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Slayn Cloak
Jul 26th, 2002, 05:14:03 PM
Slayn wasn't quite sure if he would be welcome here, but by that account, he wasn't sure he cared. He entered the pub, and had been quite hungry. He took a seat at the bar, and made no attempt to conceal his aura; It didn't make a difference. He waited for the bar keep's attention, and once prompted ordered:
" Scotch neat, and an egg-roll please"
As the bar keep went about his way, Slayn glanced at the many faces in the bar, and hoped to see who he was looking for.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2002, 06:33:44 PM
Xazor walked through the doors of the Bar and Grill, not having to hand over her weapons. She smiled and looked around for a familiar face, but only saw strangers this day. One in particular caught her eye....his aura eminating off darkness. She shook her head and walked to the table across from him as her cuious gaze fell onto him. She said nothing but let her thoughts wander back to a time when she met someone who looked much like him.....
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 26th, 2002, 07:54:41 PM
He was looking around the other way, so I picked up my drink and sat down at the counter next to him. I moved quietly, and he didn't hear me sit down, so I set my drink down with a small *clink* and waited for him to realize that I was behind him.
Slayn Cloak
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:02:14 PM
Slayn noticed someone across from him, she was thinking about him. He felt his way through her mind. One had also taken a seat behind him, there was something about her that intrigued him. Jedi were normally harmless, they are usually only aggravated by foolish Sith who profess to have knowledge. This meant nothing to him, and these two seemed as docile as the rest, neither of them could be a learner, they're usually far more tense. Slayn sipped at his drink and spoke out in both of their minds.
"Hello, can I accommodate you somehow?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:03:11 PM
Xazor looked up, a bit surprised when the Dark One spoke in her mind. A smile crossed her lips as she rose from her seat and then moved over to his table, not sitting until he allowed.
"Yes.....I was curious if I may share a drink with you?"
The Knight said softly.....a bit cautious at first. He was different....unlike any Darksider she had yet to meet except for...him....the one that he reminded her of. Her eyes shifted to the empty seat across from him and then back to his eyes, waiting for his word....
Slayn Cloak
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:14:18 PM
Slayn could sense her confusion, she didn't understand, she had never met one that served himself not a tool, one who used his gift at whim, and hadn't fallen victim to good or evil. He answered, spoke again in her mind; His words soft, but not dull, or without power.
" Whom are you comparing me to? Sit if you'd like I came here to relax."
Slayn noticed the second Jedi hadn't answered, He pulled her glass away through the force, and set it in the next empty spot. He spoke to her, in the same manner as before.
" If you want this, you'll have to come get it; Unless of course you would prefer different company."
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:34:56 PM
Xazor sat down at the man's invitation. Smiling to herself, she thought about his question for a moment.....which had caught her slightly off guard.
"You remind me of Jeseth Cloak....someone which I watched from afar before I decided to join the Jedi Order."
She smiled slightly thinking about those times....but then she was shoved back into reality. Her eyes searched those of the Darksider and she looked down at the table.
"I wished to meet him once but I never had the opportunity....."
The Jedi Knight said softly, gazing out the window for a moment before her attention was diverted back to Slayn. He looked so familiar.....she just could not place her finger on it.....
Slayn Cloak
Jul 27th, 2002, 01:29:42 AM
This was interesting, this one seemed sincere, not lost in it's own quest to serve. Slayn smiled and let out something of a laugh before speaking, yet again, in this Jedi's mind.
" You know my father I see, this isn't very surprising, he was once a jedi. Tell me was that your only interest?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2002, 12:08:09 PM
Xazor shook her head and smiled, a questioning look in her eyes.
He was a Jedi? I went to see him at the Sith Order once......I never knew he was a Jedi. I never had the chance to know him at all.
She spoke softly in his mind and retreated for a moment as she thought. This was Jeseth's she remembered.
I met some of Jeseth's.....creatures......I guess you would call them. They directed me to where he was. I was told to find you as well.....but I became afraid and I fled...only to run into Jehova Eaven. It was not my day, to be sure.
She again spoke in his mind. Sighing slightly, she sat back and eyed Ryla, wondering why she had decided not to come for her drink. Paying it no mind, she turned to face Slayn once again.
So you are I right? I am Xazor...a Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member here. I suppose you could say I am doing well compared to the time when I was lost. See, the reason I sought him out was many. I was curious about my family....I thought perhaps he might have known my Father, but then I was informed to look at the Sith Empire. I found leads there and eventually we were reunited. But I had also been curious as to his method of teaching....but then I became a Jedi. I suppose yes, this was all I was cuious of.....
Taking a sip of her drink, she set it back down on the table and looked out the window. To most it would appear as though they had not said anything to eachother.....but both knew differently. It was odd to speak through the Force for nearly a whole conversation.....she wondered what his reasoning was....but did not bother to question it.....
Slayn Cloak
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:25:49 PM
Slayn was deep inside the mind of this Jedi, he could feel her thoughts, not only read them.
" I find the common tongue appalling, it doesn't suit the creature we've become, it's far to primitive. If you find it to exasperating, please speak as you will, I refuse to hold anything against you, that wouldn't be proper."
Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:45:53 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and eyed Slayn. He was clever.....very much like Jeseth. Smiling, she nodded slightly.
I have nothing against speaking through the is an ability.....and a very good one at that. I rather enjoy using it.
Slayn Cloak
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:04:24 PM
Slayn let out a sigh, he was pleased. The Dark Jedi sipped his drink again, and nibbled some of his meal. He wasn't quite sure why this woman was questioning him, except that she could feel his darkness, though this was only becuase it was what she wanted to see. That and the knowledge of his father.
" Is that all you wanted, to know of my father, and dear friend Jehova?"
Xazor Elessar
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:08:48 PM
Xazor shook her head once again and eyed the Dark One curiously.
I wish to know of you as well. You have darkness within you....I can feel it......but you are not like the other Dark Ones......why is this? Are you a......Dark Jedi?
She had to had been bugging her. Now this is another reason she had been watching him.....she wanted to know more about the Dark Jedi if indeed he was one....
Slayn Cloak
Jul 28th, 2002, 12:52:36 AM
" A Dark Jedi, yes - but why ask questions to answeres you alredy know? I don't think it is of much importance at any rate..."
The young Claok still felt around in her mind, she was very much interested in the dark side, as if it was any diferent from the light.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:39:32 AM
Xazor looked at him curiously and shook her head with a smile.
I didn't know.....I do not like to probe other's minds unless they ask me, for I am very powerful at it....and I sometimes dig up things that they wish to leave hidden. I was once a Sith.....hence, my questioning you......
The Knight smiled softly and took a sip of her water. She looked down at the table and thought about what she had just said....telling all about how she was once Sith. Indeed, she was not proud of it.....for many struggles had come at a price for living that life, and even more when she turned. Sighing, she shifted her weight and looked at him, pondering his response....
ooc: If you want to know more of this part of my life, go to the Jedi Biographies and read, "The Tale of a Garou Knight". :D
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2002, 11:23:01 AM
A Dark Jedi.
Why they came to this place, Navaria never completely understood. She knew it partially had to do with them wanting to keep the Jedi on their toes mentally. They were coy and devious creatures. Not like Sith. Their battles were waged differently and they always had an ulterior motive to the supposed motive that they projected.
Slayn Cloak. This one came here infrequent but did come here often enough and Navaria never forgets a face, nor forget the name of Cloak. Navaria remembered Jeseth quite well.
She had also seen Wargrave and the Hobgoblin enough times here. Sparring with words and beliefs, causing trouble in all kinds of sorts.
Slayn was apparently a causal observer. She had never really seen him to much of anything else.
Xazor was fine and that was all Navaria cared about. She went back to sipping at her namana juice and reading her schedule for the next day quietly.
Slayn Cloak
Jul 29th, 2002, 02:32:04 AM
Slayn could feel what the Jedi was going through. It seemed to him that many force adept people went through theses changes - It all seemed stupid to slayn of course.
" You don't have to try and impress me, and please don't think in any particular way of me because of the un comfort you feel from my aura. You shouldn't think of your past that way, there's no point; After all you've ended up in the same position. I don't concern myself with the maters of Sith or Jedi."
Slayn could feel yet another Jedi leering at him, this didn't make him uncomfortable; After all they were no threat to him. He returned a stare to the Jedi who had her eyes fixed upon him.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:35:05 PM
The feeling that his eyes were upon her form came all too soon. Navaria was only concerned about Xazor and Slayn held no interest to her but she apparantly caught his attention.
Didn't surprise the Jedi in the least and without looking up from her datapad, Navaria spoke to him through the Force.
Something you want of me?
Slayn Cloak
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:06:53 PM
Slayn kept his gaze set on Naviria. He wasn't sure why, but he was supposed to speak to her.
" Yes, you can tell me your name, or perhaps sit with us."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:46:37 PM
Navaria Tarkin is my name
Her eyes looked over at the table first then followed by a slight tilt of the head to get a better view.
And you seem to be in deep conversation with another. Would be rude to just ... force my way there.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2002, 08:36:02 PM
Xazor nodded slightly and then side glanced Navaria. Smiling gently, she turned her attention back to Slayn.
What made your Father become a Dark Jedi?
She was curious as to this as well....for there had been several that left both TSO and TSE to join groups such as The Black Hand....
Slayn Cloak
Jul 31st, 2002, 10:29:41 PM
" You are invited, and at that, also curious to begin with."
Slayn replied to Navaria before answering Xazor.
" You don't become things in this world, you simply are. Was the force something that simply became something to you one day, or rather anyone. Certainly not, it has and will always be. Everything has a pattern, and everything has already happened. You are what you are, to put it simply."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 31st, 2002, 10:46:04 PM
Navaria didn't want to be rude, which is why she declined Slayn's offer. It was just her polite nature to not jump into a conversation that had nothing to do with her in the first place.
Now, it seemed, Slayn wanted that. And sensed her curiosity from the start. Considering her darker half was walking amongst them again ... Something that was easily pieced together by the company she kept, dreams and a certain Guardian Angel, Navaria's interest in them had renewed.
She gathered her cloak about her, taking both the datapad and glass in one hand, and headed over to where Slayn and Xazor were. Slayn was still 'speaking' with her fellow Knight as Navaria quietly sat down without disturbing the conversation.
Slayn Cloak
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:31:02 PM
As the jedi takes a seat Slayn begins to notice how familiar she is. Yes he had seen her at TSE during his stay there. She was very different now though, carried herself in a new fashion. She felt different as well, she was pure, to an extent, but deep within there was something els. Slayn excreted his reach to both of their minds making them more aware of each other, in an attempt to have an open conversation, as many usually carried in the common speech.
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:47:05 PM
I could feel the surge of the Force around the three people next to me, two I knew and one that was unfamiliar to me. I had always been sensitive to this sort of power, and though I couldn't hear their conversations, the shady coloring of the power that the unknown one weilded was the sure sign of a dark jedi. I still sat silently, not letting any of them know I could sense the power that surrounded them, and I took a sip from the glass of red wine that the bartender brought for me.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:00:33 AM
Slayn spoke again to the Jedi whom had decided to get a different drink all together, before sitting at his table.
" Come, if you're so interested sit with us."
Slayn matched eyes with the jedi and forced himself into her mind. Slayn had grown used to the workings of the mind, and spent most of his training inside the minds of others. He gave the Jedi Knight the impression that she wanted to take a seat with the existing trio.
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:38:12 AM
His eyes burned into mine, and I could feel his mind going into mine, and the message he sent compelled me to get up and walk over, even before I knew what I was doing. Midway over to the table I shook my head, shooting a small glare at the stranger who had been in my mind. I sat myself down, speaking out loud in a cold voice. "You could have simply asked me to come over... No need to pop into my head."
Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 03:25:21 PM
" I did, you declines, but remainded currious, so I helped to quench it"
Slayn returned his attention attention to the new circle, adding Ryla to the link.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2002, 03:56:20 PM
Xazor lofted a brow at Slayn's words. He spoke the truth, she knew it. Smiling slightly, she was glad when her friends joined them.
She said in the minds of Navaria and Ryla. It echoed throughout their little "mind circle" and sounded strange...almost like they were speaking freely. She noticed Ryla's hesitation and she understood her feelings....
Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:32:45 PM
Slayn noted Xazor's contentment with the arival of her friends, these were fickle people, and still Slayn was intrigued by Navaria and her resemblance to the fool from TSE. It was of no real consequence. The new Jedi to join the group should prove entertaining to Slayn.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:55:16 PM
ooc: I am gonna wait for the others to post...I just did before you. :p
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:36:38 PM
Greetings to you as well, Xazor. And, to you Slayn.
She offered a smile and picked up on something with the Dark Jedi. Little things were easy for Navaria to notice, where some would never take note.
Navaria could have sworn that Slayn looked at her in a way that shown familiarity... or perhaps his eyes stayed on her longer then usual. It just felt odd to Navaria. Like he was curious about her and didn't say it.
Just like he knew she was curious about him and didn't say it. It was just instinct.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 2nd, 2002, 02:42:33 AM
A spot of color broke out upon the young Cloak's face, He quickly looked away from Navira- He knew she was thinking about him. He nodded to her and tried to move his eyes, but it was a new first for him, as he felt somewhat incapable. He looked down at his drink and forced it to stir, he had become somewhat weary.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 2nd, 2002, 11:01:04 PM
Xazor smiled at Navaria and nodded gently.
So what are you up to this evening?
She questioned Navaria, noting the change in Slayn's disposition. He was curious about he should be...she was a curious person and there was much about her that one might not know at a first glance...but they had come to know eachother well, still...Xazor would not clue him in on anything...if Nav wanted him to know, she would tell. Smiling, she took a sip of her drink and eyed the group...
Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 04:13:30 AM
Slayn sipped at his drink as if making haste, he seemed noticeably uncomfortable to the others. They young Cloak wasn't used to this form of attention. Slayn set his drink down and quickly regained his composure, this was the last thing the keeper would allow himself to be without.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:26:39 PM
Doing the usual. Looking over my schedule and then was invitied to sit here by our host.
She was referring to Slayn of course who had become quite distracted but was he?
Yes. Navaria noted the color of his cheeks but they had returned to their normal shade. The momentarily loss of composure was barely noticible but it did occur.
Normally, with one of her Jedi brothers and sisters, Navaria would say something, seeing if they were all right. With Slayn, she wasn't sure what his reaction would be.
She remained quiet instead, playing it safe.
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:30:07 PM
I sighed and quickly wished I hadn't been so rude. I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this sort of communication. Please don't take it the wrong way.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:43:18 PM
" Please speak as you will, don't allow my ways make you uncomfortable."
Slayn sat in his chair and viewed the bar, it wasn't as nice as he had once believed. There wasn't much difference in sides. A strong point at why Slayn had no side, he was simply himself, he had a gift, and used it at his whim...
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:09:04 PM
It is not uncommon, I noticed, that some speak this way. Those of Force sensitivity that cannot speak have an avenue to express themselves.
Salemn for example is mute and there is something about the purity of projecting your thoughts through the Force. There is a connection there that is lost when words are spoken.
Navaria understood that well with the memories that she shared of her clone Daleethria. Her senses were so heightened, that speaking for her was impossible. The only way for her to speak was mentally because that way, she was in complete control of the Force and her own abilities.
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 4th, 2002, 08:33:17 PM
I am well glad that those that need it can speak this way, I thought, turning my head towards Navaria.
I am also amazed at the greatness of variations between all the force-users that I have encountered. Some are great mentalists, but others prefer to do battle. Still others, such as my padawan Adisha Dije, have a strong connection to the natural force in animals. Very fascinating to study I think.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:13:47 PM
Slayn was surprised someone finally understood perhaps not to the fullest extent, but it was a start. Slayn's eyes seemed to narrow a little with intregue, as his posture changed with the note of that statement; His eyes fell upon Naviria again, and if one was watching closely they might swear that they saw him snicker.
Then Ryla spoke, and that statement moved Slayn to give an exobition...
The keeper of shadow closed his eyes, a look of pain followed and took hold on his face, as he called the life energy out of himself. There where plants and the sort around the bar, but Slayn figguered it would be best to use his own stock. A sigh of pain was released as at the same time the dark, black, tenerbrious matter flowed into the air from his chest- It resembled ink floating in water.Slayn could rember when this caused a screem of absolute anguish, but he had grown and gotten used to it. The matter floated above the table, it had the movement of smoke but an erie tangability to it; Then soon after as Slayn opened his eyes it took shape. It was simply a dark sillouette at first, that in fact of the blue bird, but it quickly lost its translucency and became opaque. Its feathers took a beautifull blue color and the bird was compleat. The bird gave its wings a flutter as it hopped around on the table before coming to rest on Navirias hand.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:44:21 PM
What Navaria saw, she couldn't describe verbally. She could only comprehend with her senses. Slayn's pain was extremely more painful then what he was letting on but what really confused Navaria was why he was forcing himself to feel this pain.
She could sense he was doing this intentionally to himself. All she could do was watch silently until the fruits of what Slayn was doing could take form from the substance that came from him. It was a glob of nothing... Glossy black liquid that began to take shape.
Navaria watch completely fascinated by this but she was also wary. She was suppose to watch over Slayn and understand the Dark Jedi. Little did she realize that what she was witnessing was probably only a small token of his true power.
And if she couldn't be stunned anymore by this act, the end result was something so sweet and pure. A blue bird which hopped over to Navaria, perching on her hand.
It chirped for affection and Navaria cautiously extended a hand and rubbed the top of its head, not believing it was real.
But it was ... The feathers were soft against her skin and it drew out an amazed smile.
She looked at Slayn in complete amazement.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:13:33 AM
Xazor sat back with a bit of awe, watching Slayn. She shook her head and tried to recall what happened. What the.... she thought to herself. She echoed Navaria's thoughts.
How? But more importantly...why? Why would you do that?
Slayn Cloak
Aug 7th, 2002, 08:58:42 PM
Slayn took in a deep breath, he had used his own life energy, to manipulate the living force. He hadn't warn himself out completely, but had exerted a great deal of power out of himself.
" It is nothing more than what you see... "
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:49:29 PM
The blue bird had hopped its way up Navaria's arm to find a comfortable perch upon her shoulder. Its head darted around the room trying to be more familiar with its new surrounding. Oddly, Navaria could tell it was most at ease near her ...
This caused her to regain her attention towards Slayn. His power had dropped, only because of the exertion caused by straining himself so. It still made no sense to her why he would do this.
A demonstration of this caliber was not necessary. Nor was doing harm towards yourself, Slayn.
It actually worried Navaria greatly about his power. But there was more to the worry ... The Knight never liked watching another harm themselves, no matter what the reason.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:22:11 PM
" It's no harm, I can take the energy back at any time from it, or something els..."
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:14:02 AM
Then you should.
Her eyes were lined with concern.
Such a demonstration was not needed as I said.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:32:54 PM
Slayn took this as an invitation, her words were "then you should." He held his left hand out to Naviria, his open palm stretched toward her. A field of energy could be felt by her, it was unnatural, but didn't hurt; The Jedi could easily shake away the pull on her life energy, but Slayn had been encouraged, and assume she wouldn't...
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:45:59 PM
This is .... odd
She said to herself, not to everyone that shared in the mental link. When Navaria told Slayn that he should take back the energy she thought it would be the bird. Instead, the Dark Jedi was reaching out for her own energy.
It was disconcerting to say the least but when Navaria got over the oddity of the act, she realized that it didn't hurt. Not even in the slightest.
This caused curiosity to what was happening since Slayn was not trying to hurt her. She immersed herself in the Force and watched what was happening with new eyes. A bright white light that shined around Navaria was being tapped into by Slayn. A thin band of that light had coalesced into a life line of sorts that connected Navaria to Slayn.
Now, perhaps this was insane to keep this going but Navaria felt compelled to let it continue for different reasons. This would help to facilitate her understanding of Slayn's powers for the Council. Also it would hopefully gain some respect and trust from the Dark Jedi. Perhaps most importantly, the life that had been given form into the body of a avian would not have to die. Perhaps it seemed ludicrous but life, no matter how it came into creation was life. It was Navaria questioning that led to its birth so it in a sense, she was responsible for what had happened.
Her thoughts remained centered on the energy passing between the two Force users ... trying to understand how something that would be considered a violation could not hurt even in the slightest. It had to be in the way Slayn was made.
That thought caused something unexpected...
A rush of sensations came at the Knight and briefly, her mind touched Slayn's completely as his touched hers ....
Slayn Cloak
Aug 24th, 2002, 01:20:10 AM
" ... ehM ... "
A brief moan left Slayn's lips as Naviria's energy entered him. It was unlike ever before, and did nothing to replenish him- he in fact still maintained the loss. Instead his mind raced with visions of Naviria, though oddly enough, they didn't all seem to be her...
No one had ever given Slayn there energy, he had always stolen, forcing them to submit to his will. This was refreshing in a different sense, a wholesome swell filled his body it was almost to much for him to take, it felt as if he could feel Naviria.
" Excuse me..."
He spoke into the minds of the circle before leaving his seat; As he made his way out of the bar, random objects moved, swayed, at the whim of the force which for some reason, Slayn had unexpectedly suffered a short loss of control over, and an grater aptitude to. Bottles fell, and chairs tipped as if a drunken giant had hobbled out of the establishment...
The dark Jedi could still feel Navaria as she followed with a god amount of haste, it seemed to him she was concerned. As he rounded a corner he fell, and was perhaps for the first time, helpless...
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:02:04 AM
I looked over at Xazor in confusion... The rush of energy between Navaria and Slayn made the mental link between the rest of us flicker, and in my case, sputer out like hot wax on a flame. I didn't know if the same had happened to Xazor, but with my weaker bond to begin with, I assumed not.
Slayn suddenly got up then, and swaggered towards the door. His glowing form left trails of energy that spiraled out of control throughout the bar. Something told me to follow, and as Navaria exited the bar, I got up wordlessly and ran to catch up, now certain that something was amiss.
As I rounded the corner, dodging a slightly peeved padawan, I saw Slayn start to reach his hand to the wall as he fell. I dashed forward along side of Navaria, the two of us catching his limp body and gently lowering him to the ground. I lifted his head up, and he started to rouse himself awake.
"Hey. are you ok? What the heck happened back there?"
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:37:41 PM
Holding his hand, Navaria looked on with concern as Slayn began to wake fully. Ryla's question was her own so she remained silent, feeling responsible for what had happened to him.
She shouldn't have let him to take her energy. This was her fault and she frowned at herself for letting it get this far.
Slayn Cloak
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:01:38 PM
Slayn reached out to Navari with his right hand, he placed his palm to her cheek, and for a moment was lost in her gaze. He wasn't sure what he had heard Ryla say, or if that was even her voice he had heard, But he wanted Navaria to know, what had happened. He had only begun to answer her, gently push himself into her mind when she answered for him.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:20:46 PM
Slayn was in her mind but it wasn't like anything she ever felt before. Not even with Sanis because ... to put it simply, couldn't tap into the Force. Both of them could feel each other's emotions, their thoughts but it wasn't perverse as if he was invading her mind. There was this natural flow of minds melding.
Oddly, it reminding her of the link that Dalethria and Ogre shared. It was so ... intimate and she found herself realizing that Slayn held no harm towards her at all and more importantly, he was indeed all right.
"He's all right, Ryla. Slayn just needs to rest ..."
Navaria said that aloud for her fellow Jedi's benefit.
She was still holding his hand and helped the Dark Jedi to his feet.
".. before he sees the Council. I'll watch over him since it is my responsiblity for his safety and for the Jedi on Yavin."
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