disc player;

Van Halen - Balance
Sting - Brand New Day
Journey (My all time favorite band) - Time Box Set, Disc 3
Barenaked Ladies - Greatest Hits 1991-2001
Sheryl Crow - c'mon, c'mon (this one is the wife's)

As sad as my list might seem to some, is it as laughable as the New Kids On The Block retrospective buff listens to every night? :rolleyes

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:10:32 PM
Uhhh do soundtracks count?? If not then I'm gonna really have to think about it.

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:12:32 PM
yeah, whatever you happen to be listening to at the moment or just recently. Just to get a taste of what we're all listening to.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:14:08 PM
Id have to consider smacking Buff too, although I still think hes a sweetie! :) the last 5 albums, and I do mean albums, that I listened to were:

1: Soundtrack from Grease
2: The Monkees
3. Beatles: Hard Days' Night
4. Beach Boys
5. Statler Brothers

(:) Dont make me hurt you, Buff ;) )

Jedieb, how old are you, if I may ask?

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:16:45 PM
Attack of the Clones Score
A Beautiful Mind score
The Phantom Menace score
Nirvanah - The Unplugged MTV show
The Planets - Holst(yes classical)

If you can't tell full orchestra is the only way to go. ;) I played cello for 8 years, I may be biased.

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:23:29 PM
I just turned 32 on Wed. LD1. I like your 1 & 3. I remember going over to my cousin's house as a kid and playing her Grease LP. It had that great double album cover art with pictures from the movie. I've got the Grease soundtrack on CD around here somewhere...

I didn't know you played an instrument CMJ. Aren't we the renaissance man? :hat Nirvana was all the rage when I was in college, but I never really got into grunge. Never bought one of their albums and I don't think I'll ever will.

Mu Satach
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:23:47 PM
Moulin Rouge
Ivy - Realistic
Euphoria - Delerium
Cher - Heart of Stone
Ivy - Apartment Life

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:25:57 PM
My wife got me the Moulin Rouge DVD for my birthday. I LOVE THOSE MEDLEYS!!! Does the soundtrack have them, or is it all remixes like that remix of Come What May? I didn't like the dance version that much, I would rather listen to a version closer to what we hear in the movie.

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:29:48 PM
LOL Jedieb, I AM a jack of all trades I guess. :) At least I have SOME knowledge about a great many subjects.

In other words I am an encyclopedia of mostly worthless information...I should go on Jeopardy.

As far as my musical taste goes...obviously in tilts towards full orchestra, but I do like other kinds of music. I like oldies...the late sixties era music(alot of Vietnam era classics)...alot of 80's retro...and especially the early alternative days. Nirvanah really opened the door for the early 90's to have good music...but by the middle of the decade the pop influence once again destroyed the industry.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:37:35 PM
With no offense intended to anyones' taste, I started listening to country and "oldies" during the 80's because I thought the music from that decade was just ....putrid. Unadulterated putridity, if thats a word, lol. Very few of the songs or the artists did I ever listen to, sorry. It surprises me but I like a lot of todays music. Guess my twins are keeping me in touch, eh? I love Pink! I thinks shes very good and I love the way she does things her own way! :)

CMJ, I took clarinet lessons for 4 weeks. Thats as close as I ever got to anything classical. But I do like some of the better known symphanies. lol, just dont ask me to name them. Oh! "The William Tell Overture"? thats one, isnt it? (Lone Ranger theme) :)

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:41:13 PM
Country music... uh.... I kinda like Garth Brooks, does that count? LD1, you've got twins? How old are the little buggers? My 3 year old boy and 16 month old daughter keep me hoppin'.

Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:44:33 PM

System of a Down - Toxiccity
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
Holst - Planets
Weird Al Yankovic - Running with Scissors

Hmm...can't remember before it.

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:46:01 PM
You are correct Ms Daquiri...it is the Lone Ranger theme. :) I remember growing up my dad always played that record because my brother and I BEGGED him too.

Pop listened to mostly classical music...and the Beatles. Maybe that's why I have a deep appreciation for both.

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:01:01 PM
Aside from Weird Al, I have no idea who any of the people Lebron listens to are. What kind of music is that?

I play classical music for my kids before they go to bed. Nothing to brag about, just some Bethoven or Mozart. I really like Bethoven's Ode to Joy and I'm a sucker for his 5th symphony. I really enjoy the American composer Copeland but I don't have any of his music on CD. I really should get some of his stuff.

Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:05:34 PM
Holst is classical. Linkin Park is Rock and System of a Down is heavy metal.

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:07:39 PM
Ahhh Beethoven's 9th symphony...4th Movement...the Ode to Joy. If a better piece of music exists, I have not heard it.

Mozart has some great stuff too of course. I totally dig the Reqieum Mass for one thing..and his opera's are really great.

It's funny you mention Copeland though Jedieb. He was my ex girlfriend's favorite composer(she was even planning on naming the first born after him). His Rodeo is a classic...the Hoedown(Beef it's what's for dinner) especially. His piece using Lincoln quotes is moving...and Fanfare to the Common man...what else can be said. His greatest achievement however, is Appalachian Springs for my money.

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:07:54 PM
I've heard of Linkin Park, I just didn't know it was spelled that way. Man, I'm out of it...

Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:09:28 PM
Yes you are Sir.

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:11:56 PM
Ahhh Beethoven's 9th symphony...4th Movement...the Ode to Joy. If a better piece of music exists, I have not heard it.

Remember the bank vault scene in Die Hard? That's what got me hooked on that piece. I could listen to it all day! Those Copeland pieces that the Beef Council uses in their commercials are great. It's funny how many great pieces are used in film and television as casual background pieces. Most people, me being one of them, probably couldn't identify the composer of famous pieces of classical music they've heard countless times.

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:16:25 PM
That's a terrific sequence Eb, but that piece can go with just about anything. :)

Yeah...classical music will outlive all of us. It has a life of it's own. :)

Don't feel too bad Eb, I can't recognize everything either. It is a bit sad how uninformed most people are about these pieces though.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:37:55 PM
The last five albums I've been playing were:

Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson
See This Through and Leave - The Cooper Temple Clause
Classical Chinese Folk Music - no particular artist
Attack of the Clones Soundtrack - John Williams
Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:55:06 PM
rofl! Actually, I like Weird Al. some of his stuff is funny! :)

Jedieb, Im 44 and my twins, who are both girls but not identical are 15 and 1/2. Should I fail to add the "1/2", I would hear no end to tje complaining! :) How I wish I could persuade them to slow down...it goes by all too fast! Just yesterday, I was your age and the week before, I was thiers. :)

Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:03:53 PM
You must live in some freakish time warp to age 30 years in 2 weeks...

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:14:55 PM
Oh no! Don't start talking about your kids...I'll get baby fever!

Jul 26th, 2002, 10:33:30 PM
OH where to begin on Jedieb(s) age ??

well , on the other hand , what would be the use. His alezimer's would kick in and he would just forget :lol :lol

and L D beat me , PLEASE !!!!:rollin ;)

lets see . the last five albums. although I did NOT listen to every track.

john seccada :. Love just another day, and Angel. Love just another day done in spanish

aotc sound track.

Hanging tough : New Kids are STILL the coolest :D

TPM sound track : Still LOVE duel of fates

The new kids Christmas album:

slipping and sliding through the city streets getting down with the sound of a christmas beat . I'm going I'm showing fresh ryhmes I'm throwing.it's snowing out side but I'm ho ho hoing santa is on the way sleigh bells a ringing..singing.....have a funky funky christmas

Colour by numbers culture club. that boy george is a riot ;)

That my friends is music.

Note: no offense to anyone who has a family memeber with all's. my granfather had it , and it sucked:(

Jul 26th, 2002, 10:34:48 PM
1. John Williams- AOTC Soundtrack
2. Rush- Vapor Trails
3. Eric Johnson- Ah Via Musicom
4. Led Zeppelin- Physical Graffiti
5. Eric Clapton- Unplugged

Jul 26th, 2002, 10:37:20 PM
Eb don't feel that old, i'm only 18 and I cannot recognize most of admiral's list. I just feels present day music lacks something, music stars are performers not artist, who seem to be in it for the money and the fame and not the music.

Last five cd's I've heard

-Attack of the Clones Soundtrack
-Alejandro Sanz-Básico (spanish singer who writes his own stuff, if you understand the language you will love his work).
-Bob Marley-Legend
-Los Fabulosos Cadillacs-Fabulosos Calabera (argentinian ska group, my favorite band in the whole world, for this one you don't actually need to understand the language, you'll just love the music).

Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:41:31 PM
I have 4 people. Weird Al has been around sinced the 70's and Holst has been around for a long time. Sheesh, his music was in Conan and thats...early 80s. Linkin Park & System of a down are new. Granted. Linkin Park has a very good heavy techno beat and SOAD is heavy metal. Lots of screaming and screaming.

Jul 26th, 2002, 10:45:40 PM
That's true, sorry then.

Rectifying, I don't recognize two on your list! ;)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:02:35 PM
Loki...I thought someone told me that you were ...like 14...? Youre getting baby fever? Forgive me if Im wrong :)

Buff, no offense taken by me for the "Alz" comment. My Grandfather had it too. :)

And, Buff? Consider yourself beaten! :spank ;)

Jul 26th, 2002, 11:06:30 PM
And, Buff? Consider yourself beaten! :o :lol :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:34:15 PM
From the latest one listened to -

1) Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
2) Lifehouse - No Name Face
3) The Muppet Moive soundtrack
4) AOTC soundtrack
5) Catch The Fire Again - Toronto Airport Church

Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:54:04 PM
From Latest One Listened To:

1. LOTR Soundtrack

2. AOTC Soundtrack

3. Furacou.....(Brazilian Dance Club Music) :lol

4. Lifehouse-No Name Face

5. Creed-Weathered

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 27th, 2002, 07:29:27 AM
Loki...I thought someone told me that you were ...like 14...? Youre getting baby fever? Forgive me if Im wrong

Nope, I'm 18. 19 in Septemper and don't you forget it! :p

And as for the baby fever, aye, I can't wait to become a father one day. I know my life wouldn't be complete until the birth of my first son or daughter. I sound like such a bloody woman - but I don't care! :mneh

Admiral Lebron
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:27:04 AM
You do sound like a woman . . . :)

Jul 27th, 2002, 10:18:50 AM
You must live in some freakish time warp to age 30 years in 2 weeks...
It seems the older you get, the faster time passes. I know exactly what LD1 is talking about.

Loki, if you spend 30 minutes with my kids they'd cure you of that baby fever REAL quick. Gotta go, Justice League is coming on and the boy doesn't want to watch it by himself. But man, even he knows New Kids is something to be mocked and not revered. ;)

Tianje Xhu
Jul 27th, 2002, 04:16:02 PM
Loki, hun, I think if thats what you want in life, children and a family, then by all means get it! Children are wonderful! Yes, theyre more work than you can imagine but worth every moment and every heartbreak...and trust me, that comes with it, too. But I wouldnt change a thing! :)

From what you say, I think you'll make a terrific father and I wish you all the best!! :)

Jul 27th, 2002, 07:14:35 PM
You've been picked and it's over
What's that chip on your shoulder?
Outside were solid rainbows
Inside is where the heart grows
Picking up the pieces
Something more to believe in

As you search the embers
Think what you've had, remember
Hang on, don't you let go now
You know, with every heartbeat, we love
Nothing comes easy
Hang on, ask the lonely

You've got some fascination
With your high expectations
This love is your obsession
Your heart, your past possession
Let down your defenses
Won't be up to the one who cares

As you search the embers
Think what you've had, remember
Hang on, don't you let go now
You know, with every heartbeat, we love
Nothing comes easy
Hang on, ask the lonely

When you're feeling love's unfair
You just ask the lonely
When you're lost in deep despair
You just ask the lonely

When you're feeling love's unfair
You just ask the lonely
When you're lost in deep despair
You just ask the lonely

When you're down in deep despair, when you'r down in deep despair...
ask the lonely

Sorry, couldn't help myself. :D It's my alltime favorite Journey song. Not one of the biggest hits, but it's always resonated with me for a variety of reasons. I've just listened to it for the 3rd time in the last 1/2 hour.

All kidding aside Loki, your enthusiam for fatherhood is admirable. Tianje is right, nothing will they're worth all the work and heartbreak. Nothing you'll ever do will be as important as being a parent. If that's the attitude you take then you'll do a fine job.

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:25:13 PM
AotC score
FotR score
Tragically Hip, Day for Night
Dave Matthews Band, Busted Stuff
Weezer, Maladroit

and just before that, like your lady Jedieb, Sheryl Crow, C'mon C'mon. And just before that, Nina Gordon. :)

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:31:36 PM
I like the first 2 songs; Steve McQueen and Soak Up the Sun, but I'm not that into the rest of the album. My wife's got a couple of her other albums. She's got some great material.

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:45:58 PM
IMO, Sheryl Crow is one of the most talented musician/songwriters in music today. A pretty impressive resume for someone who's solo career didn't take off until she was in her early 30's.

Wytchy Woman
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:22:19 PM
I like LD's style, except I don't like the beach boys - too cheesy or something strange like that.
The last 5 CDs I have listened to today were all combination plate CDs that I burned according to my liking. There is everything on these CDs from Bob Seger (You'll Accompany Me) to I'll Fly Away, which is a very old and beloved hymn remade for the O' Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack. Other artists on these include Boyz II Men, Gladys Knight and The Pips, George Strait, Pink Floyd, Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes from the Braveheart ST, and some Ray Boltz (a Christian artist) thrown in for good measure - don't criticize until you've listened to the song "Our God Is An Awesome God".
Yep, I'd say it's safe to say I've got very eclectic taste :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 27th, 2002, 10:08:45 PM
Hmmm. Another LD!! OH NOO! Do I have to fight Lady Daquiri for the initials? ;)

Anyway...last five albums...hmmmm

Lifehouse, No Name Face
Pink, Can't Take Me Home
The Matrix Soundtrack
Michelle Branch, whateverthenameofheralbumis
The Goo Goo Dolls, Gutterflower

Tianje Xhu
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:50:13 AM
:lol Nah, you can have the initials, since you were here first. If everyone will just tack a "1" on the end of mine, that should work! :)

However....should I return to TalkCity's SW chats and you show up there.......:)

I love Foreigner! "Waiting For A Girl Like You" has to be one of my all time favorites! I would hate to have to name my 5, 10, 50, or 100 fav songs....I dont think I could do it! Oh!! The Eagles, "One Of These Nights"!! LOL, see what I mean?!

Jul 28th, 2002, 04:33:32 AM
1. Danzig - I Luciferi
2. John Williams - Attack of the Clones
3. Garbage - Version 2.0
4. Iced Earth - Horror Show
5. Alice Cooper Dragontown

Admiral Lebron
Jul 28th, 2002, 07:49:16 AM
I need to burn a second CD...the only CD I burned is like..3 years old. Songs are still good...but...so old.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:36:52 AM
1. Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle-Earth
2. Music from the Succubus Club
3. Creed - Weathered
4. Soundgarden - Down on the Upside
5. David Bowie - [I don't know the name, some greatest hits 2 disc thing with stuff from every era of his career]

Jul 29th, 2002, 10:43:36 AM
1. The Phantom Menace Soundtrack
2. Pink Floyd - The Division Bell
3. Mahler - Third Symphony
4. Debussy - Pelleas and Melisande
5. Bartok - Concerto for Orchestra

I too am a classical music nut... That's the good stuff. And CMJ, Beethoven's Ninth happens to be my favorite smyphony as well... It is interesting to hear different opinions of it, because if you ask most singers, they will tell you it is poorly written for vocals... My opinion is that it is the music that is most important - if it is difficult to sing, that's too bad... Beethoven knew what he wanted, and the result is an incredible synthesis of voice and instruments in perhaps the greatest of symphonies...

You should give Mahler's 3rd (actually, all of his symphonies are great) a try - if you like Holst and Beethoven, this will probably be right up your alley --- it's excellent stuff...

Jul 29th, 2002, 07:14:34 PM
Tell me you like Aaron Copland too McBain and we're totally on the same wavelength. :)

Jul 30th, 2002, 07:44:43 AM
Copland is definitely cool!!! His 3rd symphony, Rodeo, Billy The Kid, Appalachian Spring - all excellent... And while not very well known, a lot of his piano solo music is pretty good too...

Jul 30th, 2002, 09:08:38 AM
Ahhh McBain, I found a kindred spirit. :)

It's hard to find classical fans these days. Most of my friends back home teased me about it. :)

Soolin Anjhurin
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:13:48 AM
Rush - Roll the Bones
Steve Vai - Passion and Warfare
Queen - A Kind of Magic
Prince - Controversy
Sisters of Mercy - Floodlands

Jul 30th, 2002, 10:09:15 AM
Yeah, it is always cool to find another classical fan, CMJ... It seems like they are getting fewer and fewer... But it really is the best stuff. Nowadays, an artist is lucky if they stay popular for a decade or so - a lot of artists go in and out in the blink of an eye. But the great classical masters: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, etc... they've been on top for hundreds of years. That alone should speak for the quality of their music.

Now, that isn't to say that all artists nowadays stink. There are definitely artists around today that are quite good and there are some who have music that I think will endure for quite a while. But today's society breeds so much unoriginal, disposable, dare I say cr@ppy, music that IMHO the quality of contemporary music as a whole is cheapened.

And CMJ, I know what you mean - it kinda stinks when people give you cr@p for listening to it. I find, though, that people are sometimes afraid or intimidated by it, so they make fun of you for listening to it, but once you actually talk with them about it and explain a little bit about what it is about, they start to realize that it isn't so bad. There was actually a guy at work who used to give me a lot of cr@p about listening to it... I let him borrow a few discs and we talked about some of the pieces. Now he has a good appreciation for it and is building up his classical CD collection.

Anyway, I'm rambling on - but yes, always good to find another classical fan... If you ever want to chat on some classical stuff, drop me a line... :)

Jul 30th, 2002, 12:07:31 PM
Likewise McBain. :)

Jul 30th, 2002, 12:54:37 PM
Soolin listens to Queen, WOO HOO!!! That's one of my favorite Queen albums.

Do you guys recommend any particular Copeland compilation? I want to pick something up next weekend.

Jul 30th, 2002, 12:59:07 PM
There was one I saw just the other day Jedieb that had "Hoedown" his "Fanfare to the Common Man" and most of "Appalachian Spring" on it.

Maybe I'll go back and get the exact title for you. :)

Jul 30th, 2002, 05:03:34 PM
The selections CMJ listed are the essentials. Hoedown is from a larger suite of pieces called Rodeo, the whole suite is really good.

Jul 30th, 2002, 05:07:28 PM
"Buckaroo Holiday" baby. ;)

Jul 30th, 2002, 05:37:31 PM
Replaced Weezer and Dave Matthews with Victor Wooten in America and Incubus, Make Yourself.

Mu Satach
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:06:41 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
My wife got me the Moulin Rouge DVD for my birthday. I LOVE THOSE MEDLEYS!!! Does the soundtrack have them, or is it all remixes like that remix of Come What May? I didn't like the dance version that much, I would rather listen to a version closer to what we hear in the movie.

Alas, the Moulin Rouge Sndtrk (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005BJ2O/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/102-7155474-0505740) was my sister's (and I was too busy chatting to really listen to it) so I can't be too certain of the comparison.

I do know that on the CD David Bowie's version of Nature Boy is different than the snippets at the begining and end of the movie. And Beck's "Diamond Dogs" there is only a snippet of it in the movie... maybe... but I believe the El Tango De Roxanne is the version that's in the film.

I just did a quick check, they have released a second vol. (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005YW4Z/ref=pd_sbs_m_1/102-7155474-0505740) that seems to have more versions from the movie rather than different mixes... and having said that... I've decided to purchase The Collector's Ed. (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000063T0T/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_f/102-7155474-0505740) of the soundtrack for myself... as I can't get the "Come what may" out of my head and want both volumes anyway. =)

Jul 30th, 2002, 07:39:24 PM
as I can't get the "Come what may" out of my head and want both volumes anyway. =)
You and me both. That's a love song that can haunt you and stay your gut for awhile. Ewan's performance was just amazing. That's one of my favorite songs from the movie.

Mu Satach
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:44:58 PM
Same here... though I love every second of the whole thing. I find myself humming the songs a lot while I'm working. (so exciting... la la la la la la la... so inviting... la la la la la la la... ) I've only had my DVD for about a month and I'm already wearing it out. :D I think it has benn played more times than all my other DVD's put together I think. (small collection)

I was very surprised by Ewan and Nicole's performances. I didn't really care for Nicole before I saw the movie... but I loved Satine so I have to tip my hat to her.

Gabran Darkysa
Jul 30th, 2002, 11:33:16 PM
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graphitti
Zakk Wylde & Black Label Society - 1919 Eternal
Black Sabbath - Born Again
Led Zeppelin - In through the out door
Eagles - Greatest Hits

Jul 31st, 2002, 02:13:59 AM
Nice, EB, I like Pink...

I like Just Like A Pill, it's a catchy, good song I think.

Umm, I do not buy many CDs to be honest, I just get a lot of MP3s, but if I really like a particular artist and think they deserve my money for the full CD, sure, I'll get it. Like I got the Linkin Park CD...

Before I lost my hard disk, ahem, a few new songs I like...

Daniel Beddingfield -- Gotta Get Through This (good dance song I guess, but I just like the general catchiness)
Dilemma -- Nelly and Kelly Rowlands I guess
Love at First Sight -- Kylie Minogue (really catchy, love this song, hehe)
Ordinary Day -- Vanessa Carlton I think? I hope I don't have that wrong. Somehow, to me, she reminds me of Michelle Branch, perhaps because I really like both of their music...

Then yeah, I still listen to the AOTC soundtrack.

Recently, I have been listening to my REM -- Reveal CD again, which I think is quite good. Especially Immitation of Life and the first four tracks of it. Well, it is all good pretty much.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 31st, 2002, 07:22:18 AM
The Moulin Rouge Soundtrack is excellent and a must-have for anyone who likes the film, it's great stuff. :)

Jul 31st, 2002, 03:30:58 PM
It kinda saddens me to see what kinda music you guys listen to. It's so American oriented. There's so much great European music.

Would you mind me giving y'all some downloading suggestions?

If so, then please try these:

Ten Sharp - You
Krezip - Won't Cry / I Would Stay
Anouk - Nobody's Wife
Total Touch - Touch Me There
Standfast - Carcrashes
Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tu
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Doe Maar - Bella Donna
Air - All I Need / La Femme d'Argent
Lois Lane - It's the First Time
Mark Foggo - Ska in a Bar
Party Animals - Aquarius
Kane - Rain Down On Me

I'm not saying you won't know all those or like all those, but I'd be very interested to hear what you know and especially what you like.

Jul 31st, 2002, 03:59:45 PM
Dude, we live in AMERICA, what do you expect? Our music is excellent anyway, there is no reason to be "saddened" by AMERICANS listening to AMERICAN music.

Anyway, I listen to Shakira and she's from Latin America or something and my favorite group is actually ATC (A Touch of Class),which is a group with members from europe, New Zealand, and Australia I believe. Then Eiffel 65 is great techno and that is Europop.

But needless to say, most of the music I listen to is going to be American music. Much like American movies, ours is just simply better on the whole :)

Mu Satach
Jul 31st, 2002, 06:26:09 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
But needless to say, most of the music I listen to is going to be American music. Much like American movies, ours is just simply better on the whole :)

Disclaimer - the above stated opinion is solely that of the person who stated it. :p

I love Euro music... but it's hard to come by over here in the States unless there are good friends who clue me in... (there are only 2 stations I can think of that play stuff from elsewhere and naturally they are community radio stations who rely on public funding)
Then to try to purchase it is another issue... for me it involves a trek to a small local CD shop that will order in stuff.

And the initial question was just what were the last 5 CD you listened to... not what's on your shelf. :)

Jul 31st, 2002, 10:18:32 PM
Well thank you for the disclaimer.

I like some foreign music, but this has always been where it's at pretty much, and the U.K. Those two places mostly produce the biggest worldwide hits. I mean, that's why we have bands that tour all of the world. There are not any well known Hong Kong bands, lol, not to the real world anyway, maybe in their little corner of the world. There are not any well known French bands that anyone outside of France actually knows about. Our movie stars, OUR artists, OUR directors dominate the world of popular culture. That is our territory.

Technology like video games and whatnot, that's mainly up to Japan and our American branches of their companies. Then chips and a lot of other tech products are also Japanese. When it comes to movies and music, though, we rule. That includes Canada because quite a lot of talented people come down from there to make it in Hollywood or the music industry.

You need look no further than any box office top ten chart anywhere in the world, outside of *possibly* China, and you can see that American made films dominate their box office charts while RARELY will you ever see a foreign film in our top ten. It just simply doesn't happen. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Life is Beautiful are two notable exceptions but that is going back many years too. In other countries, American films are #1 most of the time. World culture and their funds simply cannot compete with America, simple as that. Obviously that excludes, for instance, Canada and the U.K., both of which are English speaking and contribute plenty to pop culture. Mexico, though? Hell no. Australia? GREAT place for film production... U.S. film production. As one actor recently said, "Australian film industry? WHAT Australian film industry?" There is none. There is only their studios that we use. It's like a slave country to Hollywood pretty much. There is no Australian film industry except to serve U.S. interests. Unfortunate? Maybe. True? Definitely. Still, there is lots of talent in Australia, one would have to assume that sometime they will start making their own movies.

Aug 1st, 2002, 01:47:32 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I like some foreign music, but this has always been where it's at pretty much, and the U.K. Those two places mostly produce the biggest worldwide hits.

Yeah, and that means they're the BEST songs too, huh?

I mean, that's why we have bands that tour all of the world. There are not any well known Hong Kong bands, lol, not to the real world anyway, maybe in their little corner of the world. There are not any well known French bands that anyone outside of France actually knows about. Our movie stars, OUR artists, OUR directors dominate the world of popular culture. That is our territory.

You're not even joking, right? Instead of becoming more openminded, you seem to become more and more arrogant, as for your "Americans are the best in everything they do (in popular culture)"-attitude.

So, did you try those songs I listed?


Aug 1st, 2002, 01:50:32 AM
Oh, what kinda music do you like?

You like techno then?

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 1st, 2002, 06:09:48 AM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
The last five albums I've been playing were:

Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson
See This Through and Leave - The Cooper Temple Clause
Classical Chinese Folk Music - no particular artist
Attack of the Clones Soundtrack - John Williams
Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette

Marilyn Manson = American
TCTC = English
Classical Chinese Folk Music = sef-explanatory
John Williams = he is american but I wouldn't classify the music as american.
Alanis Morissette = Canadian

I'm safe from becoming americanized. :D

As far as I am concerned, British music is better than American music anyway. What American music I do hear is just al that manufactured, commercial crap; I'm sick of the brand-name nu-metal nonsense like Sum41, Linkin Park and Bowling for Soup.

England has it's fair share of pop music and it does dominate our chartrs unfortunately but living here I get to experience other great music such as TCTC, Muse or Oasis.

Aug 1st, 2002, 08:06:00 AM
Oasis???? O_o


Aug 1st, 2002, 08:52:37 AM
I love Oasis...and I know they're absolutely huge in the UK. My brother visited there a couple years ago and said about 1 in every 4 people had an Oasis shirt on.

Aug 7th, 2002, 04:18:45 PM
Originally posted by Dutchy
Would you mind me giving y'all some downloading suggestions?

If so, then please try these:

Ten Sharp - You
Krezip - Won't Cry / I Would Stay
Anouk - Nobody's Wife
Total Touch - Touch Me There
Standfast - Carcrashes
Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tu
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Doe Maar - Bella Donna
Air - All I Need / La Femme d'Argent
Lois Lane - It's the First Time
Mark Foggo - Ska in a Bar
Party Animals - Aquarius
Kane - Rain Down On Me

I'm not saying you won't know all those or like all those, but I'd be very interested to hear what you know and especially what you like.

No one?

Come on, guys!

Don't let me down. :)

Aug 8th, 2002, 10:18:07 AM
Back to the topic at hand;

The Rising - Bruce Springsteen
Trial By Fire - Journey
Maroon - Barenaked Ladies
Greatest Hits - Eddie Money
Bily Joe's Greatest Hits Vol I

Aug 8th, 2002, 12:42:51 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Back to the topic at hand;

I'll take that as a huge NO. :(

Aug 8th, 2002, 12:53:17 PM
Geez Dutchy don't get sensitive. :p

As I'm sure you could tell from my posts I don't like much current music period.
Maybe that's why I'm going to an Orchestra concert tonight(provided it's not sold out). ;) Beethoven's 9th here I come :D

Aug 8th, 2002, 02:21:47 PM
Dutchy, if I'm going to listen to non-American music then I'd probably listen to some Salsa. I'd listen to Cuban and Latin music I grew up hearing as a kid. It's not that I think the music I listen to is better than anybody's, but it is the music I listen to. If I go looking for something out of my norm or non-American, then I go back to my roots, not European music. I'm not telling you to listen to Journey or Barenaked Ladies am I?

Who's performing the symphony CMJ?

Aug 8th, 2002, 02:43:30 PM
The LA symphony orchestra...at the Hollywood Bowl. I'm gonna stroll up there in a bit to see if I can get any cheapo tickets. :)

Aug 8th, 2002, 04:32:56 PM
Originally posted by CMJ
Geez Dutchy don't get sensitive. :p

As I'm sure you could tell from my posts I don't like much current music period.

That's okay, I'm just wondering why no one seems to bother. :)

Aug 8th, 2002, 04:33:51 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
I'm not telling you to listen to Journey or Barenaked Ladies am I?

And I am not TELLING you to do anything, am I?

Aug 8th, 2002, 07:44:36 PM
Nah, you're stumping for it though. ;)

Aug 9th, 2002, 07:07:00 PM
That's what I'm talking about Dutchy, you're "stumping" for it. You're making it seem as if there's something wrong with us for not going out of our way to listen to music you like. I mean, have YOU gone out of your way to listen to some of the music people here have mentioned? :D

You're "wondering why we don't bother?" Why should we? Nobody went for your suggestions, no harm, no foul. I don't think the music I listen to is better, it's just the music I listen to. I don't suggest that anyone listen to my stuff and then ask them to explain why they're not listening to it. I'm sure as heck not going off on an "everything American is great tangent." That's somebody else. ;)

Princess Sunflower
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:29:41 PM
I personally think that some of you guys are being very narrowminded by not giving Dutchy's song suggestions a chance. Just because someone is an American that doesn't mean we should just listen to what American radio, MTV or VHI dictates we should listen to. I am an American and think is sucks that the only music that is shoved down our throats are what the big music executives think we should hear because of their financial backing of these groups/singers just to make money.

Music is alot more than that. There is alot of wonderful music out there is is NEVER heard because groups can't get a break and that's a damn shame.

Just what do you guys consider to be "American Music" anyway?
Does the group need to be born in America? Music only played in America? If you listen to some of the songs Dutchy suggested you would never know they were "European". They sing in English and could very well be hits over here if they had the right financial backing.

No one's telling anyone they HAVE to do anything..it was just a suggestion to broaden your musical horizons...C'mon guys...give um a chance....if you dare! : ) I know I did and I really liked what I heard!

Aug 11th, 2002, 08:57:21 PM
Sunflower, it's not the suggestions that we mind, it was the way someone acted when they weren't followed up on. And again, I listen to what I like. When I want to listen to something different, I listen to some Salsa or other Latin music. I just don't have any interest in going out of my way to hear any European music whether it be techno, dance, or whatever. I don't go around telling people to pick Tito Puentes records and then asking why no one bothers to follow me up on it. The whole point of this thread was just get people to list what they were currently listen to. AGAIN, I don't think what I listen is better than anyone else's music, it's what I listen to.

If you pay attention, lots of different kinds of music were talked about and discussed here. Look at all of the classical suggestions tossed back between McBain, CMJ, and myself. But we didn't ask anyone why they were ignoring OUR choices did we? When I want to expand my musical tastes I listen to Classical or Latin music. I think that's pretty broad. What, I have to listen to music from every other part of the globe? I've already covered 3 continents and a few centuries in this thread, but I'm narrow because I don't follow someone else's suggestions?

Princess Sunflower
Aug 11th, 2002, 08:57:34 PM
Here's my list of 5 last CD's I've listened to:

The Very Best of Chicago by Chicago
Gutterflower by Goo Goo Dolls
No One Does It Better by Soul Decision
Camino Palmero by The Calling
Living Proof by Cher

Aug 11th, 2002, 09:02:24 PM
They get bashed sometimes, but I like Chicago. Is that a new greatest hits collection?

Princess Sunflower
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:42:31 PM
Jedieb, I can understand your point of why people wouldn't bother to listen to Dutchy's suggestions if they didn't like that TYPE of music. Alot of people here listed what I would call "rock" music and I would think if you liked "rock" music you'd like to hear what kind of "rock" music was popular in other parts of the world as well. If you don't like "rock etc" then you probably won't like his suggestions. You graciously gave your reasons why you wouldn't so, no, I don't consider you to be narrowminded. If you suggested that I download Classical music, for instance, then I wouldn't because I don't care for that type of music. My point was people didn't seem to be interested in giving his suggestions a chance just because they were "European" songs and not "American" songs that's all.

hehe ..I like that Disclaimer thingy you wrote. I agree with your entire post about not being able to easily get your hands on other than mainstream music. The internet has really opened my eyes to "other than American" music because of friends I have made on the net and being able to download songs

Jonathan said:

"Much like American Movies, ours is just simply better on a whole"

Now THAT saddens me too...just what do you base this on Jonathan. You said you liked Eiffel65...well listen to the Total Touch song Dutchy suggested that's really a kick@ss dance song.

Again I ask...just what is the definition of "European Music"???

Princess Sunflower
Aug 11th, 2002, 09:53:37 PM

YUP...this greatest hits collection was just released about a month ago. It's a 2 cd set with 39 songs on it. I really like listening to my fav Chicago tunes crisp and clear on CD. I've been listening to them on vinyl with the scratches all these years! LOL

This collection is being advertised on TV but you can get it alot cheaper in the store. The cheapest place I found it was at Target.

Aug 13th, 2002, 03:36:44 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
That's what I'm talking about Dutchy, you're "stumping" for it. You're making it seem as if there's something wrong with us for not going out of our way to listen to music you like.

BS, Jedieb. I said "Would you mind", "please", and that "I'd be very interested to hear". That's not stumping for it, that's friendly giving you guys some music suggestions.

I mean, have YOU gone out of your way to listen to some of the music people here have mentioned? :D

No, I have not, because I am familiar with a lot of stuff you guys mentioned. Have you asked people to try your music, though?

Princess Sunflower, thanks for your support. I guess these guys just don't know what they're missing. :)

Aug 13th, 2002, 06:18:42 PM
Princess Sunflower, thanks for your support. I guess these guys just don't know what they're missing.
Well aren't we all just unenlightened slobs that are "missing out" on what Dutchy has to offer us. I guess EVERYONE that's said your being a bit pushy and overly sensitive is waaay off. You're sounding a bit like Jon in one of his moods. And is "BS" more of that polite talk you've been using? ;) I think if you'd look back at the thread you'd see that people ignored your suggestions and you were a bit put off by it. You shouldn't have been. I'm not the only one who noticed it. Remember, stumping was someone else's observation, not mine. Princess Sunflower isn't just supporting you, she was polite to others as well. Or was she way off when she said I was being "gracious" in my explanations?

Aug 13th, 2002, 07:57:33 PM
Please...don't get testy people. :p

I will say Dutchy was a BIT overly sensitive. I wasn't sad when peple were ignoring my choices. In fact really only McBain and Jedieb said anything about them at all...and I was THRILLED! I figured I'd just get alot of "Classical sucks comments" or something.

Seriously...no one even put your suggestions down Dutchy. :)

Aug 14th, 2002, 04:51:51 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Princess Sunflower isn't just supporting you, she was polite to others as well. Or was she way off when she said I was being "gracious" in my explanations?

Or when she said she thought that some of you guys are being "very narrowminded" by not giving me suggestions a chance?

I don't know, you yell me. :)

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:49:42 PM

Aug 14th, 2002, 08:29:01 PM
Again, back to the thread

Remember those big vinly discs people use to put on ancient devices called turntables? I dusted off these two yesterday;
Heart - Bad Animals
Toto - Farenheight (Just to hear this one love song called "I'll Be Over You", it's a old HS gut wrencher.)

Tomorrow I'll be back in my classroom getting ready for the new year. I've got a bunch of CD's ready to go. I'll post what I listened to tomorrow night.

Aug 14th, 2002, 08:33:59 PM
Oh, I just can't resist;

Seriously...no one even put your suggestions down Dutchy.
See what we're talking about Dutchy? You're suggestions may have been ignored, but they weren't put down. And there's only one person that went off on a "my music's the greatest becuz of where I live" rant, and it wasn't ANY of the people who been replying here lately. You're just overreacting a bit. "Lighten up Francis." ;)

Aug 15th, 2002, 07:54:24 AM
Yeah, really. If I listed my favorite groups, 99% of people here wouldn't recognize the names because they're Canadian (no, not Barenaked Ladies or Alanis:p )
It doesn't mean they're putting them down, just not familiar with them.

Aug 15th, 2002, 10:46:00 AM
When you said Canadian BNL was the first group to pop into my head. :lol And let's not forget the musical force that was Bryan Adams. Summer of 69 rules!!:D

Aug 15th, 2002, 11:12:18 AM
His one and only good song. I can't stand that guy, he's so full of himself.
I wonder if anyone recognizes these bands:
The Tragically Hip
I Mother Earth
Matthew Good Band
Blue Rodeo
Finger Eleven

All Canadian, all some of my favorite groups...

Aug 15th, 2002, 03:10:15 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
See what we're talking about Dutchy?

About the last 5 albums we've listended to, and I'd say we stay ontopic. ;)



Princess Sunflower
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:40:23 PM
That sounds good to me...now that I've finally broken the ice here by posting I'd like to say you guys are all a bunch of cool dudes and dudettes. I have been lurking here for a long time but too chicken to post cuz you guys know way more than I do about the facts and figures of all these movies.

BTW: Dutchy...what were the last 5 albums/cds YOU listened to. I don't think you actually posted that did you?

Aug 15th, 2002, 06:39:12 PM
Don't recognize any of those guys JMK. Are they rock, alternative, etc? You're not the first Canadian I've heard trash Adams. He's been ripe for bashing for years now. I still like his 80's stuff and a lot of the stuff on his Into the Fire album. He's got a new album out now, but I'm not that interested in getting it.

Aug 15th, 2002, 08:51:53 PM
I'm all over the place with those five bands Jedieb. From country to rock to metal.

Bryan Adams has always been ripe for bashing. Since day one. Thank god we redeemed ourselves with Shania!

Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:04:22 AM
*blinks* Whyhave i not replied to this thing yet...

Last 5 cd's i've listened to:

Korn - Untouchable
Linkin Park - Reanimation
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
Drowning Pool - Sinner
Papa Roach - lovehatetragedy

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:02:57 PM
Originally posted by Princess Sunflower
I'd like to say you guys are all a bunch of cool dudes and dudettes.

Thanks, and welcome to the forum. :)

BTW: Dutchy...what were the last 5 albums/cds YOU listened to. I don't think you actually posted that did you?

I don't listen to albums, only to single songs (MP3).

The 5 songs I currently play the most are:

1. Dance Hall Crashers - Cricket
2. In-Grid - Tu Es Foutu
3. This Mortal Coil - You and Your Sister
4. Air - La Femme d'Argent
5. Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:35:14 PM
This is what I've had at work for the last two days while I've setting up my room for the new year;
Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales
Springsteen - The Rising
Journey - Arrival
Steve Perry - You Better Wait +4
Steve Perry - Missing You +4
Steve Perry - Street Talk
Springsteen - Tunnel of Love
Rolling Stones - Steel Wheels
Rick Springfield - Living in Oz (Yes, a guilty, guilty pleasure.)

I'll probably bring in 10 others for next week. The kids don't show up until Wed. and I love having stuff playing in the background.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:39:16 PM
Pennywise - Land of the Free?
Blink 182 - Take your pants off and jacket
Slipknot - Iowa
Taproot - Welcome
Our Lady Peace - Gravity

Punk and metal kicks butt when it comes to music :D

Feb 8th, 2003, 03:48:37 AM
What I have listened to lately:

1) Backstreet Boys
2) 'N Sync
3) Britney Spears
4) Christina Aguilera
5) Barney Soundtrack

lol, j/k.

Well I have a bunch of new Enya music that I got for x-mas, heard it all before of course, but never bought anything. Now, I have it all basically, so I've listened to that a lot.

My favorite songs are "Book of Days," "Anywhere Is," "Carribean Blue," and maybe "China Roses," but there are many others. "Storms over Africa," for instance, "Orinocco Flow," etc.

Feb 8th, 2003, 03:52:43 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
My favorite songs are ... "Carribean Blue,"

Yesssss! That's one of my all time fave songs. :)