View Full Version : Dark Knight and Cid Stone's training

Cid Stone
Jul 26th, 2002, 03:36:02 PM
Walks out into a secluded area in the forest and sets down his little fuzz ball creature. He sets him down, holding the creature still as he waits for dark knight to do the same.

Dark Knight
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:44:34 PM
Dark Knight approaches Cid, looking the same as always in his night black armor. In the dark glove of his hand was a small creature that he began to lower to the forest ground below. He leans back up, turning to Cid.

" Are you ready?"

Cid Stone
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:02:27 PM
Nods to the man, holding the little creature with his mind, setting him in a pose which is battle ready. The creatures eyes seemed to be fighting the force of his mind, but it couldn't resist the power of the dark side of the force over it. He looked to Dark Knight and nodded, looking back to his creature, ready for battle.

Dark Knight
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:06:17 PM
" Very well."

Dark Knight laid down his rather hyper creature on the dirty ground below him. He then leaned back up and looked at Cid.

" Lets begin."

Cid Stone
Jul 31st, 2002, 05:01:30 PM
He unleashed the ravaged fury of the small entranced beast unto Dark Knight's. He made the furry little animal jump and pounce down upon Dark Knights with his claws, hoping to hit it in the face, and then he made the beast land and roll to the left, standing on its hind legs and ready for attack.